Welcome to "Ask the Tech Coach," a podcast for Instructional Coaches and Technology Integration Specialists.
In this episode of “
Ask the Tech Coach,” Jeff sits down with
Josh Chernikoff and
Dotan Tamir to learn about what they think the future of online learning looks like both during and after school hours.
If you would like to be a part of future podcasts and share your thoughts,
please contact the podcast. We would love to have you join the show.
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- Are you a Tech Coach or looking to become one this year?
- Are you searching for support in your position?
TeacherCast Tech Coaches Network, is a brand-new Professional Learning Network designed specifically for Tech Coaches and designed to provide weekly support for all Instructional Coaches.
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Weekly Topics
- As K12 prepares to return to the classrooms, what challenges will they be facing?
- As many school districts are looking into providing online courses virtually, what questions should they be asking?
- How can coaches help teachers who are teaching remotely or virtually?
- Introducing Live
- How does live fit into the equation?
- How does it work?
- How are courses setup?
- How is the curriculum determined?
- What is the role of the:
- What do
- Teachers think?
- Students think?
- Parents think?
- How to sign up and contact live
About Clickto
The people of the world recognize the benefits of online programs. We built Clickto to help you become part of this remote revolution and go virtual successfully.
Links of Interest
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