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Clothing with a Purpose - Kimberly Wilkerson
Episode 2916th October 2023 • Faith Based Business Podcast • Robert Thibodeau
00:00:00 00:29:27

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Clothing with a Purpose

Kimberly Wilkerson

Have you ever felt like “it was going to be one of those days?”  I know I have – many times.

When I was in the military or when I had my business or even when I was in law enforcement, those times would pass as I went about doing my job and keeping busy. 

But my wife, when she was having “one of those days,” would just have to stay at home with the kids and deal with the normal stuff day in and day out. Sometimes, when I would finally get home, she would be depressed. Sometimes frustrated. Sometimes angry. And I would have no idea why – other than knowing she had spent the entire day couped up on the house with two young children.  

Does that sound like you? Especially if you are a woman who is continually battling that “self-talk” that all of us go through. But it is especially bad when you are the one doing all the self-talk and having nobody there to counter those thoughts. Amen.

Our guest today has developed a unique product and program that will help you to overcome those limiting beliefs and counter that self-talk with empowering language and something that all women seem to enjoy – great clothes – at the same time. 

Kimberly Wilkerson is the founder of “Token Clothing Company.” Prior to founding this company, she was a speech-language pathologist who had spent many years studying the power of language. And, as a woman who has spent decades battling to improve her own mindset, Kimberly’s love for design and her quest to help others see their own self-worth was the foundation for merging beautiful fashion with elevating “I AM” statements. Amen!

Statements like “I am beautiful” and “I am loved” and “I am worthy,” etc.

The tag line of her company is “Wear it. See it. Feel it. Believe it. Become it.”  Amen!  

Help me welcome to the program Kimberly Wilkerson!

Kimberly, it is a blessing to finally get you on the program today! I’ve been looking forward to our conversation. Amen!

First question I always start with is this. Other than that brief information I just shared, can you tell us in your own words, “Who is Kimberly Wilkerson?”

You did not start out in the fashion industry. Tell us about your background as a speech-language pathologist. What is that and how long did you work in the career field?

Did you have those feelings of inadequacy and struggle with the negative self-talk, despite having a great and meaningful career?

What caused you launch this clothing line?

How difficult was it to find the supplier and production facility, etc.?

On your website, I see where it says the “Token Clothing Company is the fusion of empowering language and gorgeous apparel to create an experience that helps women to overcome limiting beliefs and negative self-talk.”  How do you accomplish this goal?

What is your “5 minute routine” you share to help women boost their confidence all day long?

You have a special program called “Pay it forward with pajamas.” Can you explain that program for us and how it works?

So this program benefits “Refuge for Women” and helps to empower those that survived sex-trafficking?” How did you get involved with this organization?

Do you have a physical location or is it online shopping only?

Do you do public speaking at conferences or churches to explain your product line and the “Refuge for Women” project that you help to support?

I see the pajama’s on your website. Are there any other lines of clothing coming in the future?

Kimberly, this is so cool. I know some of our listeners want to know how they can check out your products and get their hands on some of these cool things. If someone has a question or would like to get more information, how can they do that? How can someone get in contact with you and check out your online shop?

And they are able to participate in the “Pay it forward with Pajamas” program on your website as well, correct?

I’ll put links to all of this in the show notes below.

Folks, not only has Kimberly Wilkerson put together the perfect product line for you women out there – she has packaged it such a way that will help you mentally and spiritually to become stronger as well. Praise God! 

While you are building up your own self-talk, you can also help to do God’s work by helping some women who had to endure the unimaginable – being trafficked in the sex trade, but, somehow, were able to survive and escape. Amen.

I really, really, want to encourage you to drop down into the show notes and reach out to Kimberly. Check out the product page and order at least one, if not two or three sets of inspirational words that will encourage you and empower you through the “I AM” statements. And let’s not forget the all-important part of looking good and feeling good, too. Amen!

While you are there making your order, don’t forget to sow into the life of someone you may never meet this side of Heaven, but they will be waiting to thank you when you do meet there for the purchase and support through “Pay it forward with Pajamas.”  Amen!

Drop down into the show notes and click the links right there – right now. Amen!

Kimberly, it has been a blessing to talk with you about your service to the Kingdom through your great company, “Token Clothing Company.” Thank you for taking the time to come on the program and share all about this with us today.

Folk’s, that is all the time we have for today. For Kimberly Wilkerson and myself, this is Pastor Bob reminding you to BE BLESSED IN ALL THAT YOU DO!




Mentioned in this episode:

FaithCaster Academy

Take your business to the next level and check out FaithCaster Academy! Helping Christian entrepreneurs to reach a wider audience, grow their business and increase their revenue - all while serving the Lord in their God-given calling! Amen!



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