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100 El Paso County Parks Master Plan
Episode 10028th April 2023 • Peak Environment • Dave Gardner
00:00:00 00:36:56

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Learn about the 2022 county parks master plan, including updates to future open space and park areas, revisions to trail alignments, and an asset management plan to outline critical needs. Jason Meyer, Planning Supervisor for El Paso County Parks and Community Services, shares how the plan was created, and highlights of the plan.

El Paso County's regional park system has over 8,000 acres of park and open spaces, and over 200 miles of regional trails. Popular parks include Bear Creek Regional in Colorado Springs, Fox Run near Monument, Fountain Creek in Fountain, and Paint Mines near Calhan. County Parks also operates the Bear Creek and Fountain Creek Nature Centers. Planning in underway to add a third nature center in Fox Run Regional Park. 


Presenter’s Slides

El Paso County’s Parks Master Plan

 This episode was recorded at the Sustainability in Progress  (SIP) virtual event on April 19, 2023. Sustainability in Progress is a monthly program of the Peak Alliance for a Sustainable Future. Join us (free) the third Wednesday of every month.

The May 17, 2023 SIP will be: Plans for Trails, Open Space and Parks - with Susan Davies of TOSC

RSVP and get the zoom link here:

Thanks to sponsors Pikes Peak Permaculture (link below) and Becky Elder.

The mission of Peak Alliance for a Sustainable Future is to promote regional sustainability and advance the Pikes Peak region's sustainability plan (PPR2030) through regional collaboration and outreach. Connect with us at

The following environment/sustainability organizations in the Pikes Peak region collaborate to produce the Peak Environment podcast about environmental stewardship, sustainable living and enlightened public policy in the Pikes Peak Region.

Peak Alliance for a Sustainable Future

Pikes Peak Permaculture


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