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Teames Global
Episode 2910th June 2021 • Building Teams with TEAMES & CO • TEAMES&CO
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Show Highlights 

In this week’s episode, Tracy and Mike speak about the launch of TEAMES Global. This is a great episode where the TEAMES & Co team highlights how they practice what they preach – listening to customers and developing products based on customer demand. They walk through the intent behind their TEAMES Global launch and the products that they’re creating. 

Are you ready to become a better leader? Tune in to learn more about the new TEAMES Global offering.  


  • What was the inspiration behind TEAMES Global, and what is the core offering? Tracy and Mike discuss (1:05)
  • Mike and Tracy talk about why Vision, Mission and Values are the key to aligning your teams and delivering exceptional customer experiences (10:45)
  • How can you build Strategic Objectives to help your organization make sure you have a solid foundation to serve your clients, members and customers (16:05)

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  • Want to watch the podcasts on video visit TEAMES & CO on YouTube.

Related Episodes: TEAMES Global is the solution to the gaps identified in the TEAMES & Co Bridging the Gaps episodes. Check out our episodes on how to “bridge the gap” on Training, Onboarding, Hybrid Team Work, and Current State Analysis today! 

Our podcast is edited by Nodderly ( A huge thank you to their team for the great video, audio and editing support! 

Views expressed by guests are their own and may not reflect the views of Teames and Co.

Mention of particular products or services and participation of a guest does not imply an endorsement by Teames and Co. The information provided is for educational and entertainment purposes and should not be taken as professional advice.


Narrator (:

Welcome to Building Teams with TEAMES & CO, where we explore how leaders can empower their teams, achieve ambitious strategies, and deliver an exceptional customer experience. Views expressed by guests are their own and may not reflect the views of TEAMES & CO.

Mike Vaggalis (:

Welcome to Building Teams with TEAMES & CO. I'm Mike Vaggalis here with my cohost, Tracy Eames. Tracy, how's it going this morning?

Tracy Eames (:

It's going well, Mike, how are you today?

Mike Vaggalis (:

I'm doing great. I'm doing great. It's a little bit dreary outside, but-

Tracy Eames (:

I was going to say it's a little rainy day.

Mike Vaggalis (:

It's a little rain day but other than that, doing well. It's great to be here and talking about TEAMES Global. I'm really excited to... Tracy, this is obviously something that we've been working on for a while now, and we are getting ready to launch. Do you want to give a brief overview and just sort of the inspiration behind TEAMES Global and all the work that we've been doing to get it ready?

Tracy Eames (:

Yeah, of course. It's definitely been a lot of work. So I think that when we started TEAMES Global, or the idea of TEAMES Global actually came from our clients and from people who were talking to us over the last year and a half. A lot of small businesses have needed to change their strategy, needed to kind of change their approach. There's obviously been a lot of things that we've all been facing. And one of the things that we heard commonly was we want to make sure that we're moving in the right direction, but maybe a full consulting project is out of our reach, right? Especially this year resources have been constrained. A lot of small businesses have been struggling and we wanted to be able to provide something that was more approachable for small businesses and for leaders.

Tracy Eames (:

We also were hearing from leaders who were changing their jobs that they wanted to up-skill. They wanted to gain new abilities and new ways of leading their teams. But again, they didn't want to invest in a full consulting project because maybe that wasn't relevant, right? If you're applying to a new job, you don't need a full consulting project. You just want to make sure that you're building the skills that you're going to need for that role. And so we've been talking about this for a while. We've been working on it for a while. There's been a lot of people involved, but it's overall been a really great experience in terms of building key courses that leaders, team members can take to operate within the TEAMES & CO approach.

Tracy Eames (:

So just like TEAMES & CO, all of the TEAMES Global coursework is focused into three areas. Obviously, understanding your customer, building your strategy to deliver value to that customer, and then, ultimately, how do you empower your teams and help them be successful? So not every course touches on every topic, but if you put them all together, you'll get a well-rounded approach in terms of how we typically approach projects. So we're excited about it. It's definitely been a lot of work, but it's very exciting to see it coming to fruition.

Mike Vaggalis (:

Yeah, the coolest thing to me about TEAMES Global is it's practicing what we preach when we talk to our clients. So often we're coaching and helping them to listen more closely with our customers and have a customer focused view on their business. And TEAMES Global really is the out spring of a customer-focused perspective for us. We heard a lot of things from a lot of clients that prompt us to say, "Okay, this is something that's needed." There isn't accessible quality training and content and materials. And we have a lot of tools in our tool belt. So we are equipped to go make those things. And we did so with the idea of creating something of value for the clients that we work with. So in TEAMES Global, you'll see courses on relevant topics like becoming an effective first-time leader or leading current state analyses. And a lot of trainings, but also materials.

Mike Vaggalis (:

We have created a planner where we have consolidated and compiled a lot of materials that we use all the time in our consulting projects and client work. To help individuals develop a better understanding of their role, where they're hoping to take their career, how they're structured within the organization. Just a lot of different tools to help individuals become more effective in their professional careers. And we're making that as broadly as accessible as we can. Because we really are focused on trying to help everybody become better team members, deliver better for their customers, and grow their careers in the way that they want to grow them. So that may have sounded a little salesy, but I didn't intend it to. We really are developing it from an understanding of what our customers have been asking for. And I'm so excited to deliver it.

Tracy Eames (:

Yeah, me too. And I think you touched on a great point, Mike, which is the approachable piece, right? We talk about this a lot and both of us spent our careers in different corporations of different sizes. There's usually a couple of things that happen with corporate trainings. One, you kind of get that computerized corporate training that is kind of boring and people are like, "Oh, do I have to click through this and watch all this material?" And it's just not very engaging, right? We also sort of hear from people that sometimes it's too detail-oriented, right? Like I don't want to have to go take an entire MBA course. We both got our MBAs. MBAs are great, but if you don't have enough time in your calendar, or obviously it's a cost, you might not want that whole coursework, right?

Tracy Eames (:

So you might just want specific topics that you can dive into. And to your point, we approach these courses as if we're just there onsite coaching you, right? So it's just Mike and I talking through materials. We have some slides and some worksheets that you can work through to help you through it. But our goal was to find that blend, right? We didn't want it to be too cheesy and kind of pedantic almost. We also didn't want it to be so detail-oriented that people were getting lost in the material. We wanted it to be bite-sized. So you can log in, you can do kind of like a chapter of the course, so to speak, 10, 15 minutes, fill out a worksheet, come back to it when you have more time. We know that people's schedules are really hectic right now.

Tracy Eames (:

So our goal was to say, "Okay, we want to make engaging content that's super relevant to people," right? We want to make sure that that content helps them drive business results, helps them build their teams, helps their teams be successful. We also want to make sure that that's accessible in terms of people can access it when they need to on their own schedule and not have to feel like it's going to be this overwhelming amount of work. Most of our courses total are kind of an hour or two, depending on the length of the course. But again, it's broken out into different kind of subsets so you can log in and log out. So that's what I love about it. I feel like it's an approachable kind of course, in terms of fitting it into your day and not feeling overwhelmed by it.

Mike Vaggalis (:

Yeah. That's certainly the intent. And as Tracy and I talk about, we're so focused constantly on learning from and listening to, and hearing from our customers and other people that engage with TEAMES & CO. So we'd very much invite your feedback and your experiences and what will be relevant for you. There's a lot of things that we can teach on and coach on and train on. And we tailored these first courses that we're launching and this planner that we developed based on all the feedback that we've heard from our customers and from our clients. And from things that we've seen really work when we're working with clients, but we know that there's a million more topics. So we'd invite your feedback, your engagement, and just asking questions and telling us what you think would be relevant for us to develop.

Tracy Eames (:

Yeah, I think that's a great point. So I would encourage everybody. We have a Facebook group called TEAMES Global, so you can join that group. That's meant to be a place where leaders and team members can ask questions, can get advice from us, can get advice from each other. But that's also a great place to give your feedback. So to Mike's point, the planner that we're developing is a great tool because it gives you a lot of those worksheets. It helps you organize your day according to, what's going to help me be successful in achieving my goals and what's then going to obviously help our organization grow. But one of the cool things that we'll have is we'll be adding resources all the time to our website that you can print out and add to your planner, right? So the idea is that the planner is also a growing tool that you can customize.

Tracy Eames (:

As we hear feedback, we'll add more tools and so on and so on. So we hope that that becomes something that can grow and develop. And likewise with TEAMES Global, right? There's a few mini courses that we'll be launching. These are just meant to be super quick topic-based things. So how do I run a team assimilation? Little, kind of bite-sized topics that will help reinforce some of the larger topics. But also help leaders who maybe you have a good understanding of how to set goals, but you've never used an individual development plan, right? So maybe you don't want to take the whole course on goal setting, but you do want to learn a lot more about how does an IDP fit into that. We'll have a little mini course on that, and those are the ways that we can customize it for all of you. So would love to hear your feedback.

Mike Vaggalis (:

Or skill-based topics. Like how do I give effective feedback? And what's the difference between formal feedback and informal feedback? And how can I be prepared to deliver well for my team in both of those areas? Managing confirmation bias. There's a lot of different skill based trainings that we have. And then we have other trainings that are more systematic, like to Tracy's point, what's the process to run a team assimilation? Or how do you think about managing a current state analysis? And when and where would you do that? And how do you go about that analysis? So we really have attempted to build a wide range of topics and trainings that are relevant based on what we've heard in the field. But we're never going to be done listening to our customers and listening to our ecosystem. So we're excited to hear from you, and we're so excited for the launch. Tracy, how are you feeling? We're almost there.

Tracy Eames (:

It feels really exciting. I won't lie, right? There's a lot of work. Especially I know, Mike, you've been putting a lot of work and the rest of the team has as well. There's been amazing design work that's going into all of the slides and worksheets. Former team members had worked on this and kind of outlined different coursework. So I think it's a real team effort, which is awesome. And it's going to be fun to see how folks like it and how folks sign up. So we can't wait for the feedback, but overall, just really excited to see it out in the world and hopefully see it helping people achieve their next set of goals.

Mike Vaggalis (:

Yeah. Well, I think that's about what I had to talk about with TEAMES Global. Tracy anything else that that's big on your end?

Tracy Eames (:

No, I would just say, we hope folks follow us. So join the Facebook group TEAMES Global. If you want updates, you can come to, as always, and sign up for updates. We'll be sharing updates on the launch and special offers throughout our launch program. And then obviously when the planner is available as well, we'll be sharing information on that. So as always ask us any questions on social media, you can just use the hashtag askteames, A-S-K-T-E-A-M-E-S, and follow us on social media. And we will hopefully talk to you soon.

Mike Vaggalis (:

Yeah. Give us a thumbs up, a like, a comment, re-share, all those things really, really help us out. So we appreciate you guys listening and we will talk to you soon. Thanks for dialing in to Building Teams with TEAMES & CO.

Tracy Eames (:

Thanks everybody.

Narrator (:

You've been listening to Building Teams with TEAMES & CO. To learn more about the latest thinking on how to empower your team to deliver exceptional results or to book a consultation, please visit us at or follow us at LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook. Mention of particular products or services, and participation of a guest, does not imply an endorsement by TEAMES & CO. The information provided is for educational and entertainment purposes, and should not be taken as professional advice.




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