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Unlock the Power Within: Unleash Your Wisdom with Mary Henderson
Episode 1091st June 2023 • Freedom Nation Podcast • Jeff Kikel
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Discover the key to unlocking your true potential and achieving personal and professional freedom with the awe-inspiring Mary Henderson on our podcast today. Learn how Mary took the brave step of leaving her seven-figure business to embark on a soul-searching sabbatical, eventually finding her calling in coaching others and helping them build successful brands online.

Join us as we explore Mary's unique process for guiding her clients on their path to their own Freedom Day. By delving into their professional inventory, examining their hero's journey, and understanding their core truth, Mary's clients can identify exactly what they need to create a business that aligns with their values and passions. Uncover how Mary combines her passion for truth and drive to help her clients realize their own wisdom, which she believes is the ultimate currency in today's world.

From her one-on-one done-for-you services to her innovative hybrid group coaching programs and her empowering Hero Program Accelerator, Mary is committed to helping her clients navigate the complexities of launching a successful business and personal brand. So, are you ready to uncover your own wisdom and find your Freedom Day? Tune in to this inspiring episode, and don't forget to subscribe, share, and leave a rating and review to help others find their path to freedom!

About Guest:

Mary Henderson is a highly skilled and experienced professional coach, specializing in leadership and career development. With a background in psychology and over 10 years of coaching experience, she has helped numerous individuals and teams unlock their full potential and achieve their goals. Mary's holistic approach and empathetic nature make her a trusted partner for her clients, guiding them toward personal and professional success.

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About Jeff: 

Jeff spent the early part of his career working for others. Jeff had started 5 businesses that failed before he had his first success. Since that time he has learned the principles of a successful business and has been able to build and grow multiple seven-figure businesses. Jeff lives in the Austin area and is actively working in his community and supporting the growth of small businesses. He is a board member of the Incubator.Edu program at Vista Ridge High School and is on the board of directors of the Leander Educational Excellence Foundation

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FN Intro/Outro:

Welcome to the Freedom Nation podcast with Jeff Kikel. On this show, Jeff shares his expertise in financial and retirement planning from a different perspective, planning for your Freedom Day, which is the first day that you wake up and have enough income or assets and do not have to go to work that day. Learn how to calculate what you need, how to generate income sources, and listen to interviews from others who've done it themselves, get ready to experience your own Freedom Day.

Jeff Kikel:

Hey, everybody, welcome to the Freedom Nation podcast and another of our interviews, and this is going to be kind of a fun one, because it's a combination of someone who found her Freedom Day. But she also helps others to find their freedom day and specifically, people that are launching from, let's say, a successful career to a business where they want to project themselves online, whether they're a coach or a consultant. She helps them with branding and really setting up that online part of their world. So I have Mary Henderson with me, who it's probably like, what, five o'clock in the morning sometime in Australia right now.

Mary Henderson:

Six o'clock.

Jeff Kikel:

But at least get you up past past way too early in the morning. So Mary, welcome to the show today. Hey, Jeff, how you doing? Fantastic. And she's in Melbourne, Australia, one of my favorite places on the planet. And I can't wait to go. And she promised me to take me around when I get there. So done. Deal. Awesome. All right, my friend. Well, let's kick off. First off, let's talk about your story. How'd you get to where you are today?

Mary Henderson:

Oh, my God, Jeff, you know, talk about freedom, I have to say, I know exactly where I'm going to start the origin in my story of my timeline. And it was when I had my software company, I just gave birth to my second son. And three hours after I give birth to my son, I have this amazing epiphany. Literally, my business card fell on the bed because I reached out to get my lip balm, and my business card was in my purse, it fell on my on my bed, I lift up this business cloud business card. And I'm like, Oh my God, my whole life has been a series of labels. This business card is defining how I show up in the world, how I am judged in the world, how I'm accepted in the world. And then I started to think, oh my God, but hang on a minute, everything in my life has been the label. And I knew in that moment that the business that I had built at that moment, which was finding a software company, I had that for seven years, I knew that I was not going to go back to the company that I had started from ground up, built it into a seven figure business per year business with an infrastructure and people and clients. And I knew that I would leave that, that that roll that company permanently, because I knew it was not what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. It was not giving me freedom that I can tell you. So two weeks after that I did resign from my own company might count and I thought I was absolutely crazy. Thankfully, we merged my company with another company, January the first 2012. I took a 12 month sabbatical. I had the most incredible mentors on this planet, like both academics very well research. One was a professor in philosophy. The other one was an expert in the emotional body. And I wanted to understand Jeff, who am I? What is my purpose? What am I doing here? Where do I go from here? What do I do for the rest of my life? How did I get here? Why am I so miserable? Why am I so unhappy? Why do I feel so stuck? All these questions started to just roll out and really deep questions. Anyway, so at the end of that 12 month sabbatical, I came to realize some fundamental truths, and and that we all have not just me, I'm not it wasn't exclusive, I realized this is universal. How many times have we actually sat down and asked ourselves, what does my natural state of being actually look like and feel like, if I was to unpack Who am I in my natural state of being? What would that look like? What would all those attributes look like? What would all those traits look like? What would my gifts look like? What would my talents look like? What would my values look like? What am I passions? What is my soul yearning for what is my deepest desire? And when you unpack all of that, you're going to be left with a lot of inventory a lot. And so I started had to look at that inventory. And being coming from a tech background, of course, you know, and I took that information, plugged it into an Excel spreadsheet. And suddenly I could see patterns, I could see where I was thriving, where I was happy, where I was miserable, where I was sad, et cetera. And then I just pulled all the times in my life, where I was happy on a high flowing things, were going great guns. And I pulled all of those attributes out to ask myself, What do I do with all of this inventory now, like, this is what makes me happy. This is what makes me thrive. This is what makes me expansive. And so I took all of that inventory. And I realized, Jeff, oh, hang on a minute, I can do some things with ease and grace. And if I take that, and merge that together, maybe I could solve a problem. And lo and behold, wouldn't you know it, I could solve a problem. And so it took me quite a few years to transition into a full time coach, I really wanted to systemize this knowledge and really create a system where I can help people transition, you know, with ease and grace, like, this is the starting point, this is how we're going to do this. And so provide a system and support so that I can deliver outcomes results and the transformation that everyone wants. And so 2015, I transition into a full time coach, where I now help industry experts, whether they're senior executives transitioning out of corporate coaches, consultants, business owners, authors, speakers, healers, transition out of where they're at, and a commercialize all of their inventory, into what I call a signature solution. And I incorporate predominantly looking at their wisdom, their professional wisdom, and their personal wisdom, their hero's journey. And we merge that together, create a signature solution, wrap a brand around it, wrap lead generation strategy around that, and all of the tech stack all of the moving parts that they need to actually run a business. And that's kind of how this all happened.

Jeff Kikel:

That's brilliant, that is absolutely brilliant. And especially at you know, I like the, the end to end for you. Because, you know, so many people get out, and they, they don't really know what, what they want to do, they know what they want to do, but they can't figure out how to get there. And then they spend years and plethora of money, trying to Band Aid together solutions and all that and get themselves eventually to a point where they might get out there instead of really kind of building all that throughout that process, and then being able to go launch and go sell, you know, because the in the end, you've got to sell something to actually, you know, whether it's onstage books, programs, combination of, you've got to actually get, you know, get paid to do that job at some point. And I love that end to end solution.

Mary Henderson:

I think that you have raised a very valid point, you know, a lot of people are trying to do it themselves. So there's a little bit here and a little bit there and a little bit here. And it's so disconnected and distorted. And they're not understanding why am I not making money? Why am I not attracting the dream client? And you know, that's also a, that's very much a science, Jeff, you know, like, attracting clients is not, you know, standing on or getting on LinkedIn with a video saying, Hey, I've got something for sale today. It doesn't work like that, you know, we really need to understand psychology and sales merged together, understanding for me how the brain works, how do people accept information? How do they process information? You know, so these so sales is a critical part of the puzzle, but also understanding how to start that dialogue is also a critical part of the puzzle. And how many times Jeff, have you seen people start businesses without a website, for example, and I'm really big on this, because I truly believe that you're gonna judge me when you go to my website, whether you say you don't know, you already have just subconsciously you have. And so I want people to go to my website, and I want my website to be my customer service center. When you go there. I want people to go Oh, my God, like, this person is like, wow, right. And you go to my LinkedIn the same you go to my Facebook, it's the same go to Instagram. It's all consistent and congruent. And I think that this is the part that a lot of people don't get. They want freedom. Absolutely. And I endorsed that 5,000,000% That's my game. You know, but you know, if you're going to freedom today is very different to how we did it 100 years ago, 60 years ago, 20 years ago, five years ago. So we so this notion of doing a little bit here a little bit that it's not going to work that doesn't give you freedom that gives you anxiety,

Jeff Kikel:

you have to And you have to go all in, you know, but I think the other part and I, this is the thing that I know, in my own world, I didn't do very well. But, you know, I, I launched out really without preparing, I had already been in the process of starting another business, but it wasn't up and running, really, and I just quit my job and launched. You know, especially for people that are launching out as consultants or coaches, this is not something you have to do all or none. I mean, you can do it partial, you can get some of these things in place and start to build your coaching clientele while you're still doing other work. And build, you know, and get to that point where you transition. I mean, I can't tell you how many people I've interviewed over the years, who did that very thing, you know, they were, they were still the, you know, see whatever sweet person, and they were kind of working this little side angle of becoming that thought leader or whatever. And then some point they reached where they're like, Okay, I'm done, I'm, you know, I can go off and do this,

Mary Henderson:

I typically will say to those people that work with me, do not leave your job under no circumstances. Because your goal right now is to build your contingency plan. And you need to do it properly. And you need to do it in your speed, not my speed. And so when everything's in place, and you've got something else to focus on, suddenly, your focus is not on your job anymore. So when you go to your your actual job, people will be like what's going on with her like, she's just on top of the world, because the charge of hating your job is gone. Now that you're using that energy on building a contingency plan, and you flip the switch when you're ready. And the transition, because you're right, Jeff, that word transition is such a critical word. Because when you transition out of that role, here's the other problem. If you transition out of that role into entrepreneurship, let's call it one of a better word, and you're isolated, that's a disaster right there. So if you if you're going to transition and you don't belong to a tribe of people who can advocate for you and support you, that is absolutely going to be an uphill battle. Because isolation is is is what actually holds people back from from pursuing the very thing that they left their job for. So I love that you mentioned that

Jeff Kikel:

audit, and I see it that way, too. I mean, I've watched, you know, I own co working spaces. So I've watched small businesses and startups for years. And, you know, it's, it's the first 12 months are awesome, because you know, you're doing the things you want to do. It's fun, it's great, not making any money, but okay, whatever, I'm still having fun. And then you hit that second year, and it's what I call the suck, you know, it's just it, now I'm working my butt off, and I'm not making any money. And I just don't see an end to it. And so many people quit in that time period. So if you're set up, right from the beginning, and you're able to, you know, already start to build that while you're still working your job, it makes it so much easier to eventually make that transition. And it's just going to be a logical point where you go, Okay, I, I have nothing over here anymore. I've reached that transitional point and monetarily, to where I can live without, you know, without the job, and then you make that transition.

Mary Henderson:

Yeah, I agree with you. And also, you know, building on top of what you just said, it's also then creating the foundation of wanting to be seen as the authority in your area of specialization. So there's a whole nother layer and infrastructure and learning and discipline, you know, and methodologies that's associated with that as well. It's not just getting on LinkedIn, or Facebook or Instagram and hoping for the best, it really requires an understanding of a how those platforms work, and be how do you pull people into your ecosystem?

Jeff Kikel:

Absolutely, yeah. And you make a complete talking about the tribe. I mean, that's, you know, Seth Godin saying about tribes. It's, I totally agree with you, you've got to build that tribe. And you know, it's, it's whoever your people, and I think I've several tribes, I mean, one, there's that kind of tribe of clients or customers that kind of coalesce around you, but it's also a tribe of people. You know, I think of the podcasting industry. You know, I mean, having interviewed or been interviewed on a ton of podcasts, I have friends all over the world, who are going through the same stuff I'm going through, you know, and we've built these amazing little relationships, I would have never come across these people. So, you know, it's getting yourself out there and starting to figure out where your people are, you know, and not becoming isolated. Because when you are, I mean, it's, it's gonna get hard and you're just gonna quit.

Mary Henderson:

It will, it always happens that is the end result. I mean, just humans need humans, like, that's just, you know, one on one being human, you know, like, and I think that people forget that. And I know that when I transition, Jeff, from my corporate life into entrepreneurship, that's exactly what I did. I went into isolation, which is why I'm so passionate about it. And I recognize, you know, the damage that it was doing to my soul, because I was so alone. And even though I was reaching out to business mentors, I felt like no one understood me, I just felt so misunderstood, like, these people don't even understand what I'm trying to create, you know, like, yeah, their ex, like, you know, corporate now becoming consultant advisors. And I'm sitting there looking at these, you know, very older man going, you just don't get what I'm talking about. You go back into, so actually, I'm not paying you $800 An hour go. Goodbye, you know,

Jeff Kikel:

because I also in combining, I've got a family that I'm trying to take care of, and kids right now, on top of trying to do all this crap, so you have no idea.

Mary Henderson:

Exactly. They just want to sit down and have a coffee, you know, I just, you know, feel, you know, like, they're involved in something. And I'm like, you know, I haven't got time for coffee, I haven't got the time to sit with you just give me results. You know, like, it's take me where I need to go. Anyway. But you know, I think we live in we learn.

Jeff Kikel:

Yeah, absolutely. So let's talk a little bit about your process. You know, do you take people down that same pathway that you took yourself of that that? Yeah, all right. Let me just kind of figure out what my assets are and figure out what makes me happy, as well as more of the the technological side of it. The most

Mary Henderson:

important part about what I do with my clients, Jeff, remember when I was sharing before, when I went on that 12 month sabbatical and update all of that unpacking of the inventory for myself, I recognize how critical that is, in terms of understanding, what can you do for sure, for sure, because what I'm interested in and my core value is truth. So that comes into it, that's that's incorporated into every touchpoint in my business, and who I am. So when I'm working with people, I'm always looking at their unpacking their professional inventory, but I'm also looking at where they're at on their own hero's journey, or have they fully completed a cycle of the hero's journey, because the hero's journey is a lot of shadow work, there's a lot of inner work, I mean, it's very painful to go down that pathway. And, and a lot of the people that I work with they've, they've already been on it, they're on it, they're working on some part of it. And so I always look at that, because it's a very, it's a critical part of a puzzle. And so I'm unpacking all of the inventory. And then we're merging all of that information together to understand what is the core truth that this person can bring into the universe to a help solve a problem B, and most important, deliver a transformation for sure. And C raise consciousness in the world, because if I'm going to create something that's for me only, that's not going to last a very long time. If I create something that incorporates my absolute truth, that I'm going to be able to deliver that solution with ease and grace. And I know how to deliver the transformation. Because ironically, all transformations can only happen through your own hero's journey. It's that wisdom that assists the transformation to actually happen doesn't happen through my professional knowledge. Unless, of course, I mean, the numbers are, you know, my, I'm in a very, very, you know, masculine type of a business, and it doesn't require any touchy feely, it just, it's an Excel spreadsheet type of a scenario. Okay, that's different. But most of the people that I work with are not there, you know, they're kind of really working with humans, and really building on that, you know, delivering that transformation. So we look at that information as inventory to me, Jeff, wisdom is my absolute passion, because I believe, with my heart and my soul, that wisdom is a currency. In fact, it's the truest form of currency. Because no one can take it away from you, you own it forever. It doesn't depreciate, and it gets better with time. And the problem is, we don't look at our wisdom as currency we look at as a thing of the past. So when they come to me, I'm looking at that wisdom, and I'm looking at the currency in that wisdom, how far how wide How deep can we go here? And it's not about understanding for me and my clients. What is your niche? It's actually understanding what is the problem you console? Who is it that you think you can serve? And what is it that you absolutely can promise from the standpoint of transforming that human being or that business. So now I'm coming into the world say, this is the complex problem I can solve. And this is the transformation that I can deliver. I'm open for business doesn't matter what color you are, what race you are, what religion where you live, how old you are, I can solve if you've got that problem, I can solve that problem. So we look at that first, then we look at our persona, our brand, how do I now show up in the world as a brand? Who am I? How do I want the outside world to perceive me? What is my brand core essence? What is my brand truth? What is my brand architecture? How do I how do I make that congruent with my solution, and then, which really forms the foundation. So the consistency therefore needs to be across all communication? touchpoints, not yellow on LinkedIn, and pink on, you know, my website, blue on Facebook, and this font there and that font there, there's consistency. And, and then we look at creating the digital assets. And to me digital assets is not just a website, it's not just a sales funnel, it's not just a lead magnet, it's understanding how do you actually deliver an ecstatic brand experience to a prospect or a paying client. And we have to build those digital assets in such a way that you will always stay top of mind when you're when your prospect gets your website or LinkedIn or whatever. Or here's your on a podcast interview doesn't matter where. And because that's a critical part of the puzzle as well, I always want to stay top of mind yet because I know that in 12 months time, the person that listens to this podcast, or has received my lead magnet 12 months ago is going to be ready at some point to say I want to have a conversation with you. And then the final part is the lead generation. And there's a lot of layers in my lead generation strategy. Because we're not a one size fits all. And my prospects are not just on LinkedIn, they're also on Instagram, they listen to podcasts, they go to specific keynote events. So I need to find where my audience is. And I need to make them believe that I'm the present in their eyes, not my eyes, I don't need to be in front of 8 billion people. I just need a very small part of that. But I need to know where they are. So there's a lot of research that's involved in that in that part, and also understanding how to write Jeff, most people don't know how to write, you know, and I'm very much a storyteller. I mean, it has taken me, Jeff, I'm sure you understand this as well. I mean, I have probably wrote myself, 1000s and 1000s and 1000s and 1000s of posts, any form of content for social media. And this takes a lot of practice, you know, but you know, and I've got lots of frameworks for that to help my clients. But it's amazing, you know, what amazes me? How many people are so afraid to write their core truth. And when you can come from a place of your absolute core truth, you're going to get pulled, people are going to stop and say, I can see myself in that story. And then once all of that's done, then what we do is we have to become it. And this is the part that most people leave out, it's like, Oh, my God, this business, I'm gonna go out there, I'm gonna do or blah, blah, blah, gonna make a million dollars. And then six months passed by the SEC, I still haven't got my first client. Well, that's because you haven't become it. So we have to become that version of us. Because it's a different version from being the C suite, earning your 20 $30,000 on the 15th of every month, having a team of people that do everything for you, now you're on your own. Now you got to make your own way. Now you've got to create your own income. And so you've got to become that. And this the embodiment of that is very, very important. I spend a lot of time with my clients, you know, teach them how to transcend emotions, how to understand the mind chatter, how to quieten down how to build a relationship between the mind and the body. And there's a lot of effort that goes into that part of my business, because I realized, and I recognized that when I brought that part into my business, I was actually witnessing transformation in real time. And that blew my mind. I mean, you know, even last night, I was on our coaching group coaching call. And I was teaching them how to actually understand why we have money blocks and taking them through this process. Every single person in that coaching call, I could see light bulbs going off, I could just see that they were shifting exponentially. By the end of it. It just changed their whole perception and consciousness around their understanding of money. And you know why they have blocks around it. So all of this for me is what I call an end to end solution. And inside my what I do is the tribe, and that for me is the heart of mine. tie of business because without the tribe, then really what am I? So when people are transitioning out of corporate, I want them to belong to a tribe, because I know what it feels like to be isolated.

Jeff Kikel:

Absolutely. Well, that and I couldn't say anything more. Just absolutely, I love your process, I love the way you do it. Because it's so much more inclusive, you know, you might find somebody, the typical person doesn't do the work on that front end, you know, so they don't take that 12 months that you did, you know, and it's, it doesn't have to be I quit my job and I take this 12 months to do this, it can be just simply, hey, I need to spend some time outside of work, allocating time towards that. And then once you got that, then you start to develop well, what is my, you know, what is the result that I can get to? And, you know, I love that you talk about the heroes. Yeah, the hero's journey. You know, I the way I learned it was the heroes two journeys, because there's the external. And then there's the internal journey and a lot of cases and, you know, the internal is easy, because you can just go well, hey, look, I was successful with the internal journey is really where the meat of it is. And what I find, as I've worked with people over the years, and I've seen people transition, it's very difficult to get them to tell that internal story. Yeah, and the internal story, if you will tell it. And I was really bad at this. I remember, you know, being in Toastmasters. And being a wonderful speaker, you know, people always said, Oh, you're a great speaker. But it wasn't until I started kind of letting go with some of that internal stuff, that people were coming to me going, Oh, my God. I mean, that was just an amazing speech. I just felt like I was right there with you. That's that point that you'd said to people get to. And you've got to do that, you've got to let your your boundaries down, you got to let your guard down, and let some of that internal stuff out. And that's what will connect you with your audience.

Mary Henderson:

Well, that's the truth. And I think that that's what people want to know. And I always say to people, don't underestimate that when you're out in the public eye, whether it's, you know, creating content, or in a podcast or on a stage, let me just remind you that every person has a soul. And the soul speaks in the language of feelings. So if you're lying, that other person will know, they'll just feel something's not right. So when you speak your soul truth, and that you light up the room, because people relate to that story. And it's like, I want to know that story. And, you know, I also, you know, I've done a lot of work with my mentors around my own internal trauma, Jeff, and going down that hero's journey, not once, not twice, three times, you know, and I just keep going there, you know, I keep on, you know, pushing through my own boundaries. And as painful as it is, I still want to go there, because I know that there's more potential for me to self actualize. And so I push myself, I'm very comfortable now in going into that place. But my mentor said to me about two years ago, you know, I'll marry all this wisdom that you've accumulated, what are you actually doing with it? And I said, What do you mean? He said, Are you actually giving all of this wisdom to your clients? Are you giving it to them? I said, I can't do that. They'll think that I'm woowoo. And he just paused for a moment. And he said, You did not go on this, so many rounds of the hero's journey for you, you did it on behalf of them. And I was like, Whoa, he said, You have to take it to them. You have to you have to give it to them openly and freely, so that they can take it to their clients. And that is how we raise consciousness in the world, Mary, and I was like, oh my god, Jeff, he was so right. And I remember, you know, saying to my clients, um, I just want to sort of run something by you guys. And just tell me if it's okay, if you say, you know, I really want to start, you know, giving you guys the wisdom that I have accumulated over the last 12 years, with my mentors, understanding the mind, the mind and the body, and really going deep and really understanding how to truly truly, truly find your own inner power that you already have. And transcend out of this matrix type of patriarchal masculine power system that we've been living in that is squashed us down to make us believe God forbid, we can never have freedom. You know, so would you guys be okay with that? And Jeff, it was amazing. Like tell you there was not a dry eye in the room. Everyone was crying and going. Everyone said we were waiting for this moment. We were waiting for this moment, because I would always be talking and read It was like that. They'd be like, Oh, where did you get that? From? How do you know that? You know, and then I said, you know, I need to declare my truth like, This is who I truly am. And I tell you, and Tuesday calls for us is that now and oh my god, it's changed the game. So but that's my truth. So if I actually come out and speak that, I know, I'm going to draw people into my ecosystem.

Jeff Kikel:

Well, and you know, and that's, that's those people are going to be loyal to your peer ecosystem as well. They're not going anywhere, really. So let's talk a little bit about that part of it. So how do you deliver your services? Is it on a one to one basis is a one to many, you know, online programs, how do you deliver what you do?

Mary Henderson:

Yes, so I have a one to one, which is a complete done for you, because a lot of business owners that I work with, they are not interested in doing any of the work, they just want us to do it all, which is fair enough. And then I have a hybrid model, which is a group coaching. And, and that is where anyone can join at any time. And that's a 12 month mastermind. And I also have just launched another program, which is called the HERO Program accelerator, where I just helped teach people how to actually unpack all of their inventory, personal, professional, and create a signature solution, again, wrapped with a whole marketing strategy, because you have to test it, you know, so there's a whole so that's really how people can work with me.

Jeff Kikel:

Brilliant. I love it. Is there anything new in your world that you're promoting now or are wanting to talk about?

Mary Henderson:

I am absolutely passionate, Jeff, and convinced that wisdom is true currency, but not only is it true currency, it's in hot demand. Jeff, it is absolutely in hot demand. Because all of those people that were wanting to be coaches, consultants, entrepreneurs, that, you know, we're into the hole and don't, don't get me wrong. I love Gary Vee. But you know, when Gary Vee says you can do it you can do and they go and do it. And they fail. abysmally, there's nothing wrong with failure, by the way, it's just learning. But you know, we have to also have realistic, we have to be realistic that if a CEO of a Fortune 500 company is in crisis, they ain't gonna call a 20 year old, that's building their Instagram following or an Instagram that has a million followers, they're going to call a specialist that absolutely holds that wisdom, and can absolutely solve that problem. And I believe that because our world is in such crisis, at the moment, everywhere, where you go everywhere you look, you know, shit has hit the fan, basically. And what we need to do is understand that our wisdom can solve a lot of those problems. So there's opportunity unlike ever before, for those type of people. So the question I leave your audience is, or if you've got an accumulation of wisdom, what are you doing with it? And do you know the value of it? Yeah,

Jeff Kikel:

and and where you're at currently? Are you able to really provide that wisdom to the maximum amount of people or businesses?

Mary Henderson:

That's right, Jeff, that's exactly right. I couldn't agree with you any more of it?

Jeff Kikel:

Well, let's transition into the Fast Five questions now. So first one, you're ready? I'm ready. All right. So first one, you wake up in the morning business is gone. You have $500 in your pocket, still the knowledge in your head, you have a place to live a laptop computer, what are you going to do first,

Mary Henderson:

I would probably get on LinkedIn, and stop marketing myself, based on one thing that I know that I console that is hot in the market right now.

Jeff Kikel:

Yeah, get out there and start making money somehow, right? You gotta sell. Number two, what's the biggest business mistake you've ever made? Um,

Mary Henderson:

I think that studying my software company, because it wasn't true to who I truly am. I learned a lot. But it was not what they were. That is not what I was meant to do for the rest of my life. And I mean, I love say it's a mistake, because there was a lot of pain and tears and just sacrifice that went into that business. And it never, she didn't have to be like that. But that's probably one of the biggest mistakes I made.

Jeff Kikel:

What is a great book that you would recommend for our audience.

Mary Henderson:

If anyone really is struggling with how to overcome and transcend emotions, and also just understanding how to work with their mind, David Hawkins letting go is the only book I give my clients It is a game changer.

Jeff Kikel:

Awesome, very good. What's a tool that you use in your business every day that you might recommend?

Mary Henderson:

Pen and paper?

Jeff Kikel:

Here's the funny thing. The very, very, very, very first show on my original YouTube show. The very very first show, my friend that I interviewed on that show said the exact same thing that is awesome. If I get a paper and don't discount it, it's the low tech solution. You know, I've got a fancy version, you know where it's like an electronic little Yeah. But Same difference. You got to have it. Yeah, just get to something about that tactile feeling, too. Yes. Last question. What is your definition of freedom?

Mary Henderson:

My definition is freedom in the mind, freedom in the soul and freedom in the body. It's as simple as that. You know, everything to me is an effect

Jeff Kikel:

of that. That is awesome. I've not heard that one before. It's probably the closest to what I would define freedom as well. So no wonder we get along. Well, she does them. Exactly. So Mary, if somebody wants to get a hold of you, what's the best way?

Mary Henderson:

Well, first of all, anyone that's listening to this, you can always book a free call with me, I do give 45 minute free calls, which is great. Because we can talk about where you're at Mary Henderson, a PPL y. You can get me on all social media at Mary Henderson coaching. And of course, just send me an email Mary at Mary Henderson.

Jeff Kikel:

Brilliant. We'll put all those in the show notes. So folks, wherever you're looking at that, whether it's online, on a podcast, or on YouTube, make sure that you reach out to Mary because she is an absolute joy. Do you really want to launch yourself off, she's the person to help you get there. So Mary, thank you for being on the show today. I really truly appreciate you and I look forward to staying in contact.

Mary Henderson:

I look forward to seeing you in Melbourne. All right, my friend.

Jeff Kikel:

Well, thanks, everybody. We do these shows twice a week, Tuesdays and Thursdays. So make sure wherever you're at that one if you have the opportunity to give us a five star rating to make sure that you subscribe to the channel and flip that little switch that gives you updates and notifications. And three, go find Mary and hang out with her to She's really cool. And we'll see you guys hear back the next time.




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