Luke 5:37–38 (NKJV): no one puts new wine into old wineskins; or else the new wine will burst the wineskins and be spilled, and the wineskins will be ruined. 38 But new wine must be put into new wineskins, and both are preserved.
Jesus. Luke 5:37, 38. Hi, it’s Nathan, and this is Day 19 of 30 Days on the Mount of Blessing, pt 3–and other sayings of Jesus.
This is a really powerful illustration. One I’ve got personal experience with. Well, no, I haven’t tried putting fresh into old wine skins. At least not literal ones. But, oh, I’ve tried some very brittle, virtual wine skins. Here’s the deal. When we discover the wonderful Gospel of Jesus—but try and fit it into the weird, mixed-up, messed-up ideas we already hold, we’re in for a real mess. A mess that won’t just leave us with confused ideas running down the walls of our brains—but this inner ideological meltdown spills out into the very real world of our relationships, our self-management, our workplace. When we try to fit the Gospel into what we already know, watch out. That’s what this parable is all about. The Gospel requires a whole new context—one it supplies and must be allowed to create in us. A new way of seeing, being, thinking—not merely an adaption into our old world.