Artwork for podcast The Work in Sports Podcast - Insider Advice for Sports Careers
Want a Job in Sports? Here is Your Career-Focused Strategy
15th March 2021 • The Work in Sports Podcast - Insider Advice for Sports Careers • Brian Clapp - Work in Sports
00:00:00 00:24:21

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Hey Everybody, I’m Brian Clapp, VP of Content and Engaged Learning at and this is the Work in Sports podcast … Daylight savings! A love-hate relationship here -- loved the fact the sun was out at 7:15 last night. Hated the fact my kid’s sleep schedule was a mess. Anyone who is a parent knows this dilemma, it takes a week for your kids to normalize to the change, and it is a painful week. Consider yourself forewarned all you youngsters. Old people problems here.  If you missed it, last week’s podcast episode with Allison Bickford is a big hit. The people have spoken and they love the Seattle Kraken and Allison Bickford. Lots of great career insight and so much fun so check that out.  I also come asking a favor, subscribe to our YouTube channel. I made it my goal to be super aggressive with video in 2021 and I want more of your to subscribe to our channel so my bosses don’t think my time spent in front of the camera is a waste.  I like crafting videos, please make it worth my while. Subscribe! I think I’m supposed to say “smash that subscribe button and don’t forget to hit the bell so you are notified when new videos are posted!” I’m kind of joking here on the YouTuber techniques… but you get the idea, would love to have you watching and listening.  Ok let’s get into today’s question… Hi Brian, my name is Joanna and I am a college freshman who was introduced to your podcast this year by one of my professors. I love it. I have learned so much. Funny story, I swear my professor takes your ideas and talks about them in the classroom like they are his...I think he forgets that he told us all to listen to your show.I do have a question though, and I hope you can get to it. As I mentioned I am a freshman, and since I’m paying for my college I want to make sure I get the most out of this experience. If you were going to set a strategy for a freshman in college to make sure they get the most out of the college experience and really, really really make the most of their 4 years - what would you advise I focus on?     Joanna - this is a big question. You’re in luck, I love big questions! I have 6 big concepts, lets get into them. 1: During your freshman year start to narrow down your main focuses and interests. Just saying you want to work in sports isn’t specific enough, and doesn’t set you up for success. You need to start right now, understanding what real options are out there and the demands of those roles. The choices you make to be an athletic trainer vs. a sports marketer will be incredibly different.  Unless you know what you want, you won’t be able to make smart choices based on where you want to end up. Ideally, by the end of your sophomore year you’ll be able to say, OK, I want to work in sports marketing or sports operations, or sports technology, or become a sports agent.  Right now, start researching and understanding what is out there. See what interests you.  But by the time you hit junior year you want to be choosing internships that match your goals, you want to be choosing specific classes that fit the skill profile for who you want to be, you want to start being strategic about what additional skills you learn. Research freshman year. Clarity by end of sophomore year. Actions are taken by junior year. 2: Make a plan for experience. Again this is contingent on knowing what you want to pursue. So start there. But really, Joanna if you look at your resume right now, I imagine as a freshman it’s pretty light. I know my freshman year of college my resume would have said “Golf Caddy” and that would not get me hired anywhere...except to be a golf caddy somewhere else.  Your goal is to gain experiences that fill up that resume and match the demands of your chosen path. You should have a mix of internship experiences, skills you have mastered, clubs you are part of, volunteer opportunities, and more. 




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