Join a RIOT for God
Cameron Garner
Cameron Garner is a minister of the Gospel who teaches people what it really means to be a “Child of God” and to live in Kingdom Power as part of their everyday lifestyle. Cameron teaches about our identity in Christ, miracles, healings, how to live truly free, how to break that cycle of living in circles and more.
He has three different schools for believers to enroll in and gain valuable training to become more powerful Christians in their daily walk and to impact those they meet. Amen!
I’m going to ask him to break down these different classes for us – and more, as we get into this exciting interview…
Help me welcome to the program, Cameron Garner! Praise God!
Cameron, it is so good to finally get you on the program, brother!
First question I always start with is this. Other than that brief information I just shared, can you tell us in your own words, “Who is Cameron Garner?”
Your newest program is called “Freedom Training Course” (starting soon).
Your first program is called “R.I.O.T,” which stands for “Royal Identity Outreach Training.”
You also have the “Identity School,” and the “Prophetic School.”
Let’s start with RIOT. I love that name…Tell us what RIOT is all about?
Is this the first step in your training curriculum? Like a “basic course” before students more to the next class, “Identity School?”
Let’s move on to “Identity School.” I take this is to help the believer become more aware of “who they are in Christ?”
Then we have the “Prophetic School.” From what I’ve seen on some of the video testimonies, you’re teaching folks how to, basically, “hear from God” on a deeper level and be able to communicate those messages to others?
I know you offer these classes as stand-alone classes. But do you recommend they start with the RIOT course first?
What is the format for these courses? I know they can be taken online or in person. But you recommend in person, if at all possible, right?
What is the cost of these courses?
Do you have your own church or ministry that these programs are a part of?
Cameron, this is so interesting – and so needful in this day and time in which we live today. If someone has a question or would like more information on these programs – or possibly would like to invite you to do an interview like this – how can they do that? How can someone get in touch with you and get more information?
I’ll put links to all of this down in the show notes below.
Folks, there is nothing more important than growing in Christ. You can’t stay a “baby Christian” forever and expect to impact this world for Christ. But, we all have to start somewhere. Amen!
If you have received Christ as your personal Savior, you’ve taken the very important first step. If you have started to read your Bible, etc. – you have started down the correct path. But now, take it to the next level. Praise God.
Become a “Warrior for Christ!” Amen! Become someone whom God can drop a Word of Knowledge on, knowing you will recognize it and share it with whomever He has directed it to. You can do this! But – you need an experienced guide to show you HOW to tap into this type of ministry. Someone to show you how to GROW in Christ and be able to create a RIOT everywhere you go! Amen!
Glory to God! Drop down into the show notes and reach out to Cameron Garner right now! Don’t wait! Don’t think, “I’ll do it later…” That is not recognizing the prompting of the Holy Spirit! Do it right NOW. While you are still listening to me. Amen!
If that thought, “I’ll do it later” was the first thing that popped in your mind when I said “do it now” – you are listening to the wrong spirit. I’m telling you…
You need Cameron’s training more than you know – if that was you! Amen!
Drop down into the show notes and reach out to Cameron right now. Ask your questions. See if this isn’t the path the Lord is leading you down right now – in preparation for what He has planned for you up ahead a bit. Amen!
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