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A New Realm Of Exsistence
Episode 23010th May 2024 • Live Behind The Veil • The Epistles
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Our growth spiritual being depends on His grace. As He leads us we are dedicated to the means as we keep our focus set on His promises and provisions to bring forth His will on this earth.

Show Notes:

  • God is bringing us into a new realm of Spirit.

  • In this new realm of Spirit we recognize the openness and oneness we have with people, no matter what they say or believe.

  • A level of perception and openness to God is the capacity to hear their spirit.

  • This new level of Spirit consist of oneness and power, not just words.

  • As Christ comes forth within us we enter into the world He lives in.

  • The kingdom of God is in power, not about agreement mentally.

  • As this new day unfolds we are finding that we believe more, we impart more, we appropriate more, and walk in more grace.



  • God is bringing us into another realm, where all of the sudden, you just recognize the openness in people's spirit, and you're one with them.
  • ...we're done stumbling over what other people might believe different from us. Or see a different slant on some things. Does not matter. The only thing that matters. It's coming into this realm of Spirit together.
  • What's effective is when you hit this realm of Spirit, it's the oneness and the power that comes out of it.
  • As we are moving into this realm, and I'll call it oneness, the fruit will be the evidence.
  • We stop listening to what people say And we listen to what's in their spirit.
  • All of this is wrapped up in Jesus Christ and Him coming forth in us and opening us up to His world, opening us up to the realm He lives in.
  • I think the Lord's causing us to wait and listen differently. Not what they're saying, but what's going on. Really what's behind it.
  • ...all of the awareness that God's bringing us into has always been right there within us. We're coming into the awareness. Of who He is. What He is doing in us and what He's revealing to us in the Spirit.
  • Each day we believe more, we impart more, we appropriate more, we walk in more grace, because each day it's the grace to become the grace to do as a gift from God.
  • I tell you this is a marvelous day. It is. If the apostles and prophets, I think they, they would marvel at the day we're living in right now, because that's what they reached for.


I Corinthians 4:20

For the kingdom of God is not in words, but in power.

John 6:63

It is the spirit that giveth life; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I have spoken unto you are spirit, and are life.

John 14:6

Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

I Samuel 16:7

(Man looks on the outward, but God looks in the heart)

Ephesians 2:20-22

(We are God’s temple)

John 16:12-13

(God has many more things to speak to us, but we cannot hear them now)

1 Thessalonians 5:21-23

(Prove all things)

Isaiah 35:8

And a highway shall be there, and a way, and it shall be called The way of holiness; the unclean shall not pass over it; but is shall be for the redeemed : the wayfaring men, yea fools, shall not err therein.


A new age of Spirit is opening up to God’s family. Through their oneness and love the power of God is beginning to be made manifest as they walk out the grace of God and become the housing of God in the earth.


A New Realm of Existence



I think there is a place of getting into that level of Spirit, because in the will of God, when you speak together as one, it happens.


We attain to a level of Spirit, and the mechanics won't matter. Because when you attain to this level of Spirit, here's a perfect example. Christ walks through the earth, so He heals one guy, but He spits in the mud and wipes it in his eye.

Then He does something different with the next guy, and He does something different with the next guy. The mechanics weren't the issue. So you can be totally creative in what you do if you're walking in the level of Spirit. That we're talking about.


There's something about a realm of spirit that we come into, that God is bringing us into. I firmly believe that, Ken. God is bringing us into another realm, where all of the sudden, you just recognize the openness in people's spirit, and you're one with them.

Doesn't matter what they believe, what they even say, hardly. It's what's in their spirit that's right. We are just now coming to this. And I think you're absolutely right, Ken. We're in a meeting and just something bears witness. You say something, somebody says something, and it's just there it is.

And something in your spirit has touched that simultaneously with that other person, yep. It's done. And what's joyful in this, we're done. I prophesy it. We're done stumbling over what other people might believe different from us. Or see a different slant on some things. Does not matter. The only thing that matters. It's coming into this realm of Spirit together.


What you're saying, the kingdom of God is not in word, it's in power. Right. It's not about an agreement mentally or this person says something so I agree with their doctrine or I don't agree with what they're saying. That's not it. Because who cares? What does that produce?

What's effective, is when you hit this realm of Spirit, it's the oneness and the power that comes out of it. (Yeah.) There's no guessing about it. As we are moving into this realm - and I'll call it oneness - the fruit will be the evidence. So and we've talked about this before, the healings, the visions, the dreams, all these things that we've talked about will just flow. We won't even have to talk about them because of the level of Spirit.


Our brains can't wrap around it


We still want to revert back to the past and the way we've moved in the past. (right) The funny thing is we'll go back and go Well, you know we used to do this and that what that really didn't work and we used to do this and that kind of work. It's nonsense because we'll do the same things that we did way back in the past in the work or we'll do something different And it'll work because it won't matter.


We stop listening to what people say, and we listen to what's in their spirit.

(Yes) That requires a level of perception And openness to God that He has He opens to us where we make this transition. Where we stop listening to people's words and start having the capacity to hear their spirit. That's the realm where Jesus said He talks about, "My words are Spirit, and they're Life."

(Right) "I am the way, the truth, and the life." All of this is wrapped up in Jesus Christ and Him coming forth in us and opening us up to His world, opening us up to the realm He lives in. Where we stop evaluating things with this, our minds, and begin to evaluate with what comes alive in our spirit. And this also is the one, the main thing that eliminates false stuff. You stop listening to what they're saying and hear what's coming out of their spirit. We've come into a realm where this works.


I think the Lord's causing us to wait and listen differently. Not what they're saying, but what's going on. Really what's behind it. What is the Spirit saying? He's trying to train us.


It's a gift of the Holy Spirit is discerning of Spirit. I have to confess to you I was reading this thing and all of a sudden it was like it dawned on me when I Was reading about having been built upon the foundation of apostles, prophets, Christ Jesus himself being the cornerstone in whom the whole building is being fitted together and growing into a holy Sanctuary a holy temple in the Lord in whom you also are being built together into a dwelling of God in the Spirit. We are this building that contains God and coming to Him as to living stones rejected by men and choice and precious in the sight of God, you also as living stones are being built up as a spiritual house or a holy priesthood to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable God through Jesus Christ Then you go down and it talks about, "but you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for God's own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called you out of darkness into his marvelous light." We can proclaim these things now.


We're living in the age of Spirit. Yes. Yes. And see, that was such a simplistic statement, but a truth. But I don't think we got the full weight of what that really means. But I think we're coming into it now. (Yes) I think God is beginning to show us things in the Spirit.

Didn't He say in one place? I have many more things to show you, but you're not ready, but you will be. (Yes) In other words, all of the awareness that God's bringing us into has always been right there within us. We're coming into the awareness of who He is, what He is doing in us, and what He's revealing to us in the Spirit.

I tell you this is a marvelous day. It is. If the apostles and prophets, I think they, they would marvel at the day we're living in right now, because that's what they reached for.


That's right. We're walking both in the end of one generation and walking into a new one. Right now, we're pretty well schooled on the old generation, but we're becoming schooled on how the new generation works.

One of the things that Ken brought up, and this is extremely important, 1 Thessalonians 5, 21 through 23 says, "Prove all things." And take your concordance, look up the word prove. And you'll see how in the Scriptures the confirmation is proof, how vital it is. And we have the power to set in motion. You take your spirit, and you imagine it. It's mine. And what do I do? I walk it out in the Spirit, not in my flesh, because that's where my focus is. That's where I live. Each day we believe more, we impart more, we appropriate more, we walk in more grace, because each day it's the grace to become the grace to do as a gift from God.


With this level that God is opening to us, really all bets are off.

And I've heard you say before, paraphrase, if things get too complicated, I just wig out. (Yeah) And I'm seeing that there is a realm where we just stop a lot of things, and it just becomes a cry of our heart. God, I just want to walk in this realm that you're opening. I can't define it. I can't explain it. I just sense it and know it's there.

It really is. It's an abandonment of a lot of things that there's something greater that God is bringing of Christ in us coming forth in us. Even a fool can, that's the passage, "even a fool shall not err therein" on this highway, it supersedes every mechanic and there's just an agony as He comes forth in us.




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