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Binary 8.10, 171123, The Binary System
18th November 2023 • Institutum Provisorium • Franco Santoro
00:00:00 01:09:32

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(in English & italiano) Binary 8.10, 171123

Il Sistema Binario: un viaggio multidimensionale dalla frammentazione all’unità - A Multidimensional Journey from Duality to Unity: The Binary System

Questo corso esplora esperienzialmente la spiritualità, il misticismo e lo sciamanesimo usando come riferimento strategico i cicli del Sole e della Luna, e le relative 144 combinazioni (sistema binario astrosciamanico). L’intento del corso è condividere informazioni e pratiche di recupero della nostra natura multidimensionale, considerando il rapporto verticale con il mondo spirituale, insieme alla conflittualità o integrazione della relazione orizzontale con la realtà materiale. A questo scopo integreremo il sistema binario con riferimenti alle tradizioni spirituali occidentali, mediorientali e orientali. Vedi note preliminari a fondo pagina.

The aim of the course is to share tools for soul retrieval and spiritual or multidimensional healing, considering the vertical relationship with the spiritual world and God, together with the conflict or integration of the horizontal relationship with material reality. For this purpose we will refer to the Astroshamanic Binary System, and the related astrological archetypes, accompanied by references to Western, Middle Eastern and Eastern spiritual traditions. The course explores the 144 binaries combinations between Sun and Moon, and the Lunar cycles for one year, with a total of 12 series, each consisting of three sessions. See preliminary notes at the end.

Per informazioni generali vedi/For general info on binaries see:

Per informazioni sul binario 8.10/For info on binary 8.10 see:

Brindisi al faro, Gesualdo Bufalino (8.10)

Prima di te era un luogo di gogna la mia vita, fra mura di ferro feroce; era teatro d’un maniaco dramma che declamavo dinanzi a nessuno: Io ripeteva a perdifiato un’eco, Io era scritto su tutti gli specchi, Io, pronome di luce e di sozzura, orbita avara che in sé si consuma, libertà aguzzina di se stessa. Ora è una strada per cadere insieme, un fiume nero, ma so dove va. (Letto da Mario Giocalone)

Toast to the lighthouse Before you my life was a place of shame, between walls of ferocious iron; it was the scene of a maniacal drama that I declaimed in front of no one: I repeated an echo at breakneck speed, I was written on all the mirrors, I, pronoun of light and filth, greedy orbit that consumes itself, freedom that tortures itself. Now it's a road to fall together, a black river, but I know where it goes.

Day is dying, by George Eliot (8.10)

Day is dying! Float, o song, Down the westward river, Requiem chanting to the Day, Day, the mighty giver! Pierced by shafts of Time he bleeds, Melted rubies sending Through the river and the sky, Earth and heaven blending. All the long-drawn earthy banks Up to cloudland lifting: Slow between them drifts the swan 'Twixt two heavens drifting, Wings half open like a flower. In by deeper flushing, Neck and breast as virgin's pure Virgin proudly blushing. Day is dying! Float, o swan, Down the ruby river, Follow, song, in requiem To the mighty Giver!

"Forsaken Gardens" (1974) by Peter Hammill (8.10)

Where are all the joys of yesterday? Where, now, is the happiness and laughter that we shared? Gone, like our childhood dreams, aspirations and beliefs -- Time is a thief, and he ravages our gardens, Stripping saplings, felling trees, Trampling on our flowers, sucking sap and drying seeds. In the midnight candle-light of experience All color fades, green fingers grey.... Time, alone, shall murder all the flowers, Still, there's time to share our plots and all that we call 'ours'. How much worse, then, if we all deny each others' needs And keep our garden's privately? Its getting colder, wind and rain leave gashes; Looking back, I only see the friends I've lost. Fires smoulder, raking through the ashes My hands are dirty, my mind is numb, I count the cost of 'I' : "I need to get on, I've got to tend my garden; Got to shut you out, no time to crave your pardon now". Now I see the garden that I've grown is just the same as those outside; The fences, erected to protect, simply divide.... There's ruin everywhere, the weather has played havoc with the grass -- Does anyone believe his garden's really going to last? In the time allotted us, can any man keep his own miserably? Is there any pleasure in a solitary growth? Come and see my garden if you will ---- I'd like someone to see it all before each root is killed. Surely now its time to open up each life to all ---- Tear down the walls, if its not too late! There is so much sorrow in the world; There is so much emptiness and heartbreak and pain; Somewhere on the road we have all taken a wrong turn ---- How can we build the right path again? Through the grief, through the pain, Our flowers need each others' rain...."

"Hole in the World", Glen Frey (8.8), Eagles

There's a hole in the world tonight There's a cloud of fear and sorrow There's a hole in the world tonight Don't let there be a hole in the world tomorrow They say that anger is just love disappointed They say that love is just a state of mind But all this fighting over who is anointed Oh, how can people be so blind? There's a hole in the world tonight There's a cloud of fear and sorrow There's a hole in the world darkness Don't let there be a hole in the world tomorrow Oh, they tell me there's a place over yonder Cool water running through the burning sand Until we learn to love one another We will never reach the Promised Land There's a hole in the world tonight There's a cloud of fear and sorrow There's a hole in the world tonight Don't let there be a hole in the world tomorrow There's a hole in the world tonight They say that anger is just love disappointed There's a cloud of fear and sorrow They say that love is just a state of mind There's a hole in the world tonight But all this fighting over who will be anointed Don't let there be a hole in the world tomorrow Oh, how can people be so blind? There's a hole in the world tonight Hole in the world There's a cloud of fear and sorrow Fear and sorrow There's a hole in the world tonight Don't let there be a hole in the world tomorrow

C'è un buco nel mondo stasera C'è una nuvola di paura e dolore C'è un buco nel mondo stasera Non lasciare che ci sia un buco nel mondo domani Dicono che la rabbia è solo amore deluso Dicono che l'amore è solo uno stato di mente Ma tutto questo litigare su chi è unto Oh, come possono le persone essere così cieche? C'è un buco nel mondo stasera C'è una nuvola di paura e dolore C'è un buco nel mondo buio Non lasciare che ci sia un buco nel mondo domani Oh, mi dicono che c'è un posto laggiù Acqua fresca che scorre attraverso la sabbia bruciante Finché non impareremo ad amarci l'un l'altro Non raggiungeremo mai la Terra Promessa C'è un buco nel mondo stasera C'è una nuvola di paura e dolore C'è un buco nel mondo stasera Non lasciare che ci sia un buco nel mondo domani C'è un buco nel mondo stasera Dicono che la rabbia è solo amore deluso C'è una nuvola di paura e dolore Dicono che l'amore è solo uno stato d'animo C'è un buco nel mondo stasera Ma tutto questo litigare su chi sarà unto Non lasciarlo lì essere un buco nel mondo domani Oh, come possono le persone essere così cieche? C'è un buco nel mondo stasera Buco nel mondo C'è una nuvola di paura e dolore Paura e dolore C'è un buco nel mondo stasera Non lasciare che ci sia un buco nel mondo domani

"Canti carnascialeschi: I. Canto di Lanzi Pellegrini"





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