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High School Weight at 60: How Fit Father Gary Got in Shape and Lost Weight
Episode 18025th January 2024 • Fit Father Project Podcast • Fit Father Project
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Episode 180 of the Fit Father Project Podcast is an awesome conversation with one of our Fit Fathers, who has got back to his high school weight at 60! 

In this episode, you’ll meet Gary, an amazing guy who’s absolutely crushing it on his weight loss journey.

But it wasn’t always this way, as Gary shares in his story. He grew up with an unhealthy relationship with food — then, in adulthood, he became a chef and was always around food. 

He couldn't figure out how to fit a sustainable health routine into his lifestyle, and his health and fitness continued to decline. 

Until he found the Fit Father Project and began a purifying journey where he was able to get a hold of his exercise and nutrition and turn his life around!

And the best part is, he’s done it his way. He’s built a long-term plan for success and he’s completely aligned with his unique health routine. 

That’s my wish for everyone in the Fit Father community — to come into this program, use it, see results, and then make your own.

In this episode, you’ll learn about: 

  • What led Gary down a path of unhealthiness.
  • His wake-up call. 
  • The importance of longevity and quality of life — thriving and not just surviving.
  • Addressing and fixing bad habits. 
  • Honing in your nutrition.
  • Getting back into — or starting — exercise.
  • Gary's Love by the Quart charity.
  • And so much more!

So, to get the most from your health and fitness efforts, listen to this episode on how to get back to your high school weight at 60, take some notes, and check out FF30X

What is FF30X?

FF30X is a simple, sustainable, and specific weight loss program designed especially for busy men over 40. With short metabolic training workouts, an easy-to-follow meal plan, and an accountability team there for you at every step, FF30X can help you lose 30, 40, or even 50+ lbs — even if you’ve never picked up a weight in your life. 

Click here to see what you get when you join the FF30X program today!

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[00:00:32] Anthony: my friend, it's Dr. Anthony Balduzzi. And I want to welcome you back to another episode here on the fit father project. Today, we're joined by one of our very own fit father brothers, Gary Brummett. And Gary is an amazing guy for many reasons. And we have a powerful conversation today where we get into his weight loss journey.


[00:01:09] And it wasn't always this way, as Gary shares in his story. He grew up with basically an unhealthy relationship to food, like the way his parents cooked. He ended up becoming a chef and so he's eating a lot of food and he couldn't really figure out how to get a health routine that was sustainable and enter the Fit Father Project.


[00:01:43] He's found his loves. Yes, he still does our MRT workouts, he's getting the double treble in, he does an apex and he shares some cool stories about that. But he does some other things that he brought in. And you can just really hear from Gary how he's so aligned now on his unique health routine. And I'll share personally, like that is [00:02:00] my wish for everyone in the fit father community is that they come in this program, they use it, they see results, and then they make it their own.


[00:02:23] Gary: Thanks for having me. I'm pretty happy


[00:02:37] Gary: work.


[00:02:57] Anthony: That's awesome. I mean, I'll tell, I'll say something for those that [00:03:00] are only listening on audio.


[00:03:20] Gary: Sure. Well, my journey began before sit father with a, uh, dbt program, uh, dbt therapy, I guess, uh, realigning my relationship with food. I had a very bad relationship with food, uh, from being a young person, uh, in my house, uh, it was the clean plate club. I'm sure a lot of folks can, uh, can, uh, feel that, uh, and it was, uh, It was the only thing I eating was the only thing I could do.


[00:04:09] I was refusing the exercise piece, right? It was always the food and the, and the nutrition. And I said, I, I, I absolutely have to. In the beginning, I thought I'm, I'm so active. I'm just out there all the time. I'm outdoors guy. I'm, I'm hiking, I'm hunting, I'm fishing. I'm, I do all biking. I do all kinds of stuff, but it just wasn't enough.


[00:04:55] I got to tell people in my 60th birthday party that I weigh right now today [00:05:00] what I weighed in high school. There's nothing cooler than that. There's nothing cooler than that. You know, and it was about, it's about health and. Not just longevity, but the quality of, you know, the quality of life and thriving and not just surviving, but thriving.


[00:05:36] I know a lot of people can probably relate to that. So yeah, let's unpack that a little bit more


[00:05:54] Um, and then I reinvented myself, reinvented myself. We can talk about all that stuff later. But from the food side, [00:06:00] uh, it was, I, I, I was privileged enough to have the, uh, skill, uh, to be, um, in some very, very high end places. Uh, working with, you know, some really cool people and great ingredients and, uh, it's just eating was eating was eating.


[00:06:35] Um, but I really wasn't able to break the cycle. Uh, I think sometime back in the 90s, I did, uh, I did South Beach, you know, the predecessor to all the, you know, Paleo, Keto, all the stuff we're doing. Uh, it is popular now and I did. I lost 20 pounds on, on South Beach, just cutting out carbs. And then I started eating carbs again.


[00:07:18] Um, and I'm, I eat now in a, in a style that I call a carb aware, right? So I'm going to have pizza. I'll have pizza and it's not cauliflower crust. Not there's anything wrong with that, but it's good pizza. But instead of having, you know, five or six slices of pizza once a week or twice a week, I'll have two slices of pizza every couple of months.


[00:08:02] And it's so easy to get carbohydrates and then carbohydrates, cravings, glycemic index goes crazy. You know, your blood sugar is going up and down, up and down, you know, So, um, so I'm very focused on just getting enough protein and I make those choices, little micro choices over a long period of time. So, you know, it's small choices, long time and.


[00:08:54] You know, I might have a martini with some olive juice in it. Um, but I just, [00:09:00] it's, it's moderation is the hardest thing in the world, man. Shades of gray for a guy like me, it's black and white. Life is black and white. Switch on, switch


[00:09:11] And I'm interested in how this program has helped you do that. Like, it's obviously partly a mindset thing, partly a habits and routine on a daily basis thing. Like, maybe get into like, did you have any, like some guys when they felt like the mission statement and do that stuff, they have like big epiphanies, like, Holy crap, I need to completely change my ways.


[00:09:36] Gary: The epiphany was that I'm not as smart as I thought I was, and I need to start listening to myself and my own. My own, uh, my own truth, which was I could do this with just diet.


[00:10:11] It got me the last, you know, I was crying a cat on the, on the, on the email a couple of times, I'm like, you know, this last 10 pounds, like what the heck I'm plateaued for so long and, and, and just frustrated and, and working hard and doing everything and plateaus, plateaus come and plateaus go and broke through, uh, I didn't really, I kind of upped my game with, um, with really putting Um, because of my flexible schedule with my real estate business, I was able to really, for the months preceding my birthday party, the big bash, uh, I was able to increase my workout routine by probably 30 percent to just really hit it, get it down there and it really [00:11:00] watched, I really watched my, my diet more than ever, the epiphany was, um, all right, so I'm, I'm a man and I'm flawed, right?


[00:11:35] Um, honestly, my empathy is expanded through this whole journey about learning about flaws. Uh, addiction, food addiction. So that really was like the hardest thing about managing, managing a reduction in food versus a reduction or abstinence from alcohol, abstinence from cigarettes, coke, whatever your thing is, your [00:12:00] DOC, we got to eat.


[00:12:27] Yeah, I'm 60 man. There's no you know what I turned 50 you guys out there turning 50 Soon or just did you can make a strong argument. I think that you could still have have your life in front of you, right? 50 and 50 is 100 people do that now a lot more than we used to 60 120. Nah. No, I didn't play in the back.


[00:13:21] A did for all these people, because you're in history with your dad and stuff. Um, I wish someone could have got to these folks early on. It's, it's, you know, obesity is an epidemic. It's no joke. It sounds so cliche. We hear it all the time, but it really is. The number one leading cause, I mean, all, all, all kinds of ailments.


[00:13:54] Anthony: it was, yeah, there's a lot of people that know a lot of things. It was


[00:14:00] And, uh, she is all about, uh, the skeletal muscle and the composition of the skeletal muscle and the difference between a tenderloin and a rib eye, right? All that fat, no fat, marbled, unmarbled, um, subcutaneous fat, fat around your organs, all that stuff. And then that muscle being healthy, the sweat session.


[00:14:52] So, um, it, it acts as, um, it helps every system in your body. to have lean [00:15:00] muscle, lean muscle instead and prevents helps you be strong against resisting diseases and et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. It's really an interesting, uh, interesting bunch of studies going on right now about how darn important lean muscle in your body is.


[00:15:31] Ah, your blood sugar's like floating with high. You're you're the years and years and years. Not until this last checkup, after I hit my goal with your program, did he finally look at me and give me like one of those attaboys like, yeah, right. I'm like. Dude, if you didn't say something, I was still like going to knock you down.


[00:16:11] Just that number. I don't care if my waist stays the same. Cause I'm fine with it. I'm good. I asked if, if I could just move it around a little, right. Reduce this, increase a couple of things I can do well. Um, yeah, I got off on a wild tangent there, man.


[00:16:37] A you absolutely crushed it. Um, also I just, it was interesting and I'm kind of more reflecting at a high level of your process as well as what you shared. You knew that exercise was like that linchpin for you. That thing was lacking in the past, and so this program gave you a way to do that in an effective form of exercise, which then strengthened your resolve and your consistency with [00:17:00] nutrition.


[00:17:20] So it's like, obviously this is way more holistic and sustainable because like you have so many different areas that are like coming together into this solidity, and obviously you've got a lot of results too, on top of that. So I see how this is like game changingly good for you. And that's like. So cool to hear I'm pumped up for you And yeah, and I think every guy listening to this like my question would be like, what is your linchpin aspect of your life?


[00:17:57] You have insulin sensitivity. Like [00:18:00] everything just works better. And then if you're in the back nine, like Gary, like, holy crap. Like, do you need to maintain your muscle? Now the longevity anti aging expert docs are saying that your muscle mass is like completely correlated very tightly with your lifeline.


[00:18:24] Gary: interesting. Very interesting. Uh, I, I credit two of my kids. I got four kids.


[00:18:56] I never fit in and clicked with the right. [00:19:00] Activity. And this is, this is, this is another really important point. We can come around to it again later, but you've got to find an activity, the absolutely love. Yeah. You don't like lifting to a little, find something you love. And I'll get back to that. I credit my kids with helping me realize and find my, my fitness minds.


[00:19:43] And my son, uh, is in the military. Uh, he's a lieutenant in the air force and he is jacked. This is a kid I used to knock around even when he was full size. Like, he was my size, look at me in the eye and I could still knock him around. And now I [00:20:00] don't even want to play knock him around anymore because he's, he's way jacked.


[00:20:38] Um, and I had like, I think I had 15 pound dumbbells at the time. He was like doing twenties cause he's that guy. But I'm going to tell you right now, now that my grandson is going to turn seven and he's already like working out with dad, man, I can't wait. I can't wait. Me and Lucas, Lucas, you're listening to this.


[00:21:15] So now we're talking about inside of the father. In the Facebook page, seeing guys struggle, seeing guys cheer them on. I was a struggler. I got cheered on. I saw struggle. I cheered on, you know, and the insight that I was able to gain from my year plus journey, uh, with it, I feel like I'm in a very good position to reach back in and help out when other folks are struggling, I think I got a decent insight because I w I was there too.


[00:21:55] Anthony: let's talk about that immediately right now. I want to hear about what your specific struggles were. Was it a [00:22:00] period of time on the program? Was it an aspect of the program? What did you struggle with?


[00:22:12] Gary: that. Part of the struggle sources was, were part of the struggles were, uh, I have gym equipment in the basement. I, I hate going into the basement.


[00:22:45] I used it a little just inconsistency, total inconsistency. Wasn't, wasn't, I don't know, I don't know why, I don't know what to, I don't know why I couldn't get there. And the program, I actually found a gym local, someone said, I, [00:23:00] I, no, no, I joined with father and I took like, um, like a park and recreation sponsor.


[00:23:38] And every once in a while we get out a little weight and I'm like, all right, so I'm, I'm not quitting this. I don't, this is not my vibe. This was not my, this was not a good fit, but I, I was not going to quit. I was, I signed up for the class. I paid for it. I'm in, I'm gonna do it. I went, don't did the whole [00:24:00] thing while I was there.


[00:24:21] It was really nice. The sense of community inside my gym. So this is a key point for me. Community is super important. And while I feel like I'm a strong person, I'm a self starter, I'm a driver. I can do stuff on my own. If I got teamsmanship, if I have community, which is again, if the father piece of community for sure, helps me stick with the program.


[00:25:15] It's the weirdest thing. Maybe you guys can relate. I do something that makes me feel good and I do it and they do it and they do it. I feel good. I feel good. And I feel so good that I don't have to do it today. And then that today, today turns into like the next time I don't have to do it. It turns into three days and the next day it turns into a week.


[00:25:50] So I'll throw it out there for you and all your, all your smart, smart folks that you talk to. Why do we stop doing stuff that makes us feel so good? [00:26:00] We just stop. I just stop. I just walk away. So back to spinning. I find spinning. I'm like, someone once told me I should try it. I really like, I'm like, nah, I don't know.


[00:26:43] And I mean, shredding numbers. I sent you, I sent you a picture of my, my feedback screen there. My average watts were like, my highest I ever did was like 242 average watts, which is nuts. I don't know how it happened. I don't, you know, 180, 190. [00:27:00] I regularly peg over two, which is, which is good. I'm happy to do that.


[00:27:24] It was a turning point because, and I would have never joined a gym and I would have never gone to an exercise class. I would have never done any of that. If it weren't for seeing the Fitfather thing, looking online, doing my research. Is it for real? What is this thing? You know, I always look at reviews. I, I'm like, uh, maybe like a little detective, you know, I go out and I find stuff out and I was like, yeah, this is legit.


[00:27:54] Anthony: No, I'm not going lifetime. That's, I


[00:28:07] And then I pay for the lifetime anyway. So. If you guys are on the fence, do it because, you know, um, I don't know. It was good. The spinning is absolutely awesome. I sweat, there's it, there is a, like a river of sweat running down the bike. The floor is soaked. When I'm done, I drink a half gallon. This is, oh, the, we will talk about water later too.


[00:28:34] Anthony: it. Hey, it's Dr. Ray. I want to quickly pause this episode to thank you for listening to this Fit Father podcast. I am just blown away at how amazing this podcast has become. I had no idea when I started FFP around 10 years ago that it would grow into such an impactful mission.


[00:29:06] I want to talk about water in a second, but I also just want to really make sure people caught a lot of the subtleties of, of what you were sharing, is one, you were inconsistent because you didn't enjoy your gym environment in your dungeon basement, and like, how are you going to find, and yet, we can contrast that with the joy you describe of your spin.


[00:29:39] And so how good does it feel to be in the zone? I think half the reason people play sports is not because they actually love the sport, but they love the feeling of being in flow and you're finding flow in this. So that's restorative to you on a mental emotional level as well as physically. Right.


[00:29:51] Gary: You, I, I. The leap you did, did you do an interview with some, somebody else about, about zone [00:30:00] psychology and flow, flow psychology and being in a zone? Oh yeah, we've done some flow stuff for sure. Um, it's, it's so like what you just said before, before I had spinning, you know what my thing was to get, to get, uh, to get that head space off of myself.


[00:30:36] And I'm not like looking, I'm not driving a meditative. I'm not going into it even with spinning. I'm not going into it with anything other than. You know, this is my goal for, what's my goal for today? What's my, what's my ride goal today? And it's like, okay, minimum, uh, minimum watts, minimum mileage, average RPMs.


[00:31:05] Anthony: It's activating deep parts of your psychology, too, because it's, uh, you're competitive with yourself. You're tracking numbers. There's a sense of completion afterwards.


[00:31:33] And, and obviously seasonally, it's going to change for you. You know, being in Connecticut, like coming into the winter, you guys are cold as shit in the winter. So being able to go to spin class is something that's very sustainable. So I love that.


[00:31:48] But, uh, it is New England, so I have a walk behind snowblower, and I have a 200 foot driveway that goes up. And people are like, [00:32:00] you don't. I'm like, I do. I absolutely do. I walk that thing up and down, up and down. It doesn't matter what the snow amount is. I'd never have a plow and I'm walking it. The only, I guess the only better thing I can do is hand show it, but I'm not going back that far.


[00:32:15] Anthony: yeah, I agree. I think you're, you're in a good spot there. I want to, let's talk about water


[00:32:33] I'll do some upper body cause nice, you know, spinning is arguably like one set of muscles repeatedly, never changes, even though they're street positions and you do a bunch of stuff, it really is, uh, you know, it's. It's, um, I don't know how to put it. It's not broad spectrum. It's, it's, it's like this. So I'm, I'm absolutely aware that I need to continue to hit other, other ways.


[00:33:08] Anthony: Hydration. Yeah. Hydration. said something a lot of guys relate to that you hate, you hate water and your water looks like it's a different color than normal water.


[00:33:16] Gary: So, um, there's a quote by WC Fields. It's pretty racy and I'm probably not going to give the whole thing here. But he said, I never drink what he was old, drunken guy. He was a comedian. If you guys are too young, you know, you 40 year olds who don't remember 50 year olds who don't remember WC field was you wore a hat, he drunk, drank a lot.


[00:34:05] So I'm a Pellegrino guy. I got, and I, and sodium is not an issue. The bubbles don't seem to be an issue. I've asked my doctor. I've read, I've done a little research. So, um, so amazon. com brings two cases of Pellegrino bottles, the big plastic ones to my house, uh, twice a month. And in the morning, um, in the morning I, I put in here, uh, this is hydration and I usually drink a little bit more.


[00:34:50] So, okay. So I don't like water. I found Pellegrino. I love it. Um, and you know what people like, Oh, Pellegrino, it's so bougie. It's so expensive. You know [00:35:00] what you guys probably spend more on a cup of coffee, a latte or whatever, a Starbucks coffee, the Dante, the tall one than I do on a bottle, a bottle of, of, of, uh, mineral water with some bubbles in it.


[00:35:40] Um, I, I, I taste some, so wait, back on hydration and I'll get off on the, on the supplement stuff later. But, um, so it's kombucha and those, uh, those effervescent fizzy, uh, vitamin pills and a bottle. Do you know the brand


[00:36:02] Gary: V O O S T, Amazon sends them too.


[00:36:33] I can, I drink one of those for a spinning session, 45 minutes. Um, I drink one all day long. If I'm, if I'm not spinning, I'll drink one anyway. And then I always have like a bottle of Pellegrino. I have two offices, one in my home and one is a real office and I always have Pellegrino laying around. Um, I can't even tell you the last time.


[00:37:18] I had a big, I had a big 20 ounce glass, like a big 20 ounce plastic filter. And I made my, I cut myself a deal. I bribed myself. Actually, it's a, it's a trick I learned from somebody else's book. about pairing stuff up. When you want to change a habit, you pair, that's a cop job. You pair up something you don't want to do or don't like with something that you like.


[00:38:07] And I couldn't have my coffee until I drank 20 ounces of water. My man, dude, I got, I got 20 ounces of water. I could count 13 slugs. I knew I could do it in 13 and I hated it every morning. I was like, all right, here we go. I'm doing it. And I just kept doing it and doing it. And honestly. You guys said this.


[00:38:59] [00:39:00] Dehydrated all the time. You know what coffee does, does to you? You know, it's a diuretic, um, and I would, I would drink six coffees a morning and I just, you know, hit the, hit the ground running now. Now I don't drink six coffees anymore because I make my coffee and my, my, uh, my, my bottle at the same time.


[00:39:44] Um, so my routine in the morning, this is part of it and there is a subliminal aspect to it because of the, the vitamins and, um, and kombucha, right? Raw kombucha, gut health, all those microorganisms. [00:40:00] Um, I love yogurt. I eat, I eat Kobani vanilla, but not every day. Um, but every day I do drink kefir. So when I take my, when I take my medicine, I still have a few meds that I take.


[00:40:41] I mean, I know all the stuff, you know, the multivitamin that's got all kinds of crazy stuff in it. Yeah.


[00:40:49] Gary: And my, my diet is so, um, so varied. I mean, I eat. I eat everything in the, I eat everything in the world except for [00:41:00] kidneys and sea urchins. Kidneys, uh, kidneys, you can't get the smell out of them no matter what you do.


[00:41:35] Um, cherry tomatoes I'd put in the center island of our kitchen. I put, um, a three tier basket and I always, always have got like a couple of apples and some grapes and some kind of tomato, cherry tomato, plum tomato, whatever it is, and maybe an orange, not so much, but. [00:42:00] And, uh, and then that's my, that's my snacking now.


[00:42:10] Anthony: That's cool. And that's subtle. Again, I think you do a lot, you do a lot of subtle things, right? Um, But just the visual reminder of having that in your kitchen, these whole foods that are full of color probably is a constant reminder of Oh, I eat healthy foods and with your chef background, ingredient quality is so drilled down into probably your soul, like even deeper than your mind that it's probably not a problem for you to go for ingredient quality ingredients.


[00:42:48] Like you have this early morning anchor that's consistent, and then you eat a wide variety of foods, but they're all whole, mostly non processed foods. So that's awesome.


[00:43:23] And I know that's a glycemic index hitter, but I also know, I believe from, from my, my, I'm not sure where I got it. Somebody along my, along the line said to me, I'd rather have you eat, if you're going to eat bread, white bread, I'd rather have you eat white bread covered with butter, um, or in olive oil, then just eat white bread.


[00:44:16] Carbohydrate, but it's uh, it's a super food. It's it's good for you and the skins for sure I I love the skin more than you know, where the inside sometimes I not talking about fried potato skin I'm


[00:44:35] Is that been a part of your journey? Have you followed the phase two recommendations of any? Yeah, I did it


[00:44:59] [00:45:00] However, I still do value, I highly value. I believe in it in our, in our, um, in the way we should live is the way that we, um, um, evolved. Thank you. The way we evolved was not having the level of access to food that we have. And it was within the last 200 years. That was a rapid, rapid change. Uh, 200 years ago, even, you know, a lot of people didn't, didn't get the daily meal.


[00:45:45] Anthony: energy to process food.


[00:45:58] And there's [00:46:00] two, there's just two or three kinds of meetings to have. And they all involve putting something in your mouth, right? So the easy one for everyone is happy hour, right? And it's, you know, it's that, or the two martini lunch thing. I really try to stay away from those. I do them when I have to, I work with a lot of attorneys.


[00:46:43] I back, I know that I know the owners. I'm like, listen, I know it's, I know it's eight in the morning, but I would like a chopped salad, hard boiled eggs, some blue cheese and the whole nine yards. And I want you to take some of that awesome smoked salmon you have, and I don't care what you charge me, put the [00:47:00] smoked salmon on top of the salad.


[00:47:19] It's just a, it's such a great food. Um, I eat canned salmon too. People like, Oh, what is that? What is that stuff? It's like, look at the protein in here. And the bones are like all soft and crunchy and eat the whole, you know, sardines in a can. I mean, you know, not everyone has the palate for that. I'm feel, I feel sorry for guys that don't have a real wide palate.


[00:48:03] Forever. Forever. And it, it probably goes back to, uh, you know, my, my, my, um, my heritage, my, my mom and my, uh, my grandparents, um, and being a little kid and, you know, getting praised for eating. So I, I turned food into a, into a, into a career. Um,


[00:48:30] Gary: I think you're going to like this. I do free meal when I want to. I'm good. I do free meal when I'm, when I need to, I need to, but I can still make, yeah, I can, you guys, I can, you can make a free meal better than a free meal. You can have two free meals sitting in front of you and one is just marginally better for you than the other one.[00:49:00]


[00:49:24] But when you're melting cheese, you know, have the lower one, um, you know, increase the vegetables. Um, I do, I do these omelets, man. I do omelets. Like my meals are a lot of vegetables. And a lot of protein, a lot of, a lot of sea protein, fish protein, definitely steaks, uh, some pork every once in a while, very lean, definitely chicken, no skin.


[00:50:23] Um, and then I just bind everything with eggs and I usually can't finish what I made. It's only two or three eggs. But it's so much vegetables. It's a full, it's a full 12, 10 inch saute pan. It's fall. And maybe I'll come back to it for lunch. Share it with the dog. Yeah,


[00:50:57] Gary: I wrote down a couple of things. So I'm going to look down at [00:51:00] it every once in a while. One of my favorite ones, and I use this with a lot of people. I'm a, I'm a mentor to some folks in some other regards. Um, and absolutely to my kids. I'm their dad and I'm their mentor as well as some other young people in my life.


[00:51:43] And I'm going to keep doing what I'm doing because it works. And if you don't like the shape you're in, like I was. For a long, long time. Those pictures go back a long ways, man. Um, I wasn't happy about it and I finally got to [00:52:00] the place where I could do something about it. So you're happy to what you're doing.


[00:52:27] It's really hard. Um, but it's doable and it's important to do hard things every day. You should do a hard thing. And I don't even mean just about weight loss. I mean, do a hard thing, like just pick something. Um, do a cold shower instead of a hot shower. That's not fun. Sometimes that's hard, but to do a hard thing, um, I got garbage cans.


[00:53:17] My arms are killing me. My quads are on fire. And they do it anyway, because I did a hard thing today. I'm doing it. I'm just doing a hard thing. My car needs to go in the shop. It's about two miles away. I drive it down there and I walk home. Why? Do a hard thing. Do a hard thing. That's what you need to do.


[00:53:54] Maybe somebody does, but not me. Um, another one that I found pretty [00:54:00] cool, uh, uh, written in chalk on the wall at my gym. And that's, that gym gives me such a sense of community, like the website, like the tit father inside the thing. Train the quit out of you. I love that. Train the quit out of you. Take it on any level you want.


[00:54:41] Don't ever, don't ever hesitate to ask for help. Just don't quit. That's it. Sound sounds easy. It's easier to say than it is to do because you know what, who knows what tomorrow is going to bring for me. You know what? I, who knows? I could fall, I could fall again, fall off my exercise wagon. [00:55:00] You know, I fell away from yoga for, for years.


[00:55:32] Anthony: and butter, right?


[00:55:33] Gary: complete vegan gold medal. First time ever. Anyway, he said to me, we were talking and he said to me, he said, you know what, Gary, he said, your warning sign, you know, uh, is three days. You can miss yoga for one day. You're okay. You miss it for two days, you can still be okay if you miss three days. It's a flashing red light, it's a warning sign.


[00:56:16] I hardly ever get that one done. I get one, you know, but I spin five times. I do three or four or five yoga sessions. I was on a kick before my birthday. Again, I'm not strong upper body guy. I never was. I don't have these big pecs and biceps. They're kind of small, you know, but a hundred pushups. So in a week, right, so I could do 10 on one day and 10 in the morning and 10 in the afternoon and this guy, this chef was actually, um, he's 71 years old and up until recently he could do 100 push ups and he's compromised.


[00:57:13] Anthony: yeah, the resounding theme in all your advice is like this, this, like the actions we're taking actions.


[00:57:35] It's do, do, do. And it's through action, despite what our mind may say in any given moment. And I think you've just really lived that like you're getting things on the schedule, you're taking action and things are changing as a result.


[00:57:50] If you try a thing and you don't like it, don't, don't say I'm done. Just try another thing and don't stop trying things until you find yours. You will. I also got my wife, um, [00:58:00] another impact on my family. You know, uh, I'm, I'm a guy who could start something and go like a million miles an hour on a thing.


[00:58:29] She can't, she can't hit it at the frequency that I do, but she's already like tracking, tracking her average Watts and working on her resistance and. It's awesome. It's awesome. She's you know, it's like it's what I wanted.


[00:58:55] Gary: Setting an example. That's everything right there [00:59:00] I'm setting an example everything else is good about it falls under that in one way or another if it's if it's my diet or my or my physical routine or the way I charge into a day The way I conduct my business as a result of it, the energy I have to get stuff done.


[00:59:42] That's, that's the best thing in the world.


[01:00:04] Thanks. I


[01:00:24] You're good to talk to, man. I'd love to hear some more about your story too. Okay. Peace out. Thanks for


[01:00:31] Gary: episode of the fit father project podcast. If you


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[01:01:18] This is Dr. Anthony Balduzzi signing off. I'll see you in the next episode.



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