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"Songs for Nobodies" is a Show for Everybody!
5th December 2021 • Saint Louis In Tune • Motif Media Group, LLC
00:00:00 00:40:17

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Vocalist Debby Lennon and Director Pam Hunt are back together for an encore production of Joanna Murray-Smith's "Songs for Nobodies." This one-woman powerhouse performance weaves the music of legendary divas Judy Garland, Patsy Cline, Billie Holiday, Edith Piaf, and Maria Callas throughout a mosaic of stories told by the everyday women who had unexpected life-changing encounters with these musical icons. The show is a Max and Louie production.

[01:00] Background

  • Debby Lennon

[03:06] About "Songs for Nobodies"

[05:13] Storytelling, singing, and melting into 10 roles

[08:15] Special considerations when you are the only one on stage (besides the musicians)?

[12:00] Why this works for Debby Lennon

[14:45] Learning the styles of Judy Garland, Patsy Cline, Billie Holiday, Edith Piaf, and Maria Callas

[18:50] Covid safety protocols for the performance

[20:37] Debby Lennon singing, "I'm All Smiles"

[24:04] Background

  • Pam Hunt

[26:23] An encore production-more details of the show

[29:42] From choreographer to director

[31:24] Learning lessons from some leading ladies and men

[32:59] Differences the second time around

[34:15] Advice to budding stars

[38:27] League of Professional Theatre Women

This is Season 4! For more episodes, go to

#music #theatre #stlouis #maxandlouie #max&louie #pamhunt #debbylennon #thegrandel #nightclub #cabaret #judygarland #patsycline #billieholiday #edithpiaf #mariacallas #choreography #choreographer #director



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