In this episode of “Ask the Tech Coach,” Jeff and Susan discuss the importance of Social Media in todays classrooms and academic programs.
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How Can Tech Coaches Support Social Media Usage In The Classroom
- Should classrooms involve the community in their daily activities?
- It is important to bring the community stakeholders, and of course, parents in so they see the positive things going on in schools and classroom.
- So much feedback comes from parents who enjoy seeing their students in photos throughout the day doing normal activities.
- Should teachers create Social Media accounts?
- Keep in mind school/district guidelines in personal vs. professional accounts.
- Many people use Twitter in a more professional manner and Facebook for personal. Susan talks about this concept as Twitter stays professional with her, but Facebook is majorly personal with professional items added in because a tech coach and educator is “Who I Am, and I enjoy sharing that with family and friends.
- Should school programs create Social Media accounts?
- This is, often, handled through a district or school PR department as they develop policies in many cases as to how posts should be structured.
- Sometimes, though, it is up the the teacher/sponsor of the program to create these accounts and keep them going to recognize student achievements.
- Rules to follow when it comes to social posting
- Know the school policy on photos and social media
- Work with your school district PR department (if you have one)
- Work with your teacher to see if students are or are not allowed to be on Social Media
- When to post … or not to post
- Talk this over with your principal/district leadership and gauge their support with posting to recognize student work and accomplishments.
- Many teachers use apps such as Class Dojo, Seesaw, Bloomz, etc to share quick photos of students which parents love to see.
- If it is something great going on and you are featuring various angles of a lesson or project, by all means, post those as soon as possible.
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