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SADBOY - Revisited
Bonus Episode25th January 2022 • Gay Music: In the Key of Q • Dan Hall
00:00:00 00:07:17

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Featuring new material made public for the first time, Hip-Hop artist SADBOY discusses his five favourite songs plus the one track that he'd chosen as a gateway song into his catalogue.

Series 2 of In the Key of Q will begin on 1 March 2022.


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Hello, it's Dan here. In the Key of Q is on hiatus until the first of March, but until those new episodes drop, here are clips from the patron exclusive feed, plus other treats from the main episode to keep you occupied. This week we revisit SADBOY.

Hello and welcome to our special Patron episode of In the Key of Q, in which we welcome back SADBOY to talk to us about his five songs to save from Armageddon. Welcome back, SADBOY.


What's up, everybody?


Now I'm afraid to report to you that the end of the world is coming. I know.


Is it really?


The end of the world is coming and you can only rescue five songs.


Five songs.


Five songs out of all the songs in the world. Now, what five would you choose and why?


Oh, I probably, though, don't have like a type of being on them. I would definitely say they'd by Rashad. I would take a little bit by likely. I would take Your Girlfriend by Robyn. I would say Doing It Right by Daft Punk and by my favourite that everyone like kind of stones me about my life my overall favourite would have to be Cash Raised by Tanasha.


And what would be your reasons for those choices.


Saying it's like a hybrid of record where it's kind of like in the crust between. It's like, is I I don't know, like the energy in that right age is like it gives like Matrix Jungle have to like fight for my life and.

Likely where her is kind of like a calm settling vibe that I can use and then where Robyn’s Call Your Girlfriend is very the record is real hard. As in it has a lot of triumph in it, but it's like it's kind of like you need to settle things out between whomever at that moment says it's the end of the world. So and doing it right by Daft Punk, because you know, oh, it's the end of the world. So why not have a good time?


Good reasoning.


Cash released by Tinashe because it brings up the vibe and you know you. And then at the end, it's kind of like a switch up in the record. So like so it's really a point where like, you can talk your shit.

So like, I imagine that to be like the scene where like you kill the zombies, like on the crazy part, like on like a massive level or so I think that.


I have my vision of the end of the world is it's really bleak space. Where is your vision at the end of the road is going to be like a Hollywood movie, you know, possibly the happy ending.


And it just shows I play too many games at the child.


Do you find as a musician listening to other people's music still really, really inspiring?


Oh yeah, I think I grab. I think as a child, I grabbed a lot from the mainstream, and I think now I grab a lot from the underground. I feel like what mainstream? The only thing I can really grab from them is like the production value and how they do things on stage and everything and lighting.


But other than that, underground got it for like four when it comes to like talent and being creative, like, that's why I drew a lot from. I think also for me, I grew up in the age of Limewire and in, like in my space and it like digging through Tumblr for records and before SoundCloud became like a major label thing, like it was just so much great content. I would like honestly on my weekends and when I got home from school, I'll just dig the internet for whatever I could find.


That sounds like a much better thing to do with the internet than what everybody else was doing, which is find pornography.


Yeah, that's good stuff.


My main aim really on this podcast is to allow musicians like you to reach a wider audience is wider international audiences, ideally, and also for audiences to discover your music and to not feel themselves alone in the world.

If there was one song of yours that, well, it was a perfect entry into your catalogue, what do you think it would be?


I think I'm going to have the track AM To PM. AM to PM is kind of like it's a really soft. Like to me, I feel like it's a bubblegum sad boy record, but it is really soft and is full of love and is very light.

It's just expressing to whoever you love at the moment or you're entertaining at the moment that you want to be with them and ride for them and be everything that you can.


SADBOY, thank you so, so much for joining us today, and we really look forward to hearing more of your material coming out in this year.


Thank you.


You've been listening to In the Key of Q. The opening theme is by Paul Leonidou at Check out the show notes for links, including a Spotify playlist to complement this episode. The podcasts home is that and over on our Patron page, you can find exclusive content.

Many thanks to Kajann Kantha and Moray Laing. Please rate and subscribe the podcast and follow us on social media. This episode is produced by me Dan Hall for Pup Media Consultancy. See you next Quesday!



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