In the series finale, producer Pennie Latin Stuart catches up with Parklands’ MD Ron Taylor to reflect on the year. It was a year with low points such as the decision to closure Parklands’ smallest care home in Ullapool amid spiralling costs – “the hardest decision I’ve made in 30 years in care.” But 2023 also saw Parklands save two under threat care homes in its Moray heartland, safeguarding 80 jobs and ensuring continuity of care for 70 residents. And as hundreds of residents, staff (past and present) and friends gathered in Buckie to celebrate Parklands’ 30th anniversary, Ron Taylor reflects on what his grandfather – the inspiration behind Parklands – would have made of it all. “I think he’d be proud,” he says modestly. He’d arguably be prouder still of Parklands’ ambitions for the future as it continues to expand its presence in the Highlands, Moray and Aberdeenshire.