Join me on this episode of The Abundant Coach as I sit down with Natalie Ledwell, co-founder of Mind Movies. Discover how her powerful visualization tools and strategies for uncovering hidden blocks can transform your coaching business. (and your life!) Natalie shares actionable insights and personal stories that will inspire you to use all 3 elements of manifestation to create incredible results.
Don’t miss this chance to learn from one of the leading experts in the field. Tune in and start your journey towards a more abundant coaching business today!
All right. Welcome. We have got such a good one for you today because my next guest is the founder of mind movies, which has reached more than 10 million people worldwide. She's also the host of the podcast. Just different. I think many of you know her. So let's give a big warm welcome to Natalie Ledwell.
Natalie, thank you for being here. Thank
Natalie Ledwell: you
Lauren Brollier Newton: so
Natalie Ledwell: much for inviting me. I'm
about your mind movies lunch [: Yeah.:Natalie Ledwell: What's even more astounding is that the place that we started from was that Glenn, my business partner, could hardly turn on a computer. And I hadn't even heard of YouTube when we started MindMovies and we had a business partner that came to us with the idea and he goes, I'll teach you. I'm like, Okay, so we put one video up on YouTube the first day there was nothing.
es and I was like, what? And [:So within months we had that many people saying, this is changing my life. I'm like, all right, boys, we have to figure out this internet thing. How do you do the internet? Like, how does this work? Cause I didn't even know how people were finding our video within the means of videos that were on YouTube.
And so we realized that you could purchase programs online that would teach you how to do it. So our first one, the first product we bought was a product called Mass Control by a guy called Frank Kern, who was pretty well known in the internet marketing circles. And it costs 2, 000, which back then was a big investment for us.
four day cash machine, which [: oing a live event in April of:So even in social situations, we were. Talking marketing, like we were just becoming sponges. We surrounded ourselves with these kinds of people and also were accepted into Frank's mastermind group. Now, the funny thing about that is that it was actually 2, 700 a month, which we really didn't have. And I remember thinking, I'm like, I said to Glenn on the plane on the way over, we've got to meet this Frank guy and somehow get him to mentor us.
n are there going, should we [:I go, are you kidding me? I go, this is why we're here. I go, I can't believe I manifested this opportunity so quickly, put in the application and we got accepted. And of course, Glenn still admits that it was one of the smartest things that we ever did, because especially when you're going into a field that you're not really familiar with, not only is it like socially to have those kinds of people around you, but to be aligned with mentors that will give you the right advice, which was exceptionally important, like it was more important than, you know, it wasn't just the advice.
Because as we got closer to the lawn, everything that could possibly go wrong, went wrong. Our list went from 8, 000 to 80, 000 in just over a week. So our email company thought we must've been doing something illegal, so they shut down the account. So we had to get Frank to get on the phone with them and go, no, they're legit.
o they opened that up again. [:We're like, Oh, what does this mean? We ended up doing a hundred thousand dollars in the first hour. Our first day ended up on 288, 000. And in the end we did a 700, 000 launch. Now the closing down for maintenance, that meant that no one was receiving the confirmation email that they had purchased a program.
So we had 3, 000 customer support emails on the first day. And I was customer support. Yeah, it was.
lk about that you've shared, [:You go after it. Oh, there's this thing happening on YouTube. We got to learn about internet marketing and you go and you find the person that knows how to do it. If I could just impart that to every coach out there, I don't care if you ever come to Natalie Wedwell or Brave Thinking Institute. Just find someone that knows how to do it so you can cut down the pain and the learning curve and the wondering and what works and what doesn't.
I feel like personally feel pained when I watch coaches do that because it's like there's so many proven models that can work and there's not just one that can work. There's lots of different models you can use that work. Absolutely. So for those in the audience that don't know you or don't know mind movies, what is mind movies and how did you get the idea to start it?
Natalie Ledwell: so back in:And Glenn and I worked hard. We knew action was not a problem for us. We knew how to do that. Like getting to get it done. So I'm like, what am I missing here? And then not long after that, a friend said, look, you need to go online. You need to order this DVD. It's called The Secret. I'm like, okay. So I remember Saturday afternoon, we put the DVD in, we are watching this documentary and I'm like, where is this been all my life?
I started my first set of cassettes, Brian Tracy cassettes. So boss gave to me when I was 21 years old. So I'm like, how did I miss this? And so for me, it was like, I don't need to know the whole plan. I just need to know what that end result is. And for Glenn, it was like, when I visualized, he goes, Oh, I need to add emotion.
at he had created, which was [:So it was like this dynamic little slideshow, and I still get goosebumps when I think about it now. Ryan was a 30 something single guy, so it's a lot of girls in bikinis and cars that I did not resonate with. . I did understand the power of this dynamic little thing, and I'm like, dude, you have to show me how to do this.
And then, uh, The Secret was on Oprah, Jack and Lisa and those guys were on Oprah, and now everyone was talking about The Secret. And, uh, we thought this is the perfect time to launch an idea like this. And it didn't take us anything to create the product. Cause it was really just videos of Ryan recording his computer screen.
And that video that we created, that we put on YouTube, it was fun and dynamic and highly illegal. Like we didn't know what we were doing. We had the beginning of My Dream of Jeannie on there and YouTube music. Cause it
didn't really know what the [:Natalie Ledwell: Yeah. Yeah. And that little video was enough for people who were searching for. The secret, the visualization, law of attraction that they found that and went, Oh, this is cool. And in the beginning we didn't know we were charging 20 bucks and it wasn't until we started working with Frank. He goes, all right, first of all, we've got to take that video down.
The second of all, we've got to look at raising the price. So 97, which was access to the instructions. It's still 97 after all this time. But now we have software that you can go in and all the assets are in there. There's libraries of affirmations you can choose from you, you write your own, there's a library of photos or import your own.
Lauren Brollier Newton: Yeah, it's so cool. Now it's like a drag and drop where you can create this whole montage and you guys have all the images in there and everything that you would want. It's really cool.
Natalie Ledwell: Yeah. And then we'll be adding some AI to it as well. And there's pre made MyMovies in there that you can use and add and edit if you want.
which makes it so easy. And [: t me ask you this. So this is: So do you think in:Natalie Ledwell: No, I don't think so. And we've done many launches over the years. And they just got harder and harder. And of course with technology and everything, there's so many things that could go wrong, seriously. But these days you don't have to, you don't have to do a big launch like that.
some call to actions to your [:So you're getting people to click on a link or download a newsletter or a meditation or whatever it is that you want. So you start to build your list and you can start to create a business from there. Now, everything I just described doesn't cost you any money. I love it. Yep. Yeah.
Lauren Brollier Newton: That's the great news.
One of the things that pains me personally, because we train and certify so many coaches at Brave Thinking Institute. And just in the six years, I built my own business. One of the things that feels very painful for me is when I see coaches thinking they have to have the fanciest funnel or the best camera setup or whatever it is to get started.
And then they're not making money and they have this heart to serve people, but they never get out there because they think they have to have what. Tony Robbins has or Natalie Ledwell has or Mary Morrissey has at the starting gate. And so give me some additional advice. Cause I know you have a training program for coaches and give some advice to that person who thinks if it doesn't look like what Natalie has or what Mary has, I can't have it.
ied and we're still business [:And all of these things are really distractions from coaching. You can start with family members. You could meet people in the grocery store, or you can go to local networking groups. There are so many different ways that you can start coaching and earning money without. Cause sometimes we use all the, I need the website and the business cards and the social media that can be a distraction.
And yes, that's right. That's great. But you don't need that to start.
ness and I made my logo just [:I just made a cursive writing logo. And I had the same website for six years that I just threw up there when I first started coaching and I served tens of thousands of people without a lot of fancy stuff, really. Yeah. And so I'm just so glad it's going to be so refreshing for people to hear an expert like you, Natalie say.
I don't have to have all this fancy schmancy stuff. I can get started. And I love the question, what can I do to make money today? Because that just takes away all the distractions
Natalie Ledwell: right there. Right? Like, and it doesn't mean you don't do the other things, but you want to go, what can I do today? Can you put brochures or business cards in the chiropractor or some other local business?
Anything that you can do to be able to look at what is going to make me money, which also, when you're asking that question every day, it helps you to prioritize which actions you should be taking. A business card, that's way down. Even if you do a business card, these days people bump their phones together.
ike that, with the platforms [:And you'll always be growing and evolving. And with more information that you have, you'll be changing things and tweaking things. That's just the nature of the business. Yeah.
Lauren Brollier Newton: Put the minimum viable product up there, the minimum thing, and then let it evolve because you're not going to like it anyway, if you spend all this time on it, when you're brand new, six months later, you'll want something completely different and you spent all that time on it and yeah, it's just so good.
So energetically, like you talk about the secret, so we know that you got a mentor. You were willing to invest 120, 000 worth of credit cards to do it. There were some serious moves that you made on the spiritual side or on the energetic side. What was the mind game you were playing with yourself as you were launching all that, that you can look back now and say, that was the energetic recipe for success there.
atalie Ledwell: Obviously we [:We had a very clear picture in this mind movie about what it is that we wanted, what we wanted the launch to look like and what life looked like on the other side of it. Ryan, Glenn, and I were really the three doing all the work because actually we were existing on credit cards. When we went into this business, I knew how to use Word and I'm learning how to edit videos and write emails and set up autoresponders.
We had no choice, but we were so focused. And the three of us watched that My Movie every single day. And then we had some two guys come in as our JV managers. One was Jim Kwik, believe it or not, and another one, yeah, and Dave Bass. So they came in as our JV managers and we had a woman writing our copy for us.
And [:And we were all energetically vibrating at that level. And then things like when we'd get particularly stressed, which was a lot, we would change our state. So we'd get up from the computer. Get in the car, drive down, get a coffee. And then we go and sit at the dog beach in ocean beach in San Diego and just watch dogs running around and frolicking and having fun.
cally what that was going to [:Yeah.
Lauren Brollier Newton: So you didn't leave a lot of room for, Oh, what if it doesn't work? And what if this, it's like, you didn't leave room for a
Natalie Ledwell: lot of that. Even when we had those doubts. We had too many very smart, intelligent, experienced people around us that kept telling us that you guys are under something big here.
This is big. Yeah. No way you can fail. Just so out of the box for us, because in Australia, We have this tall poppy syndrome where if you're doing better than everybody else, everyone wants to try and drag you back down. And of course, when we're talking about internet marketers, we all go, yeah, we live in an abundant universe.
But when you work online, you really can embody that because the market is so huge, right? So these guys, everyone really wanted to see us succeed. And our target was a million dollars. We wanted a million dollars. Now, a lot of the guys around us were doing that kind of money, but their programs were like 2, 000 or 5, 000, that was 97.
But no [:So after six months, we finally got a friend of ours who was part of the mastermind with us, she was a, a lawyer. She went to town on these guys and they finally released the money. But because of everything that was going on economically, when we got the money back to Australia into our business account back there, we earned over 200, 000 in the exchange rate, getting the money back.
Like we basically did a million dollars. Australian dollars. We do amazingly to a million Australian dollars.
Lauren Brollier Newton: Yeah, exactly. If you want a million U S dollars or what? So there's going to be a lot of coaches listening to this, who are not mindset coaches. They're not life coaches. They're more in the realm of health or real estate or some specialty.
Would you be [:Natalie Ledwell: The movie makes it easy for you to imagine yourself already experiencing the things that you've described in your mind.
If you can't see yourself in your mind and can't feel the emotions of already being there, then you will have a very difficult time creating it in your reality. A subconscious mind doesn't know the difference. So when you can think of one of these moments, one of these slides in your mind, maybe one moment that you will be experiencing when you get there.
And when you close your eyes and you can see yourself and feel yourself experiencing, what are you hearing? What are you tasting? What do you can see? What are you touching? Make it so real. That your subconscious mind goes, Oh, this is our reality. And what happens is that you'll start to create these new neural pathways in your brain.
ural pathways, uh, traveling [:Now, when you start out, you might go, Oh, this is tough. I don't want to do this. And I'd rather sleep in, all of that. But, But when you keep visualizing yourself already thin and fit and strong and fabulous, getting out of bed to exercise, it's going to be so much easier. It just automatically feels easier because all your thoughts are in alignment with that going to be your result.
t me this really cool little [:Okay. Yep. I like that. Yep. I like to also decide what I'm going to replace them with because we can say, I don't want to think that anymore, but unless we've already decided what we're going to replace that with, we're just going to keep defaulting to those. I decide what I'm going to think instead. And then when I catch myself thinking a negative thought, I just go, cancel, cancel, cancel, only love exists here.
So I'm like, only love is here. And love is in alignment with what my vision is. And that's enough of a pattern interrupt and a pause for me to remember what I'm replacing that thought with. And then. Go into that thought next.
Lauren Brollier Newton: I, I love that so much. I think one of the powers I think of mind movies is if you're gonna work with affirmations, let's say without the imagery and you're just working with yourself on them, it can be so rigorous without the emotion, without the imagery.
e's another negative thought [:You watch that movie
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Natalie Ledwell: And I think with the photos and the images, it gives your brain something to build on and see.
But the secret sauce is the music take away from watching the secret is I have to feel the emotion. And what I'm going to feel when I get there and music is one of the fastest ways to be able to do that. If I'm creating a health of mind movie, I've got some kind of upbeat motivational thing. That's going to help me get motivated to exercise.
ecause that's the emotion. I [:Lauren Brollier Newton: I love that. Yeah.
Natalie Ledwell: So you can choose a piece of music or choose a song that you know is going to elicit the kind of emotions that you're going to feel when you get there.
And that is really what helps to accelerate the whole manifestation process because you've got to have the three. You've got to have your thoughts, your actions, and your emotions all in alignment.
Lauren Brollier Newton: This actually reminds me of something. So when I very first met Mary Morrissey, I was divorced. I was living in my parents basement, literally.
But when I met Mary, in some ways it's a very similar philosophy. She helps you create a vision statement. That has emotion that has all the five senses in it. And then you speak it out loud as if it's happening now. It's like you and your business partners did that launch has already happened. It's all out and this is great.
life, so it was like dateline:Not, what do I think I can do? Not, what does this past programming tell me? What would I actually love? I knew I wanted to fall in love again. So I'm a big country music fan. I live in Wyoming. I'm a country girl. So I had this country music playlist and it was all love songs. Some of them were upbeat, but it was all like the boy meets the girl and whatever the deal is.
And so this is when I was still working full time as a teacher. And it was funny because one day this teacher comes in my office and she said, Every time I walk in your office, I feel like I'm going to fall in love. And it was exactly what you're saying. Because what I was doing is I was playing songs that matched that vision.
And when she came in and she said that I get chills thinking about it because it's like the vibration was there. And I truly believe that lips like that were what helped me manifest my now husband because I just put myself in that state. This is what I'm doing now.
e law of attraction and it's [:So you go, okay, whatever energy you're emitting out into the universe is whatever is a vibrational match will be attracted back to you. And our emotions and our thoughts are that energy. Yes. So if your emotions and your thoughts and alignment with being in love and it's coming from like a healthy place, then you're going to attract exactly what it is that you're looking for.
eated a love of mine movie in:It's done now. So I updated my mind movie, my Love Mind movie, 'cause I still want all those things that I want these other things as well. Exactly. From this experience, I realized there's more so yeah.
Lauren Brollier Newton: Absolutely in this work and that he worked for my company when I owned my own company and he's in the Brave Thinking world.
[:Here we are talking about, Oh, this is lovely. And all the positive thoughts. What would you say to someone who feels like they have been. To the best of their ability, trying to align their energy, trying to practice law of attraction, and they don't feel like they're manifesting.
Natalie Ledwell: Normally that would mean that there are some programs running in the background.
s going to start throwing up [:If you're doing like manifesting six easy steps, you get into your happy place, you get into a high vibration, you set an intention, you create your vision board on MindMovie, you visualize, you take action, and then you surrender. But if you do those things, those are pretty basic things. Then you are like a magnet.
You are emitting the right frequency into the universe, but then you'll have your subconscious mind where it's stored all of these beliefs about who you are, how the world sees you, what you think your ability is to create money or to create success, and And most of it is dormant and running in the background.
And these thoughts have been such a natural part of how we think that we don't realize there's sabotaging our success until we start to challenge them. Yes. And that's when they start to come up.
g in the morning, like maybe [:It's likely that there's these programs running and they're being allowed to run without the interrupt, like you said, and no, that's not going here anymore.
Natalie Ledwell: Yeah, and I think that there are different things that you can do. Normally I start to become pretty obvious and I'll write them down and I do ask, okay, where did you come from?
Cause it helps me to understand that it's coming from a place like maybe an incident. That was pretty benign, nothing to write home about, that happened in my childhood, that my little four year old or five year old mind interpreted it a certain way and then took it on as my truth. I remember the first time I realized limiting beliefs existed.
We were in Sydney, we were helping a woman create a program. She was an NLP practitioner and she said, let's do this video on limiting beliefs. She goes, Nat, I need you in the video because I need to take you through a process. I'm like, I'm a pretty positive thinker. I don't think I have any limiting beliefs.
that you want? I'm like, no. [:I grew up in a big country family and there was always arguments and stress around money. So the fact that I thought that wouldn't have affected me, through a process, and I actually remembered a couple of incidences where, you know, Oh, like I associated, I remember getting teased at school and it was the rich kids that used to tease.
And so in my little five year old mind, I'm like, Oh, if you've got money, You're not a nice person. And any number of children could be in that situation and in that moment. And we all take something different. We all add a different meaning to it, but then that goes in as our truth. And I'm like, I want people to like me and this is how deep these things can be.
just bought bad wallpaper up [:Natalie Ledwell: Right.
Lauren Brollier Newton: Uh, cause it just runs.
But if you really think about this idea of, okay, if that's the program that's running in the back of my mind, that people who have money are not nice people. You're going to repel it as far away as you can repel it. Cause you don't want to be that. Yeah. And it's so tricky. It's so sneaky how they come in.
I remember when I first started dating my husband, we were maybe dating, I don't know, maybe six or eight months. And we went away for a weekend to a lake house with his family. And we come back on a Sunday afternoon and I'm like, okay, I'm going to go home now. And he's like, why don't you stay a little bit?
We'll order food, whatever. And I was just, I had no reason to go home other than I was like, no, I just need to go home. I need to go home. And he said, why are you like trying to run away? And it was that thing that triggered a thought on my drive home. I stayed a little longer and then on my drive home, I thought, yeah, why did I want to get home so fast?
ld, there wasn't really, you [:But it's appeared in such a sneaky way. Oh, I'm going to go home because it's Sunday afternoon. And I like that question. Where are you from? Where did you come from? Why are you here? Because it helps you realize it's not the going home early. It's something deeper. And it's only when we transform that you're really going to see the sustainable manifesting results.
Because if it's operating, like you said.
Natalie Ledwell: But you also want to go, are you true? Is this true? I remember when Glenn and I were married and we'd have any discussion around our finances. We're always getting into this like stressful angsty kind of a conversation around it for no reason. Um, until I sat down and go, where is this coming from?
was coming up. I'm like, Oh, [:Lauren Brollier Newton: And then it's interesting. I can choose a different way around this. I remember in the beginning when I first really got serious about personal development, cause I had studied it.
I didn't really do anything with it. It's like, I read the book and went, Oh, that's lovely. And then didn't do anything with it. But once I got really into it and I saw. All of these things are just patterns. Like, I know that's obvious now, but in the beginning, it was like, I just thought this is how all married couples were when I watched my parents, or this is how everybody felt about money.
Like I didn't realize you can choose a different way to think about things. Even if for decades, you've been doing it a different way. Like to me, that was the biggest light bulb ever. It was just like, Oh, this is a pattern. And there's other people in the world who don't run this pattern. So maybe I could be a person who doesn't run this pattern.
ife history and your parents [:Like I see this behavior patterns coming up, not you are doing this and knowing enough about his childhood and what his experience was, I'm like. I understand why you would have this pattern and it gives you a little bit of empathy and it stops you from getting triggered because it's not like their intentions are bad.
This is just a default behavior and a pattern that they have that when they are able to see it and acknowledge it, be able to change it. Yeah.
Lauren Brollier Newton: So funny, my sister and I both really into personal development and all of that. We can get a little bit dark and existential about things. Like even though we're positive people, like from the upbringing and everything, we can get a little dark and existential.
omeone needed to pull us out [:Natalie Ledwell: Like anyone who's listening to these podcasts, if you don't have the business that you want, or the money that you want, or the love that you want, you can just go back into your childhood and go, what was modeled for me back then, or what did I witness back then, or what happened?
Or what was told to me that maybe I took on as a belief. That's not necessarily true because up until the age of six or seven, our brains are basically in theta brainwave activity. We have no choice. Everything's just going in. Everything's going in. We have no discernment and everything that goes in, we're giving a meaning to.
Yes. Sometimes that meaning is good and sometimes it's not.
Lauren Brollier Newton: Yeah. And I think it's very powerful to start. So if you're the person who's holding that belief, because you can see, Oh, this is what my parents did, or this is what I grew up in. Yeah. It can be very helpful to look around the world for people who aren't having that experience, right?
ot happening here either. So [:If those two people over there can look happy, maybe I can look happy. And you just start to change your worldview, which is obviously why the mind movie comes in so much works so well as I get to see a different picture on the screen now. And I get to say, this is now my thing. I don't have to be this anymore.
Natalie Ledwell: And that's the thing for most people. We're really clear about what we don't want, which is great because you go, okay, that's what I don't want. Then what is it that I do want? What is the opposite of that? If that's the thing I'm releasing, what am I bringing in? And I really want to impress upon you how important it is to really think about what the opposite of that is.
hate my mother, I don't know [:So they start to shape our thoughts and our behaviors and the way that we see ourselves. Uh, I do a lot of work with a lot of OWL members on reframing. It's like, look, there are multiple ways you can tell a story of a situation that happened when you were young. From this place of evolution, this place of where you are now, what could that story be?
Like my mom and I did not have a good relationship. She technically, she was my step mom and she was doing her best just to keep me in line and I was a handful. She saved me from myself, but she was pretty full on when she did it. So I could go on about all the things that I felt hard done by and the things, injustices and everything when I was a kid, or I can go, look, she was tough on me.
dent and so resilient and so [:And then not long after getting those Brian Tracy cassettes, I'm like, okay, maybe this isn't coming from a healthy place.
Lauren Brollier Newton: But the interesting thing is if you've ever seen David R Hawkins map of the scale of consciousness. Yes. Okay. So there's at the bottom is shame, despair. And so one thing I've trained myself to do is when I'm feeling angry like that, I'm going Stick it to you energy.
One thing I'll say to myself is, you know what? At least I'm climbing up the scale. Cause I'm not down at despair and shame. I'm getting closer to neutral. So the anger has its purpose in the evolutionary scale. And eventually we have that moment where we're like, okay, maybe I don't have to approach it this way.
our intensity is starting to [:When you're resonating at a higher frequency for the majority of the time, you're It's what we call flow. Like not only are you easily manifesting the things that you want, but you're manifesting things that you didn't even know you needed. Things are coming to you like, Oh, who knew that this was going to be the next step.
Having daily practices and doing things on a regular basis that like little positive injections throughout the day that are going to keep you in that higher frequency is important. Now we're not saying be happy chappy all the time, because that's, we need to feel our range of emotions. That's really important.
But when you can be purposeful and intentional about being in those higher frequency emotions, you'll be amazed at how easier it is for you to see the
u're on that frequency. It's [:Yeah. So would you be willing to share with us your morning practice?
Natalie Ledwell: Yes. I actually just added a new thing to my morning practice because I now have a cold plunge. Oh my gosh. That's cool. Yeah. And I've realized I only have a certain amount of time. So there's a couple of things that I do. So here are the things that I do.
I meditate, a cold plunge. I watch at least one or two mind movies. I do my gratitudes. I exercise and I listen to some kind of education, some kind of positive. Now, if I was to do them just one at a time, that's going to take me a really long time to do that. I combine different things that complement each other.
le dog out for a walk and my [:Cause if I. Kind of think about it, a wuss out. So I got to do that first thing. And it depends like if I wake up really early, then I'll meditate early. But if not, I'll make sure that I meditate before I start working. Cause I want to be in a place where I am open to ideas coming in. Cause a lot of my role in my movies is more the content and the content creation.
So I'm always creating something new. So that open vessel for inspiration to come through. So yeah, so that they are the ingredients and I try hard not to do them in the same order or the same way every day, because if you get into a routine, all you're doing is living the same day over and over again and it loses its luster.
hings that's most important. [:Lauren Brollier Newton: I think that what you just said is probably the reason why the coach or a person who. Feels like they're doing all the step, but not having the result they want is it might be, I'm watching the mind movie. I'm going in my cold plunge, but I'm not actually changing my state. I'm not feeling the thing that's actually going to create the
Natalie Ledwell: manifestation.
And you think about it, like we said before, our thoughts and our emotions and the frequency that we're sending out. We want to make sure that they are in that higher frequency. And this is the reason that you do these things for you to feel
Lauren Brollier Newton: that it's not just a task list. It's not, Oh, I watched this. So now.
All right, God, give me the manifestation. That's like missing the point. So I want to ask you a question, Natalie, that I ask every guest who comes on this pod. So you're a coach and you're starting from scratch, so you don't get to have your email list. You don't get to take your social media following your coach.
You're maybe newly certified or you got this thing that you're doing and you're going to start from scratch. All right. What would be the first move that you made?
first thing I'm going to do [:Because that, you have no idea. Like even that little simple thing. This is how you can start to get your first client, start your first group coaching, because people go, Oh, really? I have a problem with that. I need help with that. Tell me more. Getting that down in a way that you feel really comfortable in saying it and that you feel it when you say it.
Like you can say, Oh, I'm a coach and people go, okay. But when you go, look, I'm a life coach that helps people, women in their midlife, figure out what their next chapter is or what their next step is. And if you're talking to someone who happens to fall in that category, they're going to go, Oh, that's me.
Like raise my hand. Yeah, [:Lauren Brollier Newton: that. And every time you say it, you're putting yourself in the state of this is who I am also.
Absolutely. Yeah. Yeah. I love that, Natalie. I love that so much. I want to thank you so much for being a guest on this podcast. You have just dropped so much wisdom to every coach out there listening. Where can they go and find you? We're
Natalie Ledwell: rebranding at the moment, so it's going to look really special very soon.
Oh, cool. When you go there, you can download some free Mind Movies so you get an idea of what a Mind Movie looks like. You can get some idea on some of the different programs and things that we have. And you can reach out to us through that website as well. So mindmovies. com. Beautiful. Natalie, you are just a
Lauren Brollier Newton: joy.
I could talk to you all day. Thank you again so much for being here.
Natalie Ledwell: Ah, thank you so much, Lauren. Always
hatting with you. Thank you. [:Be sure to subscribe to the show on iTunes, Spotify, or via RSS so you'll never miss an episode. And while you're at it, if you loved the show, give us a rating on iTunes and tell a friend. To find out how to jumpstart your abundant coaching career and more about my journey to seven figure coach Check out our free meant to be a life coach quiz available at slash coach quiz. See you next week