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Episode 2324th May 2023 • Fellowship Of The Reel • Philip A. McClimon
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The Fellowship Of The Reel reviews




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To listen to all of Phil's picks, click HERE


Snyder's Genres:












The Snyder Beats:














gathering the team

executing the plan

high tower surprise

dig deep down

execution of the new plan




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Crowd Ooohs and Ahhhs in Excitement by noah0189 -- -- License: Creative Commons 0

Crowd clapping.wav by IllusiaProductions -- -- License: Attribution 4.0



greetings realers my name is Philip and together with my wife Sherry and two of our friends Chris and James we're


Fellowship of the real four people who love talking about movies almost as much as we do watching


them we hope you will join us as we dig deep into cinematic masterpieces and some that are well maybe not


you have an opportunity to be the fifth host of our little show click the link in the show notes and leave us a voice


message telling us what movie you would like us to review you can also reach out on our Facebook


page Fellowship of the real from all of us at Fellowship of the real thanks for listening okay on with the


show at this point in the movie I'm like okay well here's here's what you should have done and I'm thinking yeah right


it's one of my favorite openings ever and I've watched that alternate ending and it is garbage it doesn't go where


you think it's going to go there's a monster I am I'm ready for it to be oh well I'm not sure I can even fully uh


explain why I love this movie so much


my feelings on it have not changed I fell asleep until the screaming this


is actually where I started enjoying the movie this is one of my favorite scenes in all of Cinema


I thought that should have been cut well I'm sure it's artistic and you just


don't get it okay here we are Fellowship of the real four friends and a movie uh we are going to roll right into this uh


Sherry we'll start off with her I guess we're settling on Sherry's queries is that what we're calling serious quotes


serious queries it kind of Rhymes she she can name it yeah you have it yeah


all right I just I was gonna say who said that who said that


okay well you said that all right well this is who said that or well actually I don't ask who said it


but what movie yeah well either way okay here we are cherries


wait a minute what movie are we doing today uh we're gonna start off with uh Throw Mama okay okay all right all right so


you ready yeah [Music]


all right Sherry okay the first one I have is I I hear this all the time and didn't really understand it until I


looked into it but anyway all right who said or what movie did hold on to your butts come from


yep Sam Jackson yeah I was struggling I I might have got there eventually but I


I was no it was actually in:


said hold on to your butts that's what she was referencing not Sam Jackson in them oh yeah well no I was referencing


yeah Samuel Jackson but I didn't know if it came from somewhere else but that's what who I who I hear it quote and I


didn't realize I'm stupid I didn't realize he was talking about your cigarettes well that's what I was about to say I was I might have always assumed


that he was talking about your butt you know like yeah you know hold on you know but yeah like you know like yeah exactly


yeah yeah put your head between them


he could be quoting someone else because I don't know that that was written for the movie no it was but I I don't know


someone had heard it anyway all right that's funny because I say that one like all the time like nobody like smokes in


my family but so I'm definitely referring to like your b-u-t-t like yeah no right like get on


the gas hold on you're like pulling out quicker and I'll say hold on your butts after I do it just there you go see I


wasn't even aware that I could say it so much until just now thinking about it you have to say it like he does yeah


under your butts yeah that's what I was thinking with that cigarette hanging out


all right the next one and this is the one I I wasn't sure where it came from or you can tell me what character


probably but anyway it's go ahead make my day oh [ __ ] sake yeah Dirty Harry


but what's the name of the movie is it made of force the enforcer it


might be the enforcer it said let's do a second what's the second one the magnum force is the


second one is that one oh I said Sudden Impact what like the fourth one


is a man's got to know his limitations okay yeah there you go Johnny Harry is making my day I thought it was the


second one yeah oh so he has one for every move yeah yeah yeah so magnum force is man's got to know his


limitations this is me trying to redeem myself Dirty Harry is make my day the third one was


Sudden Impact or the enforcement third one might be the enforcer it's


Sudden Impact was the movie that I read what movie says make my day well that's


y it's a catchphrase from the:


Sudden Impact spoke by her character yeah


God uh canceled


no I knew there were several and I was like okay well which one is go ahead


make my day what is the official orders Dirty Harry Magnum Force oh I didn't pull the enforce their Sudden Impact and


Deadpool yeah okay yeah but it's all the same character yeah


he hates everybody okay and Deadpool is the only one where Deadpool doesn't make an appearance that's the only Deadpool


in the franchise all right no he does not but Jeffrey Kerry does


yeah Jim Carrey is that to a Guns and Roses song uh Welcome to the Jungle when that was big or whatever this is what is


Dirty Harry's famous line This is did he fire six shots or only five the truth


and all this excitement I kind of lost track of myself so you gotta ask yourself one question do I feel lucky


well do you punk yeah yeah see I'm sorry well well gotcha


damn I'm so embarrassed for technicality I guess right well yeah but look but like and if it was Star Wars like and he


said Star Wars in the quotes actually from Empire I'd be like oh you missed it so it was Harry Potter yeah exactly yeah


so the right series The Wrong Movie well that's why if I did say this is who said


that you would have got it pick a quote from a 40 year old franchise well I think my day is


probably the most famous and so that's why I was like oh Dirty Harry it is Dirty Harry yeah but I was thinking it was the first too yeah but uh do I feel


lucky uh I didn't know there were four there's five I think right I have no


idea for us I thought dimples enforcer which which is the one with the uh the monkey


Indy a truck driver oh that's um uh Any Which Way You Can in Any Which Way But


lose yeah yeah Eastwood is these are 100 or that's


just like those are a lot of fun movies I haven't seen them in a long time but you like it because it's it's a


underground uh fist fighting ring shots fired man shots fired bear knuckle a bra


it was passive aggressive as hell and an orangutan that's really cool yeah I love


loving that's my turn Clyde boom yeah that's one of my favorite stories to tell about Chris is he came to me one


time he goes what do you think about an underground knife fighting ring and I'm like wouldn't all knife fighting be


underground welcome to ESPN where uh someone's gonna


die we'll talk about I say that all the time too I say left turn clock all the time anyway all right the last one and


it kind of has a relation I mean it has a a tie-in sort of to this movie that


we're talking about mama okay there's one character it's all right that it may


tie into okay you ready yeah these go to 11. oh this is fine okay


I hear that all the time I heard it I heard it at our


and I'm sitting there going do any of these people really know what that comes from because I would have never known


what it came from except by what except that I would watch the movie yeah but here and you hear the sustain I hear it


all the time yeah but it was one of the funniest lines in that movie to me oh


should I put the more on it because it was like last time was Clinic um Clint Eastwood Dirty Harry the movie yeah so


this was spinal tap Nigel tough no oh yeah yeah yeah that's the character that said it and he's talking to the director


about his amplifier yeah there you go why don't you just make 10 the most no this one goes to 11. that that's exactly


yeah no don't don't touch it well I wasn't you don't don't touch it okay so how


does that tie into today's how does that quote Yeah it's Billy


Crystal no Billy Crystal was the waiter um


Crystal's agent right well hang on I was going yeah yeah so Rob Reiner directed


spinal tap yes Billy Crystal was in spinal tap oh he was it was the mime waiters yes him and Dana Carvey was the


other waiter I did not know Dana Carvey oh see I didn't even realize that I just when I was watching last night and I saw


Rob Reiner and I thought oh you want to get nerdy let's get it yeah yeah yeah I had no idea that Dana Carvey was in that


and I completely forgot about Billy Crystal uh Dana carvey's also in the first Halloween I believe he's one of


the deputies like one of his very very first roles like like the original Halloween yeah


really wow I'd have to go back and look up he's just a deputy yeah I don't remember that at all like all and I know


Dana Curry's done lots of things but I guess I always see him as good hands in his head mid to late 60s guard so like


as soon as you said that I saw Garth like in Halloween you know like you know if he just like keeps killing me well


I'm just gonna I'm gonna better you know that's what I could hear in my head is Garth like getting ramped up about all these murders that was a horrible Garth


impression but y'all got the idea sure I'm uh a little chagrined about the


Dirty Harry thing uh we I knew the quotes but I completely make your dog team I did not feel lucky Sherry has rocked


Phillip oh my God he is sweating he's in a panic


I don't know why I should even go on all right chairs like did Bill miss four or


five I don't know welcome yeah this is James your new host yeah right uh gonna


be running the board so if everybody's turned down don't worry about it yeah I'll go I'll go cut your grandmother's grass or whatever hey that would be


appreciated all right Jerry that was a that was a Slaughter all right you're welcome sure


okay this is uh my no this is Sherry's pick yeah yes Throw Mama yes that's


funny yeah I don't think Sherry would have picked the other one I did not agreed but like when we we started watching


this I told the wife it was your pick and then I don't know somewhere in there I was like oh wait a minute no no this is this is a series pick this this movie


reminds me of Philip 100 of the time the creepy in individo for sure no just and


he's gonna say it I'm just gonna say it first before he gets to it is a writer writes always oh yeah that's that is


what he says just in life that is his to me that it I've oh yeah no I love that


phrase that I can apply to Phil that's that's it yeah no I say that constantly all right well it's it's about and I


have a headache behind my eyes I have a headache in my eye I I was trying to think of a movie to


pick and I had thought about this last year but when I was sitting at my computer


um one day at work and it tells the weather and it said humid I said I know


exactly what movie I'm thinking nice Versace I'm gonna kill her I'm gonna kill the


bedroom get you anything yeah give me a chunky and yes because Philip likes this and we


we do watch it yeah all right uh so let's uh we're doing money critics fans let's get into that


foreign [Music]


I'll do the money critics unless you have something that no okay cool uh Throw Mama From the train I was very


surprised by these numbers critics critics liked it okay 64 and I I looked


at Roger Ebert's review uh and he thought it did not live up to its


potential and he I think he gave it like two stars or whatever uh he thought it wasn't nasty enough like it was trying to be a dark comedy but he didn't think


it went dark enough um you know maybe uh but uh critics have


64 percent three and a half stars or above and this really surprised me especially when we talk about the box


office here in a second 54 of the audience which to me is way low


gave it three and a half stars or above over the course uh of its life so far uh


this movie came out in:


Rotten Tomato scores right yes yes so I always feel like and I've said this before I think like always I'm wondering


en Tomatoes was not around in:


they're way after the fact so some movies hold up some movies don't I think some movies even you know like I'm not


sure everybody can appreciate going back and watching a movie and letting you know when it was made right um like not


have an impact on you um writing just trying to view it as a good story or a movie yeah so I just I


always think about that anytime we talk about an older movie and the the scores I always wonder how much that like what the scores have been the same if Rotten


Tomatoes you know you know what I mean yes was around in 87. um now that being said the box office


belies those numbers because it had an estimated budget of 14 million dollars


which in that you know it's not a lot um I don't know how big David uh Billy


Crystal was at the time about 13 you know 13 million of that 14 I bet what do


you think yeah no I'm joking uh I know he had done this is before City slippers is it


before cities and what was that movie with uh when he played a cop with um Running Scared Running Scared yeah I


don't know when he wasn't interested yeah Gregory Hines that was before this year I don't know I


don't know I'd have to look so I didn't know after oh [ __ ] I don't know I would have we'd have to look now but I feel like it's after hearing about Sally but


before City Slickers okay yeah let me see I'm looking it up there you go yeah look if you can look that up so 14


million dollars now uh it was never released worldwide only


domestic which I guess I can understand that 100 domestic release uh 57 almost


58 million dollars on a 14 so uh anyway 57 million sorry uh on a 14 million


budget 7 million of that was the first weekend so it made its money many many times over it was consider it had to be


considered a a smash yeah this time Throw Momma from the Train was after Princess Bride that was in 87 after


Running Scared that was in 86 yeah and then Harry Met Sally 89 City Slickers 91


yeah so he was he was on the ride yeah so um Sally was after that okay yeah


yeah you can tell he was on the Rogers how he looks and just yeah the yeah no I I like crystal in this yeah yeah I've so


in the past I don't know month or so we've watched Harry Met Sally and all


these Billy Crystal movies and I've totally forgot Billy Chris Crystal's awesome he makes me laugh he makes me


enjoy these oh yeah absolutely but he's never been like hey let's watch a Billy Crystal movie right yeah it's so strange


yeah but he's awesome I don't know that I'd ever want to meet him in person probably not uh


about Billy Crystal is arrogant maybe yeah same thing with Bill


Murray yeah I don't know I don't know so much about I don't yeah but that's the byway good


yeah so I won't run down definitely Chevy Chase oh yeah for sure yeah just don't


meet your Heroes yeah you don't want to meet your Heroes but I really like pretty much everything that Billy Crystal's in


uh yeah it's interesting So like um and I think I do this every time and I guess just part of the the podcast but so late


did not watch these movies with me but he did come in on part of it um I guess I forced moments on him if he's not


gonna watch the whole thing I'll pause it and say let's come to home and come look at whatever I'm you know and he I


guess humors me on it but on this there was a scene it was the it was the coin collection scene but anyhow um


knows Danny DeVito uh he's seen Twins and he knows him from Always Sunny in Philadelphia yes he did not know really


Billy Crystal like he didn't he didn't know who he was I was like close your eyes listen to him for a minute and that wasn't the best scene for him to get


what I was getting at but like eventually he got it oh That's Mike Wazowski from [ __ ] Monsters Inc oh


it's so interesting like the the disconnect from yeah you know the you know the other Generations like what what they remember people for you know


what I mean yeah absolutely like that was weird yeah um so so you know talking you know talking


about the life of it and then Rotten Tomatoes but I made seven million first weekend and what was the total 50 50 57


nine so essentially 58 million dollars yeah and so I mean stayed in the theaters for a while and kept climbing


because nowadays like you got to make your money and then a half your [ __ ] budget opening weekend or you're gonna be out you know so you know they


probably let movies run a little bit longer back then but yeah if it made seven million so yeah half its budget and then kept going yeah uh but I I I


this is done by cover movies this I could watch this movie anytime so that that I think those scores are I don't


know uh that you got something no I was going to ask do you want me to read the the yeah read the blurb so that's money


critics fans um I think the critics and fans scores I can maybe understand the critics the


fans I would have liked to have seen that higher but it it what four or five times its budget in the in the theater


so I don't know how you complain about that all right sure you got the synopsis yeah all right Larry who played who is played


by Billy Crystal an author with a cruel ex-wife Margaret Kate how do you say


your last name yeah uh Kate Mulgrew yeah she's um Captain Janeway I know yeah yeah I know


that's oh yeah okay anyway sorry um he teaches a writing Workshop where


Owen played by Danny DeVito one of his students is fed up with domineering


mother Anne Ramsay uh when Owen watches a Hitchcock classic that seems to mirror


his own life he decides to put the movie plot into action and offers to kill Margaret if Larry promises to murder his


mom before Larry gets a chance to react to the plan it seems that Owen has already sealed Margaret's fate yeah


all right so uh and and uh Ebert had acknowledges and and says where some


movies will allude to the source material Danny DeVito actually shows him in the theater watching the scene from


uh from uh well with some creative uh yeah some creative license yeah because


he you know cuts it back and forth that order and yeah I mean yeah strangers on a train yeah but yeah show stranger so


this was Danny DeVito he directed this was this one of his first ones that he directed I wonder 87 because uh better


uh better roses or the Roses yeah he directed War of the Roses that was later


I feel like he was in a movie called Drowning Mona I don't know if he directed that that's a good movie that's kind of a dark Throw Mama From the train


was 87. uh this would have been his first theatrical movie he had a few TV


movies and really this is his first theatrical yeah this is uh Throw Mama From the train


89 War of Roses Matilda he just went on he played a


sheriff on drowning mono yeah yeah because he he I remember him from Taxi


the city yeah he directed TV series uh a few episodes of Taxi likely stories


Volume 2 Volume 4 TV movies and then so this is his first The Edge one yeah


before so that's that's pretty cool yeah he's of course in uh Romancing the Stone


I love him in Romancing Stone uh of course Always Sunny in Philadelphia but he's just a character


he doesn't write on that show he doesn't do anything but show up and say lines really yeah that's all he does for that


show yeah he just has fun yeah yeah all right uh anything else on money


critics fans uh it made us money man and yeah but you know critics and fans at least initially


yeah but I would like to have seen what they said you know when it opened because that's that's a lot of people going to the movies you know no 57


million plus you know tickets were probably five bucks back then or something I don't know man back when you could take a family of four out on the


night on the town for 50 bucks yeah you know absolutely all right we ready for the Beats yeah


let's get into it


and there you are all right uh opening image the image that I have I write a


writer blocked sorry good um did we want to do genre I think we kind of forget it


sometimes I remember later so did we want to start yeah so did we want to start making that like try to make that


the the first one or and I'm good with the free flow sometimes we do it sometimes we don't like I'm not trying to set rules no no I always forget and


then go back and either try to remember trying to put it at the top of my notes before I get into the beat so I'll try to remember yeah I have it at the like


at the very end which is probably where I thought of it okay so you cannot care we can do it now no no let's do it now


um what what did you have I have maybe one or two yeah so my initial Instinct was due with the problem yeah I think


I've switched to Buddy left that's exactly I had to do for the problem question mark and then right below that


I said I'm buddy love Yeah does it matter or do I get points if I say the exact same thing yeah because I think


that's what I was like is this a buddy uh I'm sorry a dude with a problem or buddy love so well I'm learning


something yeah I'm just looking at you yeah man I haven't read one book I was about to say so you're not one


what movie it's Wedding Center it's a Ferris Bueller dang it what


Philip no that was on my list to ask you all right no you're right oh it's when


he's late he's playing that's right I'm sorry James aren't


thinking no lessons oh yeah yeah yeah see how a quote


we're getting off track and James I am sensitive it's time so I'm gonna make this quick we were watching Caddyshack


and you know there was a lot of uh back and forth on Caddyshack because some were improv Comedians and some were like


Dangerfield had a big problem with improv I think he he didn't like you know he wrote all those jokes yes yeah


but I don't know what what side of the camp Chevy Chase falls on but I was a little disappointed because in that


movie someone asked him how he's doing and he says oh I feel like 100 bucks and at that point I'm like oh man come on


because that's such a great throwaway line except I heard it in Fletch he says the exact same thing you know you look


terrible I feel like 100 bucks so like that means he's not great on the Fly because we use


a line come on yeah he can be I mean I I don't want to meet him in person you


know it might be very quick or he might rely on Old standby yeah I I was I know when I heard that I was like oh I was


disappointed that that he reused that line years later in Fletch or whatever anyway sure


um so but yeah I'm absorbing all this through osmosis essentially yeah you haven't heard any of catboy's books and


you're not doing any of your own research or anything how you guys kind of do I'm


learning with the audience I guess I'd say all right let's go really it's just a uh it's a


way into the story that's I just find it a simple way into the story there are others uh you know other systems


hundreds of other systems or you could be what they you know call a panther or a plotter uh but you just and and we're


gonna get into this with the opening scene uh you know how you come up with a story how you break a story


um but I just think like I mean it's it's very hard to me I think to find a


movie that you can't crack with with no no absolutely I think I think there's 10 different genres in his Beats I mean yes


yes and maybe like as we've discovered on every movie you adheres to the beats and some were even written before he published his beast but it's


um yeah I just think it's the best way to kind of analyze and crack a story whether you're writing it or you know reviewing it yes now this could have


helped Billy Crystal out Mr Donner Larry Donner could have helped him out quite a lot because I have I


love this movie but it is the typical way to represent a writer and how he writes and and sure


no writer writes like this no you're not a writer if that's what you're writing yeah oh you just stare at a blank page


and wait for it and then just even like to start it the night was like he had no [ __ ] idea what the rest of it was


like why get hung up on their one word right humid or moisture whatever the [ __ ] are you gonna write and then move on to whatever he was supposed to be


happening in the scene right that's what I'm saying even if you didn't have it like plotted out right if he's a panther


and not a plotter yes he still had he sat down with some some idea a character or a scene you know and he couldn't get


past three words like but but people see these movies and they think well that's how writing is done yeah and I get it


visually you gotta show but yeah no it's it was annoying I was annoyed like right away yeah okay I'm I'm sitting there


screaming at him pick a theme find a character and put him in a situation go it's not that hard you know right anyway


so he is completely blocked now his block has a lot to do with his ex-wife and the absolute animosity he has for


her yesterday no I was just going to apologize I know it is really a dated film because he is using a typewriter


and paper and wasting paper and yeah so and then of course later on the um phone


booths you know that sort of thing you don't see that so I mean I know that dates the movie but well yeah but I I


still I still dig the whole phone booth uh shuffling that yeah no it's good I like it uh yeah so and even the the


paper just it was the times and then to show all of the crumpled up pieces of paper


just how much he's you know it's a visual for you know how frustrated he is and yeah and sucking yeah you don't see


a waste basket full of crumpled paper when you have a laptop yeah I I don't know that I could have been or done any


writing on a typewriter you've never written no okay no I like


that word processor I have and it sucks because when you mess up you know what I mean yeah absolutely and yeah we had you


have to do a sentence and you think of a better phrasing you just delete oh yeah yeah right no way uh but I love the the


clicking of the keys and just the the way it sounds yeah having to load your paper like I love the uh I guess the


wrongness of it well you can buy keyboards now like that they click yeah yeah I just think it's true all right so


if you were yeah so that's the opening image of Billy Crystal now we talked about Buddy love as we get into these


beats I think it's a two-hander yeah anyway yeah so Owens I had a known I


guess about his opening image it's you know abusive mother with and he's got those murderous thoughts I'd like to introduce that like right away they're


both uh yeah and I yes so they they are both blocked as a writer I think Owen is


blocked with a physical block his mother and and you know Larry Donner Larry has


a severe emotional mental block anything with that because he is he doesn't have a problem writing yeah and he's


producing more than Larry does but yeah but the mom was very who are you writing to you're writing a letter you know it


keeps interrupting it keeps interrupting him outside where his daughter is he can't because it's just so much


destroyed inside which you know I just know that like because we were just assessing being you know how that


writer's block is not really depicted you know true to you know being a writer right but trying to write and someone


interrupting you and having murderous thoughts about killing that [ __ ] person that is definitely true like leave me the [ __ ] alone while I'm


writing so no no absolutely but I mean I've got a son that essentially says that you know okay so for instance like


Steve I'd want to kill him if she was doing it but maybe you probably know


more about the story but I heard like that Stephen King was having a fight with his daughters or something and he


went in and wrote The Shining right or something or I don't know that's news to me okay yeah so might be true I don't


know I think it was The Shining maybe I think it was The Shining I want to say maybe Pat summer but I think it was a shiny he was he was having a big fight


with his kids and out of that went in and wrote The Shining yeah with all the


angst and yeah right so so if I have that much angst


I'm writing a story about my [ __ ] ex-wife being literally destroyed for sure for sure uh but this guy because he


talks about right what you know Phil the guy in the class yeah well I'm just doing what you told us right what write


what you know right you know so which I don't but he's just so angry he can't he prescribed to that because I don't at


all like right what you know well you got one story then you know exactly your life story so I can never write a


character like Lucas and Star Wars though you already know wrote what he knew did he you know


like that's no no he I hate that that's one of the worst rights he used uh he was journey and basically painted by


numbers because I put it in space and it was amazing yeah I think that look at a noise right what you know does better


for like Taylor Swift and and writing songs and stuff yeah nice but you can't


isolate yourself just to what you know yeah I mean there's like nothing you know yeah yeah I don't know I mean so I


heard that's what research was for right yeah an imagination we'll see I think you're saying that right what you know


is like right right what you've been investigating right what sure George Lucas he did that yeah he knew that so


he wrote that he didn't write like me I won't write a country song yeah I I


don't know how right what you know I write heavy metal well it's three chords in a repetitive phrase well you know no


I could totally write that but I don't want to you're right absolutely not I don't know how to write a good country song because I mean Lucas took the


hero's journey right and used every single one of those beats but here's Journey doesn't say anything about Androids and and space Wookies or


Wookies so you know he just plug and played but he wrote what he knew which was that Arc right so like you were


saying you sit down you write what you know you start with a guy you put him in a situation yeah you get him up the tree


you get him out of the tree yeah whatever it is there you go see that's yeah I'll just plug and play and then


you develop but a writer writes always and right what you know right uh except


for Larry does not yes yeah the setup here angry frustrated maniacal at his


ex-wife having stolen his story his wife a deceptive liar Femme Fatale Owen a femta tal of his own his mother his


writer's block both angry and frustrated their situations this is all sort of set up Donner is right is a writing teacher


oh and his student his students not necessarily a talent pool I have so the you know we got him again didn't we Dave


and that's unfortunately that's probably true true yes go on Amazon look at all


these self-published books yes you know you can buy it in them you're gonna find eight of them that [ __ ] sucks well like I said when we were watching it it


it makes it easier when you do have the internet to get the correct names of all the instruments on a submarine but


that drove me crazy and then he pulls down the thing and presses the thing oh my gosh yeah it drives me crazy


everything but you know if you don't know [ __ ] about a submarine don't write about a submarine yeah or or spend a


[ __ ] ton of time reading about submarines man yeah he went up and pushed a button


I was sitting there going they would be calling each other by their rank or by something else other than well Dave or


whatever she said we got them didn't we Dave and he said yeah


three or four times now here's the here's the here's the paradox people who aren't writers think oh anybody can write I can write anybody


can write it's easy right and so they come out with this crap and anybody can write but the mistake is thinking that


there is not a skill set involved right oh anybody could be a surgeon you cut and pull stuff out okay well yeah a


combination of raw talent good instincts and [ __ ] words coming into work you know you every you get better at every


story you tell right so and I would say you don't even need that much talent if you will just educate yourself about the


mechanics yeah yeah uh I don't know why there's this conception that there is no


mechanics to a story right uh because if the writer has done his job it's hidden you don't see it but people don't see it


they think it doesn't it's not there but and that's why I have such a problem with scenes like this with Larry Donner


sitting in front I said okay you know first thing I'm thinking I'm screaming every time and it's almost I said pick a theme dude and say that and everything


just go didn't we say the same thing in The Shining is like uh


delicious but it's a universal just because Okay


so writing itself is not something you can film and have be interesting okay you


gotta have them crumbling on paper throwing it getting frustrated and saying that the one line over and over yeah I was thinking about that earlier


yes and on your head right so the guys that you're essentially you're filming you guys sitting there thinking how boring


is that smoking a cigarette and he's in the zone it's two and a half hours a day like smoking some more whatever it is


yes uh and you know so shows like Castle writer okay but a castle and it's always


a writer and he had to go be working on the police force because you cannot show this guy right like James is saying


around you know anyway the the actual craft of it is not entertaining no like adaptation is probably one of the few


movies that tried to at least show it what is it adaptation with Nicolas Cage that's one of the yeah yeah because yeah like that scene where he's like all


right and uh I don't know what he said but you know the scene but and the night was and I'm hungry a blueberry muffin yeah


blueberry you know right you know it just like starts railing off that's a little bit better than right yeah uh


Stacy did say in her 20 minutes that she watched um if I hear the night was one more God damn day and and Billy Larry Donner does


not want to hear it again yeah I'm gonna kill the [ __ ] you know you want to kill the [ __ ] uh Donner is obsessed to the


point of distraction by his feelings toward his ex-wife affecting his current relationship with his girlfriend uh Owen


is obsessed with his feelings toward his mother often homicidal and like I said his black internal donners and then uh


Owens how did he not sue his ex-wife because if he wrote that book and she


published it well see here's the thing there's probably no Trail like it's a written paper manuscript so you have the


manuscript you have the manuscript and how you're going to prove that you typed it versus whereas now I'll check the IP


address on the file or I have six packed up copy you wouldn't yeah you wouldn't have more than just one copy you


wouldn't have drafts and rough drafts and then the editor might have looked at it before well his editor said you


haven't you've you've never written anything so I don't know that he ever turned it in that's what I was saying that's I don't think he ever wrote anything yeah pasta he just blamed never


wrote anything he wrote


I think he was going to and thought about it because later on his buddy I don't remember right there's no way she


wrote it she is absolutely maybe she got tired I think she did write it because just at


the end when with Owen he's like oh you wrote a story because he finally gets around and [ __ ] writes a story right and then Owen wrote a story about their


Adventures too but he goes she goes she's like well because I asked for an interview how did you write it and she's like well it was just easy it was my


life because I said my life too it was our life or whatever so they both have the same I want my life back yeah because because she took his manuscript


and now now he's but they both wrote off their experiences just like he does later with because it's all right which you know because his buddy says when


he's being interviewed by the police you don't think Larry did it you know they kill his wife nah man his literally


never did anything yeah yeah yeah and when he comes in the beginning to help him out he's like is you know I've been


writing oh yeah what'd you write he looks at the typewriter and he says oh the night was you've been on the you've been on the Night wall since July


he's more of a hack than damn Jack in The Shining this guy yeah that's kind of


what I was thinking too is like he hasn't written anything everybody is breaking the three is finally [ __ ] doing something running yeah yeah I was


so mad when you know again spoiler alert Owen it comes to him and says hey I wrote a book and it's about me mama and


my friends yeah right he thinks this happened to him again and I'm not saying you


couldn't tell but a story but I don't think he did man I think okay he might have been writing a shitty book at the


time his ex-wife was right I just I refuse to believe that she wrote anything sure and happy because he stole


it I think she stole it yeah I I think there's a line where he says my manuscript though I almost I have to go


back and watch but well he could have been delusional because how does he get an agent if he like


I've given you assignments and you you know you haven't done any of them that's why he gets fired yeah yeah yeah and


they were friends yeah okay all right yeah says you haven't done anything all right well all right it doesn't


[ __ ] right well yeah but she didn't I just know I cannot believe she wrote that there's no way that character had


the ability because she's a woman is that what you're oh because she's come on because at some point and he said yeah


we got it okay his anger flares oh this is gonna get


cut out anyways it's just anyway his anger flares at the slightest reference to his ex-wife I


hate her I wish she was dead as obsessed as Donner is with his ex-wife so is Owen with his story and getting feedback


stalking Donna everywhere he goes did I come at a bad time on the train or whatever there's a there's a a lot of


setup I think and yeah well I can label the Beats I think I was very surprised


when I got to a certain point and the movie was almost over you know right uh this point Donna relentson gives


advice on writing because Ellen wants to write a murder mystery Owen was stalking him kind of because he was because Larry


was dodging him yes basically yeah he picked up his manuscript to read it in


class and then puts it down and then picks up a different one yeah because he thinks it's just not good and he doesn't


want to he explains that the laundromat it was uh it was a murder mystery with two characters and yeah and maybe your


point I guess about because yeah I feel like this guy's a writer hadn't written anything he knows he says enough to know story right yeah coach Owen a little bit


so it just well I I hear you I want to believe that he wrote a manuscript and she stole it and that is what made him


so mad well how did he become a professor I would have thought he would have had to have had something published


he probably has a English degree or literary degree he said at some point does he say he went to


Yale or something I can't remember yeah he did but to be a professor don't you have to have something about Community College


yeah not when you're teaching a writing classic Community College yeah well you have a pulse and you show up on time I


think to teach uh I don't know I don't know maybe maybe he was like uh Raymond from Everybody


Loves Raymond maybe he wrote Sports columns columns or something and and was


trying to write a novel yeah I don't know uh Donna relenton gives him advice on writing a murder mystery they


discover they have something in common the mama and the wife so that at that point and then we learned that Donner is


dropped by his agent because Donna is unable to write he sends Owen uh to the


movies to see a Hitchcock film right you want to see a movie with me no no I don't want to see a movie if it's late


and you know in his clothes in this movie Billy Crystal's clothes like he's


got sweatpants on and shoes that are untied the tongues hanging out on these shoes like it just he even has like a


like a tank top on at one point and then a jacket I'm just like what is going on with his clothes yeah no he's he's an


eccentric Rider Yeah well yeah yeah he's I guess he's flapping his way through life at


that point I think blaming his problems on other people stealing his stuff he's messing up the sorry I mean talk


everything but he's even messing up the because it seems like I don't remember name the Beth is interested in him but


yeah yeah every time they start to move forward he brings up his [ __ ] it's like I'm out of here it's in Brush Fire


uh every time that you mention anything with his ex-wife he is absolute crazy


yeah oh and I guess kind of dumb now I didn't catch it like they're on a train earlier


when they're making out and oh yeah strangers on the train oh yeah oh yeah that's that's true yeah three months and trains trainers on train yes so creepy


yeah did I come at a bad time and then when


they're in the when Donna and his girlfriend are in the bed they're reading the choo-choo train book so no nice yeah there's there are lots of


trained motifs throughout all right so at this point I think the story starts to function on two tracks because Owen


gets a catalyst first and has a break into two first oh and I think is in the


second act before Donner yeah because him don't yeah the seeing strangers on a


train in the crisscross so like that's his his Catalyst and gives me the idea and then going after Margaret just breaking into yes Owen goes to see


strangers on trains I'm calling this Owens Catalyst and for Owen I don't think there's any debate he he sees that


and it's like bam there's no even second thought about it he's on a plane to Hawaii next scene my question is where


does he get all this money from he's just hopping planes and traveling and Hawaii's not cheap uh yeah I don't know


what it was in 87 but he didn't look like they're rolling no he does not uh you saw his coins


maybe his coin collection is worth a lot yeah uh this is not I don't know if he's


got if he's a caretaker for his mother she very well could be drawing Social Security and and well maybe his father


had money or something because the house is really big baby yeah I I imagine


she's got some kind of income and that he's taking care of her and doesn't really have a lot of skills for anything else but this movie is not about Danny


DeVito's income right wrong wrong kind of movies not that kind of movie kid that's right


yeah yes Owen has this Catalyst no debate Owen breaks into his act two first he goes to White so Owen flies


into the second act into Hawaii and then uh breaking his own goes why the fun and


game so Owen has his catalyst is breaking the two and even fun and games uh before Owen before Donner does yes


you know yes uh fun and games Owen his first attempt at murder uh some light reading in a sandwich so he's at her


condo in Hawaii he just hides behind the couch towards her I love his the the


shots of him when he uh he goes to puts on his gloves as he's approaching her real slow and he just the way he holds


his hands out like a zombie yeah and he doesn't later on in the boat too it's just it's really really funny that's I was watching that I was like oh look the


first screen appearance of OJ's murder Club


what's going on here yeah what is that noise is he barking like a dog and then somebody makes a comment about it I


guess we should get his phone call yeah but yeah but other guys yes I know he does he's on the couch yeah


and they're taking out right place he starts looking at the magazine that's on the uh and then the phone rings she


can't reach it yeah a lot of good psych bags that was good uh his second attempt


a slow boat to Maui you know he tries to talk to her and she is not impressed but uh again with the gloves like you said


on the boat more than not impressed she was like [ __ ] off it's my first time to nope not doing


this oh this little troll sitting next to me at that point you're like all right this [ __ ] deserves a deck no I think I think she


is totally entitled and I think she I mean she was all that manuscript she was just on national TV with Oprah Winfrey


about her best-selling book she's in Hawaii living her best life she was really shitty on Oprah though too yeah


but I love her but you know if I was an attractive rich woman and this I'm not talking to you right foot yeah I came


over here yeah yeah you're right first time to Hawaii you're right I'm getting up and leaving too you're right this uh


nice looking way oh what's up yeah uh this device was used in


Californication with David Duchovny he had written this manuscript and he sleeps with some young girl a lot of


young girls he sleeps with but he sleeps with this one and she steals the manuscript and publishes it now she didn't write a single word uh but it's


hailed as this new writer and he's he's got issues or whatever yeah it's just


back up your stuff and save it and yeah prove that it's yours right um yes so uh fun and games uh second


time okay so Donner Pass Donner at this point is still stewing over his ex-wife


and he passes out on the beach overnight this car goes dead still in his first act that's right yeah he's drunk as a


skunk on the rock as the Tide's coming in he's asking the rock for writing yeah they're they're what oysters or shrimp


out here that yeah that's what it is not the rock sorry yeah I have better lines you know yeah right meanwhile she drops her she's out on the


on the yacht on the boat yeah we are led to believe that yeah she drops her earring and reaching over the uh the


rail even then like again with his hands like he's got him like he's gonna strangle her from behind like he was earlier than when she she's bending over


yeah they make a little sound effect his hands go forward like is from holding him up to yeah I mean from hold him down


to up like so he could push her yeah he goes


I think people may judges move towards because it is just silly fun the whole movie is just silly fun and I'd I'd love


it every time but uh you know uh Donner gets his Catalyst I call from Owen


saying it's taken care of yep his wife is dead just like he wanted you know he and then he discovers he has no alibi oh


and that's hilarious when the phone rings and Danny DeVito's in one spot okay I gotta go and then he hangs up and


then it rings again and he's in a different place there's a phone phone booth in the


middle of a field yeah no oh yeah you're right good wait you


gotta go click ring what Owen uh I don't want to say but I killed her


yeah say I mean it's just good good fun uh I know Donner has a debate Owen has


never does not have a debate Donner does uh Owen didn't kill her Owen didn't kill Margaret first he's into now that Owen


even did it yeah he did kill her and I have no alibi you know so he's fascinating between these two points he


didn't he did uh poor the poor Margaret the [ __ ]


yeah uh now there is this funny scene where he goes to his girlfriend yep and


the dialogue appears to Beth as I may or may not murder it I like the the one I thought you were talking about that the one where he goes to his friend who's I


guess he's gonna oh yeah yeah a woman over or whatever Marcellus right he did I remember his name yeah the musician


yeah yeah but he goes in there and he's talking to him and he's like man you were here yeah right yeah I was here there's no way I could have made that


flight and she goes well if you left it this time and she starts bringing all down just the guy's line is really funny he goes she's she's punching holes in


your stuff stuff man she was right you did it they don't even know what he's talking about right yeah


I don't know that one made me laugh the door yeah and then you go right on your way out but yeah then he goes to Beth


yes uh and that whole conversation does nothing for his cause


uh I killed your wife you have to kill my mama debate refusal will not kill his mama Donner still debating refusing uh


the whole you lied to me scene and we don't have a cousin Patty bang oh yeah I still dig that scene a frying pan to the


Head yeah uh with no place to go Donner bonds with Owen over some coins uh would you say


that seems pretty late for breaking a two for Billy Crystal this is still debate is it yes Donner uh Donner breaks


into two here in a few minutes that's what I'm saying uh Owen is on yeah I thought his breaking in two was deciding


to go hide out with him because he doesn't have a debate and it's kind of weird almost like because they have the


big they have the big car thing and they crash and then after after that he's no at his house at Owen's house for some


reason uh because he's not gonna hide right that's why I wanted to pause real quick because my break into two again


not knowing [ __ ] about anything yeah but breaking a two was right there on the beach when he wakes up and now it's he's


in this upside down world of Owens killed his wife quote unquote now he's been challenged to do it that's where I


had it put you know it's absolutely wrong yeah so I guess I'm looking for a


decision yeah you you have to cross the threshold yes something Across the Threshold typically


you don't want your main character dragged yeah you know like they can because it's not land on their feet once they cross like they can go across and


then you know yeah you know and so so immediately and that the the Billy


Crystal is forced into the second act well because again there's always something happened to him right so I


agree with you that it was Owen calling him going hey I killed your wife wait what I think I think that's the Call to Adventure yeah then the cat was yeah


yeah because I'm just like uh the second act but he has to replace it and the third thing happens he has to decide to


act so what is his decision I felt like it was well he started with that one but you said it was about to happen one year


with no place because all his students in a few minutes we'll tell the same


story yeah he said and then he said I I hate her I wish she was dead I hate her so


I don't know that he can go hide out with them plus he's been bonding or had more interaction with Owen lately so it


seems like a natural place plus Owen said he killed his wife so he goes over there and now he's being hunted by the


cops he doesn't want to go back out so I I guess I understand logic wise why he's at Owens yeah but uh she he keeps saying


you know you've got to do it uh you gotta kill her I can't he keeps saying oh and that is wits and why so oh and


now freaks out he said I'm gonna do it I'm gonna and moves to go kill his wife and Billy Crystal or Larry Downer stops


him and and it seems like to calm him down he says I'll do it oh okay I'll do


it yeah and so at that point the whole movie is about Chris Crossing killing each other's you know mom and wife and


yeah I guess him saying I'll kill your mom I guess that is and and yes and and


is given the plan and and stays at the house to do now at some point he doesn't


do it but this I think is starts getting into the fun and game yeah that makes more sense I think is this is the break


into two like you were saying yeah because because when we get to the third act it's even worse as far as these yeah


no I was gonna say I mean if that's the I guess that's kind of where I had trouble with the Beats too because they they're real weak he still like debates


the whole time after he's broken into like because like if he's truly all right I'm gonna kill her then fun and games could be him trying to truly kill


her and then she keeps you know inadvertently stopping him some somehow or messing it up but but he stops


himself because he can't do it I'm gonna kill her but he just said that just to shut on up he has no intention of killing her a lot of the time I feel


like right right up until she gives him the right word yeah I think he's


at that point he's on the lamb yeah you know so he's he's off the rails literally you know training and all that


yes right uh which we can get to um Donner's break into two joining Owen


in the act two so I think at that point now they're both talking about the murders you know yeah


um so some some of the so at this point the fun and games that I have because Owen has been having some fun and games


but now they can both have them together because he has joined him in the second night Donner's girlfriend and students tell a consistent narrative then he said


I hate her I wish she was dead you you see these being interviewed over and over again Owen makes plans for Donner


daughter on a Ledge oh into the lane so he's going bowling puts Larry out on the ledge which he's not up for uh cop now


the cops finally get around to interviewing Owen a plan gone awry Owen seems a little miffed that his mother is


that oh that he's still there and his mother may not be dead and looks like he's going to set him up yeah yeah he


sure does he's hiding the painter and he starts asking the cops hey could you grab me the the sugar or grab me this yeah uh seems like he's a little


disappointed and angry uh back to the lanes for Owen so they decide a second plan uh Donner wants to leave but can't


uh Owen has and then oh it has Mama killing fantasies at the bowling alley


uh now uh I looked this up and I couldn't find it anywhere and probably they didn't want to reference it I think


Sharon and I both noticed it the second attempt uh at Donner trying to kill his mama Owen's Mama Owen's mama says


something absolutely racist I don't know if you catch it maybe uh when she's


laying go ahead and say it she's loud and proud put it in the trailer make sure she this is when she's laying


down no no when uh oh Larry is is talking to her and they're walking and


uh he's telling her something you know about his about Owen and blah blah blah uh


uh she says get out of my way you something bastard hmm okay you took out


the good you took out the best words you took out the hinge point of that look you didn't write this movie man okay


dude she turns to you know we had to and I I heard that and I've always heard it


and I thought okay well this is an opportunity so I rewound it and the subtitles came up the subtitles will not


print it it says get out of my way you beef head and I'm thinking okay well this is a stranger in the app situation


right here okay this is what happens when you take a stranger to the Alps this is the subtitle that they would use


for Big Lebowski when it's put on TV yeah because when you [ __ ] stranger in the ass yeah but okay so this is for


educational purposes only and I get out of my way you black bastard wow


yes I was floored by this oh that's right she called Billy Crystal black yes yeah you black past him like what what I


guess I don't know if this was to portray her as heinous or and and Despicable


yeah I think just despicable because obviously she was probably just giving him a terty look and just yeah her bad


Vision just saw his hair yeah I mean so her vision's as bad as her yeah


you know not that not the actors the subtitles the subtitles get out of my way beef head yeah beef head


and I'm like that is not what she said uh and and I tried to look it up online


the racist line and throw mama and nobody because the other one uh because it's a PG-13 movie they obviously had to


make it yeah a little bit lighter but the other one was the 20 women I'd like


to pour yeah yo yes now he says he says the f word oh yeah beat his lips yeah


and he says F but it's poor there's a voiceover not subtitles I mean so they went back


and over dubbed that yeah to to Pork that's funny and I meant to look at what the subtitle said because I thought I


said something different yeah I'd have to go back that guy always cracks me up what was what was your name he's like no


no leave her alone


oh no that's the only book to cut like during his interrogation the cops are looking at this book yeah at the very


end that his book had been published oh yeah yeah


um that's coffee table material for sure absolutely uh I hadn't noticed I had to note that I'm like yeah that's crazy I


guess I thought I guess I skipped right over didn't even this is this goes to what Ebert was saying that it didn't realize


its potential because it was meant to be a dark comedy but it didn't it pulled back at crucial moments like scenes


where you're talking about where Billy Crystal is really trying to kill his the you know Owen's Mama right uh and and


having lines in there like that you know um make it dark like you're laughing but


you're uncomfortable that's a dark comedy right there's a movie called very bad things which I think really achieves this oh yeah very bad things


I'd have to see it again but I remember watching that and being like you know right I had Jeremy Piven in it yeah yeah


and Daniel Stern yeah like at the end they are [ __ ] but yeah just in a


situation anyway anyone else notice that Mama sounds like Cartman from South Park like her voice they're the same yeah


yeah have you seen into views with the actress of that one who plays that I don't guess she is well spoken and calm


and very sweet and throat cancer yes she had yeah we looked it up she had esophageal cancer yeah in 84. and she


was still going through treatment yeah oh for The Goonies and everything yeah because Goonies was we look at Goonies was 85. so she got the cancer in 84. and


Ramsey yeah that's her name and then she died in 88 and this was actually won an Oscar for this movie yeah yeah no she


because I saw it in interviews and I'm like wow that took part of her tongue away to get rid of the cancer yeah and then it came back


because she she really like she as Despicable as she is she is one of the drawers you're saying he's on interviews


and she doesn't talk like that no no right chair didn't we see well she spent


more properly she was very very about that stuff like that because she missed part of her tongue right wow because


then Goonies she sounds the same way yeah she was talking about what you're talking about Goonies characters talking about this character right this


character but I mean she may have still had a little bit of that rough sounding but but still she didn't like yeah no I


mean it was it was not near as rough as this do you want to feel really old right now okay Anne Ramsey died when she


was 59 years old yeah I would have picked her way older yeah yeah how old are you Phillip uh not not 59. double


nickels yeah but see I'm just like the way that we view age like 59 man that's


oh my name well at 28 you're like 59 oh my God how's she even yeah I hope I get


dead before then yeah 55 well yeah it always I always think it's funny that I


wonder if the who still does that song you know hope I die before kids all right I hope I die before I get old uh


yeah oh no they don't no Pete Townsend's completely deaf yeah


uh now he's just saying who what who are you who are you


uh yes yes that was a slow burn joke yeah okay uh so yeah she she takes the


no and but but like I said at that point I think the movie does pull back and doesn't get as dark so that I think is a


legitimate beef although I really enjoyed this movie for what it is so it had it been darker it may be been more


fun I don't know uh I'm we coming up on what I'm calling a midpoint false Victory this is always a point of


contention because this these are tricky so what did you have a midpoint that you were able to identify either one of you


I guess when Owen thinks he kills mama with the trumpet was a false Victory if they're trying to kill her then that's


what it is but it like occurred to me way after the fact yeah I'm watching it and I'm like [ __ ] like most of these


beats are empty we had to go back in one line think about it again and go all right all right this is yeah that's what


I was thinking why didn't he just do that to begin with right right just well I think he's I think he does because he


he wants like he has these fantasies but he always feels bad about it to where even to the point where he's got the


sisters in his hand like Sherry was like oh my God he actually had the scissors yes but yeah but these These are


fantasies that are beginning to affect his real life but I still think he's pulling back from that and and now we


learned that that uh Mrs Donner fell off the boat and he never actually killed her and and Owen knows he didn't kill


her has to unless unless he thinks he did push her I don't know he saw her go over yeah and he was going to push her


so there is some confusion about whether he knows he actually killed her or knows he didn't actually kill her and now just


wants Larry to kill his I think he knows you know yeah I think he knows he didn't kill him


right because he saw her fault because she fell over right he never touched her I don't think and she fell over and he just went back goes all right well that


was easy because I didn't do [ __ ] yeah you want to go back and told Larry yep you need to come over okay my mom yes


well if I could go back and give him some advice it was what 1987. yeah I'd be like dude go get Slayers Reign in


Blood album put it on 12. yeah yeah and just rock out and your mom will stroke


out yeah right right she'll freak out and just go if the trumpet did it rain and blood will definitely do it I got


you she's always slapping him in the face oh the slaps so maybe she's already a fan yeah that's true that's that album


uh midpoint phosphate Owen kills his mama so he thinks is what I wrote yeah all right bad guys clues in I have one


line mama is not dead she's not a woman she's the Terminator so this is where I have if you're gonna have a bad guy


close in his mama's not dead you know right uh and that's pretty much what I had all this lost I was a foster feet if


we're doing a false Victory um Mama recognizes Donner and they're forced to flee so he now he has to leave


I guess if this is oh because now he's a suspect and yes she knows oh he's in my


house yes all right I'm running a little bit different I have the uh mom recognizing him as a suspect as part of the bad guys close in that could be I


could see that because for me they're always lost and again it's a false defeat but it's when he finally because he doesn't really want to kill her when


he finally gives in when she goes the night was sultry then he's like somebody kill the [ __ ] like you know he finally gives it yeah see I have that as a Dark


Knight of the Soul like yeah uh yeah so we're hitting around it but yes they're a mess but they are absolute


mess because the movie has got like 10 minutes left at this point it's pretty much yeah some quick storm in the castle


Yeah right uh Dark Knight of the Soul he's on the run but unfortunately he's on the run with Owen and his mama so now


he's stuck with these two that I have no idea where they came I don't either also needs you know because she chased him


out he runs out of the house yes right would she because she recognized him or whatever remember her then he runs out


of the house and then there and then they cut to he's on the train going to Mexico Mexico but then they're with him


I'm like what the [ __ ] yeah well how are you gonna Throw Mama From a Train if she doesn't get on the train with you I'm with you I'm with you the night the


night the night was moist okay that was an actual meeting with Danny DeVito well we gotta get Mama on the train so we can


fly her from it sure and but but mama is subject to these Rants and then like


totally forget she had the rant and then loves Owen you know he's fat he's stupid oh oh and you my boy my sweet boy you


know so she could totally be I'm gonna call the police we got a murder in the house and then five minutes later riding


on a train with this guy like Owen's friend yeah yeah yeah you know probably got mental you know lapses you know I


don't know she looked pretty yeah mad well she was sitting there yes well she


spent about everything you know yeah uh and they're talking and then yeah because she sultry yeah like I mean yes


yes and she was sticking it to him you know maybe I had Billy Crystal and


Owen just befriended her and you know helped have her co-write her their


stories yeah maybe she could have like set them off with the right words like the night with sultry here's some ideas


Owen if she was more supportive yeah maybe they could have both benefited from some great books no I think Larry


wouldn't have written anything and she would have sold his story and and she has a hit a hit book you know yeah


because she could have been like Mama what is the night was he like sultry he's like oh I'm gonna buy you a house


uh what I have and and I think Chris is probably right where he has it but on


the run with bonus model the night with sultry I'm gonna kill the [ __ ] want anything get me a chunky I love that exchange yes uh in pursuit of Mama Owen


in pursuit of Donner they both relent and save mama mama throws Donner Mama throws Donna from the train and then


Donna is cleared by the reappearance of Margaret but he is still obsessed so I think he's still in his dark night because he is still obsessed having


these dreams of strangling her which now that is probably one of the darkest moments because in that scene Billy


Crystal is strangling her and he's got the look I mean to me that that that almost is out of out of pace with the


rest of the movie out of that movie that scene is darker than anything else in the movie to where it looks like almost


a homicidal scene you know yeah um so I I have and at that point he's


still in the throes of writer's block and angst and hatred and until he can cross over from that he's still in the


second actor yeah he's in the hospital with a broken leg having fallen from a moving train and he's still bitching about his desk yes and then his his


roommate uh yeah I can't take any more of this [ __ ] they take it I'm Gonna Leave You right uh I think that's a dark


knight to me yeah I think I think that's the bad [ __ ] that's what I have because I had the Hightower surprise as him


coming and saying I wrote a book too look at this yeah that's briefly I'd


have that I did not have that at all I was like that's not it thanks awesome James all right awesome later mic drop


uh because that's what he's like oh my God yeah cause he's breaking the threes right in the book or whatever that's his


attacking the castle castle and then yes James is totally right in the high tower surprise is [ __ ] own in his book


right yeah the daughter is still obsessed with Margaret has fantasies of killing and now break into three here here's James


Point seeing his hatred is finally hurting himself he has a breakthrough and bangs out a novel rear gets


reacquainted with his girlfriend and is now actually on friendly terms with Owen yeah and I don't know if they meant this and I just thought about it as we were


talking about it like he falls out of the train right and you don't see where he lands but theoretically he falls right out of the middle of the the door


yeah he probably landed on the tracks right right so he's back on track now I mean I hear you I think you're


reaching you're crediting the movie maybe with too much intelligence at that point I


mean that's good and Danny dude would probably take that all day long but you know anyhow as you were uh Owen's block


has been removed as well natural causes Donner has a momentary setback uh but it


passes now now this led me to believe that maybe Donner probably needs to get


some anger management if things are going to set him off because he he immediately goes back into that rage


mode he's going to have setbacks his writer you're gonna write something we we do this all the time come up with


this idea for a script maybe even write the script or finish the script and then two weeks later


Oblivion will come out with Tom Cruise right that's the one that's the one that always goes in my head when that kind of


[ __ ] happens that's always the one we wrote a movie much better than [ __ ] Tom Cruise's Oblivion and then he was too similar so yeah uh so that's gonna


happen but he's ready to kill Owen right uh well and to your point if you truly


did write that manuscript and she literally stole it he just you know and he was you know all his writers block


all those things all this [ __ ] he finally got back to writing again yeah I wrote story too yeah maybe I'm


stuck on that guy too write what you know and yeah I win the story too sure sure and but he yeah that's what leads


me to believe about the ex-wife was that was her story too so she wrote it right but anyway anyway we're past that part


yeah sure but it's a children's book yeah yeah that was the the greatest thing I've


ever seen or whatever it was he says yes yes yes and instead of killing her at the end we go on a picnic you're right


kill picnic whatever uh final image and unblocks successful author on a each


earning 20 uh raining at the beginning now at the beginning there is rain outside his window yeah here he is on a


beach uh full of sun uh the end you ever seen a Weeble wobble like that yeah nobody says the throwaway lines yeah


with this book you get a free balloon go out there further maybe somebody will


Harpoon you yes yeah good stuff uh and I think that's


straight up Billy Crystal at that point you know yeah um he's hilarious yeah so and then at the end well we'll just do


the problem or buddy love what do we decide on buddy love I think we said nobody love I think so an incomplete hero counterpart needed to make their


life whole a complication that is keeping them apart even though and I I don't keeping them apart maybe they are


friends together at the end so these are the two that that are circling each other who are joined at the end or


whatever well yeah because like on the convocation it talks about it could be a misunderstanding which I feel like that's what happens yeah yeah I'm gonna


kill you you know yes crisscross crisscross all right that's what I that's that's uh throw them out I think


we got him may have gotten off track a little bit right there yes want to do the past


consider recommend Parts yes yeah we can do that part I didn't get to make my train wreck joke at least it wasn't a train ride oh right never


not yet all right past consider [Music]


all right chase this was your pick you want to start us off oh I recommend it yeah sure yeah I don't know I just


always always enjoyed watching it yeah it's uh I I guess no I I I'm I like dark


comedies and and uh you know how did it go on Docker maybe it wouldn't have been as much fun I don't know I mean yeah


I've been too much of a swing I think yeah because uh so we we think it's weak


at some points on the beats and this kind of thing and it is and it's good and it's got flaws I think uh Ebert is


probably right however at the end of the day I have bought this on every format it's been out on to include VHS I think


uh owned on digital and on on DVD or whatever and I enjoy it every single time I watch it so can a movie be flawed


but still serve you in the way that it was meant to and I think yes because I love the [ __ ] out of this movie and I


feel good and laugh every we're laughing now just talking about it so I think it's important to know the mechanics yes


to write a story but if you can entertain and bring some value to your audience I think they'll forgive a lot I


forget a lot about this movie and one last thing I will say I always love Owen loves his mama no one loves his mama


everyone loves his mama yeah I love you Mama yeah because I say that about our cat Quigley loves his mom yeah just


imagine living in a house like that everyone loves his mom see like it's like you're being bullied on a


playground by your mother your mother yes and then physically abused in some cases slap those slaps are not like I don't


think she pulled back no she really hit him yeah I was like Davido has to be saying like Okay you know don't hold


because those are no he said don't hold back she didn't want to hit him oh really yeah it sounds like inside a beef


well he's got a big head dude house okay I totally totally recommend uh it's a I


think it's a fun movie that I feel good about every time I watch yep I agree totally recommend it's just a one of


those classic movies that yeah they're great it's it's it's light on content


but it is high on Flavor it's like eating a sweet peas candy or a chocolate cookie man yeah it's a good Dana DeVito


Billy Crystal vehicle yeah I'm gonna go with the uh be the odd man out here and just do like I consider


I guess um yeah I can understand that yeah I didn't like it as much I like I probably laugh more here in this podcast than I did actually in the movie yeah


um consider it if you're you know Billy Crystal fan or even Danny DeVito


um but yeah outside of that all right it's just all right to me okay I guess you said that you could forgive it for a


lot I guess maybe I found where I couldn't yeah yeah yeah I I can see that like I I recommend this movie because of


the baggage I bring with it right it's it's just it makes me happy yeah a lot


about this movie just makes me happy so yeah that's where that's coming from and Ebert liked it but he he I read his


review and he was not thrilled by he thought it was disappointing in a lot of ways you know whatever cool all right


all right okay well that that is throw mom from the train I win this mama


that's right but trying to write someone interrupting you and having murders thoughts about killing that [ __ ] person that is definitely true


we got him didn't we Dave we said yeah if I hear the night was one more God


I don't want to say but I killed her


poor Margaret the [ __ ] [Music]


put it in the trailer it pulled back at crucial moments like


scenes where you're talking about yeah well how are you gonna throw mom from a train if she doesn't get on the train


with you I'm with you sultry natural causes and instead of killing her at the


end we go on a picnic you're right house