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Stick To The Plan - Chase Dimond
Episode 9527th July 2021 • Pitstop with Sarah Levinger • Rolled Up Podcast Network
00:00:00 00:13:11

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If you feel anxious or stressed about the loss of open rates and ip tracking with the upcoming iOS 15 update later this year, just imagine how the companies who make their money off email marketing feel.

Thankfully, the leaders of these companies recently came together to discuss what the update means for their industry and what they should do to survive it, and Chase Dimond was there to hear their plans, tactics and strategies.


  • Rytis Lauris, CEO of Omnisend, detailed the company's belief that opens were only a proxy score to begin with, and that the best approach is to educate their clients. Through their campaign Opens Are Dead Omnisend has been helping brands understand the changes coming and how they can best adapt. They also are committing to a focus on recency, repeat and returning customers, and how they drive profitability.


  • Pre-built segment options will be available for clients  who want to take a less hands-on approach to dealing with iOS 15. The segments will track resulting visits to your website, on-site activity and their rate and weight of clicks, and engage inactive members in break-up email series, giving brands a broad overview of consumer behaviour and a worry free automated experience.


  • The new goal for emails won't just be getting customers to open them, it will be getting customers to go the extra step and respond to them. According to Privy, this will be the best new metric for telling if your list is sick or healthy, as if a customer can't even be bothered to click a link, vote in a poll or share a post, they probably won't be shopping any time soon either.


  • Looking to put an end to batching and blasting once and for all with the new updates, MessageBird will be offering clients as yet undefined automated options, that will be driven by the customer's own actions.

Send Lane

  • Improving post-master tools is Send Lane's goal, allowing you to draw metrics directly from Google itself rather than more costly monitoring and automation options. If brands want to see more activity, then it will just be up to them to put in the extra effort and make themselves noticed.


  • Sunset flows will be the new name of the game, according to Drip,  based on the still remaining core deliverability data, so a mere adjustment in analysis is all that's required.

Every major and minor email marketing brand is working on how they can make the most out of iOS 15's shakeup, and while not everyone will get it right, inevitably working strategies will win out, and the rest of the industry will invariably follow step, hopefully in a continued spirit of cooperation between competitors.

Our Sponsors

Omnisend - ShipBob - Gorgias

Mentioned in this episode:

Triple Whale - Whale Mail



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