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Perhaps the most secret government and business social policy, you've never heard of.
Episode 34020th May 2024 • The Earnest Mann Show • Earnest Mann
00:00:00 00:14:06

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How America Could Be Overtaken by Latin American Nations

Hello, Earnest Mann here! In this episode, I'm addressing a shocking possibility: how America could be overtaken by Mexico, Central, and South America. Prepare to be challenged and possibly even terrified by the truths I'm about to share, which are backed by statistical and historical evidence.

The Economic and Social Realities Fueling Migration

One critical point is the massive difference in living conditions between the U.S. and countries like El Salvador. The disparity in resources and economic opportunities drives mass migration northward. High population densities in impoverished areas, coupled with crime and lack of basic necessities, create a situation where people have no choice but to seek a better life elsewhere.

The Systemic Issues and Global Implications

I argue that our global capitalist system is fundamentally flawed, relying on endless population growth which is unsustainable. This system exacerbates social and economic inequalities, leading to the very problems we see today. The inevitable migration crisis is a symptom of this larger issue.

The Stark Reality of Overpopulation

I discuss how overpopulation strains resources, leading to social collapse. The only sustainable solution, as controversial as it may be, is significant population reduction. Without addressing this root cause, we're merely shifting problems from one area to another.

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Take care - Earnest

© 2023 The Earnest Mann Show


00:01 the earnest man show presents controversial often painful but absolute truth about whatever subject is being discussed viewers with intelligence the adults in the room therefore don't need to be cuddled or advised hey good Monday folks as is often the case prepare to be challenged offended or possibly even terrified because everything that I'm going to tell you is absolutely true and backed up both statistically and historically right out of the box I'm going to tell you that what this episode is about as unbelievable as it may sound

00:47 is how America is going to be overtaken and conquered by Mexico Central and South America one important thing I would like to get out of the way immediately is to clarify that I am not a statistician nor am I a man of letters such as a historian with a PhD so as a consequence what I do on my show is not structured in that way there are many people far more qualified than myself to fill that void having said that though I feel I am very reasonably knowledgeable in several fields of study all I can say is is I have known many people in my

01:33 life that most would consider brilliant but in getting to know these people very closely in most cases what they shared in common was having a tendency to be a bit myopic in their world view or put it another way they could absolutely focus on any tree in the forest but could not really grasp the concept of the forest itself they couldn't see the bigger picture as you can see I'm using a backdrop video the link to which is I'm putting in the description below and generally speaking it's pretty good in

02:14 the end however although it does take a good it makes a good job of pointing out some pretty you know accurately how things are it completely misses the mark however as to the real cause of what's going on and what can be done about it in the end this would be like me approaching someone on the street and asking them why the sky is blue and their response would be them telling me because it is meaning of course they didn't answer the question at all the current population of El Salvador is around 80% living in the

02:55 urban areas around 5 million which roughly comes out to about 800 people per square mile now some may argue that relatively speaking there are many places throughout the world that have equal or perhaps even much larger population densities you don't have anywhere near the same level of uh of crime and gang activity such as El Salvador and that's true but what is often typically inadequate with such comparisons is that it's not a realistic Apples to Apples comparison simply put any given number of people per square mile can be very

03:42 close to being the same but there is a huge difference between one set of people who are relatively financially and socially stable who have a comfortable place to live regular employment and no problem obtaining food and life's other basic necessities and they are not overwhelmed by crime yet the vast majority of that same number of people who live in El Salvador by comparison live in an absolute hellhole of desperation the simple reason for this disparity it's the amount of marketable resources in an area versus a given

04:28 population or put very simply in another way a small village may very well use two blacksmiths but it can't use or need 20 this current background video like so many other similar ones of its kinds engages in the endless Trope concerning socioeconomic issues mass unemployment leads to drugs which in turn leads to drug cartels and so forth in this case they are talking about the El Salvadorian governments taking a very Hardline anti-me anti-gang position including their extremely high capacity and high tech prison they have created

05:18 to combat the problem that's all well and good except for one thing in the long term either one of these actions by the El Salvadorian government is going to stop the problem and that problem is absolutely Coming to America for multiple reasons the simplest of which is Central and South America simply have nowhere else to go now I'm going to tell you the real cause of the problem question is after I tell you this what the real question comes down to is what you're going to ask me once you've listened to what I'm

06:06 saying what's going on here ultimately is this and I want to also state that this is by no means limited to L Salvador as a matter of fact it is the same problem more or less all over the world there is a worldwide disconnect with reality because the governments all over the world basically do everything in their power to maintain the current situation because to change this in any real and meaningful way is impossible within the current capitalist economic system because it requires growth endless population growth So within the

06:53 capitalist system it's a catch 22 meaning it's the system itself ultimately destroying everything although fairly slowly to say this as simply and concisely as possible there are too many [ __ ] people on the planet and now a brief message for my sponsor you in my entire life I've never been a Salesman I've done many other things but never been a Salesman I suppose because I don't like [ __ ] and I don't like bullshitting others that kind of thing just ain't my style being honest and

07:36 direct is so if you're enjoying my show would you please subscribe and click the notification Bell because it really does help my channel grow now just a brief word about something I use called tubebuddy the rumor I heard about tubebuddy is that it can make you a multi-millionaire in only 24 to 48 hours that is of course just a rumor but that's what I've heard but seriously I use it and it offers a hell of a lot of ways to help make your channel a success and it's easy to use so check out to Buddy last but certainly not least if

08:19 you want to throw a very appreciated few bucks my way for a coffee or just to keep the lights on the links to my Kofi and my Affiliated Tu buddy are both in the description below and now let's get back to the show just keeping El Salvador as an example if El Salvador suddenly had a population of 1 million or less and that was sustained for several years you would not only end up with a beautiful place but beautiful normal healthy people drugs would virtually be gone and certainly no cartels because you wouldn't have social desperation keeping

09:09 them in power just like you wouldn't have tens of thousands of Invaders from Mexico crossing over into America because you wouldn't have millions of redundant and unnecessary people in nature animal populations are controlled by predators which in turn are subject to the limitations of the natural environment meaning a given area only has so much food and water only so much carrying capacity when a people I don't give a damn what color race they are choose to ignore these rules without paying vital

09:53 close attention to their own population and start outstripping their immediate environment for resources they are doomed and wherever they try to run away too those people are also doomed because not they've not only shifted the resources load it's just from one area to another no matter how much you try to rearrange people no matter how efficiently you try to cram tons of people such as a building large complexes going up to the house people you reach a point where you have maxed out the efficiency technology is indeed

10:39 wonderful but it has its limits Humanity desperately needs to understand and accept that I don't know how to explain this any simpler in case you haven't noticed everything on the news it seems as though the world's going crazy that's not your imagination it is because this is what happens when you rapidly are running out of resources yet the mass of the people on the planet are either completely unaware of this or choose to deny it as I have said many times before in something like two decades we could achieve a very pleasant

11:28 existence such such as owning an actual home on a piece of land with a comfortable distance between our neighbors not cookie cutter Suburban housing developments vastly improved air and water quality and much higher quality food and crime at least by comparison virtually eliminated all that has to be done a matter of fact must be done to achieve this is significantly lower the planet's population I'm talking about going from the current 8 or n billion down to 2 billion and keeping it there I realize quite a few of you right

12:18 now are probably laughing your ass off but consider this remember all those desperate people I talked about in El Salvador that's nothing just wait till all the rest of them decide to head north I'm not just talking about Mexico we're talking about Central and South America and I can guarantee you it's going to happen because there are populations and desperations are not going to go away as I just said I can understand you laughing at my proposition you might believe there is no way it can be done

12:56 and I'm saying it can be done and it must be done because only the only other option is to carry on pretty much the same way we have so far and whether it be through War Mass starvation or Mother Nature herself creating a bacteria or virus that would make the Bubonic plague look like a tea party in the words of George Carlin the Earth itself would shake off mankind like a bad case of [ __ ] fleas do you have an opinion one way or the other then drop me a line via my website link in the description below say whatever the hell you like just be

13:46 reasonably civil until next Monday or Friday if this ain't Earnest what is



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