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Increase Your Influence – Trudy Beerman
Episode 146912th March 2024 • Kingdom Cross Roads Podcast • Robert Thibodeau
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Increase Your Influence

Trudy Beerman

In today’s society, money is often the focus of, well – everything!  Even if you do not want to focus on money – the fact you are trying NOT to focus on money has you focused on money! Amen!  Don’t shout me down when I’m preaching good.

Our guest today helps people to shift their focus from money (which has become their god) to becoming focused on THE GOD who gives them the money! Amen! Money is not “the root of all evil” as some claim.  But scripture is very specific in 1 Timothy 6:10 that says, “THE LOVE of money is the root of all evil.”  The key is to “root out the evil” and then all your left with is the money! Amen!  Then you can do what God has called you do with that money. Praise God!

Trudy Beerman is our guest today. Trudy was on way, way back in 2018.  Episode number 216 I believe. That was almost 1250 episodes ago!  Amen!

Trudy is a TV producer, radio show host and best-selling author with many financial industry credentials to her credit. She is a Christian Stewardship Strategist who helps move Christian business owners from places of worrying about money to a place where they can #BeMore #HaveMore and #GiveMore. Amen!  She also served as a Dave Ramsey table leader at her church and was a former member of “Kingdom Advisors.”

Does that sound like a place YOU would like to be? I know it does me! Amen!

Help me welcome – BACK – to the program, Trudy Beerman!

Trudy – it has been a few years. It’s hard to believe it has been almost six years since we last talked. Amen!

So, to catch us up on what you have been doing, let me start by asking you this question first. Other than that brief information I just shared, can you tell us in your own words, “Who is Trudy Beerman?”

Can you share with us how you became involved in the “Biblical Prosperity” type of business?

I have heard that you are sometimes mentioned in the same circles with Dave Ramsey, etc. But you operate in a little different area than Dave Ramsey’s organization, correct?

Your brand is called “REACHology.”  What does that phrase mean?

In your opinion, is it better to be a big fish in a small pond? Or should we try to jump to a bigger pond where there are bigger fish?

You are a doctoral candidate at Liberty University and you are study “influential reach.” This is what we were just talking about. How are you applying this to doctrinal studies?

How are you able to help the average person increase their reach with your REACHology program?

You also have your own television channel called “Profitable Stewardship, Inc.,” or PSI for short.

Tell us a bit about using PSI-TV to increase our influential reach…

You share that if you can do YouTube, you can do TV.  Don’t we need to have fancy cameras and light sets to do television?

I do love the part where you shared before that God inspired you to use your talent and invest it in helping others. And when you wondered if anyone would even listen to you, as there are other people out there who also specialize in helping increase influence, etc. Can you share what God downloaded to you that moved you off the needle and into what you do now?

As we get ready to close, I do want to go over, what you call, the REACHology Score. What is that and why is it important to us?

It’s also not just about reaching others… it also involves reaching the correct groups of people. I mean, if I was a computer programmer, I could advertise and promote my products to, I don’t know, roofers or something. There may be a couple of roofers that may be interested, but most would not be. I believe you have developed an AP called your “Audience Finder AI” that helps with this. Can you share about how it works and how it can help?

You are using this same system to help a local politician identify her weak areas in her campaign. How is that working for her in her?

Trudy, this has been so interesting. If someone wanted to get in touch with you or ask a question, how can they do that?

You also have an offer to help them to “Get the Word Out” about what they are doing and possibly even put their information on television. How does that work?

I’ll put links to all of this in the show notes. Amen.

Folks, Trudy is the real deal. She has been on our program before and she has grown even more in the services she helps believers with. Amen!  You need… listen to me here… you NEED to drop down into the show notes and reach out to Trudy Beerman, right now, while you are listening to me. Amen!

Click the links below and get in touch with her. Check out her website and all the things she can help you with. Be sure to check out the information on being on her program and sharing your information to here audience. That is the main way you can grow your influence. I preach this all the time to our podcast audiences. Amen!

Drop down into the show notes and click the links right there. You will not be disappointed. Amen!





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