Today’s energizing conversation is with Tabitha A. Scott. A Kentucky native, who lives in Nashville - Tab is an award-winning international advisor, speaker, and best-selling author of Trust Your Animal Instincts-Recharge Your Life & Ignite Your Power. She’s a Certified Energy Manager and Certified Demand Side Manager through the Association of Energy Engineers, is Blockchain Certified through MIT, and is Certified as a Healing Touch Practitioner in human biofield therapy. It’s fascinating that she’s highly credentialed in both the engineering side and the human side of energy.
In this episode, we talk about the intersection of science and spirituality in regard to energy. How animals can help you find answers – in Tab’s case it’s been snakes and scorpions. And what you can do to achieve purposeful transformation, one small bite at a time.
I don’t know that I would’ve survived a day in the jungle with wild monkeys and scorpions. But I love that Tab did and came out of it so rejuvenated.
If you’re interested in reading Tab’s book Trust Your Animal Instincts – and let me tell you, it’s one I’ve not been able to put down, you can get it at her website Powering dash potential dot com.
Tab's hype song is Chumbawamba's Tubthumping (aka I get knocked down, but I get up again!)
Come join us in the Fine is a 4-Letter Word Facebook group.
This episode is sponsored by Zen Rabbit. When you’re asking yourself “what’s next for me? Who am I now, in this next season of life? And where do I even start figuring out my purpose?” the F*ck Being Fine Experience is here for you. Go to to learn more or to schedule a complimentary call.
Hello and welcome to fine is a four letter word. My guest today
Speaker:is tab at the Scott, and we met in a really interesting way,
Speaker:Tabitha was doing a Google search on the term purposeful transformation,
Speaker:and came across my LinkedIn profile, she reached out to me,
Speaker:and we knew we were kindred spirits from the first moment and so
Speaker:I'm so excited to have to have you on my podcast today.
Speaker:Thank you for joining me. Thank you. And I am
Speaker:all about that purposeful transformation work. I just released a blog today
Speaker:about it, and you know not much was written about that,
Speaker:and for your name to come up and the work that you've been
Speaker:doing, it was fascinating to me, and then the more I got to
Speaker:know what you're up to with this podcast and listen to some of
Speaker:them. It's pretty darn fascinating. And I think a lot of women can
Speaker:relate. Thank you. I like to start out our conversations with a little
Speaker:bit of an understanding of where you came from, in terms of the
Speaker:beliefs that were instilled in you as you were growing up,
Speaker:that possibly had an effect on how your life has played out so
Speaker:far, or from childhood to that point where everything was fine.
Speaker:Yeah, so I had some pretty strong paradigms that were laying into me
Speaker:as a strict Southern Baptist, I was Methodist part of my
Speaker:child raising years and then Baptist, the other part, and it was a
Speaker:no alcohol home, death and damnation and repentance and... Never ask about
Speaker:other religions because they're just all going to hell, it was a very
Speaker:strict upbringing with very clear rules, and I think there were reasons
Speaker:that path was chosen by my parents, they were school teachers,
Speaker:and so structure was very important to them. So I did teach me
Speaker:a lot of things about values and community, honesty,
Speaker:very good things, and it taught me a lot about
Speaker:the Bible. We never missed a Sunday, we were like three times a
Speaker:week, church goers. So it was very active and engaged in the Christian
Speaker:faith, and what I learned as I grew up, and I began studying
Speaker:electricity, electrical energy, and then human bio field energy, and the
Speaker:more I learned about quantum science, the more it reinforced with the Bible,
Speaker:but also other religions talk about with this source of universal energy
Speaker:and that we are all just vibrating light, that's what we are.
Speaker:And so for me, it was like this Easter egg hunt,
Speaker:and the more I learned, the more I realized, Oh my goodness,
Speaker:this explains the holy spirit, or this explains how Jesus healed people.
Speaker:Or, you know, It was like There's affirmation of what they taught me,
Speaker:but I also through my travels and work experience as an executive in
Speaker:the renewable energy sector and working overseas and in different countries
Speaker:and my travels, I learned a much more broad understanding of different faiths
Speaker:and an appreciation for spirituality and connectedness that I didn't have
Speaker:growing up, and since that time, I'm able to share that
Speaker:back with my family and they're pretty understanding. It's so interesting
Speaker:to me too that you brought up quantum physics and spirituality and how
Speaker:often times it's one or the other, it's like science or spirituality,
Speaker:why can't there be both? 'cause they are really intertwined. That's what
Speaker:cracks me up. It was like, I read this book called Sapiens,
Speaker:and it was like this big light bulb went on... After I read
Speaker:that, I was working in Israel on some net zero housing,
Speaker:and one of the guys at Jerusalem University said, I think you're gonna
Speaker:love this book. As curious as you are and I into energy and
Speaker:physics, you're gonna really like it. And it was so cool because it
Speaker:put in perspective how religions were created as ways to add structure during
Speaker:certain periods of time for certain reasons, and that really put a different
Speaker:perspective, and it was enlightening for me to look at it through that
Speaker:lens. If you look at the King James version of the Bible,
Speaker:for example, God or Christ, they're referred to as the light 272 times,
Speaker:it's because we're made of energy, so it's in the language all around
Speaker:us and in all these ancient religions, so it's just super cool for
Speaker:me to think that, Hey, it's all the same. It's not in conflict.
Speaker:I love that. I love being able to share that with people,
Speaker:to help them see different perspectives. Yeah, I like religion aside for
Speaker:a minute and look at how we are all born into different socio
Speaker:economic conditions, different countries, different political beliefs or
Speaker:different education levels, all of these things are different and our paradigms
Speaker:are different, but yet we're made of the exact same energy and so
Speaker:are the plants, and so our animals, and we all go through the
Speaker:same growth cycles, even companies go through the same growth cycles,
Speaker:and that's why they use the S curve. So to me,
Speaker:it all just comes back to energy. It's the source of everything.
Speaker:Right, so you just brought up companies, let's go to where you took
Speaker:these values and applied them to your professional career as a renewable
Speaker:energy executive. Tell me a little bit more about that journey that you
Speaker:are on that I had started out... I
Speaker:grew into an executive early on, so by the age of 30,
Speaker:I was a CEO of my first company, and
Speaker:I thought making money is great, but it feels a little empty,
Speaker:and this great mentor I had, date of ours, she said,
Speaker:You know, I know what you're passionate about... And then figure out how
Speaker:to get paid for it. And so that's what I did,
Speaker:I said, I'm gonna solve the energy crisis and people will care,
Speaker:and renewable energy, that's the future, and I had so much enthusiasm around
Speaker:it, it wasn't even like working... And I spent a lot of years
Speaker:working with companies on business models to adopt renewable energies because
Speaker:they didn't wanna change, they didn't care about climate change like I thought
Speaker:they might... Now, on the coast of the United States, they do in
Speaker:certain areas. But where I was in the Southeast, coal is cheap,
Speaker:and so it was really popular, so it took a lot of thinking
Speaker:about how to approach things from a business model so that people could
Speaker:get into energy and action. So they were talking about renewable energy,
Speaker:but they really just were in it for the money, they were only
Speaker:in it if you could find the money for them, and that was
Speaker:what I did, I found ways to... Like instead of putting a solar
Speaker:array on an individual house, which might take 10 years to pay back,
Speaker:you put a bunch of solar arrays on a bunch of houses like
Speaker:a Fort Bliss, 5000 homes and you make an asset out of it,
Speaker:so it's just investing in real estate assets, who was a separate asset
Speaker:that generated a return for companies, so coming up with these creative
Speaker:models and working with other companies to do that is how...
Speaker:We got it pushed through. You were a living and your whole life
Speaker:at that point, it was... Everything was fine. Oh. Everything was so fine,
Speaker:it was the best fake smile in a selfie like seen at that
Speaker:point in my life. Because my kids were grown and
Speaker:gone. They had just left the nest, everybody, this cookie cutter life that
Speaker:I had, this Executive and her kids are grown and gone.
Speaker:They're independent and there's 21 year marriage, but that marriage and
Speaker:did the kids left and I was empty nesting at work,
Speaker:it was 17 years in an industry that, like I said,
Speaker:was constantly convincing people that renewable energy is a good idea because
Speaker:it reduces pollution, it helps your health and people just didn't seem to
Speaker:care, and again, in certain places, California or New York, certain places
Speaker:that they did, it was just complete burnout from being that happy,
Speaker:pleasant face and that ball of energy and really encouraging people about
Speaker:what could happen if we did some things that reduced our carbon...
Speaker:And at that time, when I was speaking to groups, I would say,
Speaker:Hey, you know how many people have heard of the Exxon Valdez spill?
Speaker:And everybody would raise their hand... What about the BP Gulf spill?
Speaker:And everybody would raise their hand and then I'm like, What about the
Speaker:TVA spill? That was in Tennessee and Kentucky,
Speaker:and it was 100 times the size of the Exxon, it was 10
Speaker:times the size of PP. And nobody ever raises their hands because we
Speaker:don't even know what's going on right under our noses, and the deeper
Speaker:you get into that underbelly of the industry, and the more you learn
Speaker:about what we're doing to our health and the death of the animals,
Speaker:the drinking water for seven counties that was affected, it just became
Speaker:overwhelming that I couldn't help, and I felt like I was bringing these
Speaker:little symbols of water on a forest fire,
Speaker:and it just making a difference And so in our call that we
Speaker:did before this interview, you told me about the absolute breaking point.
Speaker:When you just decided, Alright, I cannot do this anymore.
Speaker:Tell my audience, what happened there, in fact, that conversation. The whole
Speaker:thing in the border, it was in a training session with executive leaders
Speaker:from around the country and some from overseas, and
Speaker:I had just weeks prior, had surgery for a breast cancer scare and
Speaker:hadn't told any what at work, because I had been shooting all over
Speaker:myself, what I mean by that is I should not let them see
Speaker:me when I should not tell them about this surgery, I don't want
Speaker:anyone looking at my breast, I don't want anyone thinking about me in
Speaker:that way in Episode 2, Daro Goldberg talks about shedding set,
Speaker:getting the shows, that's what snakes told me in my book,
Speaker:shut your skin, but that's another story. So
Speaker:yeah, I was busy shooting on myself, you should be able to cope
Speaker:with this marriage that's dissipated after a couple of decades, and
Speaker:the surgery was like... There's so much to process when that happens to
Speaker:you, you're processing... Am I still female? Are people gonna look at me
Speaker:funny or people gonna know... This was scary, but I don't wanna tell
Speaker:anyone, there's so much that you're processing emotionally and mentally,
Speaker:and then physically, I had these tubes running in different directions coming
Speaker:out of my body, and if you've ever had a major surgery like
Speaker:that, you've got stitches going in different places, so all this was going
Speaker:on under my business jacket, I can't even believe you are sitting there
Speaker:to weather on three weeks. Oh my gosh. So
Speaker:we're in this training and it was negotiations training, and again,
Speaker:it was a executive level, and I was doing well, it was a
Speaker:series of competitive things where you negotiated that we would discuss
Speaker:as a group. So I have been doing really well and scored well,
Speaker:and someone piped up and said, Hey, here's what tab was able to
Speaker:negotiate last night at dinner, she got us all these things,
Speaker:just using the skills we learned in the training yesterday. So the teacher
Speaker:says to me, tab, why don't you share with the class what your
Speaker:techniques are... Now, I was excited about this because I worked from home,
Speaker:and these people I don't get to see very often, maybe once every
Speaker:other month, so this was an opportunity for me to really shine,
Speaker:and I was one of very, very few females in that industry,
Speaker:so before the words even can come out, this crossed the old guy,
Speaker:pale stale mail, right hand and he says, Well, clearly she raised her
Speaker:shirt and user tests and that's how she got what she wanted and...
Speaker:No words, I could even come to. Nothing Wadia the time.
Speaker:And I leaned over to the Director of HR that was sitting next
Speaker:to me and said, Oh, I guess he missed his sensitivity training this
Speaker:year. You know? Oh yes, yes, I take care of that.
Speaker:But nothing was ever said, so. Wow, that just blows my mind.
Speaker:Just like, whatever that. That's how we use.
Speaker:So that is a Montford, whatever reason being so emotionally exhausted,
Speaker:I just... I didn't say a word, I just was enough.
Speaker:I can't take it. And quit my job, I gave away most of
Speaker:my things and I went to living cost Tari and you're in a
Speaker:jungle for three months. So you quit your job. How did you decide
Speaker:CoStar? And did you just quit and then in the same moment go
Speaker:Costa Rica. Had you been thinking about Costa Rica maybe for weeks or
Speaker:months before... Yeah, the quit came over a period of time,
Speaker:I had a wonderful boss at the time and
Speaker:was able to work out, hey, I'll go ahead and work till the
Speaker:end of the year. I knew it was gonna be a period of
Speaker:time, and then I knew I wanted to go somewhere. So I started
Speaker:language ing to friends, I wanna go somewhere, if you know anybody that
Speaker:has a place I could rent if you... And I wanna go somewhere
Speaker:in the middle of nowhere, preferably in the language I don't understand,
Speaker:and I just wanna be away from everything and immersed in nature,
Speaker:and a friend of mine had another friend with a place in rural
Speaker:Costa Rica. It's an hour and a half from paved roads for three
Speaker:months, I got it for about the same prices that we can Disney,
Speaker:so super, I expect. But there's a reason. Wow, scorpion.
Speaker:Scorpion carbines are real. No, thanks. Did you wake up with them...
Speaker:Now that you brought it up, I have to... Now that I brought
Speaker:it up, well, I'm gonna add scorpion wrangling to my LinkedIn
Speaker:qualify, because one of those people that think like, let's take the spider
Speaker:outside, let's not kill it, and so I'm trying to do that with
Speaker:these creatures that... I mean, I'm in Tennessee, in Nashville, the last
Speaker:15 years in Kentucky, before that, we don't have scorpion, so I didn't
Speaker:know what to do with them. And their little barb tails were all
Speaker:were ready to get me, so I'm putting them in plastic cups and
Speaker:taking them outside, I saw eight of them in a 48 hour period,
Speaker:and it was one of those in book I talk about animals that
Speaker:are answers to what I was asking the universe at the time,
Speaker:I would say, Hey, God, what should I do about this?
Speaker:What should I do about that? And I became very, very attuned to
Speaker:the animals around me, so during that 48 hour period until I figured
Speaker:out what the message was, they kept coming, and then after that,
Speaker:I didn't see anymore. What was the message? Their message was,
Speaker:I was trying to decide whether to invite someone I had been dating
Speaker:down to Costa Rica to stay with me for a week or so,
Speaker:and all of the Should... This guarded hard, I can't possibly let someone
Speaker:in IT, I can't possibly experience love, I was too scared and I
Speaker:had this huge barrier, this hard shell around my heart, if you do,
Speaker:and I kept thinking, Why is a scorpion have to say
Speaker:they have an ex skill it's a slither fierce there into constant defense,
Speaker:and I was okay, like, Okay, fine, just let it go.
Speaker:Take the risk, invite this guy down and stop. Stressing out again,
Speaker:I was raised in this air that what would people think you're not
Speaker:doing to this and people laugh at me when I say that,
Speaker:but if you're raised that way... You get it.
Speaker:Sure, so I didn't wanna disappoint anyone. And finally, I just said,
Speaker:Forget it, I'm gonna have fun, and I'm gonna invite him.
Speaker:And as soon as I did, they quit coming as fascinating to me...
Speaker:I mean, it makes total sense because I believe in...
Speaker:You get the signs, if you're paying attention, which you know so many
Speaker:times people ask for a sign, God universe, whatever, please give me a
Speaker:sign of which direction I'm supposed to go, what decision Am I supposed
Speaker:to make? And they stress and these... Signs are coming to them.
Speaker:They're just not seeing them. Yeah, you're not seeing them. And going back
Speaker:to the episode you mentioned where your friend was talking about shedding
Speaker:the shorts, that was the very first animal message that I got,
Speaker:I was asking about the job specifically, and Do I change my name
Speaker:back? What do I do about these things that... I kept seeing snakes
Speaker:for a period of months, and we googled, we said, Is there a
Speaker:snake craziness going on in the navarrese, and finally one day it was
Speaker:like this flash of seder skin and snags them
Speaker:because they can't grow into what they're supposed to be, they're literally,
Speaker:Corti, they keep that skin and so you have to shut it,
Speaker:and then the other reason they shut it is to get rid of
Speaker:parasites and think about all the relationships, the negative self talk...
Speaker:The pressure I was putting on myself. So
Speaker:shed those shots, get rid of them, and he learned from the snakes.
Speaker:Was that before or after you went to Costa Rica? That was before,
Speaker:that was before I quit my job. What were the tools that you
Speaker:used? I think you mentioned journaling, what were the tools that you used
Speaker:to help yourself heal from that, all the pain and everything's fine here,
Speaker:like those years of stuffing everything down to transforming into the person
Speaker:that you then became... What were the tools that you used to do
Speaker:that? Aside from running away to Costa Rica and just hanging out in
Speaker:a jungle for three months. Definitely, I did a ton of journaling,
Speaker:and I am not a journaling person that typically does that,
Speaker:But I documented everything that happened in Costa Rican, how I was feeling.
Speaker:I wrote down some very painful memories and I burned them one evening
Speaker:and then buried the ashes and Costa Rica, so I took some books
Speaker:to read about dealing with emotion and things like that, but mostly I
Speaker:think better after I run of a very active person and so sitting
Speaker:cross, negative breathing techniques, they don't work well for me unless
Speaker:I'm exhausted, so for me, my happy place was getting in the jungle
Speaker:and running on the trails, it was a 100 degree heat,
Speaker:sweating and doing yoga every day, and just embracing the messages from
Speaker:the animals and from nature. So I didn't even have a cell phone
Speaker:service, there wasn't even an address or mail box of where I was
Speaker:staying, which should have been the first clue and... So it was wonderful.
Speaker:I didn't have the option to get online and check anything,
Speaker:I had to go to the nearest village to get WiFi.
Speaker:Now, I have a practical question that came up, and I'm sure that
Speaker:my listeners are also thinking this question, where did you get your food...
Speaker:It's not like you could go to Trader Joes. No, no.
Speaker:But there were small groceries, there were places that you could get food,
Speaker:you just had to go into the nearest
Speaker:village to do that. Okay, so yeah, my first day I forgot about
Speaker:these wild dogs that they were between the grocery and where I was
Speaker:staying, the little place that I was staying, and I rented a bicycle
Speaker:and that's in the town to get around, and I went to the
Speaker:grocery and I had this pot on the front of the bicycle,
Speaker:I had my backpack grocery strapped to this, and it's like this leisure
Speaker:bicycle on dirt roads with pot holes the size of bathtubs,
Speaker:it was insane trying to ride that thing, I didn't do it very
Speaker:many weeks at a car. Anyway, those things were clinging like a monkey
Speaker:with giant symbols really loud calling the dogs, and I'm trying to outrun
Speaker:the dogs, it was quite an adventure go into the grocery,
Speaker:but I figured, you know what, I can drop some margarine or butter
Speaker:or something, and maybe they'll eat it instead of my
Speaker:life. Wow. Okay. Yeah, not many people go to the extreme length that
Speaker:you went to to rediscover your life's purpose. And you know what,
Speaker:I didn't realize it would be that extreme... To be honest,
Speaker:I looked on a map and I was like, Oh, it's near the
Speaker:ocean, how cool it's... You're the jungle. How cool? How bad could it
Speaker:be? And in my mind's eye, I had a Mountain Home or something,
Speaker:I didn't really realize how remote, but it was wonderful, I was raised,
Speaker:as I said, by two school teachers, and they made us abundantly curious
Speaker:about nature and everything has a purpose. So even if it's scary,
Speaker:don't be afraid, there's a good purpose for it and be respectful,
Speaker:so it was good, and you know what, you don't have to go
Speaker:to the jungle because anybody can tap into their energy, anybody can tap
Speaker:into and recharge and reconnect at any time. It ended up being exactly
Speaker:the place that you needed to be though, is what I was going
Speaker:to say, it was... It was for me, because staying positive and staying
Speaker:happy and going from a fine to fabulous, you do that by following
Speaker:what makes you happy, following what makes your heart saying, what are those
Speaker:things you're doing when you're subconsciously humming, when you lose track
Speaker:of time. When you forget to eat, those are your high Vive activities,
Speaker:love compassion, passion. And doing more of those, and for me,
Speaker:I was feeling those all over the place, because here are monkeys...
Speaker:Oh, I love monkeys. Here are these crazy raccoon looking things,
Speaker:koeman did that I didn't even know existed. Sea Turtles, it was just...
Speaker:I was in list the whole time because of the animals in my
Speaker:love for them. So wherever your passion is, it might be art,
Speaker:it might be playing an instrument, it might be petting your cat,
Speaker:whatever makes your heart sing, do more of that, and that's what gets
Speaker:you to a place where you can hear your intuition really reconnect sometimes,
Speaker:people need to step back even further though, because I've had so many
Speaker:conversations with people who believe that that is what they need to do,
Speaker:but they don't even know what makes their heart sing, what they enjoy
Speaker:doing anymore, they're so far removed from anything that
Speaker:feels joyous to them, they have to step back and re discover what
Speaker:is it? That's exactly what I did. And
Speaker:it takes practice, but you can definitely do it. Anyone can do it.
Speaker:What you do first is you start to notice, when do I get
Speaker:that feeling? And by that feeling, I mean that feeling like when you're
Speaker:blowing the candles out on your birthday cake or your favorite team takes
Speaker:the field or a singer or hits this impossibly high note and you
Speaker:get goosebumps, goosebumps are a great indication, John A down like whatever
Speaker:the heck, you're doing at that time. That's one of your high Vive
Speaker:activities. Yeah, is paying attention to the energy that you're feeling...
Speaker:Yeah, which comes right back to, what are you doing now?
Speaker:When I eat at my mother's house and she makes BlackBerry cobbler,
Speaker:dad has this organic Blackberry farm in Elizabethtown, Kentucky. It's so
Speaker:yummy. It's almost like very season, I will find myself subconsciously humming
Speaker:and it's not something I'm aware of, but now that I know,
Speaker:Oh, that's a happy place for me, eating cobbler of my mom's table
Speaker:in Kentucky, and so try to notice when you catch yourself subconsciously
Speaker:humming, you might be going to the grocery store, but what exactly are
Speaker:you doing? Is it a song you just listen to, and the more
Speaker:you can start to refine it and keep little list now when you're
Speaker:feeling off balance, God knows after the last year, we've had everybody
Speaker:as a to go back and reference that list and practice some of
Speaker:those things. That's such great advice, because like I said,
Speaker:it's about tuning into what is it for you? And you mentioned a
Speaker:little earlier that you can't sit cross like it and just be quiet,
Speaker:'cause that doesn't work for... You need to be moving.
Speaker:And when I do the meditations, there's always a meditation as a bonus
Speaker:to the episode, to the interview episodes, it's about getting comfortable,
Speaker:whether that's sitting, relying down or walking around, whatever works for
Speaker:you. It's the same concept across the Poland, that's why your meditations
Speaker:work for more people, because I think we're all absolutely different in
Speaker:the way that we transpose the energy in our lives, but we are
Speaker:all made of the same energy, so we have access equally to tap
Speaker:into it, but we're gonna do it different ways because we're not all
Speaker:exactly alike, right. That expression of energy is going to come out in
Speaker:different ways, it is... It was also funny for me as a...
Speaker:I'm a Certified Energy Manager and demand side manager, so I'm used to
Speaker:working with engineers, very logic based people, and
Speaker:like you were saying earlier, people think that you can't be logical and
Speaker:spiritual, and in the jungle, it really became profound to me that they
Speaker:are the exact same thing, that energy is the way to describe
Speaker:how we're feeling, it's high vibes and low vibes, think about everything
Speaker:in our language that talks about our condition of being electric.
Speaker:She lit up when she came in the room... Wow, I was really
Speaker:drained after he came in, or I'm spun up today, I'm off balance
Speaker:with covid everything. So many things in our vocabulary are about the words
Speaker:dealing with electricity, I'm transformed... You know. It goes on. So tell
Speaker:us briefly, a little bit more about what you are doing.
Speaker:And I wanted to mention your book too, because I did just start
Speaker:reading it and you referenced it a couple of times already,
Speaker:and it's called Trust your animal instinct. Right? It is trust your animal
Speaker:instincts recharge your life and ignite your power, so it's about tapping
Speaker:into your instincts, getting rid of your shorts and the pressures that are
Speaker:holding you back, and then whatever you find once you tap in,
Speaker:taking the risk to move forward with that and that is a huge
Speaker:thing that holds people back, especially business people, are even in our
Speaker:relationships, it doesn't have to be a business, we don't like to take
Speaker:the risk, but it's really important that we do... Right. We don't wanna
Speaker:take the risk because what if I get hurt? What if it doesn't
Speaker:work out the way I would like it to, or I expect it
Speaker:to? Or... Yeah. What if it hurts? I use the
Speaker:old samurai warrior technique. They used to think about death before battle,
Speaker:they would imagine that they die and they go through that process mentally
Speaker:before they go into battle, so they're free to fight and be free
Speaker:of that, and so I say If you have a decision and you're
Speaker:weighing whether to take the risk or not ask yourself what is the
Speaker:worst thing that happens? And if the answer is something that you still...
Speaker:If you're still excited about going forward, then do it...
Speaker:Stop thinking about it and just do it. And if you think the
Speaker:worst thing that happens is I get fired and you're not willing to
Speaker:take the risk, then don't know. I'd go so far to say,
Speaker:if it doesn't result in physical death, do it right again.
Speaker:What's the worst thing that could happen? Because you make a decision,
Speaker:people get stuck on again, being afraid to make a decision,
Speaker:but almost no decision, there are a couple of decisions that you could
Speaker:make that are irreversible, but 99% of them are maybe not reversible,
Speaker:isn't the right word, but changeable. You make a decision, it turns out
Speaker:not to be what you are expecting, you make a different decision,
Speaker:right, and you move in a different... Down a different path,
Speaker:right? And that's so important, I call it...
Speaker:If you de couple people's opinion from you, if you call it The
Speaker:Show monster, all that pressure off and say, No, I'm not disappointing my
Speaker:dad with the same disappointing the show monster or my boss or my
Speaker:friend or whatever, and it gives you a different language in a different
Speaker:way to process it... Yeah, what is the worst thing that happens?
Speaker:You fail and you learn. The nose in life for me have been
Speaker:equally important as the yeses, because you learn what doesn't work and
Speaker:you just go faster, you have To... And you use the word fail,
Speaker:and I would challenge that in terms of... Well, first of all,
Speaker:redefining what is failure, it's just getting to an outcome that wasn't
Speaker:what you wanted or expected, but it's not a judgment, it's...
Speaker:Yeah, I totally agree. And redefining success in addition to failure,
Speaker:this mass exodus of people from the workplace that we're seeing now because
Speaker:people are burnt out, they don't wanna go back to the same
Speaker:hour long commute to sit in a concrete box all day,
Speaker:and you know what they have redefined success and success is about a
Speaker:balance, successes about connection, and it's about well being, so somewhat
Speaker:with your job, find something that you love, redefining what... Again,
Speaker:what is success for you? Because it's gonna look different for you,
Speaker:then it looks for me, then it looks for
Speaker:17 other people, everybody has to define it for herself himself,
Speaker:and once you do that, and you kinda have this freedom to
Speaker:say, live your purpose... Purpose is such a big thing. People are always
Speaker:looking for What is my life purpose? And that seems so
Speaker:daunting, but Finding, again, finding the thing that lights you up,
Speaker:to use an energy term. Yeah, and you know what, Laurie,
Speaker:I like to say, find a little way point instead of going through
Speaker:life on cruise control trying to find that perfect destination... What is
Speaker:my purpose? Holes, tell me my life purpose it... I can tell you
Speaker:my purpose changes three times before breakfast in the morning, and so find
Speaker:a way point that makes you feel a little better, so maybe you
Speaker:hate your job today, but you really like mentoring the girl that sits
Speaker:across the pipe from you, then start mentoring her once a week,
Speaker:and then maybe twice a week, and then ask your boss if you
Speaker:can mentor others, you see what I'm saying, find these ways that make
Speaker:you happy and to start adding more of them into your life,
Speaker:and what you see happening is you'll see, this purposeful transformation,
Speaker:you're gonna be going from miserable to at least doing more things you
Speaker:like and more things you'd like, and over time you'll find yourself in
Speaker:that state where, Hey, I'm in touch with my intuition, I'm going places,
Speaker:and I'm embracing the journey that's such a fantastic place to
Speaker:stop here, but before we actually stop recording, I gotta ask you about
Speaker:the hype on... That's the song that chart... We'll continue with the energy,
Speaker:what's the song that charges you up when you need... An extra boost
Speaker:of energy. My song would be, I get knocked down, but I get
Speaker:up again. You know, like that's me, and that's what we're talking about,
Speaker:jumbo. Gonna go, Yeah, but just get up and find another way point
Speaker:and just go a little distance further, quit trying to figure out your
Speaker:whole life, it's just gonna stress you out. Just go a little further
Speaker:in a direction that makes you happy. How can my listeners get in
Speaker:touch with you if they want to get a copy of the book,
Speaker:reach out to you, find out more about what you're doing,
Speaker:you connect with you about your journey. I am all over social media,
Speaker:Tabitha a Scott, you can go to powering, potential dot com.
Speaker:So Powering with a dash in the middle and the word potential dot
Speaker:com, and it has information about the book and some of the other
Speaker:fun stuff I've been up to. Excellent, and we'll put that in the
Speaker:show notes as well. Thank you so much for joining me today.
Speaker:Tab on fine is a four letter word. It's been so fun.