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Podcast# 259 Earnest Truth: Pee-wee Herman's Battle Versus US Government Tyranny, What You're not Being Told.
Episode 2598th September 2023 • The Earnest Mann Show • Earnest Mann
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The Untold Truth About Pee-wee Herman

Hello everyone, it's Friday and we've made it through another week. Today, I'm bringing you episode number 259, where we discuss the lesser-known aspects of Pee-wee Herman's life. Many of you might remember Pee-wee, the iconic character that brought joy to so many. But there's a side to his story that many aren't aware of.

Pee-wee's Battle with the Media

Pee-wee Herman, or Paul Reubens as he's known off-stage, faced significant challenges in his career. From an arrest in 1991 for an incident in an adult movie theater to charges related to obscene material in 2002, Pee-wee's reputation took a hit. But what many don't realize is that these events had a profound impact on his career and personal life.

The Impact of Accusations

Being in the limelight means every action is scrutinized. For Pee-wee, the media's portrayal affected his career trajectory. Hollywood can be unforgiving, and one wrong move can make or break a career. Pee-wee's situation was no different. Despite the love and admiration from fans, the media's portrayal created a narrative that was hard to shake off.

The Reality of Tyranny

It's essential to understand the broader implications of Pee-wee's story. It's not just about a celebrity facing challenges; it's about the tyranny that exists in society. The way the law and media handle situations can have lasting impacts on individuals, even if they're innocent.

In conclusion, Pee-wee Herman's story serves as a reminder of the challenges celebrities face and the broader issues of media portrayal and societal judgment. Remember, actions speak louder than words, and it's crucial to look beyond the headlines.

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© 2023 The Earnest Mann Show


00:00 if you work for a living why do you kill yourself working [Music] from the Willamette Valley in America's Great Pacific Northwest you are listening to the earnest man show I'm your host Ernest Mann coming to you no matter where what time or what place you may be listening in this great big beautiful but sometimes incredibly crazy world we all live in [Music] thank you hello everybody and here it is Friday we made it through another damn week

01:06 thank you for tuning in or for tuning in again this is episode number 259 Ernest truth Peewee Herman's battle versus U.S government tyranny what you're not being told I don't know about you guys but uh I thought it was time for a change into something that is well by now since uh August uh perhaps you might consider it to be old news but um actually I'm going to turn it into new news because of what you're not being told and as you know that's what I love to do is I tell you the bits of things

02:02 that you're not being told and uh This concerns Pee-wee Herman now I remember back in the day I remember Peewee and I loved peewee's show and I love these movies and generally speaking I thought Peewee was cool and maybe you did too but of course there came the downfall of peewee and that started actually in 91.

02:43 and um what I'm going to get to here is um you know besides the fact I mean in case you don't know um Pee-wee Herman Paul Berman Rubens he passed away um that would have been in August I believe and he uh he died of cancer and um so there was a mixed bag for all the media surrounding him and his life and everything he went through but by and large what I remember most was that everyone loved Peewee Peewee was cool don't [ __ ] with the Peewee peewee's cool but he is

03:46 um what many people uh may not recognize is that um as much as we want to believe that that is an actual person as it is it is character and he was an actor and a performer and he is um well he's just a human he's just a human guy like the rest of us and so um he suffers the uh swings and arrows of that and some of it being so ridiculous that he never should have [Laughter] for instance before the more uh serious uh months legging began um in 91 he was arrested on the suspicion of a decent exposure and an

04:43 adult movie theater now um again perhaps this has to do with um understanding I don't know I mean your average say woke person wouldn't understand this but um it's called an adult movie theater that should tell you something you're not there to watch Disney Classics okay okay and it was very common and this goes all the way back I don't know when it originally started certainly in the 40s all the way through um that yeah this is an adult movie theater and um as was pretty much the habit of men at that time they wore hats

05:46 and uh look at any pictures from the uh 30s 40s 50s that'll leave until until the early 60s of that generation that wore hats and uh in several books that I had read that indicated what was a commonly known truth that when such men chose to go to such venues uh they um well they utilized their hats to contain certain um okay more simply put they jacked off into their hats see how simple language is when when you're not afraid of language that's what they did that lack of any better that's what they [ __ ] did

06:46 okay apparently uh even then up until a certain point until things were turned into something unnatural uh they understood in quotes what an adult movie theater meant you're not going there to watch Mary Poppins okay okay and as a consequence that's pretty much normal now granted this is not reflect apparently what was going on when the transition that I remembered into uh the unnaturalness of the whole uh incredibly anti-male anti-sex thing this that and the other but yeah even apparently if you had a tat and you were jacking off

07:42 into your hat that's oh my God the world's coming to an end quick call the jack off police laughs so Rubens was arrested in 91 on suspicion of indecent exposure at an adult movie theater and he pleaded no contest and he served 75 hours community service in that case which again in my mind should not have been a case at all but he was in California which certainly by that time yeah the uh the whole world the whole thing was changing into something perversely restrictive as far as certain elements are concerned and uh so yeah

nd so that's what happened in:

the case and um basically in:

10:46 what I want to talk about it's not here all about what happened in that case because of course it's history okay okay and I don't want to talk about how the California law is completely backward and idiotic in this case and basically he was charged but just because you're charged of something doesn't mean you're guilty okay okay um but it's what happens as a consequence of um you know of of this happening in your life now at this moment what I'm asking you to do was would be to put yourself in his

so you know we're going into:

12:41 they they did and so he had to suffer them um infiltrating his his home and the Hollywood Hills and They seized the his collections of everything and his personal computers and they they claim they obtained like 30 000 images 25 magazines and a film and they just the point is it they want in this Draconian manner is just God damn we've got your peewee you're you're not applicable or funny or entertain you're you're some you're you're just a monster and we're going to

13:46 let the general public know what a monster you are Pee-wee Herman so essentially after this idiotic court procedures want basically nowhere you know he it didn't it didn't really nothing that was really nothing there except if you don't count for instance the fact of the incredible amount of damage that was done to his career and this is the point that I want to focus in on here and what I am trying to say is that this is something that is beyond

14:50 being a threat because this in fact what I'm going to tell you is a reality you see because of this what amounts to a bunch of [ __ ] and it was [ __ ] it really and truly was absolute [ __ ] his career was set back big time it hurt him financially and otherwise now you know um however you may feel about that and you say well he had a home in Hollywood Hills yeah had because you see the thing is is that um the way Hollywood works and anyone who works in Hollywood will attest to this is that you're only one conspiracy

15:55 or only one slip of literally the wrong word or phrase and you can be yesterday's news it happened for instance I believe that was in the late 20s it happened to Fatty Arbuckle and who was incredibly uh well-known loved respected and you know he was a star and only took one small incident and well it resulted in a uh a young flapper girl's death so it's not small in that respect but there was absolutely despite all the all allegations there was there was no connection really that he had caused this yet it destroyed his career

16:55 and so despite what everybody now is saying even even if the mass media even if they're by their corporate overlords if they're allowed to say oh yeah and oh here's a Mark um I tell them Peewee was cool and we all love him and miss him and we miss peewee's Playhouse and and you know all bygones and everything's forgotten and it's it's okay and just tell them all tell them he was okay okay and sign off on that and that's exactly what they do but they're not telling you the hell

17:37 that he went through in his life and he had to go through this for several years over something which should not have happened at all in any society that would be considered I don't know truly Progressive free uh you know any of any of that no the law people the prosecutors of California decided that they just wanted they had to do something because that's what they have to do if you're a prosecutor that's your job innocence or guilt has nothing to do with the equation I don't give a damn what they tell you

hey tried and wanted to do in:

19:30 but no because well don't get me started on Americans and sex I'll let you figure that one out but anyway so we're supposed to you know then we're allowed again we are allowed to love and okay well now it's okay to to love Pee Wee guess we were wrong and okay so he's okay you can weep for him okay he losses so okay and like little children you're permitted to actually say well well let me think of what's the current uh thought but the mass media says and then they tell you they give

20:25 you the green light hey oh yeah I love Pee-Wee I thought Peewee was great peeweeb is always great Paul rims was fine nothing wrong there he was fine and yeah you know I mean he's human and that's the only thing that we can never settle on um with these kind of draconian beliefs that uh no one ever no one ever [ __ ] no one ever farts no one ever shits no one ever jacks off no one because you know what I mean because it scares people to death and it's only been made to scare them to death because the

hen we're talking you know in:

22:09 you know raided his office and took their computers and and all that and was probably the cause of not certainly but didn't help with the uh owner's mother dying from the shock of it all of you know Storm Troopers coming in to your home until an elderly woman's home like a [ __ ] gang of Stormtroopers I'm surprised they didn't Pummel her to the [ __ ] floor and beat her with batons while they were at it so my point is if you think all this is cool if you're moronic enough to just say something like well

23:01 um I guess if you have nothing to hide then you shouldn't have anything to worry about if you're anywhere near my age remember that [ __ ] was parroted I don't know 20 years ago or what have you which is so idiotic that it completely and totally misses the point of tyranny what is the point and if you want to talk about why people are unhappy what is the point of the concept of a home of your space of your land of anything of any of it if it's not [ __ ] yours I'm not saying for instance you know if

23:51 you've got something I mean really outlandish going on and buy outlandish I mean that maybe you know the general public would say well you know if you're I don't know going out in your yard publicly and copulating with goats 24 hours a day and okay I can I could see their problem with that maybe but not in the case of Pee-wee Herman or any other cases what now has become utterly just accepted and Saturn throughout the land and for those of you I don't mean to sound all fancy and sing that Saturn

24:43 means just that it means generally okay accepted it just is what it is yeah yeah you know I know I wanted in my yard because I thought it was nice or pretty but apparently offended someone so the cops came over and destroyed it or removed it and they gave me a ten thousand dollar fine and they beat me half to death with their clubs but hey I guess they shouldn't have been doing that because it might have finished someone and we all have to pay homage to the police in the state so I didn't want to uh it wasn't one of

25:38 those deals where I wanted to you know talk about The Life and Legacy of PeeWee I mean there's tons of that [ __ ] out there I already told you I like them and I love to show and I thought it was great and Innovative and funny and everything else but I'm my point is the [ __ ] that he had to deal with as a consequence of tyranny and this didn't go away and so if you're wondering what the hell why I'm saying this to you about this point about well Paul Reubens is because just think for a moment what

26:25 about you what if it were you how do you like the idea even if you wanted to just sing even if not saying you are or not saying I am but I'm just saying what if you wanted to be subversive and that gives Jack booted thugs the right to come in completely unannounced Stormtrooper style knocking down the door and seizing your property your property excuse me last time I checked they are public servants not supposed to be public Destroyers and so yeah if if you think that's cool as the dude would say uh and you have that that old age old


28:29 Peewee and uh to give you a bit of information of the and that's that's not by any means complete that's just you know a part of a a very small part of the [ __ ] that he had to go through and That Was Then and you know what hasn't gotten any better The Tyranny only increases and then as though it's some kind of [ __ ] mystery everybody looks around and wonders why everyone is unhappy and everybody's crazy and everybody's trigger happy and everybody's on edge don't suppose even for one moment that

29:20 they have enough intelligence even intuitively even on an intuitive level that they don't know just how [ __ ] they are and they're really sad and they're really depressed anyway that's all I have to say thank you for tuning in and remember there are no bad words only bad actions take care



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