Artwork for podcast Ringside With Reading: Boxing History From Yesteryear
(Trailer) Ringside With Reading: Boxing History From Yesteryear
Trailer15th August 2021 • Ringside With Reading: Boxing History From Yesteryear • Sports History Network
00:00:00 00:03:35

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Ringside With Reading: Boxing History From Yesteryear is part of the Sports History Network - The Headquarters For Sports Yesteryear.


Row One - the vintage shop for sports history fans!


I would like to announce The Podcast Show Ringside With Reading: Boxing History From Yesteryear brought to you by The Sports History Network. I am your host Frank Reading

I am a middle-aged former boxing mega-fan from the 1980s-1990s. I have no allegiance or affiliation with any Boxing Organization Alliance or Federation. I have a background in research and public speaking as well as boxing training and coaching. I hope you will enjoy the factual information provided on this program.  My goal is to educated and inform the listener on the History of "The Sweet Science"

It will be available on The Sports History Network app and will air bi-weekly on Saturday.


I am a researcher, public speaker, historian, Boxing History buff, a mega-fan from yesteryear amateur boxing, co-trainer, and worked with 2 golden gloves champions amongst several others. I became interested in boxing in the early to mid-1980s and was fascinated with the one-on-one competition. I trained for a little sparred several times but I was not that good and realized it. I took my interest in other aspects of the sport. Watching and analyzing fight moves styles and recording fights on television back in the days when every home had VCRs.

I am a middle-aged man now and do not follow the sport closely anymore but during a time I was a super mega-fan and did not follow anything closely but The Sweet Science. I hope an interest will be brought to and appreciated through my contribution. I am a high school graduate who barely got through because I was not interested in the subject matter being taught. I work in the Private Contract Security field for over 30 years. I have been happily married for 16 years and have 2 stepdaughters. My wife's name is Erika and the daughters are Andrea and Elena.



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