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3 Subconscious Questions That Stop People From Buying
Episode 1361st June 2022 • The Email Marketing Show • Email Marketing Heroes
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When you think about your prospective customers, what are their reasons for not buying from you? You've got this amazing product or service that's going to fix all their problems and make their life better. So why aren't they running to get their credit card details and buy right now

Well, there are probably a few subconscious reasons at play. We can think of at least 3 questions that stop people from buying from you. Want to know what they are so you can do something about it? 

Let's find out! 


(0:16) Want to get more sales from your email marketing? Grab our Click Tricks.

(4:23) Fancy a 14-day FREE trial with Keap? (We give you TWO of our campaigns for FREE with it!)

(6:17) The 3 psychological reasons why people don't buy.

(8:20) Number one - will this work for me?

(12:50) Number two - how long will it take me to see results?

(14:37) How to communicate instant gratification vs long-term results.

(20:08) Number three - how much effort is needed?

(24:30) Help people remove the overwhelm and cognitive load.

(25:24) Tell people you'll re-energise them if they run out of steam.

(27:43) Subject line of the week.

Want to get more sales from your email marketing?

We put a little something together for you. It's really cool and it's FREE (yes, it's cool and free – we're nice like that). If you want to make more sales from your email marketing, you need more clicks on the things that you're selling!

That's why we're giving you 12 creative ways to help you get more clicks in every email you send. It's a FREE download, and it's called Click Tricks. You can grab it here

The 3 psychological reasons why people don't buy

One of the things that got us into loving email marketing was the psychology of what goes on in people's brains that makes them want or need something. And also, what stops people from going ahead and buying? Because when your subscribers are thinking about buying anything from you or from competitors, they will consider a few different things first.

And under the surface, it all comes down to 3 things that are heavily baked into our hardwired psychological makeup. If you can figure out how to deal with these objections, you can massively increase the sales you're making from the people who are already on your list.

1. Will this work for me?

The first thing people ask themselves is whether this thing you're selling is going to work for them. Before that, there's another fundamental question - does this thing work at all? Because we've all been burnt in the past and bought something that didn't even work, right? And that's why this question often comes to the front - to your alerted state. 

But that’s only half of the problem. Because your product or service might as well work, but will it work for your customers? Because you can put all the effort in the world into showing people how brilliant you and your solution are. But if people don’t believe they have what it takes to do it, they won’t buy.

So your job is to work out how to make sure they know they have what it takes to do it - to get results from your solution. It doesn’t matter how good you are here. Because if people don't believe they'll be able to use your solution and have it work for them because of them, then they won't buy!

This is why there comes a point in your marketing when you have to stop talking about how brilliant you are and start saying amazing your people are instead. And how they'll be even better once they have what you sell.  Because otherwise, they won't buy! 

2. How long will it take me to see results?

The second thing is that we have to communicate to our audience (in our emails, ads, and sales copy) how long it will take them to see results when using your solution. Every single one of us wants instant gratification and results. Think about it – if you have a question (about anything) you can probably find out the answer within seconds as long as you have your phone on you. Or you can get stuff delivered to your door on the same day. Instant gratification is the way our brains are being trained into receiving things.

So what is the immediate result you can give somebody even though it's not the ultimate result they want? Think about weight loss, for example. You might not lose all the weight immediately. But before you do, you may start to feel you have more energy or your sleep improves. And then, you start to see a difference in the mirror. The ultimate result for most things is not instantaneous. That's the magic people want, but it doesn't work like that.

How to communicate instant gratifications vs long-term results

This is why on the sales page for our membership The League we show the results we expect our members to see after 30, 60, 90, 120 days, and then after one year. In reality, most people are not going to send one of our emails to their list today and suddenly make more sales than they've ever made. Not on day one! They’ll probably start getting good financial results after 1-2 months of doing the work consistently.

But one of the things you’ll notice immediately from joining our membership and using our resources is that engagement from your list will go up. People will click on your links more and start replying to your emails – that’s the instant gratification you get from joining The League. Then, within a couple of months, you'll start to see a surge in sales. 

So with your product, just pick the quickest result and lean into honesty. Tell people what results they can expect immediately and how long it will take for them to get what they ultimately want. Don't be one of those people who make false promises. 

Can people get results from day one? 

We definitely have people who’ve joined our membership, grabbed one of our resources, started using it, and made some serious money in the first few days. It happens. But that’s because they had the right circumstances for it. It's not the norm for everyone.

So overall, it’s better for us to say that once people join The League and start using our strategies, they’ll instantly find more clarity around email marketing, enjoy doing it, and start seeing higher engagement and more replies. And then, they’ll also start making more sales. This is a more honest way of putting it - it makes us feel better but also helps people to trust us more because they can see exactly what the roadmap ahead looks like. It’s not fuzzy or vague.

So what result can you give people right now? What bit of proof can you give them that what you're doing works and is good for them?

3. How much effort is needed?

The next subconscious question your audience is going to ask is around how much work is needed to get results. They want to know how much effort, time, and resources they have to invest. 

And the way to overcome this is to focus on the results you get for people, rather than the process. What are the outcomes they’re going to get? Never talk about things that highlight work. If you describe your solution as something that helps people ‘build a system’, for example, you're implying that it takes work. And people immediately push back because they feel they don't have the time for it. What you want to do instead is to motivate people to get stuck in and start using the system. Tell them they’re going to have your product, and it will be ready and working for them.  

Remember that people want to get results – they’re not interested in the teaching or the learning. We talk about 'building your list' not 'learning how to build your list'. People don’t care about the learning bit – they want the end results. So focus on their priorities and their pain. Because we only ever do something and make a change in order to escape pain.

Choose your hard

Of course, things like 'building a list' may seem hard. The activity takes time and effort, and someone might not know how to do it. They have to first learn and then do the work. That's hard. And you can apply this idea to whatever you sell – anything we don't know how to do is hard! Yes, building a list is hard. But building a business without an email list is even harder! Do you want to follow the route that’s long, slow, and painful? Or do you want to invest in a solution that will help you get it done? Think about how much money you’ll be able to make by getting people off your social media and onto your email list.

So be honest upfront. Let them know the solution you offer is hard. But also show them that not having your thing is harder! Show them how you’re shortcutting things for them with what you sell. And that includes cutting down on some of the effort and work required to overcome the particular problem you help solve. 

Help people remove the overwhelm and cognitive load

Also, you want to help people remove the overwhelm and cognitive load. When people have too many decisions to make, they get burnt out. Decision fatigue is a thing! For example, inside The League, we have a roadmap called the Success Track. We walk people through the content, and you get to follow it step by step and at your own pace. Some people do it within months. Others take years, and both are fine!

That’s also why we have group coaching calls every two weeks where we make sure our members focus on the one thing they should be doing. So think of ways of removing overwhelm and the cognitive load for people – because that reduces the amount of effort required.

Tell people you'll re-energise them if they run out of steam

Plus, you also want to address the fear and worry people have of running out of steam. Because if that happens, you want to be there to motivate them. And you want to tell them that because not a lot of people talk about this!

So if you have a community or a coaching element in your programme (like we do in our membership), talk about it! Our community is a place where people can share wins and discuss challenges with each other. If you’re facing an uphill battle, we’ll come in and re-energise you. That’s why we host coaching calls every two weeks – we help you work on your business. Personally and directly. Show people that your solution is different and that you'll pick them up when they run out of steam. 

So here are the 3 subconscious reasons for not buying that your customers might have. And we address them all in our email campaigns. They’re all built from the ground up and engineered so that the messaging lets people know that your solution will work for them and that they can expect to see results in X period of time. Plus, our campaigns allow you to sell with honesty and make your audience feel like the juice is worth the squeeze - that they need your thing in their life. What are you waiting for? Come and join The League and grab them all!

Subject line of the week

This week’s subject line is “Content? Completed it, mate”. This is a simple example of how you can take a commonly used colloquial phrase and slightly tweak it to fit whatever it is you're doing. In our case, we were talking about content marketing and how in our business we built a great system for doing it.

But you can apply this to absolutely anything. It triggers familiarity and raises a smile. And if someone’s never heard of that phrase, it still makes sense. Plus, it's an expression that went viral. And that tells you that it's effective and a good way for you to hijack something that works.

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FREE list of the top 10 books to improve your email marketing

If you want to write better emails, come up with better content, and move your readers to click and buy, here's how. We put together this list of our Top 10 most highly recommended books that will improve all areas of your email marketing (including some underground treasures that we happened upon, which have been game-changing for us). Grab your FREE list here

Join our FREE Facebook group

If you want to chat about how you can maximise the value of your email list and make more money from every subscriber, we can help! We know your business is different, so come and hang out in our FREE Facebook group, the Email Marketing Show Community for Course Creators and Coaches. We share a lot of training and resources, and you can talk about what you're up to.

Try ResponseSuite for $1

This week's episode is sponsored by, the survey quiz and application form tool that we created specifically for small businesses like you to integrate with your marketing systems to segment your subscribers and make more sales. Try it out for 14 days for just $1.

Join The League Membership

Not sick of us yet? Every day we hang out in our amazing community of Email Marketing Heroes. We share all of our training and campaigns and a whole bunch of other stuff. If you're looking to learn how to use psychology-driven marketing to level up your email campaigns, come and check out The League Membership. It's the number one place to hang out and grow your email marketing. Best news yet? You can apply everything we talk about in this show.

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Not only does it let us know you're out there listening, but your feedback helps us to keep creating the most useful episodes so more awesome people like you can discover the podcast. 

And please do tell us! If you don't spend time on email marketing, what do you really fill your working days with? We'd love to know! 



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