Artwork for podcast Suicide Zen Forgiveness Stories re Suicide Loss | Ideation | Mental Health | Offering Hope |Empathy for All
Sandra Losty Recovery Coach shares her Story
Episode 925th May 2021 • Suicide Zen Forgiveness Stories re Suicide Loss | Ideation | Mental Health | Offering Hope |Empathy for All • Elaine Lindsay
00:00:00 00:50:25

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At the age of 10, Sandra's world changed. At sixteen Sandra became convinced she had a terrifying power: the ultimate power...

By age 20 alcohol ran the show... It took a herculean effort and a terrifying reality check for Sandra to #ChooseLife and enter recovery.

Today Sandra is a boon to all working the twitter sphere as @RecoveryHour helping those with addictions to get and stay on their own recovery path.

Honoured to have Sandra as my guest and as my dear friend.




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