W/C 12th August 2024
I can’t remember ever going over 30 minutes for a TFM before, though now I have said it out loud, it is probably not that unusual.
Of course it’s an achievement that cuts two ways.
For me, it means I have decluttered my brain and let go of some stuff that probably wasn't going to do me much good, especially if I continued to dwell on it. And it has also given me the chance to reflect and smile again at some of the quirks of the week.
For you, it means an extra 5-10 minutes of your life given over to a rambling fifty odd year old and his first world neuroses.
But them, as the saying goes, are the breaks.
Stay safe.
Closing Time - Semisonic
Girona Opera Fella
Therapy For Me (or TFM as I now refer to it) is a bit of an audio curiosity. It started out as a mechanism for me to clear my head, with the hope that by saying stuff out loud it would act as a little bit of self-help. It's remains loose in style, fluid in terms of content and raw - it's a one take, press record and see what happens, affair.
If you want to keep in touch with TFM and the other stuff I do then please follow me on Facebook, Insta, Twitter or Patreon. Thanks for getting this far.