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260: The Isolation Factor and the Importance of a Team - Dr. David Mugford
Episode 26030th December 2020 • The Best Practices Show with Kirk Behrendt • ACT Dental
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The Isolation Factor and the Importance of a Team

Episode #260 with Dr. David Mugford

In this episode of The Best Practices Show, guest Dr. David Mugford, sits down with host Kirk Behrendt and cohost Dr. Bill Robbins to discuss the biggest challenge to being successful in a practice. Before they discuss the biggest challenge, David explains why The Seattle Study Club and the Symposium are so valuable to him, and the role it has played in making him a better clinician. He explains that while the education is immensely valuable, the relationships, friendships and accountability that come from being part of The Seattle Study Club is one of the best parts.

David goes on to discuss what he believes to be one of the greatest challenges, or limiting factors, in success, isolation and trying to do things alone. He explains that when there can be a spirit or teamwork and camaraderie established among specialists and dentists, instead of a system of hierarchy, that it betters the community as a whole and also the patient’s experiences. He also points out that this type of mindset allows you to better yourself not just as a provider, but as a person. David also emphasizes the importance of relationships, not just in reaching the next level in care, but also in order to protect against the isolation and stress that comes with dentistry. He shares how important it is to build a team of people and then pursue continued education together.

Once you’ve found a team and pushed one another, there will come a time when you find yourself in a position to pour into and invest in the next generation of dentists, and that is critical to the continued development and improvement of dentistry as a whole. Towards the end, both Bill and David share how excited they are about the future of dentistry and they emphasize once more the immense value in finding a team, being part of something like The Seattle Study Club, and attending The Seattle Study Club Symposium. It’s a wise and enjoyable way to grow as a person and as a provider.

Main Takeaways

Seattle Study Club isn’t just about continuing education, it’s about relationships. (7:07)

Isolation is one of the biggest challenges to having a successful practice. (12:21)

Being a specialist is about working together as a team. (14:57)

Relationships are the key to avoiding the stress and isolation that comes with dentistry. (19:59)

It’s very important to grow and develop the next generation. (29:44)

Key Quotes

“[Symposium] is an experience. At the end of it, it’s like going on a retreat, and just coming back uplifted, inspired, and ready to move forward.”

“I really think that one of the most limiting factors, in success, is when we try to do it all by ourselves.”

“When you start to work with and become friends with other dentists, that have been out there for a while, [and] set up mentorships, you start to see what the possibilities are.”

“As a specialist, what I really feel, is we need to establish a team, as opposed to a hierarchy, where it’s one or the other. Really, we need to be supporting each other all the way.”

“Sure, we can do great dentistry, but if it’s just great dentistry for ourselves, that’s nothing. We do it for our patients, and we do it so we can elevate our level of practice, to become better people as we do it.”

“If you can go on this journey with other people, it’s always better.”

“As soon as possible, form an interdisciplinary team, [and] get educated together.”


Seattle Study Club and the Symposium (6:50-11:08)

The biggest challenge to being successful in a practice (11:21-13:17)

The role of a specialist in lifting up a community (14:55-17:58)

How to combat isolation in dentistry (19:49-23:02)

Investing in the next generation of dentists (29:00-32:52)

Bio of Guest

Dr. Mugford has been a periodontist for a little over 30 years, and he deeply loves what he does. He has trained directly with the most prominent Clinicians and Institutions including: The L.D. Pankey Institute, The Dawson Academy, The Spear Institute, The Pikos Institute, The Chao Pinhole Academy, The Interdisciplinary Dental Education Academy, and Dr. Pat Allen's Center for Advanced Dental Education. Dr. Mugford has lectured for Dental Groups and Implant Companies on topics such as: Comprehensive Dental Treatment, Implant Therapy in the Esthetic Zone, Periodontal Plastic Surgery, and Treatment for Gum Recession. Dr. Mugford is the Director of the Triple Crown Study Club (an affiliate of the nationally renowned Seattle Study Club network).

Dr. David Mugford’s Contact Info:


Additional Resources

Symposium Info and Registration:



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