In this interview, we delve into the practice and techniques of Rune Abo, a renowned muscle therapist from Norway. Personally, I have found relief from tension headaches, jaw pain, and back aches through Rune's one-minute exercises. Rune explains the importance of muscle contraction and lymphatic drainage in alleviating persistent pain. And he provides advice on how to counteract the negative effects of prolonged sitting and screen time, emphasizing the need for movement and fluid flow regulation in the body.
In this talk, Rune mentioned a video that helps relieve sinus pressure. You can watch that video here:
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If you enjoyed this, you might also enjoy my Life Satisfaction Assessment. It's a 30-minute program where I guide you through a deep dive into 10 areas of your life to assess what's bringing you joy and what's bringing you down. I call it Derailed and it's a fabulous place to begin a joy-at-work redesign.
If, like me and most mid career professionals, you sit down too
Lucia Knight:much and spend far too long on screens.
Lucia Knight:And that unnatural inactivity shows up in our bodies.
Lucia Knight:Stress headaches, recurring back pain, jaw aches.
Lucia Knight:If that's you, you need to know our next guest from Norway.
Lucia Knight:His name is Rune Abbo.
Lucia Knight:I've been obsessively following Rune since the beginning of the year.
Lucia Knight:After a long day of Zoom calls, I do two of his one minute
Lucia Knight:exercises and like magic, my jaw tension disappears instantly.
Lucia Knight:Let's dive in.
Lucia Knight:. Rune Abo: Hi, I am Rune Abo.
Lucia Knight:I am a muscle therapist and have my own practice and lymphatic
Lucia Knight:treatment and pain free you founder.
Lucia Knight:Fabulous!
Lucia Knight:I'm so excited to meet you, because I've been following your work for quite
Lucia Knight:some time, and more and more often I find myself dipping into your work
Lucia Knight:for some release of immediate pain.
Lucia Knight:But I'm so curious, can you tell me how and why you got into this kind of work?
Rune Abo:Yeah.
Rune Abo:Thank you.
Rune Abo:It's a good question.
Rune Abo:Because when I started like a personal trainer at first, I was starting to uh,
Rune Abo:people have back pain and I needed to uh, how can we address the back pain?
Rune Abo:And this is a good story because if you have back pain and people come to me with
Rune Abo:back pain, they try to not use the back.
Rune Abo:Oh, I have pain.
Rune Abo:So I'm not using the back because it's painful to use it.
Rune Abo:So I challenged them to say, okay, we have to.
Rune Abo:make the muscle contract.
Rune Abo:We need to make the muscle pump again, because when we use it and try to
Rune Abo:activate the nerves, activate the muscles, they actually pumping the waste away.
Rune Abo:If you have back pain, a muscle is overused and it will contract.
Rune Abo:And that will block the lymphatic drainage, the waste drainage, and
Rune Abo:it will pull on your hip, it will pull on your back, it pull on your
Rune Abo:hamstring, your calves, everything because it will block the fluid flow.
Rune Abo:So all this I understood when I was a personal trainer.
Rune Abo:But it took too long to fix.
Rune Abo:Five sessions later, the back was fine because we were
Rune Abo:doing exercises for the back.
Rune Abo:So I needed to learn faster.
Rune Abo:How can I fix people faster?
Rune Abo:And then I heard about a guru, a muscle therapist.
Rune Abo:He fixed people, one treatment, two treatment and how?
Rune Abo:And I asked went to him and watched him go and he fixed people in seven minutes.
Rune Abo:What he did, he was opening up all the small passages in the body.
Rune Abo:If you have tension in your head, like a tension headache.
Rune Abo:In his world and now, my world is only unregulated fluid flow to your head.
Rune Abo:So we need to address the fluid flow and how to regulate
Rune Abo:the fluid flow to your head.
Rune Abo:So many people have watched my videos like the drainage of the sinuses.
Rune Abo:One of those videos have been watched over 100 million times
Lucia Knight:Oh, my god!
Rune Abo:I gained so many followers on that video because it works.
Rune Abo:Because if you have clogged sinuses it blocked the natural
Rune Abo:drainage for your sinuses.
Rune Abo:So by making the lymph node that I expanded smaller, you
Rune Abo:will drain the sinuses normal.
Rune Abo:Cool.
Rune Abo:Because your muscles are pumping the lymph and the tissue fluid.
Rune Abo:Huh?
Rune Abo:It's quite nice.
Rune Abo:Yeah.
Rune Abo:So pain, you could say, in my world, in my research, I have
Rune Abo:learned this lymphatic treatment.
Lucia Knight:Yeah, so I, over the last number of months that I have
Lucia Knight:known you, probably six months or so, I have become more and more obsessed
Lucia Knight:with your work and the work, the tiny little hacks, the tiny little tips,
Lucia Knight:but instantly, and I mean instantly, if I have a headache coming, or neck
Lucia Knight:strain, or even some jaw tension, I just do one of your videos and it releases.
Lucia Knight:I cannot believe how magical it is.
Lucia Knight:Does everybody have that level of instant relief?
Rune Abo:but the problem is people not going deep enough.
Rune Abo:No, not hard enough on a lymph node.
Rune Abo:Maybe the masseter muscle is really contracted.
Rune Abo:So they maybe need to go quite deep, quite hard to drain that muscle.
Rune Abo:But the instant result is because of, if you have a garden house
Rune Abo:and you have a knob on it, fluid doesn't go, you cannot use the house.
Rune Abo:Yeah.
Rune Abo:And same principle here.
Rune Abo:So if you have tension to, to a headache in the front of your what is it called
Lucia Knight:Forehead.
Lucia Knight:Yes.
Rune Abo:thinking Norwegian.
Rune Abo:So when you have pressure in the front of your forehead it's in
Rune Abo:my world, unregulated fluid flow.
Rune Abo:And then I think, how can we drain that fluid flow?
Rune Abo:How can we get that fluid flow onwards?
Rune Abo:And then we can check the lymph nodes pressing here.
Rune Abo:Is it swollen?
Rune Abo:Oh yeah.
Rune Abo:Mine is actually a little bit swollen.
Rune Abo:So by draining that lymph node, it gets smaller and the tension because
Rune Abo:expanded lymph node again, put some pressure on your blood and your nerves
Rune Abo:and could actually add that pressure.
Rune Abo:Okay.
Rune Abo:Thank you.
Lucia Knight:Wow.
Lucia Knight:So everybody who's listening are likely to be mid career professionals.
Lucia Knight:And I'm going to generalize completely, but they often spend a lot of their time
Lucia Knight:sitting A lot of their time staring at screens or on Zoom or Teams meeting.
Lucia Knight:This seems to be a pattern that this is happening more and more.
Lucia Knight:What impact is that change of us becoming less and less
Lucia Knight:mobile on our day to day work?
Lucia Knight:What impact is that having on us?
Rune Abo:A lot.
Rune Abo:Because when you're sitting, your are not straight, or your muscles
Rune Abo:are contracted on your hip muscles, your thigh muscles, but you have
Rune Abo:to, you're not sitting up and down.
Rune Abo:You're actually using the mouse, the keyboard.
Rune Abo:And when you Put your arms in front of you.
Rune Abo:If you have air between you and your elbow, if you have, I can
Rune Abo:show you a little bit more here.
Rune Abo:So if you have air between you and your elbow,
Lucia Knight:Yes.
Rune Abo:then, or you have it in front of you sitting in front like this,
Rune Abo:I put some pressure on my shoulder.
Rune Abo:So I'm in front it's like a trebuchet, you know, all the power
Rune Abo:comes from the shoulder blade, the shoulder muscle, the neck muscles.
Rune Abo:So If I have too much air between me and the elbow, I will spend too much
Rune Abo:overuse of the muscles in the neck, your shoulder blade, your shoulder.
Rune Abo:So you wouldn't go to the gym and spend eight hours doing pull downs.
Rune Abo:Exactly.
Rune Abo:But that's what people are doing that because we need to work
Rune Abo:with sitting on a computer.
Rune Abo:So when we get pain, In shoulder blade on neck, we'll lean on the
Rune Abo:other side and then the shoulder comes up and you get neck pain.
Rune Abo:So we are compensating all the time.
Rune Abo:We don't want pain.
Rune Abo:So the body is a perfect machine to compensate.
Lucia Knight:Wow.
Lucia Knight:So what can we do?
Lucia Knight:So obviously when we have pain, we can release it and we can learn more about
Lucia Knight:lymphatic drainage and we can follow you.
Lucia Knight:But what else should we be doing as people who are stuck
Lucia Knight:at desks in front of screens?
Lucia Knight:What can we be doing?
Rune Abo:Okay.
Rune Abo:As a personal trainer and my own research treating 25, 000 people, I
Rune Abo:can see we are overusing the muscles, but how can we drain the muscles?
Rune Abo:And then I will jump right into the Tour de France cyclists.
Rune Abo:What are they doing after they have been six hours on the
Rune Abo:seats, like six hours at work?
Rune Abo:What are you doing right after?
Rune Abo:They are jumping on the bicycle again, and they are going slowly.
Rune Abo:Why do you do that?
Rune Abo:Because they are flushing the blood, they're flushing the tissue.
Rune Abo:So they are ready for the next day.
Lucia Knight:Oh really?
Rune Abo:if we are gonna learn something from them and how we can help
Rune Abo:our body to heal or, um, get all the garbage we have produced, the waste
Rune Abo:management, the waste drainage, we have to move, we have to move with slow
Rune Abo:pace, like 60% of the maximum pulse.
Rune Abo:So if you have 200 and maximum pulse, that would be not more
Rune Abo:than 120 beats per minute.
Lucia Knight:For a long time or for a few minutes?
Lucia Knight:What?
Rune Abo:I have tried a lot of things, but the least at least 15
Rune Abo:minutes you have to do if you have less than that it will help the mind,
Rune Abo:but not so much of on the drainage,
Lucia Knight:Okay.
Lucia Knight:So if we sit for eight hours, we've got to move for 50 minutes or more.
Lucia Knight:Yeah.
Lucia Knight:Five zero.
Rune Abo:no, 15 minutes.
Lucia Knight:Oh, 15.
Lucia Knight:Only 15.
Lucia Knight:Oh gosh, that seems easy enough.
Rune Abo:Yeah, but if you have gone on a walk, if you're tired
Rune Abo:after work or something, if you go for a walk afterwards, you will
Rune Abo:feel, ah, life is so much better.
Rune Abo:I feel refreshed.
Rune Abo:And that's because you have actually drained all the waste management and
Rune Abo:you have cleared your brain for fluid and you have cleared your body and
Rune Abo:the muscles are actually, pumping so that, that's my good award advice.
Rune Abo:Move more.
Rune Abo:'cause your muscle are the pump for your lymph lymphatic
Rune Abo:system and your tissue fluid.
Lucia Knight:And so move more, feel less pain.
Lucia Knight:If you feel less pain.
Lucia Knight:Follow you on Instagram and feel immediately pain-free
Lucia Knight:in certain parts of the body.
Lucia Knight:Excellent.
Lucia Knight:Thank you so much for your time.
Lucia Knight:This
Rune Abo:Ah, you're
Lucia Knight:wonderful.
Lucia Knight:If you enjoyed this, you might also enjoy my Life Satisfaction Assessment.
Lucia Knight:It's a 30 minute program where I guide you through a deep dive into 10 areas
Lucia Knight:of your life to assess what's bringing you joy and what's bringing you time.
Lucia Knight:I call it D.
Lucia Knight:It's a fabulous place to begin a joy at work redesign.