So we finally got around to talking about Books.
"Why books?" I hear you cry....
Well, Ant has had it in his head that he wanted to chat about books ever since Leo Tolstoy kept coming up in the diary sections. I had been working my way through War & Peace on the tour bus and it took him back to a conversation we had had about the first few pages of Peter Pan.
So for 64 we have tried to uncover literary references in my work, as well as books that I have enjoyed and that have made an impression. We have even included a couple of recommendations (see the links below).
We tried to keep it high-brow, you will have to judge for yourself whether we managed it or not.
By the time the diary section comes around we are back on solid ground, with drugs & dysentery in the big apple.
Love'n'Bookmarks (purple ones still available in the TCD Merch Store)
Cooking with Fernet Branca
A Gentleman in Moscow
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The Invisible Man Volume 1: 1991-1997
The Invisible Man Volume2: 1998-2014