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Episode 146 – Changing Lanes in Life – Lane Ethridge pt 1
19th October 2017 • Kingdom Cross Roads Podcast • Robert Thibodeau
00:00:00 00:28:43

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Episode 146 Show Notes for Lane Ethridge

Hello everyone everywhere, this is Pastor Robert Thibodeau and I want to welcome you to another dual broadcast of Everything Church Related and The Kingdom Cross Roads Podcast.

I want you to understand something about today’s guest…if you are stuck in your business…if you stuck in finances…if you are stuck in life in general…well, it’s time to Change Lanes…amen!

And Lane Ethridge is the man to help you do it. He is founder of Lane Changers International based in North Carolina…he is a four time best selling author…he is a professional sales trainer and entrepreneur and helps those who are striving for success. After seeing many take the low road on the path to creating success, he found his passion for helping others determine the right lane for them to remain on the high road to greatness.

Lane is former public school math teacher who realized that was not his calling…he wanted to help more people obtain their God given calling in life…and I’m going to let him give you the details on his background…

His books include, Changing Lanes; Life in the Fast Lane and KAIROS – all available through Amazon as well ordering through his website…

Other than what I have shared, tell us “Who is Lane Ethridge and what is Lane Changers International all about…”

One of your books is called “Kiros” – what does that mean and why did you choose that title?

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Changing Lanes: Taking your life into Over Drive

Life in the Fast Lane

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