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Why Focusing on Weight Loss Might Be Keeping You Stuck
Episode 384th August 2023 • Own Your Calendar: Aligning Your Business & Life Goals • Stephen Box
00:00:00 00:39:59

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Episode Summary

In this episode of Unshakable Habits, we about weight loss and why simply focusing on it might keep you from achieving your goals.

Host Stephen Box, a National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach, shares his personal journey of losing 80 pounds and provides practical strategies to help listeners transform their lives.

So, if you're tired of losing and regaining the same 20lbs over and over again, and want a sustainable approach to weight loss, this episode has lots of valuable insights to help you on your journey.

Also, don't forget to join our new community on Facebook, where you can connect with like-minded men and receive support on your well-being journey.

Quotes We Loved

  • "We often think that the key to weight loss is simply eating less and exercising more, but in reality, it's a lot more complex than that." - Stephen Box
  • "Weight loss isn't just about the numbers on the scale; it's about creating sustainable habits that support a healthy lifestyle." - Stephen Box
  • "Focusing solely on weight loss can actually hinder our progress. We become obsessed with the end goal and that leads to decisions that help us reach our goal but might not be in our best interest." - Stephen Box

Host Bio

Stephen Box is the founder of Unshakable Habits and the host of the Unshakable Habits Podcast.

Inspired by his own 80lb weight loss, Stephen Box is a National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach (NBC-HWC) who has dedicated over a decade to helping others achieve deep health. 

Stephen also holds certifications as an Elite Fitness Trainer, PN Level 2 Master Health Coach, Online Fitness Trainer, Sports Nutritionist, and Sleep, Stress Management, and Recovery Coach.

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Stephen Box:

Hey guys.

Stephen Box:

Welcome to Unshakable Habits, the podcast dedicated to helping men prioritize

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their physical and mental wellbeing so you can be the best version of

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yourself and to create a better life for yourself and those around you.

Stephen Box:

So this week we're gonna be talking about why focusing on weight loss

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might actually be keeping you fat, and we're going to be jumping into

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that here in just a minute or so.

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Before we do, I do want to give a quick heads up to everyone that we have

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created a brand new community over on Facebook, and you can find that by going

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to Unshakable

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This is gonna be a place where we can get like-minded men who want to improve their

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physical, mental wellbeing, become better husbands, fathers, and leaders into one

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place, and we can let iron sharpen iron

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and help each other to grow.

Stephen Box:

So I would love to see you guys over there.

Stephen Box:

so with that, let's go ahead and get this party started.


Are you ready to break free from your old habits and create a better


life for yourself and those around you?


If so, welcome to Unshakable Habits, the podcast dedicated to helping


men be better husbands, fathers, and leaders by prioritizing their physical.


And mental wellbeing.


Each week we'll look at health from a 360 degree perspective with


inspiring stories and practical strategies for building Unshakable


habits that'll transform your life.


Join Stephen Box, a board certified health and wellness coach, and


let's change the world together.


One habit at a time.

Stephen Box:

All right.

Stephen Box:

Welcome back guys.

Stephen Box:

so for those of you who might be new to the podcast, allow me to introduce myself.

Stephen Box:

My name is Stephen Box.

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I am the founder of Unshakable Habits.

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I'm also a national Board certified health and wellness

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coach, and ISSA elite trainer.

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I also have certifications for sleep, stress management, nutrition, the works.

Stephen Box:

So when I talk to you guys about weight loss and.

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What impacts weight loss?

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I clearly have a lot of credibility and a lot of experience in that area.

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I've been doing this for over a decade and it was inspired

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by my own 80 pound weight loss.

Stephen Box:

So I've been where you guys are, so I understand this situation

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that you might find yourself in.

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And speaking of that situation, let's get really clear here for a

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second who today's episode is for.

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If you are a guy who finds yourself struggling to lose

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weight, this is for you.

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But also, if you're a guy who, maybe you don't struggle to lose the weight,

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but you struggle to keep it off, it always ends up coming back and maybe

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with a little bit of interest, right?

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This episode is definitely going to be for you as well, because I think that

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ultimately is the long-term problem that a lot of people run into when

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they don't do this the right way.

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So let's talk about.

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Why this happens in the first place, right?

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Why do we all focus on weight loss?

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and I wanna be very clear and upfront here.

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I'm top pointing fingers.

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I'm not trying to make anybody feel bad.

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I'm not calling anybody stupid or anything like that because guys, I did this too.

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I lost 80 pounds and it's a great story.

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But before I lost 80 pounds, I lost the same 20 to 25 pounds

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so many times that I lost count.

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Okay, so I get it.

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I know what it looks like to make these mistakes.

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I know what it looks like to go through this.

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And I think before we jump into what some of the mistakes that you

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might be making are, let's actually look at why them states get made.

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Let's actually look at what the underlying point is.

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And it's pain, right?

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So guys, like I said, I get it.

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I was there.

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I'm only 5'7" and at one point I weighed 245 pounds.

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My BMI was 38.

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that's like way above obese.

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I was pre-diabetic.

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I also, when he did one of those body fat tests where they put you

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in the water, and those are supposed to be like really close, they're.

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Only like behind the DEXA scans in terms of accuracy.

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And I was about 40% body fat, so obviously not in good shape, not taking care of

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myself and that was difficult for me because growing up I was always outside.

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I always playing, I was athletic and I saw myself as someone who was athletic.

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Now when I say athletic, I wasn't getting any D one scholarships

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or anything like that.

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But nonetheless, I was a very active kid and that was a part of my identity.

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So when college got in the way, when full-time job got in the way, when life

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in general just started happening to me, what I found was I just started putting

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on the weight and I would tell myself like, ah, I can just, eat a little better

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and get it off right, or I can just exercise a little bit and get it off.

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And sometimes that would work and then I'd put the weight back on.

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But I got to a point where like it wouldn't just come off easily anymore.

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I was stuck and guys, lemme tell you, especially when you get to a point, if

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you haven't gotten here yet, this is a word of warning, but for those of you who

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already here, you know this, when you get to a certain point where you're, I wanna

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say maybe 20, 30, 40 pounds overweight.

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You start to notice the little things that are happening, right?

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You start to notice that your knees hurt, that your back hurts.

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You start noticing that you're getting fatigued easily.

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You notice getting out of breath, just running up the stairs, right?

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Things like that.

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And let's be honest guys, we want those pains to go away.

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Want them to go away as quickly as possible, and I think that's why a lot

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of us focus on trying to lose weight.

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Because we know ultimately that the extra weight we're carrying

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is what's causing these pains.

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And it's not just physical pain either, right?

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It's not feeling attractive.

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So if you're in a relationship that's not feeling attractive to your girlfriend

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or your wife, if you are, someone who is not, married, if you're single, then

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you know, maybe it's finding a bait, getting someone to be attracted to you.

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I've coached a lot of guys over the years that their wives were actually

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pretty happy with them, but they didn't feel confident and that had a

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negative impact on their relationships.

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And when we start to look at all these things, when we start talking

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about, a guy with kids not being able to keep up with those kids,

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or maybe, it's nieces and nephews that you're trying to keep up with.

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And you just don't have the energy to do it.

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Those things also are pains and there's something that takes a toll

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on you and it's something that you want to get rid of and you make, you

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want to go away as fast as possible.

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So again, guys, I get why you want to do this, right?

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I understand why it's so important to you that you wanna get rid

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of this as quickly as possible.

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And one of the big mistakes that people make when they wanna get rid of this is

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they start to focus just on weight loss.

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So we focus on diet, we focus on exercise because that's

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what we've been told, right?

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Eat less, exercise more.

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that's the way to lose weight, right?

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And we all start looking at, okay, what's the best diet to do?

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What's the best workout to do?

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Should I be doing hiit?

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Should I be doing, keto, should I be doing paleo, whatever, right?

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And so we start looking at all these specific diets and all

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these specific exercise programs.

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I'm gonna tell you guys, there's really no secret, right?

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There's no perfect diet.

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There's no perfect exercise for a room that you're gonna do that's just gonna

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magically fix everything in your life.

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Not to mention the fact that just focusing on that alone isn't enough.

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This is why I teach everything from the concept of connected health.

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So when we talk about connected health, we are yes, looking at the physical.

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Which by the way, in addition to diet and exercise, we're talking

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about your internal stuff, right?

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Your blood work, just the way your body's functioning as a whole.

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are you living a pain-free life?

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we're also looking at things like sleep recovery, right?

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So these are all important factors on the physical side, but we also have mental.

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Which is, I describe it as your thoughts, your feelings, or

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not your feelings, excuse me.

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Your thoughts, your beliefs, the stories that you tell yourself.

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Emotions are the way that you actually react to those thoughts,

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those beliefs, and those stories.

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So I see a lot of times when we as men hear emotion, right?

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We think sad happy, whatever, right?

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And We don't like to talk about our emotions.

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We don't like to deep dive into the emotional conversations and

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recognize that we have emotions.

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That's what society has taught us to do as men.

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But the problem with that is that emotions are action blueprints, right?

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If you're in danger and the emotion of fear kicks in.

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That fear literally sends signals out to the body and it tells your muscles,

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Hey, tighten up, prepare for movement.

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We gotta go.

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It starts getting your heart going, starts getting blood pumping.

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It starts literally preparing your body to either fight or flee.

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And so when we find ourselves not embracing our emotions, not understanding

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our emotions, we lose the ability to have that action blueprint.

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When you hear emotion, guys, don't, we'll just shut that out please.

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I really want you to hear, I'm not asking you to be like Carlton's emotional here.

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I'm not asking you to go and sit in the fetal position in the corner and

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cry or anything like that, right?

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That's not what we're talking about.

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I'm just saying I want you to be able to feel the feels because

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they're action blueprints.

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They tell us what we need to be doing.

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They're ways that our body communicates.

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So the next part is relationships.

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Then environments.

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relationships are the way we interact with the people around us.

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And environmental health is the way we interact with our environment,

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the settings that we're in.

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so the places around us, that's what, and things also, that's

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the environmental health.

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And then there's existential health, which some people also call spiritual health.

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But the big ID here is, Pun intended, that is connecting to something

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bigger than yourself, right?

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So this is your deeper purpose.

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This is your deeper why.

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So when we start to look at this idea of connected health, you can probably already

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start to get a good idea of why focusing on weight loss alone is not enough.

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Because you go and you try to follow a keto diet and you're super low carb,

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and that low carb diet makes you a very unpleasant person to be around.

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You take that out on your spouse or the people around you, guess what?

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You just created negativity in your environment.

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You just created negativity in your relationships, right?

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And then because you're creating a negativity, depending on how that

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person reacts to you, that might also now start creating negativity

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in your mental and emotional health.

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And so you now end up with this really negative cycle that starts to go.

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And now, Even if you had a bigger purpose for this, because you've

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got all this stuff going on, it can make your why seem less important.

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And now there's not even a purpose behind any of this.

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And so now you find yourself just saying, you know what?

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It's not worth it.

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And I'm not trying to pick on keto here.

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I just know a lot of people when they do things like keto and they go

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low carb, they get a little cranky.

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So that's why I use it as an example.

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But here's the thing, guys.

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The good news is you don't have to be stuck in the cycle, right?

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In my coaching program, I teach people how to overcome these things,

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and I'm gonna actually share a little bit of that with you today.

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it's what I actually call the Unshakable hero blueprint.

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And what we have to do here is kinda look at what's happening before and

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where is it that we wanna get to.

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So most of us right now, We're focused on weight loss.

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So we're only focused on that one aspect of our health.

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Just the physical.

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And we're not even looking at the whole physical health.

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'cause the most guys that I've talked to, they're not incorporating

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sleeping to the equation.

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They're certainly not getting into the mental and emotional stuff.

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They're not thinking about things like stress management, right?

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They're furthest, they get into mental is thinking about willpower, right?

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I have to stick with this.

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I have to push my way through.

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And that's actually the opposite of being in touch with your emotions.

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that's actually completely ignoring your emotions.

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and here's the good news too, right?

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You don't even have to do all the strict stuff that everybody tells you.

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just, I can do one whole episode here just on the diet and exercise piece of

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what that actually needs to look like.

Stephen Box:

But I'll just give you guys a little bit of a taste here of my own personal story.

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I went, started working with a trainer and ended up getting hurt.

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this was like early on in my fat loss journey.

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Ended up getting hurt and didn't go back in for about three

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months, and I went in one day.

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I was like, you know what?

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I'm done with this.

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I'm just gonna cancel my gym membership.

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I was informed that I, if I canceled my gym membership, I wouldn't be

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able to use my remaining personal training sessions and I wouldn't

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be able to get refunded for them.

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Back then, I didn't really have a lot of money and I was a very cheap person,

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so there was no way I was gonna let 72, yes, you guys heard that correctly.

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72 personal training sessions go to waste.

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So I said, fine.

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You know what?

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There were 30 minute sessions double up, put me with two

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different trainers if you need to.

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I'm doing hour long sessions, I'm powering through these and

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I'm canceling my membership.

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I was done.

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Then the funny thing happened because I wasn't focused on it, right?

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when it came to my diet, I had a similar experience.

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I looked up, all this stuff, and everywhere I looked, everybody was like,

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oh, eat grilled chicken and broccoli and all of that kind of stuff, and.

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I was like, I don't want to just do that.

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I want my pizza, I want my tacos.

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I still want to go to Chick-fil-A and get my breakfast bagel, which

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Chick-fil-A I'm still mad at you for getting rid of, by the way.

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I didn't wanna give up all that stuff.

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I still wanted that to be a part of my life because I, I realized

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without realizing it, That if I try to restrict everything, if I try to give

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everything up, then maybe I get results.

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But what are going to be the cost of it, right?

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What is the mental, what is the emotional?

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What is the physical toll that it's gonna take on me?

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And then how am I teaching myself the skills to maintain it long term?

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I'm not?

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By cutting all those things out with the intention of

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bringing them back eventually.

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All that was gonna happen.

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I was gonna put the weight back on.

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So I understood that.

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I don't think I understood until the extent I understand it now, but

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subconsciously I think I got it.

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And so I made this decision of I'm going to not worry about the, weight

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loss, or I'm gonna worry about cutting out the foods or whatever.

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I'm just gonna try to do a little bit better, right?

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I'm mixed with small changes here and there.

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Maybe I'll order smaller portion sizes.

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That was about it, right?

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That was the extent of what I was willing to do.

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So in other words, yes, I started making some better choices.

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I started moving a little more.

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I started, a lot more, I was doing our long personal training

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sessions, But my intention behind doing them was not to spend money.

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Not to waste money.

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And I started making small changes to my diet and my goal there

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really wasn't to lose weight.

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I wasn't tuning any calories or anything like that.

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And so I.

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What happened was as soon as I took the pressure off myself, as soon as I stopped

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focusing on it, and I really started treating myself as a whole person, all

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of a sudden things started happening.

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I started losing weight, and it was a crazy thing to me that all of a

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sudden I started to see success when I stopped focusing on weight loss.

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And it was so much easier for me to maintain it guys.

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So that's, a really big lesson in and of itself.

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But what I've seen since then is I unconsciously was also using a system.

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I didn't realize I was using the system, but I was, and so what I've

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done is I've looked in hindsight at what was it I did, and I really

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broke this down into three pillars.

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Of what I'd like to do.

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So the first thing is that I'm gonna teach you here is about creating a

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vision for what you actually want.

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So let's say for example, here for a second, let's pretend that you are

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just gonna be focused on weight loss.

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You're really focused on diet and exercise, and that's

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where you are right now.

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So even within that context, There's gonna be a difference in

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how you train and how you eat.

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If your goal is to be super skinny, whether it's to be thin with six pack

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abs, whether it's to be muscular with six pack abs, whether it's to look like

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the rock and just be like huge, right?

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So depending on what your goals are, depends on, or changes the way

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that you eat and the way that you exercise because you don't train.

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The same way for any of those looks.

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So there's a lot of differences that are coming that start to come into

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place, even if we only focused on the diet and exercise piece of things.

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But again, this goes back to connected health.

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We need to understand what our entire life is going to look like.

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And inside of my program, I really.

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Deep dive into this.

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I help people in all my coaching programs.

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I help people to figure this out, and I work with people one-on-one and we

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actually sometimes spend an entire coaching call just on getting this right.

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And it is so enlightening and beneficial for people to go through this process.

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But just to give you my personal story on this was I knew I didn't

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want to give up certain foods.

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I knew I still wanted to.

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Be able to do certain things.

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I knew I didn't wanna live in the gym because I knew some of the other

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things I wanted to do in my life.

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I knew the things I needed to have time for and I knew that if I spent

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all my time at the gym and I spent all my time, trying to avoid certain

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foods or whatever, I wasn't gonna be able to go hang with my friends.

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I wasn't gonna be able to go have lunch with my buddies.

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I wasn't gonna be able to go out and play sports because I was gonna be so

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sore from working out all the time.

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I wouldn't be able to go play basketball, which was really big to me at the time.

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And, it was just these little things.

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Now, I will be honest with you guys, I got kinda lucky because I didn't

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fully have my vision laid out.

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and I still managed to get there.

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It took me a while.

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People always ask and the answer to how long it took me to lose 80

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pounds is to be about 10 months.

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I truly believe that if I had known then what I know now, if I had this

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entire system that I've created laid out for me, then I would've

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actually achieved it even faster.

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Just like without even really making very many changes, I just would've had a

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better understanding of what it was that I wanted to accomplish, and I would've

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gotten even faster results and I think that's shown up in some of the results

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I've gotten for clients because I've gotten people some really amazing results.

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So the thing is with vision, I want you to think about it from this perspective.

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So I already explained if you don't have clear vision just on what

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kind of body you want, you're not even gonna wear exercises to do.

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You're not even gonna know how to eat.

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So that's already one example of how vision works.

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I want to take this to a little bit higher level.

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Imagine that you live on the east coast of the United States.

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You wanna travel to the West Coast of the United States?

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if you just get in your car and you've got a compass and it tells

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you that you're heading west, you may end up in California.

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So you end up in Seattle or something, right?

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You don't really know exactly where you're going to end up.

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you might even just get tired of driving and you might stop in Texas, right?

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So you don't know where you're gonna go if you don't have a clear

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vision of what it's gonna be.

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But let's say even if you know where you wanna go, let's say even if you

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have a G P S and you set that G P s and you're like, you know what, I'm

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going to, we'll just say Los Angeles, 'cause I was out in LA a few weeks back.

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so it's just what's on my mind.

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So let's say that you're like, I'm gonna go to LA and you put, the address

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into your G P Ss, you still aren't going to get to a specific location.

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You're just gonna get to LA in general.

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So if you want.

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To get somewhere specific.

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You now have to think about that, right?

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You have to figure out what hotel do you wanna be at?

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what area of LA do you wanna be in?

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What is it that you're trying to go to LA for?

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So now you start to understand this vision concept, right?

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You have to get more and more specific.

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And then what if there's a tourist site between here in California

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that, or your starting point in California that you really wanna see?

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But the most efficient route.

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'cause the G P Ss is always gonna take you on the most efficient route, right?

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And the most efficient route won't take you by there.

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now you've gotta plead for that, right?

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You gotta figure out how am I going to deviate my pleading to be

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able to go see this, monument or whatever it is that I wanna see.

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And Vision becomes very important because it doesn't just get us in the vicinity.

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It gets us exactly where we want to be, down to the exact most important points.

Stephen Box:

So that is why having a clear vision is so important, guys, and that's why

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that's step one in the process always is everything has to start with the vision.

Stephen Box:

If you don't have a clear vision, and I know a lot of people.

Stephen Box:

Like I said earlier, a lot of us guys especially, we don't like to

Stephen Box:

think about emotions and we don't like to think about things like that.

Stephen Box:

And sometimes when we start talking about vision, a lot of it

Stephen Box:

is how do we wanna feel, right?

Stephen Box:

What do we want our relationships to look like?

Stephen Box:

And that involves thinking about emotions that involves think thinking

Stephen Box:

about and talking about our feelings.

Stephen Box:

And a lot of us might not be comfortable with that because we've been taught

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to not be comfortable with that.

Stephen Box:

There's nothing wrong with it, guys.

Stephen Box:


Stephen Box:

Again, it doesn't make you soft.

Stephen Box:

If you think something is hard, if you think something is challenging,

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doing it actually makes you more manly, avoiding something because

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you think that it's going to be too difficult for you to do, or because it

Stephen Box:

feels a certain way that's not manly.

Stephen Box:


Stephen Box:

That's actually being solved.

Stephen Box:

So I wanna encourage you, if it feels a little tough to you.

Stephen Box:

All the more reason to do it.

Stephen Box:

Alright, so now that you understand why vision is so important, let's

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acknowledge the fact that vision alone isn't gonna get you there.

Stephen Box:


Stephen Box:

you can have all the vision you want, you can detail it out, you

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can write it out, it doesn't matter.

Stephen Box:

As a matter of fact, this is where a lot of people get their self into trouble.

Stephen Box:

and I'll switch gears away from health and weight loss here for a second, and

Stephen Box:

let's talk about starting a business.

Stephen Box:

There are people out there that they will lay out this vision for

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what they want their business to look like, and they think, I have

Stephen Box:

to get every single detail perfect.

Stephen Box:

I, I have to know everything right now.

Stephen Box:

I've gotta know the best software I to use.

Stephen Box:

I gotta know exactly how much to charge people.

Stephen Box:

I've gotta know how many calls to give people if they're coaching right.

Stephen Box:


Stephen Box:

All these little details, they want to know that and they will overdo it to the

Stephen Box:

point that they will never actually start.

Stephen Box:


Stephen Box:

So I want you to understand that yes, why we're creating

Stephen Box:

a vision, why it's important.

Stephen Box:

It doesn't have to be perfect, right?

Stephen Box:

We have the right to change our minds.

Stephen Box:

Maybe you start on the journey and you go, you know what?

Stephen Box:

I wanna do something a little different.

Stephen Box:

And that's totally cool.

Stephen Box:

We can always adjust the vision to get us where we wanna go to, and

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there's nothing wrong with that.

Stephen Box:

We have to eventually take action, right?

Stephen Box:

And that brings me to phase two, which is discipline.

Stephen Box:

Now a lot of times when people hear disciplined, they think willpower.

Stephen Box:

I'm not talking about willpower.

Stephen Box:

What I'm talking about is habits and consistency.

Stephen Box:

And guys, lemme tell you, I remember being in the fifth grade and last day of school.

Stephen Box:

they had a little graduation ceremony because I don't know how

Stephen Box:

this is for some of you, but for me, fifth grade was elementary school.

Stephen Box:

Sixth grade was middle school.

Stephen Box:

They were two different schools.

Stephen Box:

so I know some schools actually go like kindergarten through

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12th grade or whatever.

Stephen Box:

One location.

Stephen Box:

I didn't have that.

Stephen Box:

Mine was a completely separate location, and so we're doing this

Stephen Box:

graduation and they're giving out these perfect attendance awards.

Stephen Box:

I remember thinking, this has got to be the absolute dumbest award of all time.

Stephen Box:

You're going to give me an award just because I was here, they

Stephen Box:

didn't matter if I did it right.

Stephen Box:

Didn't matter if I did anything, doesn't matter if I was successful.

Stephen Box:

Anything else just, there're literally going to gimme an award for showing up.

Stephen Box:

And I gotta be honest with you guys, as an adult, I can live heck

Stephen Box:

on and I can say, you know what?

Stephen Box:

That's a great award to give because showing up every single

Stephen Box:

day, that is actually the hard part.

Stephen Box:

yeah, we should maybe want people to do some work while they're there.

Stephen Box:

We should.

Stephen Box:

We should hold people a little accountable when they do show up.

Stephen Box:

But just showing up is the hard part.

Stephen Box:

So even if you do a little bit that day versus a lot, that's still a win.

Stephen Box:

That's still something to be celebrated.

Stephen Box:

'cause you at least showed up.

Stephen Box:

So to me, having that, discipline to consistently show up every day

Stephen Box:

is gonna be super duper important.

Stephen Box:

Excuse me one second guys.

Stephen Box:

Lemme get some, water here.

Stephen Box:

So when you are talking about discipline, and again, in my one-on-one coaching

Stephen Box:

programs, I work with Ians to figure out how to help them show up every day.

Stephen Box:

I show them.

Stephen Box:

Specifically how to show up and do the things they want to actually do and

Stephen Box:

how to, build consistency into that.

Stephen Box:

so I go through all that in my coaching programs when I work with people

Stephen Box:

directly, but in a big picture way here.

Stephen Box:

When we start looking at habits and consistency, one of the big

Stephen Box:

mistakes I see people make is.

Stephen Box:

They try to make everything super hard and it's this all or nothing mentality.

Stephen Box:

This all in mindset.

Stephen Box:

And guys, the question is how often does all or nothing leave you with nothing?

Stephen Box:

that kind of sucks, doesn't it?

Stephen Box:

To put all this effort, all this energy into something and you don't even

Stephen Box:

get anything out of it whatsoever.

Stephen Box:

I don't know about you guys, but that's not something I personally

Stephen Box:

want to, have to go through.

Stephen Box:

And You may have heard of, books like IC Habits or Tiny Habits, and the

Stephen Box:

thing is, those teach this philosophy of make it smaller, make it easier

Stephen Box:

to do, get small wins that make it easier for you to show up consistently.

Stephen Box:

I used an example here of, and this is a true example of something I

Stephen Box:

actually went and had a client do.

Stephen Box:

so people will sometimes laugh when I tell a story.

Stephen Box:

But this is a true story.

Stephen Box:

I had someone that they absolutely hated working out.

Stephen Box:

they just didn't want to do it.

Stephen Box:

They knew they needed to do it, but they didn't want to do it.

Stephen Box:

And so what we did is we started off with, Hey, just put on your workout shoes.

Stephen Box:

That's it.

Stephen Box:

You don't only have to go to the gym, you don't have to leave the house.

Stephen Box:

Just put 'em on.

Stephen Box:

And he started doing that, started putting with the workout shoes.

Stephen Box:

And then after a couple days, I said, okay.

Stephen Box:

Let's add to your wardrobe.

Stephen Box:

Let's actually put on your workout outfit.

Stephen Box:

And so he did that, and that lasted for another couple days.

Stephen Box:

And then he goes, you know what?

Stephen Box:

I feel silly doing this.

Stephen Box:

And I said, why do you feel silly doing it?

Stephen Box:

He said, I'm sitting here getting dressed every day like I'm gonna go to the gym.

Stephen Box:

I might as well just go to the gym.

Stephen Box:

Fair enough.

Stephen Box:

I said, so let's go to the gym today.

Stephen Box:

I said, I'll tell you what.

Stephen Box:

If you get there and you're not feeling it, just sit in the car.

Stephen Box:

And that's exactly what he did, guys.

Stephen Box:

he sat in the car for five minutes and then he said, you know what?

Stephen Box:

I just don't wanna go in.

Stephen Box:

And he put the car reverse and he left.

Stephen Box:

And this went on for probably three or four days.

Stephen Box:

Because again, the idea here is consistency, right?

Stephen Box:

It's discipline.

Stephen Box:

So he had to do something every day, and so three or four days go by and finally he

Stephen Box:

goes, you know what, I'm just gonna go in.

Stephen Box:

So he goes in and he sends me a text.

Stephen Box:

He goes, I'm in the gym.

Stephen Box:

And I go, okay.

Stephen Box:

I said, just walk around.

Stephen Box:

Just look at the equipment.

Stephen Box:

if you don't, if you don't want to exercise today, that's totally cool.

Stephen Box:


Stephen Box:

Walk around and be there.

Stephen Box:

And so he walks around for 10, 15 minutes and finally he goes, you know what?

Stephen Box:

I think I'm just gonna hop on the treadmill.

Stephen Box:

So he hops on the treadmill and I think he did five minutes or something like that.

Stephen Box:

Some like ridiculously low number, right?

Stephen Box:

And so this went on for, I don't know, maybe like 10, 15 days, right?

Stephen Box:

Like couple weeks.

Stephen Box:

And he goes, And over this time he is like building up, right?

Stephen Box:

So it's not five minutes on the treadmill every day he's slowly building it up and

Stephen Box:

then he goes, you know what, I think I actually wanna go down and try doing some

Stephen Box:

of the exercises with the weights, right?

Stephen Box:

So we're not talking like full workout programs or anything like that.

Stephen Box:

In total, I think it took about two months or so before we got him

Stephen Box:

to a point where he was ready to actually do a full workout program.

Stephen Box:

But guess what?

Stephen Box:


Stephen Box:

I can't get that guy to stay out of the gym.

Stephen Box:

He's always in the gym.

Stephen Box:

He might work out more than me.

Stephen Box:

Okay, so the thing is, this is someone who started off so small that any

Stephen Box:

reasonable person would laugh at where we started at the idea of,

Stephen Box:

oh, just put on your shoes, seems so insignificant, seems so stupid, but.

Stephen Box:

Getting him to just start really small like that worked.

Stephen Box:

And of course over time, we've added other things in there.

Stephen Box:

It wasn't just a matter of, oh, we're just gonna keep doing

Stephen Box:

little tiny things, right?

Stephen Box:

that's not the whole process.

Stephen Box:

I just shortened it for you guys, so you could really see

Stephen Box:

the point of the story here.

Stephen Box:

But that's the underlying reasoning, right?

Stephen Box:

That's the underlying.

Stephen Box:

Cause of why he's now really consistent with the jump.

Stephen Box:

And that's why discipline is so important.

Stephen Box:

But again, a lot of guys, what I see them do is they get to

Stephen Box:

the discipline part, right?

Stephen Box:

They go, I understand the discipline part, I'm gonna start doing that.

Stephen Box:

But they haven't created the vision yet.

Stephen Box:

And just like I was saying, if you say, Hey, I'm just gonna drive west, maybe

Stephen Box:

you end up in California, maybe you end up in Seattle, maybe you end up in Texas

Stephen Box:

because you just get tired and stop.

Stephen Box:

So the reality is, Just having discipline, just showing up for the

Stephen Box:

sake of showing up with no real vision for what you're trying to accomplish.

Stephen Box:

It's not gonna get you anywhere.

Stephen Box:

You need both of those steps if you truly wanna start seeing success.

Stephen Box:

Now, the other thing that ends up happening though, is at some

Stephen Box:

point your discipline is only gonna take you so far because.

Stephen Box:

Your skillset only takes you so far.

Stephen Box:

Your current level of knowledge only takes you so far.

Stephen Box:

And yes, things like hiring a coach and things like that are going to get you

Stephen Box:

even further down the road, but even hiring someone still only gets you so far.

Stephen Box:

The third thing that we have to do, the third phase of the Unshakable

Stephen Box:

Hero blueprint that I coach my clients on is mastery, and this is all about

Stephen Box:

building and developing your skills.

Stephen Box:

when my clients started getting more consistent and he started lifting

Stephen Box:

weights, he didn't know what he was doing.

Stephen Box:

He had never lifted weights before.

Stephen Box:

Remember I told you this guy hated exercise, so he had never

Stephen Box:

lifted any kind of weights.

Stephen Box:

He had no idea.

Stephen Box:

There's five different, phases of a movement.

Stephen Box:

He didn't understand which muscles to tighten, which muscles to loosen.

Stephen Box:

He didn't understand the order of exercises.

Stephen Box:

He didn't understand any of that stuff, right?

Stephen Box:

And so what we did is we started to teach him the skills and look, that's just the

Stephen Box:

example I gave you guys for that client.

Stephen Box:

I can talk about this within the context of eating.

Stephen Box:

I could talk about this in the context of sleep.

Stephen Box:

I can talk about this in the context of stress management.

Stephen Box:

I can talk about this in the context of improving your relationships.

Stephen Box:

I can talk about this within the context of improving and optimizing your

Stephen Box:

environment to set you up for success.

Stephen Box:

I can talk about this in the context of becoming more, I.

Stephen Box:

Engaged in your spiritual, your beliefs and how do you engage more with that?

Stephen Box:

How do you engage more with the people around you?

Stephen Box:

I can talk about it in terms of creating a growth mindset.

Stephen Box:

I can talk about it in terms of recognizing and starting to, be able to

Stephen Box:

utilize your emotions as you feel them to accomplish what you wanna accomplish.

Stephen Box:

I'm just throwing out things here, but these are all.

Stephen Box:

Things that you can start to learn, you can start to develop skills and you could

Stephen Box:

become this person that you want to be.

Stephen Box:

And that's the really cool part about this process is it's a growth process, right?

Stephen Box:

It's not just, oh, go and do these things and lose 20 pounds, and then

Stephen Box:

hope that you don't put it back on.

Stephen Box:

It's a growth process.

Stephen Box:

It takes you from someone.

Stephen Box:

Who is currently doing things that has them 20, 30, 40, 50,

Stephen Box:

whatever pounds over, right?

Stephen Box:

Maybe you're a hundred pounds overweight and it has you at that position.

Stephen Box:

That's your current behaviors, your current lifestyle has you there.

Stephen Box:

And what we have to do is we have to take all of those behaviors, all that

Stephen Box:

lifestyle stuff, everything that's around you, and we have to start to

Stephen Box:

figure out how do we make it better?

Stephen Box:

How do we make it better for your goals?

Stephen Box:

Not just better period, but like, how do we make it better for your goals?

Stephen Box:

How do we help you become the person that you wanna be?

Stephen Box:

And I wanna be very clear in saying this when we talk about weight loss,

Stephen Box:

because I focused on that today because it is the main idea here.

Stephen Box:

'cause I know of a lot of people in the company either come to you for weight

Stephen Box:

loss, but guys, there's a lot of you out there that maybe your goal isn't

Stephen Box:

necessarily to lose a ton of weight.

Stephen Box:

Maybe you just wanna lose a little bit of weight.

Stephen Box:

Your goal is just to need more athletic.

Stephen Box:

You just wanna move better.

Stephen Box:

You just wanna be pain-free, and we can still use all these same tools I'm talking

Stephen Box:

about today for that, or maybe for you, you're listening to this episode, but the

Stephen Box:

weight loss isn't really a thing for you.

Stephen Box:

But you know what?

Stephen Box:

Maybe you want improve your relationship.

Stephen Box:

Maybe your marriage lacked connection.

Stephen Box:

Maybe you don't have intimacy in your relationship.

Stephen Box:

Maybe you don't feel like you connect with your kids very well.

Stephen Box:

Maybe you wanna improve that relationship.

Stephen Box:

Maybe you want to be a better leader at work or in your community, right?

Stephen Box:

So regardless of what areas you want to improve in your

Stephen Box:

life, this framework works.

Stephen Box:

These three steps of creating a vision, discipline, and mastery.

Stephen Box:

When you get these three things right, what you have done is created

Stephen Box:

a growth process that can literally take any of those six elements, right?

Stephen Box:

So that's physical, mental, emotional, relational, environmental, and,

Stephen Box:

existential or spiritual, right?

Stephen Box:

so when you take those six things and you apply this framework to

Stephen Box:

them, man, guys, I'm telling you the.

Stephen Box:

The difference it can make in your life is so huge and I'm living proof of it.

Stephen Box:

I've seen it firsthand.

Stephen Box:

I know what it is, and that's why I'm so passionate about teaching.

Stephen Box:

I don't hope you guys can actually hear the passion in my voice

Stephen Box:

right now because it truly is just something that just gets me fired up.

Stephen Box:

so go out there, try to start implementing these things.

Stephen Box:

Start with that vision, then, once you can have that clear vision for

Stephen Box:

what you want your life to look like.

Stephen Box:

Down to the small details.

Stephen Box:

And again, remember, they don't need to be perfect.

Stephen Box:

You can always change them, but we need to get them there to begin with, right?

Stephen Box:

We gotta have somewhere to start and then, okay, what do I do?

Stephen Box:

What habits do I need to create?

Stephen Box:

What discipline do I need?

Stephen Box:

What are my daily practices that I need to put in place to start to do those

Stephen Box:

things and then be reasonable, right?

Stephen Box:

Don't try to do everything at once.

Stephen Box:


Stephen Box:

What's reasonable?

Stephen Box:

How can I start really small and then build upon it?

Stephen Box:

And then as I'm building up those skills, when I start to hit those

Stephen Box:

walls, What do I need to go out and do?

Stephen Box:

What skills do I need to go out and acquire to create mastery in the process?

Stephen Box:

And that's it guys.

Stephen Box:

that's really the big secret here.

Stephen Box:

now I know that implementing that is a lot tougher than what it sounds.

Stephen Box:

and the good news is, guys, I've helped a lot of men do this.

Stephen Box:

I've been through this process myself.

Stephen Box:

It's something that I've really helped a lot of people with my coaching

Stephen Box:

programs, and I'd be happy to see if it's something that might work for you too.

Stephen Box:

So if you're feeling like, Hey, this sounds great.

Stephen Box:

I really love your process, but I feel like I would need help with this.

Stephen Box:

just head over to and click on the button to

Stephen Box:

schedule a roadmap call.

Stephen Box:

no cost to you.

Stephen Box:

And what we'll do is we'll sit down, we'll talk about your goals.

Stephen Box:

What is you wanna accomplish?

Stephen Box:

we'll get a baseline of where you're at now, and I'll start to help you

Stephen Box:

create a little bit of that vision for your life and then, see if you're

Stephen Box:

someone that I can also help out.

Stephen Box:

so again, guys, if that's something that you're interested in, that's something

Stephen Box:

you wanna do, you can either shoot me a DM or on social media, or the easiest thing

Stephen Box:

to do is just go to, click on the button on the upper hand

Stephen Box:

corner that says, schedule a roadmap call today and we'll get you set up.

Stephen Box:

I just hope that you guys really get great value out of the message today.

Stephen Box:

If you did, I would love to hear your feedback on it.

Stephen Box:

please leave reviews for the podcast.

Stephen Box:

reach out to me on social media.

Stephen Box:

Let's connect.

Stephen Box:

I would love to hear the impact that these things actually have on you.

Stephen Box:

And as always, guys, I wanna remind you that while none of us are born

Stephen Box:

Unshakable, we can all become Unshakable.


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podcast with Coach Stephen Box.


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