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More After the Break: A Reporter Returns to Ten Unforgettable News Stories
4th November 2022 • Saint Louis In Tune • Motif Media Group, LLC
00:00:00 00:17:00

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In More After the Break, Jen Maxfield, an Emmy® Award-winning correspondent for NBC 4 New York, revisits ten memorable stories from her career as a TV news reporter, describing in heart-pounding detail how the events unfolded and revealing what happened after the cameras went away. She introduces readers to unforgettable people who will inspire you with their hopefulness, even when confronting life’s greatest heartbreaks.

Returning to find these people years—even decades—after she featured their stories on the news gives Maxfield an opportunity to ask the burning questions she had always pondered: What happened after the live truck pulled away? What is the rest of the story? She will be appearing at the St. Louis Jewish Book Festival to discuss this book.

This is Season 5! For more episodes, go to

#jenmaxfield #emmyaward #nbc4newyork #restofthestory #stlouisjewishbookfestival



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