Tracy Matthews’ mom died suddenly, which led to her first reinvention. She is going through a complete business reinvention in this season and is starting from the ground up. This is her story and she is RESILIENT A.F.
RESILIENT A.F.: Stories of Resilience Vol. 2 is not available! - -
About the Guest:
Tracy Matthews is a Creativity and Reinvention Expert, Best-Selling Author, and the Host of the Top-Rated Thrive By Design Podcast.
As a serial entrepreneur, she’s reinvented herself several times and built several multiple 7+ figure businesses. She believes creativity is the biggest gift for navigating challenges, living a more fulfilled life, and having fun while creating wealth.
Notable media placements include The Today Show, Entrepreneur, InStyle Magazine, and Elle. Through her podcast, blog, social media platforms, coaching, and programs, she inspires over 200,000 people weekly to launch, grow, and scale successful creative brands. You can find more information at
She lives in Scottsdale, Arizona, with her partner Jason, his two daughters, and her puppy, Roxy.
⚠️ Content Note: Some episodes may contain themes that could be distressing. Please take care of yourself while listening, and don’t hesitate to seek support from a mental health professional if needed.
About the Hosts:
Blair Kaplan Venables is a British Columbia-based grief and resilience expert and coach, motivational speaker and the Founder of The Global Resilience Project. Her expertise has been featured on media platforms like Forbes, TEDx, CBC Radio, Entrepreneur, and Thrive Global. She is named the Top Grief and Resilience Expert of the Year 2024 by IAOTP. USA Today listed Blair as one of the top 10 conscious female leaders to watch and she empowers others to be resilient from stages around the world. 'MyStory,’ which is a television show available on Amazon Prime Video, Apple TV+ and Google Play, showcases Blair's life story. She is the host of the Radical Resilience podcast and specializes in helping people strengthen their resilience muscle using scientifically proven methods and guides grieving high performers with her Navigating Grief Framework. The Global Resilience Project’s award-winning book series are international bestsellers, and her fourth book, RESILIENT A.F.: Stories of Resilience Vol 2, will be published in January 2025. In her free time, you can find Blair writing, in nature, travelling the world and helping people to strengthen their resilience muscles.
Alana Kaplan is a compassionate mental health professional based in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. She works in the mental health field, and is a co-host of the Resilient A.F. podcast. Fueled by advocacy, Alana is known for standing up and speaking out for others. Passionate about de-stigmatizing and normalizing mental health, Alana brings her experience to The Global Resilience Project’s team, navigating the role one’s mental health plays in telling their story.
Engaging in self-care and growth keeps her going, and her love for reading, travel, and personal relationships helps foster that. When she’s not working, Alana can often be found on walks, working on a crossword puzzle, or playing with any animal she sees.
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Welcome back to another episode of Resilient AF with Blair and
Speaker:Alana. Hold the Alana, but cue Tracy Matthews.
Speaker:So excited that she is here today. Tracy and I
Speaker:go well, it feels like we go way back, but we met only in
Speaker:02/22. And it was just, like, such
Speaker:a game changer meeting her, on so many different levels.
Speaker:We live in different parts of the continent, different countries.
Speaker:We've now met up in, like, Miami and in Mexico and
Speaker:in Arizona and I don't know where else. New York maybe?
Speaker:I don't know. Well, we're going to be meeting in New York. Will be New
Speaker:well, yeah. By the time this records, we would have met in New York. And
Speaker:thank God for the Internet and text messages because, Tracy, like, I just admire
Speaker:you. You're so inspirational. And the fact that your story is
Speaker:in Resilient AF, Stories of Resilience volume 2, and that you're here to
Speaker:talk about reinvention is just such an honor.
Speaker:Well, thanks for having me, Blair. I'm so excited to be here. I love talking
Speaker:about reinvention, and my story inside, Resonient
Speaker:AF is 1 of my first reinvention stories.
Speaker:Well, let's talk about it. What like, what happened? Why did you have to reinvent
Speaker:yourself? Can I just say something first before we talk about that?
Speaker:Yeah. Because, from the second I met you and especially when
Speaker:we dressed up the first night at the event that we were at and you
Speaker:wore that sparkly silver coat, I knew we we were gonna be friends.
Speaker:I mean Yes. There was no other choice. No. I mean, it's kind of
Speaker:a moth to a flame. I know. I mean, like, if you don't
Speaker:like that coat, you don't deserve my friendship. But, like, that coat, that
Speaker:was the first time I ever had worn that jacket because I bought it in
Speaker:the peak of the pandemic. And when I met you, it was the first time,
Speaker:like, Canada opened their borders, and it was, like, my first trip after, like, everyone
Speaker:died. And I was just like, this jacket needs to come out. And I was
Speaker:so excited to wear it, and I'm so happy that it drew you to
Speaker:me. It's such a great jacket, and it was such a fun night. And I
Speaker:loved or a fun experience and a fun event and the whole thing. It
Speaker:was all perfect. So So yeah. Here we go. All the
Speaker:friends in common and Yeah. And, you know, I just wanna say, like,
Speaker:because we haven't started talking about Tracy's story yet, but we met at a business
Speaker:event, and we developed probably, like, I'd say a lifelong friendship. And you just
Speaker:never know who you're gonna come across, and I decided to go to this
Speaker:event that was it it was fairly, for me, expensive at the
Speaker:time. And, also, I didn't know anyone. I I got on a plane. I flew
Speaker:to Mexico, and I went to this business event with 200 plus other people, and
Speaker:I didn't know anyone. I took a chance because I believe in
Speaker:me, and I believe in you. So you should do it too. Yeah. Yep.
Speaker:All should do it. Take a risk. Get on the plane. Get on the plane.
Speaker:Wear the sparkles. Attract the Tracys.
Speaker:Oh, man. So, yeah, your your reinvention started
Speaker:because something really tragic happened to you. Yeah. So
Speaker:like many people, when a parent dies and
Speaker:it's unexpected, it kind of throws
Speaker:you into a little bit of a why am I here
Speaker:moment, and I am not gonna waste my life type of
Speaker:moment. So I don't know what you want me to share, but do you want
Speaker:me to share kind of what happened? Okay. Please do. Cool.
Speaker:So, I mean, it wasn't cool, but cool. Third one. We're
Speaker:good. Cool. So I was 21 at
Speaker:the time. I had just yeah. I think it it was, like,
Speaker:on the verge maybe my 20 birthday. And
Speaker:I had always been a super creative person
Speaker:wanting to get back and
Speaker:develop some sort of creative path in my life. And that's
Speaker:sort of like, the context for part of this story.
Speaker:And my mom, super healthy, very thin,
Speaker:super vibrant, energetic woman, spent her entire life
Speaker:raising 6 children. My parents got divorced when I was
Speaker:15. And in that divorce, you know, like
Speaker:many divorces, there was a big battle over, you
Speaker:know, resources and what was gonna happen later. So my mom had to
Speaker:actually go to work probably for the first time in
Speaker:not her adult life, but in in many, many years because she had spent most
Speaker:of her time raising children. And
Speaker:she got divorced, was, like, starting this career, decided decided
Speaker:to start her own business, met a man. Like, everything
Speaker:was going for her. And I was so proud of her
Speaker:because I you know, when I think back to the earlier days of my mom,
Speaker:especially, like, right after she was getting divorced, there was a lot
Speaker:of drama. There was a lot of victim mentality. Like,
Speaker:how could he do this to me? And how could he leave me? And, like,
Speaker:and feeling like, oh, well, I should be taken care of and kind of stuff.
Speaker:And that, you know, that mentality even in and of itself really,
Speaker:created something in me. Like, I don't ever want to have to rely on someone
Speaker:else to survive because it was a huge serve
Speaker:like, she was in a mode of survival, but also kind of
Speaker:in this victim mentality. So when she started to pick herself
Speaker:up and start on this path to starting her own business
Speaker:and meeting this man, they were engaged and,
Speaker:like, her life had just, like, started over. I'd never seen her so
Speaker:happy. So it was right around Easter time, and,
Speaker:she says to me, Tracy, I'm gonna do an elective surgery. I'm gonna go
Speaker:in the hospital and get this thing done. And I was like, what is it?
Speaker:She's like, reconstructive bladder surgery, which was not a lie,
Speaker:but it wasn't the full truth of what was happening. And,
Speaker:I think I'd been planning on going to my grandparent. She was
Speaker:living in my grandparents' beach house at the time, and I think I was
Speaker:planning on going to meet some friends up with some friends
Speaker:there while she was still gonna be, like, recovering in the hospital or on the
Speaker:next day home. And so, at that time, I was in LA,
Speaker:at university, and we drove down to Orange County to go see her
Speaker:in the hospital on our way to the beach house in San Clemente. So I
Speaker:went in to see her in the hospital, and she
Speaker:kept telling me, you know, they're a little
Speaker:bit concerned. My feet are really swollen.
Speaker:You know, they're not they weren't expecting this kind of bruising.
Speaker:And the 1 of the doctors came in and, you know,
Speaker:they measure your lung capacity or something when you're when you have major surgery.
Speaker:And they were measuring her lung capacity, and they were saying, like, oh, that's not
Speaker:doesn't it's not really good. You're supposed to go home tomorrow. I'm not sure what's
Speaker:going on there. So, like, is everything okay, mom? And and someone else had come
Speaker:in to visit her too, and so I didn't really get quality time with her.
Speaker:And my friends were outside to come pick me up. So I'm like, oh, you
Speaker:know, just thinking as a an optimistic 21 year old, not thinking
Speaker:anything of it. I leave.
Speaker:We head down to my grandparents' house. I meet my boyfriend there. My best friends,
Speaker:Kate and Rich, are there. We're getting ready to cook dinner, and
Speaker:we have some other friends coming over, and we're just about to have a blast,
Speaker:you know, and do our little college day things and, like, wrap up our
Speaker:senior year or whatever and or their senior year. I was taking a break at
Speaker:the time. And I the
Speaker:phone rings at the house, my grandparents' house where my mom was living.
Speaker:And my friend, Rich, picks up the phone, and all of a
Speaker:sudden, his mouth drops, and he looks gray. And I'm like and he's a
Speaker:Colombian guy, so he's kind of, like, darker skinned. And I'm like,
Speaker:what? And he's like, well, maybe you should talk to her daughter.
Speaker:And he hands me the phone. Like, I think of this
Speaker:moment. Hands me the phone, and what was
Speaker:being said on the other line just, like, literally could not
Speaker:register. Like, I couldn't register it. And what they
Speaker:were saying was, we don't think she's going to make it.
Speaker:You need to get down here right now, and you need to
Speaker:call Doug Byers, who was, like, her boyfriend or
Speaker:whatever at the time or her fiance.
Speaker:And you need to call, like, get call anyone who needs to know and be
Speaker:here. Like, get to the hospital right now. Like, we had just I had just
Speaker:left. And, what happened is they
Speaker:had gotten her up from the bed the
Speaker:first time in, like, three days, and she was throwing blood clots, and they didn't
Speaker:pick it up. And they she threw a blood
Speaker:clot, went into her lungs, suffocated, collapsed,
Speaker:died, couldn't breathe, like, gasping. I mean, that's what they tell us. I don't know.
Speaker:I wasn't there. But I was the last person to see her,
Speaker:in my family before she died. So I was the person who had to call
Speaker:everyone and tell them what was going on. It was crazy. And we were
Speaker:all kind of, like, in college or something at the time. Later,
Speaker:we found out, that she didn't just have reconstructive bladder surgery, but she
Speaker:had a tummy tuck and liposuction, and my mom was very thin. She
Speaker:was probably a hundred and twenty five pounds and five eight.
Speaker:So very tall, very thin, didn't really I
Speaker:mean, the reconstructive bladder surgery was she wanted because she was, like,
Speaker:having incontinence from having so many kids. And so when she would
Speaker:laugh, she would sometimes pee her pants. So that kinda made sense,
Speaker:but the other things, like, didn't I'm like, what? Like, didn't really make
Speaker:sense, at all because I'm like, you didn't need that.
Speaker:Like, what was the point? And I think the
Speaker:saddest part about this story is what I started
Speaker:with is that she finally had her life together and was finally, like,
Speaker:following her dreams. And then all of a
Speaker:sudden, it was gone, like,
Speaker:in minutes. Yeah. And, I mean, so
Speaker:many lessons were learned from me at a very young age about
Speaker:following your dreams and not letting your life go by.
Speaker:Because life is so short, we don't know when
Speaker:we're gonna go. And if we're not living every single day in alignment with
Speaker:what matters to us and our purpose and passion and all these
Speaker:things, like, we're basically wasting our life. I mean,
Speaker:I look at look at that time, and I look at her, and it makes
Speaker:me so sad because I mean, obviously, I'm devastated because I
Speaker:lost my mother. I mean, this was so long ago now. I was I'm 53,
Speaker:so I was only 21, about to be 22 at that time.
Speaker:And I look back at that, and I still get that same
Speaker:emotion because, like,
Speaker:what a waste. You know? She was 45 years old. Like, what a waste.
Speaker:Wow, Tracy. Thank you so much for sharing, and I
Speaker:am so sorry. That's just so many levels of
Speaker:traumaticness at once.
Speaker:What's your mom's name? Her name is was Carlene.
Speaker:May Carlene's memory be a blessing. Thank you.
Speaker:So you're 21 or 22. You've lost
Speaker:your mom. Is
Speaker:that what triggered the first reinvention for you? Well
Speaker:yes. So, I mean, it it spurred a lot in me
Speaker:because for me, I was such a passionate, motivated
Speaker:person. Like, I I really wanted to make something of my life, and I
Speaker:think part of that was shaped by the fact that I feel like my
Speaker:mom always relied on other people for her happiness instead of creating
Speaker:her own happiness Yeah. From within and, you
Speaker:know, financial well-being and all that stuff. And, you know, I was this was the
Speaker:Right? Everyone's like, women's empowerment and, you know, women can do
Speaker:everything. You know, all the things. So I knew I wanted to be,
Speaker:like, start my own business or something. I didn't know what I was gonna do,
Speaker:but I didn't know what to do. And at that time, I think I was
Speaker:working in retail at Nordstrom as a salesperson, and
Speaker:I had taken, two years in between my sophomore
Speaker:year and junior year in college. And so
Speaker:there was a lot that happened that allowed me an opportunity to actually
Speaker:get back to school. I was able to get a grant to help finish school
Speaker:because part of the issue was that I couldn't pay for the tuition, and I
Speaker:was working full time. So I went back to school, and I found a jewelry
Speaker:making class. And that jewelry making class is
Speaker:the thing where I really was like, oh my gosh. This is my thing. My
Speaker:teacher was amazing. She mentored me and
Speaker:really encouraged me to explore this,
Speaker:creativity and this creative gift that I had. And she said to me
Speaker:I remember this, and it might not have been the exact word, but she said
Speaker:something along the lines of, you know, Tracy, you have something that a lot
Speaker:of people don't have. Like, your goods from a skill set
Speaker:perspective of making the jewelry, but the thing that you really have an
Speaker:eye for is an eye for design and knowing what people are gonna wanna
Speaker:buy. Because I would make this jewelry, and people would just buy it off of
Speaker:me, like, in my college or whatever. And she's like, it's a it's I
Speaker:only see people like this come through every once in a while. Most people take
Speaker:this class because they wanna make a ring or, you know, learn how to carve
Speaker:some wax. Like, they're not there's not no potential for them in the
Speaker:future. You know, it's just kind of a hobby for them.
Speaker:But consider this. Like, consider what you can do. So,
Speaker:because of, you know, my circumstances and everything,
Speaker:my university, I went to Loyola Marymount in LA.
Speaker:They created, like, a special major for me, like, a special studies major. I got
Speaker:to take a humanities major, but with this fine arts,
Speaker:that so I took all of my fine arts classes in jewelry.
Speaker:Ended up eventually getting married right after I graduated
Speaker:from university to my college boyfriend.
Speaker:And he's like, okay. So when we get settled in San Francisco after
Speaker:we move up there and I find a job, then why don't we
Speaker:work on a plan where you can quit your job and you could do your
Speaker:jewelry full time? And so I launched my
Speaker:jewelry company in my late twenties, and that,
Speaker:like, inspired, like, a whole series of other events and businesses,
Speaker:and it was amazing. But it really, you know, transitioned
Speaker:me from thinking, okay. Like, I'm just gonna have
Speaker:a life working in retail and owning a boutique to, like, actually, I can be
Speaker:a business owner and launch this brand.
Speaker:And it really gave me the courage to go for it. I I
Speaker:love that, and your jewelry is amazing. Every time I see you, I'm like, I
Speaker:want a piece. You're like, well, you can commission 1. Because it
Speaker:like, you took that course almost thirty years ago.
Speaker:Yeah. Long time ago. And Yeah. In 1993. So it's been
Speaker:Well, it's 02/24. So Yeah. That's
Speaker:yeah. Thirty one years ago, she died. Like, three decades. And so, like,
Speaker:you your business itself has had many
Speaker:reinvests within it. Mhmm. You know? And, you know, I
Speaker:think I think if you're not reinventing and changing, you you become stale. You
Speaker:become a fish in the water. And, like, you have to change. Like, thirty one
Speaker:years ago, Instagram wasn't a thing. Social media wasn't a thing.
Speaker:Like, I It was not a thing. No. No. Was was emails? I don't even
Speaker:know. Maybe next. Not when I started. I didn't even have an email address. You
Speaker:know, pick up the phone and call people. I tell people this all the time.
Speaker:We didn't have smartphones. I had, like, a, you know, 1 of those phones that
Speaker:had a built in answering machine. Yeah. People messages. I had a fax
Speaker:machine, Blair. You know, I don't even know what that is. I had a fax
Speaker:machine when I start I had a coupon company I started because I wanted free
Speaker:yoga. So I started a health and wellness coupon company, and I
Speaker:bought a fax machine because I thought that made me official, and it did.
Speaker:But, really, it was also a photocopier, and, like, my friends would come over and
Speaker:get drunk, and we'd just, like, photocopy our faces. So you know?
Speaker:So you switched also. Like, you wrote a book. You wrote a best selling book.
Speaker:You, coach jewelry designers in starting their
Speaker:businesses. Mhmm. You were telling me that you're
Speaker:about to you're you're stepping into another A new
Speaker:another epic maybe not even chapter, but book, a reinvention
Speaker:with a big r, a big reinvention. This is a big
Speaker:reinvention. It's so scary. It's even scary to talk about because
Speaker:I it it feels
Speaker:like so expansive and exciting. And can I tell a
Speaker:little backstory about how all this stuff came about? Yes. Of course. Please do.
Speaker:So I'm I'm watching a new program called the art of reinvention because I've been
Speaker:through so many reinventions in my life, and I've seen this
Speaker:trend. Well, not this trend, but there's a lot of people who have
Speaker:been in business for a while who are bored right now. They're
Speaker:really, craving something different,
Speaker:but their businesses are doing well. And so they're they're
Speaker:kind of in this place of, like, golden handcuffs, not really knowing,
Speaker:like, how do I pivot out of this into a new audience or a new
Speaker:message, or how do I take my audience along with me
Speaker:and launch this new version of myself and get out into
Speaker:the world? And for some people, you know, if you're in branding or something like
Speaker:that, maybe it's not the biggest challenge. But for a lot of people, you know,
Speaker:they're they're like, how do I go from doing this
Speaker:to going over here and doing this and, like, really upgrade into this
Speaker:person that I'm supposed to be who's leading a movement
Speaker:or a calling? So, about
Speaker:five or six years ago, I was at a Brendon Burchard event, and
Speaker:he asked us. He's like, go get in groups, and then I want you
Speaker:to share something that
Speaker:basically he didn't say this because, yeah, he doesn't swear, but he
Speaker:said, share can I swear on here? Write down
Speaker:something that scares the shit out of you and but a big
Speaker:goal that you wanna hit 1 day. Day. Yeah. And so I wrote down and
Speaker:I I never even thought about this before, but, like, I just trusted the first
Speaker:thing that came to mind, and it was to do a TED talk with
Speaker:20000000 views. And I was talking to this couple. I don't
Speaker:know. They help couples or whatever. I guess they're they were kinda famous or something.
Speaker:And, they're like, wow. That's so cool.
Speaker:And that's when the name Creatives Rule the World came to
Speaker:me, which is gonna be my rebranded podcast, which will be launching in
Speaker:which I'm Yay. About. Yay. Another reinvention because I've had this
Speaker:podcast, Thrive by Design, that you've been on, Blair Yes. For many,
Speaker:many years. And, it's time to upgrade that.
Speaker:So after this Brendon Burchard event, I went and looked up, like, TED
Speaker:Talks or TEDx Talks or whatever, and the most listened to TED TEDx
Speaker:Talk at that time had 20000000 views. I was like, wait a shoot for the
Speaker:stars, Tracy, because I love it. You could totally do it. Like, why not?
Speaker:I know. But I had no idea. I wasn't necessarily thinking I was gonna
Speaker:do that 1 that was, like, the top top. Yeah.
Speaker:So that started this process. I started this new brand called Creatives
Speaker:Rule the World, and then the pandemic started, which put everything on the back
Speaker:burner. So I felt like I was in this place of stagnation for years.
Speaker:And so I'm finally at a place where I'm ready to step into
Speaker:this new direction and the person that I'm, like,
Speaker:literally here to be, which is to inspire
Speaker:people to really tap into their creative gifts
Speaker:and take it to another level, to lead movements, to to, like, change the
Speaker:world. So that's kind of where I'm going with this, and,
Speaker:it feels really big. It feels freaking terrifying.
Speaker:And I would say I don't know what I'm doing, but that's a lie because
Speaker:I do know what I'm doing. And, it's 1 of those things where it's just
Speaker:because it is so personal and real,
Speaker:like, it feels like a big risk. But without
Speaker:risk, there's no reward, so I'm willing to do it. And, you know, we're gonna
Speaker:see. I'm excited because you are like, anyone that works with you is very
Speaker:lucky because you have, like, this wealth of information. And, like,
Speaker:I like, I've worked with clients who've worked with you, and
Speaker:I've spoken at your events, like, with my other hat on my story well,
Speaker:I guess storytelling is my current hat also, but marketing and storytelling and,
Speaker:the those jewelry designers that start their businesses, their businesses
Speaker:thrive, and you are a big part of that. So I'm excited to see where
Speaker:the art of reinvention goes and and your offerings,
Speaker:especially because, like, I'm I'm gonna be 40 in
Speaker:Aug. 0, and my PR agency just turned 16, and
Speaker:I mostly retired. Like, I I let go of those golden
Speaker:handcuffs, and it's fucking scary because I'm in
Speaker:startup mode. And, like, I never wanted to be in startup mode again, but
Speaker:I was juggling too many balls. And I was like, what is driving my passion,
Speaker:and what's filling my heart? And so I kept a little bit of, like,
Speaker:coaching, and helping entrepreneurs
Speaker:be visible in the media, like, helping with publicity, but I'm in the
Speaker:middle of I'm in the well, I guess, I have been reinventing myself without attention
Speaker:intentionally trying to and being aware of it, but, I mean,
Speaker:I'm stepping into a world as a grief and resilience expert where a lot
Speaker:of people in the business world know me as a social media and publicity expert.
Speaker:So it's interesting because I am I'm I'm in the reinvention stage. So
Speaker:I'm excited to do this alongside with you, Tracy. I'm excited for
Speaker:you. I'm excited for you. Let's just, like, hold hands and run into the sunset
Speaker:of reinvention together because, I mean, you've done it before. Now
Speaker:I have a couple of final questions before we wrap up because we're gonna run
Speaker:out of time. How do you think losing your mom,
Speaker:in your early twenties has inspired
Speaker:the art of reinvention.
Speaker:Life's too fucking short. Life's too fucking short. And you know what?
Speaker:It's true. I freaked out and went open to children's center for at risk youth
Speaker:in Ghana. Everyone died, and I was like, I I gotta go save
Speaker:the world. But really, you know, you you don't have to do something so
Speaker:drastic, but life is short. If you're not happy doing what you're
Speaker:doing, change it. Like, gone are the days where you get a job and have
Speaker:it for forty years. Like, you don't need to get that, like, forty years of
Speaker:service button. And if you do, fantastic. Like, cool. But, like, there's
Speaker:nothing wrong with changing up what you do. Whether you're an entrepreneur or you have
Speaker:a job, if you're not happy, do something new. Like, I mean, every so often,
Speaker:I think about, like, starting a cat cafe. And, like, my sister always is like,
Speaker:if I don't need to work, I'd get a job at a bookstore. You know
Speaker:what I mean? Like, you get to reinvent yourself. Like, you are in control.
Speaker:Right? Mhmm. It's true. Yes. We are all in
Speaker:control Yeah. Of our outcomes. But I think what ends
Speaker:up happening, and I've just seen this with a lot of my friends and the
Speaker:people that I've spoken to and the people who are preordering and
Speaker:securing their seats early in this program, is that a lot of them
Speaker:want the accountability to actually do the thing because it's really easy
Speaker:to put it on hold because what you're doing is so
Speaker:easy. It's not necessarily that you've you've if you
Speaker:started a business before, you could probably figure out how to start a new business.
Speaker:That's not an issue, but it's about, like, having that accountability to
Speaker:move through it and and going through, like, the natural progression of steps
Speaker:to let go of the thing that's not working and then to build the brand
Speaker:around the thing that is working. Yes. And, like, being
Speaker:okay to, like, let things go, start new things,
Speaker:and be like, pivot. Like, you have to, like, you have to be able to
Speaker:pivot and change and adapt. Mhmm. I love that, Tracy.
Speaker:How do you how do you define reinvention?
Speaker:I think of it as the upgrade.
Speaker:Upgrade. I love that. Yeah. And the reason why I think of that
Speaker:so there's this great story. You're gonna see this hummingbird these hummingbirds behind
Speaker:me. And if you're watching the the visual version, I don't know if this is
Speaker:audio only or It's both. It's both. Okay. But
Speaker:there's a story about the hummingbird. I I've done a lot of plant medicine journeys
Speaker:and healing over the past five years, which has been part of this reinvention process.
Speaker:And, I was doing a journey once in this,
Speaker:facilitator or healer that I was with. He's like, I feel hummingbird energy around there.
Speaker:And I, like, looked it up after and, like, it's visionary. It's, like, you know,
Speaker:fast moving, moving forward, like, all these things, like, nurturing
Speaker:and, you know, pollinating the forest, like, all all these symbolisms
Speaker:of, like, what, hummingbird is. So I've always had this,
Speaker:like, close thing with Hummingbird. So long story short, I've
Speaker:been working on my new brand and going through a whole process with that.
Speaker:And the the vibe that had that kept coming
Speaker:up was this phoenix rising, but I don't know. Like, a
Speaker:burning bird out of like, a burning Phoenix for some reason out
Speaker:of, these flames wasn't really landing with me. It also
Speaker:reminds me of Phoenix, which I live in the Phoenix area, and it reminds me
Speaker:of, like, hell because it's so hot here. Yeah. You're like,
Speaker:nope. So on my birthday this year,
Speaker:I was speaking or I spoke the day before, but I was at this
Speaker:my friend, Kathy Heller's event about podcasting. And I
Speaker:happened to run into an old friend of mine named Darla, and I was there
Speaker:with my friend, Chris. And the night before, I got
Speaker:really triggered by my partner, and it's not his fault. It was just something that
Speaker:needed to happen to come up, actually. But I couldn't sleep all night. You know,
Speaker:when you're having those, like, my birthday is really
Speaker:freaking important to me, and so I wanna have a great day, you know, the
Speaker:whole thing. And I was missing him and all this stuff. And
Speaker:so I couldn't sleep all night. I was a mess. Like, my adrenaline was,
Speaker:like, pulsing through my veins. I was just, like, really upset.
Speaker:So the next morning, my friend, Chris, calls me. She's like, hey, are you ready
Speaker:to go? And I was like, start crying. She's like, what's going on? She's like,
Speaker:I'll be right there. And she's an amazing healer, and she's like,
Speaker:what do you need right now? And I'm like, I need to see
Speaker:a sign. And I'm and she's like, okay. Well, what
Speaker:kind of sign do you need to see? And I said, a hummingbird. Me
Speaker:meanwhile, we're in the middle of
Speaker:Sunset Boulevard in LA.
Speaker:There's no hummingbirds. It's like traffic and
Speaker:all the things. Are you hearing my siren? Yeah. Is that
Speaker:you? I thought it was maybe me. Well, it's not. It's okay. It's okay.
Speaker:We're we're real people in Real life. Sorry. You're the boss.
Speaker:Completely soundproof to us. Hopefully, someone's okay. Yeah. I know. Yes.
Speaker:Yeah. Anyway, so I asked for this sign to see a hummingbird, and
Speaker:it's my birthday, you know, the whole thing. It takes us about an hour to
Speaker:get out of where we were, and we end up going to the
Speaker:event. And, you know, on your birthday, everyone's texting you or whatever.
Speaker:So I open up Facebook, and we sit
Speaker:down and I open up Facebook, and I'm looking at it. And I'm
Speaker:like, oh my god.
Speaker:And I show this picture to Chris. There someone her
Speaker:cousin, Chris's cousin, three days before had posted a
Speaker:picture of a hummingbird on my profile with this old
Speaker:tale on it about, this,
Speaker:this forest, this rainforest that was on fire, and there were all these, like,
Speaker:you know, indigenous people and sages. And there was, this
Speaker:panther, and all the animals were walking out of the away from the
Speaker:fire. And this hummingbird was flying back into the fire, and the
Speaker:panther stopped the hummingbird and said, what are you doing?
Speaker:And the hummingbird said back to the panther, well, I'm going
Speaker:to get some water to try to put out the fire. I mean, how ridiculous
Speaker:is that? Like, a hummingbird's beak is so small. It doesn't even
Speaker:like, you wouldn't be able to put out a huge forest fire,
Speaker:with this small beak of water. And so they're like, well,
Speaker:that's you you're not gonna put the fire out, the panther says to her, and
Speaker:she's like, well, I have to at least try. You know?
Speaker:The you know? Basically, like, the
Speaker:forest is what feeds me. I pollinate the forest with my
Speaker:with my, you know, with my beak and, like, all these things that she was
Speaker:going through this whole cycle of life. And she's like,
Speaker:this is this is, like, our world. We have to try to save what's
Speaker:here if we can. And so
Speaker:the panther's like, okay. So the the
Speaker:hummingbird goes back to this lake, picks up a small beak of water, and as
Speaker:soon as she starts flying back, a huge torrential downpour comes and puts the fire
Speaker:out and saves the forest. And it's the whole
Speaker:story was about, you know, showing up and contributing
Speaker:and doing your part. Right? Mhmm. In this process of
Speaker:evolution and reinvention that you're in. So So the reason why I'm sharing this
Speaker:story is because Phoenix Rising did not
Speaker:really land with me from a reinvention standpoint. What it what
Speaker:really landed with me was this hummingbird rising idea.
Speaker:Like, a hummingbird rising out of the forest fire and doing their
Speaker:part to step into, you know, this biggest
Speaker:glory and gift that they have to give to the universe.
Speaker:I love it. And I also love hummingbirds. And I think
Speaker:you also may have seen a few other hummingbirds that day.
Speaker:Right? Oh, yeah. You heard the you didn't I didn't finish the rest. Thank you
Speaker:for leading me that. Sorry. You just So then You stayed to share because it's
Speaker:coming very, very clear. This is the first hummingbird story.
Speaker:Then I go out to lunch, and my friend, Chris, wants to buy me lunch.
Speaker:And I've the message right before that was like, you need to allow people to
Speaker:give to you if you wanna receive, and I didn't let her do that, but
Speaker:whatever. We made a little joke out of it. And she's like, do you wanna
Speaker:walk around? We still have a little bit of time before we have to go
Speaker:back. And I'm like, sure. So you walk into the store called Alice and Olivia
Speaker:on Melrose. And I bought a suit from there for a photo shoot that
Speaker:I was doing a while back. And I was like, they had some new colorful
Speaker:things and I love things with color. So we walk in, and Chris and I
Speaker:are looking around, and I wanted to try on a top. So I walk around
Speaker:the corner, and I look into the dressing room, and I was like asked the
Speaker:salesperson. I was like, is that a hummingbird? And she's
Speaker:like, yeah. So I was like, oh my
Speaker:god. Chris, you have to look at this. Chris is, like, die if you knew
Speaker:my friend, Chris, she's, like, this petite woman who just has the best laugh,
Speaker:and she's, like, dying laughing. She's like, see? She's like,
Speaker:you asked for a hummingbird. Then we go, like, 3 other places. We see
Speaker:hummingbirds freaking everywhere. They're not hummingbirds flying in the air, but, like,
Speaker:bit like, hummingbirds on a a welcome mat, hummingbirds on a plate. Like, it just,
Speaker:like, random things that you wouldn't expect. So be careful
Speaker:what you ask for and pay attention to the freaking signs because
Speaker:the universe is trying to show you something. You may not know what it
Speaker:is, but, like, open your freaking eyes because everything
Speaker:will change. I love that. I I, yeah, I
Speaker:just had a really cool experience with signs as well where I was asking for
Speaker:a sign from my mom. And first, she sent me like, I asked for a
Speaker:specific sign, and I I've shared this on other episodes. But, like,
Speaker:the high level is, like, I was, like, also I'm in a reinvention. I'm like,
Speaker:am I doing the right thing? I just, like, need a sign. Like, you know,
Speaker:should I just, like, get a job and make coffee in a coffee shop? Like,
Speaker:I don't know. Like, I'm always like, what am I doing? Like, do I why
Speaker:do I like, I make my life harder than it needs to be and but
Speaker:it's because that's how I think. My mom's name is Sharon, and so I get
Speaker:to the border. Like, I was driving to Montana, to Lisa's, and I
Speaker:was, like, I need a sign, mom. Like, send me
Speaker:eagles. Send me an eagle or a peacock. I get to the border. I was
Speaker:like, I need to go to the bathroom. Where's the nearest bathroom? And the guy's
Speaker:like, oh, there's honey buckets. Like, outhouses right there, or you can go half an
Speaker:hour down the road. There's a really great cafe named Sharon's. I'm like, oh my
Speaker:gosh. I was like, okay. And I was driving. I was like, mom, was that
Speaker:you? Is that the sign? And then as I asked that, an eagle swooped
Speaker:down. Stop. And then I was like, mom, that for sure was you.
Speaker:Right? And then an hour later, another eagle. She's like,
Speaker:hello? Oh. And then I picked up my friend Tim's sketchbook,
Speaker:and I flip it open. And it's like, this is like, there's no there's no
Speaker:method to the madness. Like, he's a very talented artist. I pick it up, a
Speaker:quote about peacocks. And I got home, and I
Speaker:felt refreshed. And I was like, I'm on the right path. Sharon said so 4
Speaker:times. There you go. I love it. Peacocks and
Speaker:hummingbirds. Birds of a feather and different feathers flock together, and that's why
Speaker:Yeah. Me, the peacock, and you, the hummingbird, are such great
Speaker:friends. Love it. I love it. So do you have something
Speaker:for our audience? I think you do. I do. It is a it is
Speaker:a reinvention guide, so you can check it out in the show notes. So just
Speaker:click that link. Or if you have any questions about the artwork you mentioned, please
Speaker:feel free to reach out to me on Instagram, which I'm sure will be in
Speaker:the show notes as well. Yeah. All of your her links all of your links
Speaker:are in the show notes. Go dive into her world. You wanna learn from
Speaker:her. You know, she's a really cool human. I love her social medias,
Speaker:so I'm excited to see how the art of reinvention shows up on
Speaker:social media, how you reinvent yourself there. And
Speaker:what advice do you have for someone who is feeling like it's
Speaker:time for a reinvention? Great question.
Speaker:Well, the first piece the first step really
Speaker:is to just admit to yourself that you're ready to move forward. You
Speaker:know, they say that the first step is just acknowledging where you
Speaker:are, and I think from there, you can
Speaker:start to get clarity on where you wanna go. You know, my reinvention started
Speaker:five years ago at a Brendon Burchard event when I had this idea and something
Speaker:came up. You need to do this TED Talk, and then the brand creatives rule
Speaker:of the world came about. And that started me on this
Speaker:trajectory of this new version of what I'm
Speaker:doing. And so listen to the signs
Speaker:and pay attention. And, you know, if
Speaker:if you're in that stage of feeling like you need a
Speaker:reinvention, just start with the easiest
Speaker:step, like admitting to yourself, like, it's time for something new and it's
Speaker:time for an upgrade. And then from there, you can start building and moving
Speaker:into that new direction. Yes. It is time for an upgrade.
Speaker:So if this resonates with you, it's probably time for an upgrade. It's time for
Speaker:an upgrade. If you wake up in the morning dreading what you gotta do and
Speaker:it happens every day, might be time for an upgrade. Time for an
Speaker:upgrade. Time for an upgrade. Repeat everything you say. Yeah. I love
Speaker:it. Yeah. Feeling a little sad with your state of
Speaker:affairs in life, might be time for an upgrade. So Yeah. It's time for an
Speaker:upgrade. Upgrade. Time for an upgrade. And, Tracy can help guide
Speaker:you through that upgrade. So thank you so much for joining us
Speaker:on Resilient AF. Thank you so much for having me, Blair.
Speaker:And thank you to everyone who tuned in for another episode. You know,
Speaker:it's totally okay to not be okay. You're not doing this thing
Speaker:called life alone. We'll hold your hand. We can be that
Speaker:lighthouse in the storm. You will get through it sometimes
Speaker:moment by moment. But friends, just remember, you are
Speaker:resilient AF.