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Eco-Somatics, Sensuality, Pleasure & Play: Exploring the Water Element with Elizabeth Betwixt (Ep. 5 of 6)
Episode 285th February 2023 • A Lone Traveler's Guide to the Divine • Amanda Lux
00:00:00 00:49:17

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In this episode 

This is the fifth episode in a series of six where I am exploring how to cultivate alignment through each of the five elements.

In this episode I invited Elizabeth Betwixt, a Women’s Sexuality and Pelvic Care Specialist, a BirthKeeper and Somatic Movement Therapist & Teacher, onto the show to discus how we can work with and balance our water element. Elizabeth and I explore:

  • Various ways the water element expresses through our second (sacral) chakra and how to balance them
  • How important it is for all people (especially women) to connect more to their sensuality, sexuality, creativity and PLEASURE
  • Eco-somatics and the many ways our bodies (and our physical issues) are reflected in the earth and vice versa
  • How stagnation in the second chakra can lead to all kinds of dis-ease such as fibroids, fertility issues, pain during sex or menses, relational issues, creativity blocks (and other un-pleasurable things). 
  • How listening and trusting the wisdom of our tissues can unwind old traumas and restore our physical vitality and so much more!

About Elizabeth Betwixt

Elizabeth Betwixt guides women in the EcoSomatic Arts of Healing, Pleasure, Fertility, Birth, Ritual, and Movement. She is a lifelong student of pelvicology and the esoteric and physiologic nature of feminine lifeforce. She offers sessions and programs in her local community in Boulder, CO and on Zoom, such as Wild Womb : Wise Yoni bodywork sessions, Women's Sexual Soul Health groups, and Birth Prep and Postpartum Healing work for women and families.

Elizabeth Betwixt 

Pleasure :: Fertility :: Birth :: Movement 

WiseWomen Pelvic Care 

Learn more about Elizabeths offerings at

Songs used in this episode:

Music from #Uppbeat

Alone/All One theme song written and performed by Amanda Lux

About This Podcast

Welcome dreamers, seekers, empaths, and healers! My name is Amanda Lux of the Elevation Hive school and community for energy medicine and dreamwork. In this podcast, I share teachings, musings, art, poems, songs, and interviews with other amazing humans who walk the healer's path. Learn more at

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Elizabeth Betwixt:

I wanna just bring it back to the, the truth reflected in many

Elizabeth Betwixt:

indigenous peoples that water is life.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

The human body can go three days without water.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

We can go longer without food, but water is sort of that determinant

Elizabeth Betwixt:

as we are made of water and we need water for these bodies to work.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

That water is essential to our existence here on this water planet.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

Water is full of life.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

Water is life.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

Our life depends upon the water, the water inside of our bodies,

Elizabeth Betwixt:

the sweat and the cellular fluid and the tears, uh, the ejaculate.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

And it's also, , our raindrops, our rivers, our streams, and our oceans.

Amanda Lux:

Welcome to a Lone Traveler's Guide to the Divine, , A podcast

Amanda Lux:

for healers, seekers, and dreamers.

Amanda Lux:

My name is Amanda Lux and I am the creator of the Elevation Hive School and Community

Amanda Lux:

for Energy Medicine and Dreamwork.

Amanda Lux:

I invited a dear friend of mine, Elizabeth Betwixt, onto the show

Amanda Lux:

today to discuss how we can cultivate alignment through the water element.

Amanda Lux:

The water element rules our second chakra, which is located in the sacral

Amanda Lux:

area, the low back the pelvis and all of the organs that reside in that area,

Amanda Lux:

as well as all of , our bodily fluids.

Amanda Lux:

. So, To balance the second chakra or the water element, is about getting into flow

Amanda Lux:

and to our own rhythmic, cyclical nature.

Amanda Lux:

And in our culture currently, there's a a huge lack of balance

Amanda Lux:

in relationship with water.

Amanda Lux:

Our juicy, playful, sensu nature resides there and it has to be nurtured

Amanda Lux:

and nourished in order to flourish.

Amanda Lux:


Amanda Lux:

It's really easy in our Go-Go culture to kind of disregard those needs.

Amanda Lux:

Or to think of them as selfish or to just not even think of them sometimes.

Amanda Lux:

I'm, So, I'm really excited to share this conversation

Amanda Lux:


Amanda Lux:

is a women's sexuality specialist.

Amanda Lux:

She works in pelvic care.

Amanda Lux:

She's a birth keep, a somatic movement therapist and a

Amanda Lux:

teacher, in Boulder, Colorado.

Amanda Lux:

and I really am excited to share with you her wisdom and perspective on how we

Amanda Lux:

can take care of our bodies in order to better tend to the waters of the earth.

Amanda Lux:

How we can tune in and listen to our own second chakra and what

Amanda Lux:

happens when we don't , and how we can work with our second chakra.

Amanda Lux:

To create more alignment, more flow, more ease, more vitality.

Amanda Lux:

She really offers a beautiful perspective of how we can and why we need to really

Amanda Lux:

tend to our water element and some really beautiful tools and ideas around that.

Amanda Lux:

And as always, I invite you to just tune into your own body as you're

Amanda Lux:

listening, keeping your, intuition and your, senses open and flowing and

Amanda Lux:

feeling through the words for what.

Amanda Lux:

Really meant for you.

Amanda Lux:

How can this be supportive for you today?

Amanda Lux:

So that's the inquiry I invite, , as you listen to this episode with

Amanda Lux:

myself and Elizabeth Betwixt.

Amanda Lux:

I'm super honored to be here today with my dear friend Elizabeth Betwixt.

Amanda Lux:

Elizabeth is a magical, magical human being who I have had.

Amanda Lux:

Incredible pleasure of knowing for 20 years now.

Amanda Lux:


Amanda Lux:

Pretty much.

Amanda Lux:


Amanda Lux:

when we were just young in our twenties and in la going to

Amanda Lux:

school at the Institute of Psycho Structural balancing where we met.

Amanda Lux:


Amanda Lux:

, Studying polarity and cranio sacro unwinding with our teacher, Gary Straus.

Amanda Lux:

. I'm super excited to have this conversation in the context of how we can

Amanda Lux:

align our energy with the water element.

Amanda Lux:

And I specifically wanted to invite Elizabeth into this

Amanda Lux:

conversation because her work is with specifically women's sexuality.

Amanda Lux:

She's a pelvic care specialist, and she works with, I love this

Amanda Lux:

wild womb and wise yoni body work.

Amanda Lux:


Amanda Lux:


Amanda Lux:

It's just beautiful.

Amanda Lux:

So I already feel really juicy and connected to my body, just

Amanda Lux:

saying those things out loud and connected to my second chakra

Elizabeth Betwixt:

Thank you Amanda.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

, I'm so happy to be here with you.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

It's awesome to feel back into our lineage together.

Elizabeth Betwixt:


Elizabeth Betwixt:


Elizabeth Betwixt:

And really it's the polarity therapy elemental work that has laid the

Elizabeth Betwixt:

groundwork for everything that I'm doing, um, with sexuality, with

Elizabeth Betwixt:

fertility, with birth, that learning how to listen also in cranial is what

Elizabeth Betwixt:

helped me learn to listen to the deeper waters of the body, of the cells.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

Sexual empowerment, sexual healing of all genders and sexual orientations,

Elizabeth Betwixt:

and I focus mostly on women and especially going into birth.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

, but all of that really comes from my elemental perception of the water

Elizabeth Betwixt:

element and of how to circulate all the elements in the body so that they're

Elizabeth Betwixt:

in balance and how to attune and align those elements to our earthly elements.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

So, I'm also doing a big investigation these days into eco somatics.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

And what that means to me is the work really we've always been doing

Elizabeth Betwixt:

together, which is how does the soma of the earth, of our bodies ground

Elizabeth Betwixt:

into the earth, reflect the earth?

Elizabeth Betwixt:

So one thing I wanna invite you into this conversation in our field today

Elizabeth Betwixt:

As we speak about the water, how our inner waters also reflect the lakes,

Elizabeth Betwixt:

the rivers, the streams, the raindrops, puddling in the forests, and of course

Elizabeth Betwixt:

the grand ocean and her waves of change.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

Ooh, I love that.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

. Amanda Lux: Yeah.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

I love that.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

I love that piece about , the soma of the earth in relation to

Elizabeth Betwixt:

our bodies and the water of our own physical systems and Yeah.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

And how that's related to the water, of the earth.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

I just got done teaching a three day long cranio sacral balancing

Elizabeth Betwixt:

class from a polarity perspective.

Elizabeth Betwixt:


Elizabeth Betwixt:

And we were teaching the whole time.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

out at the school which is right on the water.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

And there was this amazing wind that came through over the weekend.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

It's been really, it's normally very, quite still, but there were so many white

Elizabeth Betwixt:

caps and there was movement in the water.

Elizabeth Betwixt:


Elizabeth Betwixt:

And it was just absolutely hypnotic and it just kept feeling like the

Elizabeth Betwixt:

water was responding to the work.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

You know, that there was this way that it was being activated as we

Elizabeth Betwixt:

were moving into these deep states of stillness and tuning to it.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

And I don't know, it was just super cool.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

So I just love what you were sharing and I'm curious to know more

Elizabeth Betwixt:


Elizabeth Betwixt:

That just, I get chills all over.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

That just really inspires me hearing that from you because.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

One of the premises of my work with fertility, you know, meaning working with

Elizabeth Betwixt:

people who have fertility imbalances, that could be, imbalances in the blood

Elizabeth Betwixt:

cycle or things like cysts and fibroids gathering and the uterus or the ovaries

Elizabeth Betwixt:

or, lack of, , adequate arousal, fluids, , things going on in the endocrine system.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

They all come back to in what I've really just learned through experience, not

Elizabeth Betwixt:

through theory, but through experience.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

They come back to how are the waters?

Elizabeth Betwixt:

energetically moving in the pelvis.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

Like they're either gathering up and stagnating in certain areas,

Elizabeth Betwixt:

like especially fibroids are related to stagnant, gooey, like

Elizabeth Betwixt:

stuck things in the pelvis, meaning they're not flowing and circulating.

Elizabeth Betwixt:


Elizabeth Betwixt:

You know, or things are flowing too fast.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

And, uh, a woman or a person is, , sort of losing or draining , her jing, her

Elizabeth Betwixt:

arousal fluids, her, her deeper energy through different things could be activity

Elizabeth Betwixt:

through certain qualities of relationship.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

But that's exactly what we're doing on the earth, you know, with the ways that we.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

Mistreating the earth, the ways that we are misaligning as humans with,

Elizabeth Betwixt:

when I say we, I mean the over culture.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

I think that there's a lot of waking up to how to be in alignment with

Elizabeth Betwixt:

earth and utilize the resources of the planet we live on, , and honor them.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

And there's still a lot of places on the earth where there's either not

Elizabeth Betwixt:

enough water, like huge droughts, you know, and if wildlife is dying off, or

Elizabeth Betwixt:

there's places where there's way too much water and we have flooding and

Elizabeth Betwixt:

ecosystems are getting wiped out that way.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

So it's all related.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

Those two our fertility in the Earth's fertility.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

And so much of it's the water element, but of course it relates to, you know,

Elizabeth Betwixt:

the fires that are blazing or the damage going on in our air , , on the planet.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

and then, so just to also invite, like how are the other elements, impacting

Elizabeth Betwixt:

our water element and thus impacting our sexuality, our relationships, um,

Elizabeth Betwixt:

the way we nourish ourselves, the way we give and receive, the way we create.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

To me, these are all aspects of the water chakra.

Elizabeth Betwixt:


Elizabeth Betwixt:

, uh, the water element.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

Which we, you and I initially learned about in polarity and learned about as

Elizabeth Betwixt:

a reflection of the Vedic piece, right.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

Of uh, Dr.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

Randolph Stone.

Amanda Lux:


Amanda Lux:

Just amazing.

Amanda Lux:

That whole thing about.

Amanda Lux:

The ways that the over culture is treating the earth.

Amanda Lux:


Amanda Lux:

And how all of the elements are related to how we're relating to the water.

Amanda Lux:


Amanda Lux:


Amanda Lux:

How we're dealing with fire, how we're dealing with the air, what's

Amanda Lux:

happening with the, with deforestation.

Amanda Lux:


Amanda Lux:


Amanda Lux:

And all of the ways that we're treating the soma of the planet

Amanda Lux:

reflected in our own bodies.

Amanda Lux:

And what that immediately leads me to, which makes me feel so excited

Amanda Lux:

inside, is how we can work to heal the planet by focusing on healing

Amanda Lux:

and rebalancing our own bodies.

Amanda Lux:


Amanda Lux:

Like that way, like if the, if the cultural, you know,

Amanda Lux:

ramifications are Yes.

Amanda Lux:

Affecting the planet and the negative, then the personal

Amanda Lux:

healing work that we're doing to.

Amanda Lux:

Create new relationships with our own waters and our own

Amanda Lux:

sexuality and our own wombs Can.

Amanda Lux:

Be beneficial, to heal the planet right?

Amanda Lux:


Amanda Lux:


Elizabeth Betwixt:

So a lot of the, the basic that I experienced

Elizabeth Betwixt:

there in my clinical practice is just the sexual healing pieces.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

, I didn't even say earlier how we're dumping in the ocean.

Elizabeth Betwixt:


Elizabeth Betwixt:


Elizabeth Betwixt:

Uh, hello.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

We're dumping plastic and so much crap in the ocean chemicals and yeah.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

And to get in into like what happens in my body work sessions.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

Well, a good part of it usually is, is tending to clearing out the damage caused

Elizabeth Betwixt:

by sexual invasion, sexual torquing and abuses that all people experience.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

, women and men.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

Girls and boys, unfortunately, or I shouldn't say all, but most, many

Elizabeth Betwixt:

people have had some sort of sexually invasive experience or sexually

Elizabeth Betwixt:

misaligned or just because of lack of, of real true honoring sexual education.

Elizabeth Betwixt:


Elizabeth Betwixt:

Kids beginning their sexual explorations, like they end up hurting each other.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

They end up collapsing their true feelings.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

There's a lot of trauma that gets built up there, you know, , I just feel

Elizabeth Betwixt:

really passionate about why, as humans, are we violating each other sexually?

Elizabeth Betwixt:

Why are we violating our children?

Elizabeth Betwixt:

Why is sexual human trafficking existing?

Elizabeth Betwixt:

And I do think that the beginning of that is going in tending and

Elizabeth Betwixt:

cleansing our water element.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

And that's a lot of what happens in my contact work in the sessions with,

Elizabeth Betwixt:

, Manually working in the different organs of the pelvis, working the tissues of

Elizabeth Betwixt:

the yoni internally or the pelvic floor.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

Pelvic diaphragm is just releasing a lot of that backed up pain and trauma so

Elizabeth Betwixt:

that's like, you know, cleansing the ocean waters, cleansing the stream,

Elizabeth Betwixt:

coming back into a, a pure sense, a pure erotic innocence, a pure feeling of what

Elizabeth Betwixt:

is that life force that flows within us that constantly regenerates itself.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

, that's like the cleaning of the inner waters.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

And then that I believe strongly can go on to become this very empowered

Elizabeth Betwixt:

creative force in the person.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

And then what they do in the world comes from this very

Elizabeth Betwixt:

purified, empowered, bright, bold.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

essence of their eroticism, their creativity, and so

Elizabeth Betwixt:

what they can create is huge.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

So maybe those are creating changes ecologically or

Elizabeth Betwixt:

sociologically or whatever.

Elizabeth Betwixt:


Elizabeth Betwixt:


Amanda Lux:

That's just beautiful.

Amanda Lux:

, I love that question.

Amanda Lux:

, I love the concept of , how cleansing the inner waters of our bodies can

Amanda Lux:

assist in the energetics and the consciousness around taking care of

Amanda Lux:

and cleansing the waters of the earth.

Amanda Lux:


Amanda Lux:

The way that those are interconnected in ways we can know and can't know and Right.

Amanda Lux:

I love it.

Amanda Lux:

I think it's beautiful.

Amanda Lux:


Amanda Lux:

. Mm.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

One of, one of the essence pieces of the mapping that I do

Elizabeth Betwixt:

in the body that I think is just something that those who are listening to this right

Elizabeth Betwixt:

now can start to work with right away is the sense of the pelvic chalice and the

Elizabeth Betwixt:

pelvis containing this bowl, which then has a stem on the bowl, which is our legs

Elizabeth Betwixt:

and our feet grounding us to the earth.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

And the pelvic bowl itself, , , pubic bones, the sacrum, and the coic forming

Elizabeth Betwixt:

this bony structure of containment.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

And that, um, this is the seat of our, of our power, which holds the rest of

Elizabeth Betwixt:

our body, which holds our structure, everything else going on up, and

Elizabeth Betwixt:

that there's water, energetically essence, fully held in that bowl.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

And that something any of us can do at, in any moment, in any place of a

Elizabeth Betwixt:

day is, you know, with a hand on, on the abdomen reaching into the lower

Elizabeth Betwixt:

belly, over the womb, if you have a womb, the water chakra, um, bring,

Elizabeth Betwixt:

bringing some breath just right into the pelvis, slowly allowing it to drop

Elizabeth Betwixt:

and even reaching for what we call the pelvic floor, which I like to

Elizabeth Betwixt:

call the pelvic diaphragm because it's really not a floor at all.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

. Mm-hmm.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

. , it's more like a trampoline or a hammock.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

It's springy and resilient.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

Um, but that's just a marker for starting to fill that breath, move through the

Elizabeth Betwixt:

pelvic bowl, and then really check into, well, what are, how, what is

Elizabeth Betwixt:

that water like inside of the bowl?

Elizabeth Betwixt:

What does it feel like?

Elizabeth Betwixt:

How is it flowing?

Elizabeth Betwixt:

Is it moving all around?

Elizabeth Betwixt:

Is is the chalice of the pelvis full to the top?

Elizabeth Betwixt:

Is it full halfway up?

Elizabeth Betwixt:

Is it dry?

Elizabeth Betwixt:

Like, just starting to energetically feel into what are those waters feel like?

Elizabeth Betwixt:

And a lot of times people will feel colors or they'll feel, um, places it's

Elizabeth Betwixt:

moving in, places it's not moving, and you don't have to know all the organs

Elizabeth Betwixt:

of the pelvis to figure that out.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

This is more like the, the energy essence of the water.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

Another thing that we can feel for is, is the bowl tipped or

Elizabeth Betwixt:

is there a leak in the bowl?

Elizabeth Betwixt:

Is water flowing out unconsciously?

Elizabeth Betwixt:

Um, there's a lot that we can learn about, structurally, about if we tip

Elizabeth Betwixt:

the pelvis forward or back and what that relates to emotionally and behaviorally.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

But just first the concept of how are my waters gathered and contained in the

Elizabeth Betwixt:

pelvic bowl, and what do they feel like?

Amanda Lux:

That's beautiful.

Amanda Lux:

, of course I'm going there and all I can think about is this dream

Amanda Lux:

that I had like eight years ago that randomly popped into my head.

Amanda Lux:


Amanda Lux:

That had to do with this.

Amanda Lux:

Teacher in the dream that was like, you find and repair the pelvic bowl.

Amanda Lux:

And I thought he meant a specific bowl.

Amanda Lux:

And I was looking on all these shelves and I'm like, which

Amanda Lux:

one looks like a pelvic bowl?

Amanda Lux:

And it wasn't until I was awake and going through the dream, , that

Amanda Lux:

had occurred to me like maybe it was literally my pelvic bowl . Yeah.

Amanda Lux:


Amanda Lux:

So I'm just tuning to that.

Amanda Lux:

And then that dream came up, you know, from so, so long ago

Amanda Lux:

and there was a lot of dangerous masculine energy in the dream.

Amanda Lux:

I remember that too.

Amanda Lux:

And I'm just thinking about that, how are we relating internally to our

Amanda Lux:

own different sexual energies and.

Amanda Lux:


Amanda Lux:

You know, that dynamic in inside of our own bodies and our own psyches

Amanda Lux:

and our own energy system, cuz we all have all the energies, the

Amanda Lux:

masculine, the feminine, the beyond.

Amanda Lux:


Amanda Lux:

But it's just, that's where I went.

Amanda Lux:

I'm like, wow, how are my waters?

Amanda Lux:

Where is it, how is it sitting?

Amanda Lux:


Amanda Lux:

What did that dream from eight years ago mean?

Elizabeth Betwixt:


Elizabeth Betwixt:

Well, I, I consider the dreaming, there's like waters of the dream

Elizabeth Betwixt:

time I feel that are very connected to the waters of sexuality too.

Elizabeth Betwixt:


Elizabeth Betwixt:

And I see that a ton in pregnant women especially.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

Like I, that's one, one of my focuses with birth and pregnancy is really just

Elizabeth Betwixt:

the fact that it's this flowering of feminine female body, sexual energy.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

It's this full flowering of it.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

And so whether or not you choose to.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

Conceive in birth there, we can still learn from the physiology of

Elizabeth Betwixt:

how birth works, about how female or even feminine, full flowering of that

Elizabeth Betwixt:

water, that juicy life force, how that actually looks or how it moves.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

And that's one thing that happens in birth in pregnant women a lot, is the

Elizabeth Betwixt:

dreams become so alive and so prophetic.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

So oracular.

Amanda Lux:


Amanda Lux:

I still remember some of the really profound dreaming that happened for

Amanda Lux:

me when I was pregnant with my kids.

Amanda Lux:


Amanda Lux:

And how the, how my relationship with them, my kids started in the dream time.

Amanda Lux:


Amanda Lux:

With both of

Elizabeth Betwixt:


Elizabeth Betwixt:


Elizabeth Betwixt:

You have such beautiful stories with that . Yeah.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

I, I'm thinking about too, the grounding you did for us before we came on, um,

Elizabeth Betwixt:

recording, but just how working with the cranial fluid too, in the third ventricle

Elizabeth Betwixt:

of the head, that's a water, right?

Elizabeth Betwixt:

So when we, whenever I'm using the word water, I'm speaking

Elizabeth Betwixt:

about all the fluids of the body.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

So we could be talking about, you know, the energy of water, but we can be talking

Elizabeth Betwixt:

about cranial fluid, we can be talking about blood, we can be talking about

Elizabeth Betwixt:

menstrual blood ejaculate, um, armita, the deep feminine prostate fluid that comes

Elizabeth Betwixt:

flowing out in the orgasmic experience.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

Um, the cellular fluid.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

You know, another way to work with the fluids of the body is just anytime

Elizabeth Betwixt:

we're rocking back and forth mm-hmm.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

, like slowly shifting our weight.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

Um, that's a great way to just get in touch with the fluid nature.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

of how gravity moves within us and how the cellular fluid,

Elizabeth Betwixt:

like sloughs back and forth,

Elizabeth Betwixt:


Elizabeth Betwixt:

And that's being with the waters of the body in every place in the

Elizabeth Betwixt:

body, not just one particular place.

Amanda Lux:

I was thinking about how I resource myself, , in relating to the

Amanda Lux:

rhythmic tidal, nature of the cranial sacral rhythm over this weekend, and

Amanda Lux:

teaching that in this beginning class, you know, to people who are like,

Amanda Lux:

never heard of cranio sacral fluid and , I was describing how I always,

Amanda Lux:

Sit on a ball at the table if I'm gonna be sitting.

Amanda Lux:


Amanda Lux:

And that for me, , that's so necessary because I, I'm moving

Amanda Lux:

my body constantly as I'm working.

Amanda Lux:


Amanda Lux:

I was like, this is the way the rhythm is flowing.

Amanda Lux:

It's the way my body is moving.

Amanda Lux:


Amanda Lux:


Amanda Lux:

It just echoes.

Amanda Lux:

And that whole like way of being, sematically empathically connected to

Amanda Lux:

a client or in a partnership, right?

Amanda Lux:


Amanda Lux:


Amanda Lux:


Amanda Lux:

When you're in any kind of sensual exchange.

Amanda Lux:


Amanda Lux:

Um, whether it's sexual or not.

Amanda Lux:


Amanda Lux:


Amanda Lux:

There's this juiciness that occurs and there's this

Amanda Lux:

connective, interplay between the different energies involved and.

Amanda Lux:

I mean, that is so watery.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

so watery.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

And as we're speaking, you know, we're mo we're like moving our pelvis.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

We're spiraling.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

We're, rolling our shoulders.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

We're feeling that undulation come through the spine.

Elizabeth Betwixt:


Elizabeth Betwixt:

I mean, that's very primordial movement and to exist in that.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

I love how you said that, like in sensual movement, like

Elizabeth Betwixt:

Yes, in the sexual movement.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

Maybe we'd be moving like that when we're intertwined and bliss and also

Elizabeth Betwixt:

when we're just like making coffee in the kitchen, you know, , right?

Elizabeth Betwixt:

or just communicating like, oh my, I mean, I do a lot of communication

Elizabeth Betwixt:

work with, with my clients and their partners, and that's a big piece being

Elizabeth Betwixt:

in resonance in the fluid body like that.

Elizabeth Betwixt:


Elizabeth Betwixt:

. Because so much of the water to me, is about the giving and receiving.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

So it's like hearing the other person's world, receiving it actually

Elizabeth Betwixt:

in your body, and then offering your peace and having that dance right of

Amanda Lux:

the waters.

Amanda Lux:

I would love to hear in your beautiful words what is the water element

Amanda Lux:

like what, in a really basic way.

Amanda Lux:


Amanda Lux:

Would somebody even begin to think about what it means to attune

Amanda Lux:

your own energy through the water?

Elizabeth Betwixt:

There's so many ways to talk about all of this, right?

Elizabeth Betwixt:

, to imagine into, you know, to, to bring vision into.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

But one of the, the foundations, the way I talk about that is that in the

Elizabeth Betwixt:

pelvis, in the water, Energy center, the sacral chakra, that there's like

Elizabeth Betwixt:

this geyser of life force, this well spring, this sacred spring that is

Elizabeth Betwixt:

bubbling up from the power of the earth.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

Now the earth has many layers of water in herself, you know?

Elizabeth Betwixt:

So many of the . Of the myths, the, like, the aboriginal myths of the earth.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

Say that life starts in the.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

So I consider that in our bodies we have this oceanic, sacred spring coming up

Elizabeth Betwixt:

from the waters of the earth, from a body of water that's much bigger than us

Elizabeth Betwixt:

coming up through our bodies and bubbling up through this womb or pelvic chakra.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

And it's the geyser of life.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

It's the basic life force energy which everything runs on, which

Elizabeth Betwixt:

creates it in so many ways.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

But is this, is this never ending infinite, , fountain up inside

Elizabeth Betwixt:

of that chakra and , it can get stuck and it can get cloudy or, um,

Elizabeth Betwixt:

dirty, just like our ocean waters.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

And it's also pure in and of its essence and that that nourishes all of life.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

, so it's first gonna nourish the health of our bodies.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

And so having that energy circulate.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

is one thing, but also that water is governing how we

Elizabeth Betwixt:

nourish ourselves in general.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

So related to food and eating and drinking and, , that's a way to look at,

Elizabeth Betwixt:

you know, how am I nourishing myself?

Elizabeth Betwixt:

What's my relationship to nourishment?

Elizabeth Betwixt:

What's my relationship to filling up myself with the waters of life, the

Elizabeth Betwixt:

food of life, , and then creating, so obviously that sexual life force

Elizabeth Betwixt:

energy is what creates life here.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

And it's also creating our creative projects, whatever those are.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

And, uh, nourishing them too.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

Both instigating them, nourishing them, , sending, you know, streams of beauty

Elizabeth Betwixt:

out through the rivers of our life.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

Like we all have so many things that we.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

Nourish in our lives, whether they're children or work projects or, , creative

Elizabeth Betwixt:

art projects or something like taking care of our family members or our

Elizabeth Betwixt:

community members, or the land we live on.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

That's all, those are all expressions of nourishment and care.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

I also just think of it, like I said, of giving and receiving.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

So because it's this, this flow of life going out of the geyser, the wellspring

Elizabeth Betwixt:

of the pelvis, and then coming back in.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

So what we magnetize and pull in that nourishes us.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

I think we would say classically, water is an expression of all our

Elizabeth Betwixt:

relations, whether they're our family, friends, lovers, community members,

Elizabeth Betwixt:

ancestors every person in the world, the unseen, the unknown, our guides,

Elizabeth Betwixt:

all of that is being in relationship.

Amanda Lux:

That's a brilliant description of the water element and how

Amanda Lux:

we can align our energy through that.

Amanda Lux:

There are times when we need more or less of different elements, right?

Amanda Lux:


Amanda Lux:

To, to feel in alignment, but knowing when and why each one, what they rule or how to

Amanda Lux:

relate to, like when do we need more water or when do we need less water , right?

Amanda Lux:

When is it time to just ask that question, like, what's

Amanda Lux:

happening in my water and Right.

Amanda Lux:

How, what would you say about that?

Amanda Lux:

, you're kind of an expert of the

Elizabeth Betwixt:

water, I guess so.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

It is, it is very much about, um, listening deeply to the waters, different

Elizabeth Betwixt:

body work that I do, the different, um, even like the different, you know,

Elizabeth Betwixt:

couples work that I do, which is.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

like I was speaking about the communication, it's communication

Elizabeth Betwixt:

through a watery sense of feeling.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

Oh, I didn't even say that part.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

Feeling emotions.

Elizabeth Betwixt:


Elizabeth Betwixt:

Huge part of

Amanda Lux:

the water.

Amanda Lux:


Amanda Lux:

, right?

Amanda Lux:

. Well, and, and then the subconscious aspect, right.

Amanda Lux:

Of the dreams.

Amanda Lux:

And, and that physical knowing that's not in our mental knowing even

Amanda Lux:

perhaps that maybe we have hidden down there that's been in the depths

Amanda Lux:

that we haven't become conscious of

Amanda Lux:

. It's either hasn't become conscious

Amanda Lux:


Amanda Lux:

And that is another aspect of the water.

Amanda Lux:

What, what that rules, that subconscious element.

Elizabeth Betwixt:


Elizabeth Betwixt:

When you say that, I immediately got this image of like the

Elizabeth Betwixt:

Lochness monster or something.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

you know, because that's can be what it's like when we have deep.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

, um, experiences painful or very powerful mysteries inside of ourselves that get

Elizabeth Betwixt:

like, pushed down into the lake of the pelvis, gets pushed down and submerged

Elizabeth Betwixt:

and maybe we try to forget about them.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

Or even feelings, like guilty feelings, disappointment, feelings,

Elizabeth Betwixt:

um, angry feelings, things that.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

Sometimes have trouble bringing out into the world.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

They can get pushed under, like these shadows, right?

Elizabeth Betwixt:

These shadow monsters moving under the water

Elizabeth Betwixt:

. Amanda Lux: Well, and, and if you

Elizabeth Betwixt:

water documentaries, I'm not a big person to watch those things, but

Elizabeth Betwixt:

every once in a while I'll catch an article or a thing about some new

Elizabeth Betwixt:

discovery of some, oceanic creature.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

That, that lives so many leagues below what's known that it's just

Elizabeth Betwixt:

now being uncovered and yeah, there's still things we don't know.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

, Elizabeth Betwixt: oh, I'm so glad

Elizabeth Betwixt:

heard on, yeah, just weird podcast.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

Different things I've heard people say about how much of the ocean's

Elizabeth Betwixt:

depths are actually unexplored and that some people believe that there

Elizabeth Betwixt:

are like deep civilizations under there that we haven't even found.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

And certainly ruins of other civilizations.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

I mean, there is this human fascination with what's under the waters and

Elizabeth Betwixt:

yeah, I think it just really speaks to the power that we have in the

Elizabeth Betwixt:

water element and the mystery.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

I definitely want that to be said.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

Is that part of sexuality work, part of dreaming work, part of

Elizabeth Betwixt:

birth work is about the mystery.

Elizabeth Betwixt:


Elizabeth Betwixt:

That is enveloped in the waters

Amanda Lux:


Amanda Lux:


Amanda Lux:

Well it's also beyond containment.

Amanda Lux:

There's a sense.

Amanda Lux:

, you know, it's not always controllable.

Amanda Lux:

Water is so much power and potential and Yeah.

Amanda Lux:

When you get a leak or something, it'll flow wherever it possibly can.

Amanda Lux:

It's so intelligent and Yes.

Amanda Lux:


Elizabeth Betwixt:


Elizabeth Betwixt:

And it can take any shape.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

It can take any shape.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

Shape, yeah.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

Of the things around it.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

And then there's also that Doos piece about there's nothing as powerful as

Elizabeth Betwixt:

water to wear down rock, to wear down.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

It's, you know, and it does over centuries and centuries,

Elizabeth Betwixt:

change the shape of our earth.

Elizabeth Betwixt:


Elizabeth Betwixt:

By the way, it wears away.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

So you had asked like, how can people align their water energy?

Elizabeth Betwixt:

And I, really believe the first part is just feeling, our feelings.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

I mean, perhaps that's the most essential water practice.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

What do you think about that?

Amanda Lux:

I love that as a, a place to begin.

Amanda Lux:


Amanda Lux:

, that visualization of the pelvis and the pelvic bowl and the, and the waters and

Amanda Lux:

that brought me to my physical body.

Amanda Lux:

And then, that felt like a beginning sort of way to contemplate, you know,

Amanda Lux:

is through that physical gateway.

Amanda Lux:

And then once you get in there, it's immediately about the feelings.

Amanda Lux:


Amanda Lux:

, You're almost immediately into like, well, what's the feeling quality of that?

Amanda Lux:

Right, right.

Amanda Lux:

What's the emotional tone of that and.

Amanda Lux:

, , what's the safest way you , to do that.

Amanda Lux:

I think that that's the next thought that comes up for me.

Amanda Lux:

How do we safely explore ,, those mysterious depths of the

Amanda Lux:

unknowns and the power and the potential start to relate to it.

Amanda Lux:

And I think the emotions are a way in with that too.

Amanda Lux:

They'll teach us trusting the wisdom of our own waters is

Elizabeth Betwixt:


Amanda Lux:

And I know you specifically do, yoni unwinding

Amanda Lux:

and body work oriented around Yeah.

Amanda Lux:

That, and that's just really, really special.

Amanda Lux:

Not very many people have the courage and the knowledge to go in there.

Amanda Lux:

But the way that you do, the way you approach that to me is so beautiful.

Amanda Lux:


Amanda Lux:

From what I know of you and even in the title that you were saying, the, the

Amanda Lux:

Wise Yi Body work, there's that wisdom that resides inherently in the body.

Amanda Lux:


Amanda Lux:

And to return that relationship with our own inner wisdom

Elizabeth Betwixt:

thank you for speaking to that because the Yi work, cervical

Elizabeth Betwixt:

work, pelvic, , repair work, postpartum, you know, we're having so many birth

Elizabeth Betwixt:

injuries in our culture right now.

Elizabeth Betwixt:


Elizabeth Betwixt:

Like, it's really so sad to me that women's pelvis are getting

Elizabeth Betwixt:

torn up in birth and there's a lot of factors related to that.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

But in doing this postpartum pelvic repair, it really so much is about

Elizabeth Betwixt:

trusting the wisdom of the tissues in a flowing way to unwind the

Elizabeth Betwixt:

movements that were difficult to bear or difficult to sequence through

Elizabeth Betwixt:

the forces that were coming through.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

, Or included interventions and, different things from the hospital birth.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

But yeah, a lot of internal pelvic work is sort of muscle release focused,

Elizabeth Betwixt:

and that's not my focus, my or approach.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

My focus or approach is to become in relation with the tissue in an

Elizabeth Betwixt:

unwinding way and actually with the cranial fluid flowing through it.

Elizabeth Betwixt:


Elizabeth Betwixt:

And then all the other fluids flowing through it, the cellular fluid, and

Elizabeth Betwixt:

then letting that tissue become juicy again with life, where it might

Elizabeth Betwixt:

be rigid or in shock or tense up.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

And I'm not trying to do something to, yeah, a woman's vulva or yoni

Elizabeth Betwixt:

or in inner vaginal walls or cervix.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

I'm just trying to listen to it as it unwinds itself and revitalizes itself.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

And that's absolutely, an approach that I learned through cranial

Elizabeth Betwixt:

sacral that I'm now applying to the pelvis and the genital work.

Elizabeth Betwixt:


Amanda Lux:

So beautiful.

Amanda Lux:

So amazing.

Amanda Lux:

And that's definitely an area that has been mistreated,

Elizabeth Betwixt:

Probably any woman listening to this who has had

Elizabeth Betwixt:

an experience with the gynecologist, many of us have had experiences with

Elizabeth Betwixt:

that being like rough or sharp or just intense, you know, very doing oriented.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

We're gonna get you in and out of here, we're gonna insert

Elizabeth Betwixt:

the speculum really quickly.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

And it's cold and it's fast and there's just not much relationship to the tissues.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

And that's what we're talking about with the water element

Elizabeth Betwixt:

is being in relationship right.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

To the giving and receiving.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

So, , I mean, that's an error in training in our medical industry.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

It could be different if, if they were being trained differently.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

, Amanda Lux: right?

Elizabeth Betwixt:

So, yes, yes.

Elizabeth Betwixt:


Elizabeth Betwixt:

That's a consciousness piece.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

It's a consciousness piece.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

And it's exactly, again, related back to how are we treating the

Elizabeth Betwixt:

waters of our earth, you know?

Elizabeth Betwixt:

How are we in relation to water, large bodies of water in the ways that we're

Elizabeth Betwixt:

polluting, in the ways that we're, harnessing the power of it for our own

Elizabeth Betwixt:

uses, but not necessarily honoring or letting flow the natural cycles of it.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

We're damning it, we're containing it, , it's crazy.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

It's wild.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

It's so disconnected

Elizabeth Betwixt:

To speak to this elemental series, of your podcast,

Elizabeth Betwixt:

it's probably the water element that can teach us about connection in all

Elizabeth Betwixt:

the other elements too, because we need that connection in the air and

Elizabeth Betwixt:

the fire and the earth, but water can just teach us how to connect.

Elizabeth Betwixt:


Elizabeth Betwixt:

, that actually comes up a lot in my practice is just dealing

Elizabeth Betwixt:

with feelings of disconnection.

Elizabeth Betwixt:


Elizabeth Betwixt:

In general and how people navigate that.

Elizabeth Betwixt:


Elizabeth Betwixt:

And so the water element can teach us how to just make connection and then we

Elizabeth Betwixt:

can apply that in other elemental ways.

Elizabeth Betwixt:


Amanda Lux:

That's beautiful.

Amanda Lux:

. I know we don't have a ton of time left.

Amanda Lux:

Maybe a few minutes or something.

Amanda Lux:

. Yeah.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

I'm thinking like maybe that's very vast.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

How can we

Amanda Lux:

I wanna definitely ask you about the woman as pleasure portal.

Amanda Lux:


Amanda Lux:

. I just wanna plant that seed and invite whatever you wanna say about that.

Amanda Lux:

Because first of all, that's the most beautiful name of

Amanda Lux:

anything I've ever heard.

Amanda Lux:

. Elizabeth Betwixt: Aww.

Amanda Lux:

You wanna share anything about that?

Amanda Lux:

. Elizabeth Betwixt: Yeah.

Amanda Lux:

Thank you.

Amanda Lux:

Thank you.

Amanda Lux:

Well, I do consider pleasure to be essential to the water element.

Amanda Lux:

Just, and not like the pelvis or the genital specifically, but how we

Amanda Lux:

experience pleasure all the time daily, like the wind on our faces, you know,

Amanda Lux:

, the feeling of our toes and the sand.

Amanda Lux:

Even the feeling of exchanging a glance across the room with somebody that's not

Amanda Lux:

even sexualized but is connective and you experience the light pleasure, you

Amanda Lux:

know, um, there's so many ways to talk about pleasure, but I think of pleasure

Amanda Lux:

as part of the nourishment of the water element, the part of that exchange

Amanda Lux:

of energy that giving and receiving.

Amanda Lux:

So woman as a pleasure portal is really, coming into the healing and

Amanda Lux:

the embodiment of the female body every inch, you know, from, , the bottoms

Amanda Lux:

of the feet to the crown of the head and the whole energy body all around

Amanda Lux:

as well, , in a pleasurable way.

Amanda Lux:

And so we do that through body work.

Amanda Lux:

We do that through these somatic movement experiences where we're tuning to

Amanda Lux:

different stations of the female body.

Amanda Lux:

, like the breasts, like , , the third eye, like the heart chakra as

Amanda Lux:

differentiated from the breasts, and then certainly we're talking womb

Amanda Lux:

and ovaries and cervix and vulva and, , pelvic diaphragm and souls of the feet.

Amanda Lux:

, Then there's a lot more to it too.

Amanda Lux:

But it's, it's really about finding the embodied anatomy of these places

Amanda Lux:

and how they work and somatically mysteriously and very physiologically

Amanda Lux:

and structurally as well.

Amanda Lux:

And then finding ways to move toward pleasurable sensations in these areas.

Amanda Lux:

It's done through finding a way to reside in the female body in a yin, watery,

Amanda Lux:

non-doing, yet being kind of a way.

Amanda Lux:

And that, that opens up.

Amanda Lux:

, another way I have of thinking about that pelvic generative water center, is that,

Amanda Lux:

, there's that tural field moving through the human body, up the spine and out and

Amanda Lux:

around through the edges of the field and back up through the pelvic diaphragm

Amanda Lux:

again so it's about circulating, it's about circulating the water energy

Amanda Lux:

and the activated Shakti energy.

Amanda Lux:

Through all these different

Amanda Lux:

energy centers.

Amanda Lux:

And so if somebody is not connecting with that Shakti energy or that watery energy,

Amanda Lux:

or their own yin or their own pleasure, in some ways it's been shut down or forgotten

Amanda Lux:

or unsafe to go there, or they just don't know how to make that connection.

Amanda Lux:


Amanda Lux:

Um, how do you know if you're that person?

Amanda Lux:

What happens , when that gets disconnected?

Amanda Lux:

. Elizabeth Betwixt: Hmm.

Amanda Lux:

Oh, that's great.

Amanda Lux:


Amanda Lux:

Well, a lot of things, I mean, one of the most physical things that

Amanda Lux:

women or people come to me with is the very physical imbalances, you

Amanda Lux:

know, that are very clear, , like the fibroids or the cysts or endometriosis

Amanda Lux:

or P C O S or, pain during sex.

Amanda Lux:

These are, when physically things get to the point where

Amanda Lux:

they're like, I have a problem.

Amanda Lux:


Amanda Lux:

, you know?

Amanda Lux:


Amanda Lux:

. . And then on another level, fertility wise, like idiopathic infer fertility,

Amanda Lux:

I'm trying to conceive and the doctors all say everything's happening correctly,

Amanda Lux:

but we still can't conceive mm-hmm.

Amanda Lux:

And that, that's such a great example of, everything's working.

Amanda Lux:

It's just things aren't synergistically, harmonically communicating.

Amanda Lux:


Amanda Lux:

And that's such a great example of yeah, there's usually something stuck

Amanda Lux:

in the throat or a lack of receptivity in the crown , . Or the trust in the

Amanda Lux:

relationship between the partners.

Amanda Lux:


Amanda Lux:

So those are some physical things that lead you there,

Amanda Lux:

but it's definitely often.

Amanda Lux:

And a lot of what I work with is when people feel unsafe in

Amanda Lux:

their bodies for various reasons, usually from traumatic experiences.

Amanda Lux:

, it's often a feeling in the nervous system.

Amanda Lux:

Like I can't even.

Amanda Lux:

, I don't feel safe socially.

Amanda Lux:

I don't know how to speak my needs and get them met.

Amanda Lux:

I don't even know how to identify them.

Amanda Lux:

So people are walking all over me all the time, or I'm

Amanda Lux:

finding myself people pleasing.

Amanda Lux:

I feel like I have no boundaries.

Amanda Lux:


Amanda Lux:

Um, water issues.

Amanda Lux:

. Elizabeth Betwixt: Yeah.

Amanda Lux:


Amanda Lux:


Amanda Lux:

. Amanda Lux: I mean, I was just even

Amanda Lux:

even physically manifest or even consciously manifests that there's so

Amanda Lux:

much in our culture and imbalance in the yang energy is so much more valued

Amanda Lux:

, just the doingness, the getting things done, the being active, the hustle, the,

Amanda Lux:

achieving and going out and getting,

Amanda Lux:

. There's very little room for being

Amanda Lux:

just doing spirals and tuning into the watery pelvis and how am I feeling

Amanda Lux:

and what am I dreaming and who am I in my deepest rhythmic, cyclical way?

Amanda Lux:

How does that wanna be expressed and how can I be receiving myself and my

Amanda Lux:

own energy or be received by the world?

Elizabeth Betwixt:

Yeah, I mean, a lot of times people think sexual issues are a lot

Elizabeth Betwixt:

between the two partners, but it's really just about how I'm relating inside of

Elizabeth Betwixt:

myself and am I at peace and at ease and able to flow with the truths of myself.

Elizabeth Betwixt:


Elizabeth Betwixt:

And then of course, bringing that to the relationship

Elizabeth Betwixt:

changes the whole relationship.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

That's a lot about tuning into those deeper waters, those feelings.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

, learning how to be inside of our bodies in a truthful way, and

Elizabeth Betwixt:

certainly rest and being in yin.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

, I mean, one thing I think in this hugely masculine.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

yang time is that we all need more rest.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

We all need more non-doing.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

And then especially women, I mean, we're having much larger fertility issues,

Elizabeth Betwixt:

cyclical issues like, uh, blood cycle issues that largely come from stress

Elizabeth Betwixt:

adrenalized hormones and lack of rest.

Amanda Lux:


Amanda Lux:

Well, and you know, to bring it back again, weaving that into how that

Amanda Lux:

shows up in our relationship with the planet and the cycles of the seasons

Amanda Lux:

and the days and the, and the moon.

Elizabeth Betwixt:


Elizabeth Betwixt:

. Absolutely.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

I've done some work with the seasonal wheel of the year and the moon cycle,

Elizabeth Betwixt:

the blood cycle with women, and I intend to do some more of that.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

I probably will have a program around that because aligning our inner cycles to

Elizabeth Betwixt:

the seasonal cycles, and not just women because ancient peoples would align.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

The men would be aligning to that too.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

The children would be learning how to live in rhythm with the seasons of the earth.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

And they're, the seasons are different, of course, depending on which

Elizabeth Betwixt:

hemisphere you're in, but even in different ecosystems and environments.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

But they're there as are the, the movement of the moon is there

Elizabeth Betwixt:

that's not just affecting women, that's affecting everybody.

Elizabeth Betwixt:


. Amanda Lux:

is there, are there any last words that you would

. Amanda Lux:

like to share about the water?

. Amanda Lux:

Anything you would like to say in closing, in completion?

Elizabeth Betwixt:

I wanna just bring it back to the, the truth reflected in many

Elizabeth Betwixt:

indigenous peoples that water is life.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

The human body can go three days without water.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

We can go longer without food, but water is sort of that determinant

Elizabeth Betwixt:

as we are made of water and we need water for these bodies to work.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

That water is essential to our existence here on this water planet.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

Water is full of life.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

Water is life.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

Our life depends upon the water, the water inside of our bodies,

Elizabeth Betwixt:

the sweat and the cellular fluid and the tears, uh, the ejaculate.

Elizabeth Betwixt:

And it's also, , our raindrops, our rivers, our streams, and our oceans.

Elizabeth Betwixt:


Amanda Lux:

Thank you.

Amanda Lux:

Well, I'm so grateful to have had you and your wisdom and your beautiful

Amanda Lux:

self and your words and your incredible way of working with the water.

Amanda Lux:


Amanda Lux:

Uh, on, on the podcast to talk about that.

Amanda Lux:

I just feel so, so, so grateful and so honored

Amanda Lux:

I will be, , putting a page on my website for, for people to connect

Amanda Lux:

with you cuz you are that wild woman in the woods currently and I want to

Amanda Lux:

make sure that people can find you.

Amanda Lux:

. And I'll put any links to anything else that comes up for you in the future.

Amanda Lux:

Of ways that people can connect with you and work with you.

Amanda Lux:

Thank you Amanda.

Amanda Lux:

Yeah, because you're such a, a valuable gift to the world and I'm just so

Amanda Lux:

grateful that you're, that you're here doing your work and it's just beautiful.

Amanda Lux:

And I just feel, just so replenished from this conversation.

Amanda Lux:

I feel so like moved and I feel even some tears welling up and I feel like,

Amanda Lux:

oh, it's the water of my body coming.

Amanda Lux:


Amanda Lux:

Yeah, . And I feel like, so happy to feel that sensation of fluid

Amanda Lux:

and emotion and gratitude and uh,

Amanda Lux:

, and I love this conversation.

Amanda Lux:

Just, it reminds me the importance of that, not just for myself, but for the

Amanda Lux:

planet, you know, and for all beings.

Amanda Lux:

And just thinking of how, all the waters on the planet get

Amanda Lux:

recycled through the air Yes.

Amanda Lux:

And the clouds and, and come back into the oceans and the streams

Amanda Lux:

and the rivers and into our bodies.

Amanda Lux:


Amanda Lux:

And that we are made of , , mostly water and that our own waters

Amanda Lux:

are also recycling all the time.

Amanda Lux:


Amanda Lux:

Connecting with one another and with all the waters of all the world.

Amanda Lux:

And how incredible is that?

Amanda Lux:


Amanda Lux:

Like I, I love it.

Amanda Lux:


Amanda Lux:

. . Thank you Amanda.

Amanda Lux:

That's beautiful.

Amanda Lux:

Thank you for having me.

Amanda Lux:

Thank you so much for listening to this episode of a Lone

Amanda Lux:

Traveler's Guide to the Divine.

Amanda Lux:

I so appreciate your energy and your presence and your support.

Amanda Lux:

If you feel so inclined to like, follow, subscribe, or write a review,

Amanda Lux:

that would just mean the world to.

Amanda Lux:

You can find more information about Elizabeth on my

Amanda Lux:


Amanda Lux:

I have in-person classes in polarity therapy and cranio

Amanda Lux:

sequel therapy coming up.

Amanda Lux:

And also there will be more classes in person and some online offerings

Amanda Lux:

around dreamwork coming soon.

Amanda Lux:

So I look forward to that.

Amanda Lux:

Thank you so much for listening.

Amanda Lux:

It is such an honor to be in sacred community with you.



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