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Align Your Faith and Health with Christine Jewell
Episode 666th June 2024 • Own Your Calendar: Aligning Your Business & Life Goals • Stephen Box
00:00:00 00:17:52

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In part 4 of our 5-part series with Christine Jewell, faith-based executive coach and author of Drop The Armor, we explore the profound connection between faith and health. Christine reveals how neglecting your health can impact all areas of life and offers practical tips to realign your wellness with your faith. Tune in to discover actionable steps to achieve a balanced and fulfilling life.

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Stephen Box:

Welcome back to the Unshakable Habits Podcast.

Stephen Box:

I am your host, Stephen Box, and this week we are really talking about

Stephen Box:

People who feel very overwhelmed, there's just never enough time in the

Stephen Box:

week, no matter how hard you work.

Stephen Box:

And my guest this week, Christine Jewell, is a faith based executive

Stephen Box:

coach and author of Drop the Armor.

Stephen Box:

Christine has been really giving us insights all week long about

Stephen Box:

how this shows up in our life and the problems it can cause.

Stephen Box:

specifically on Monday, we talked about how this shows up in your career.

Stephen Box:

And then on Tuesday, we talked about, our sick Tuesday.

Stephen Box:

We talked about how this shows up in your career and Wednesday, we talked about

Stephen Box:

how it shows up in your relationship.

Stephen Box:

today we're going to talk about one that I personally know a lot about is, how

Stephen Box:

this shows up when we neglect our health.

Stephen Box:

so Christine, welcome back to the podcast.

Christine Jewell:

Thank you for having me.

Stephen Box:

So you've given us a lot of really good stuff this week.

Stephen Box:

I'm just curious, so far, is there anything that you've maybe had some

Stephen Box:

time to think about in hindsight from the first couple of episodes here

Stephen Box:

that you maybe want to go back and just highlight or share with anyone?

Stephen Box:

Just like a thought, just you know what, I wish I had said this before.

Christine Jewell:

I just want to, double tap and triple tap that I do believe

Christine Jewell:

overwhelm is always a lack of clarity.

Christine Jewell:

So whenever you feel like you're just under this weight, I would

Christine Jewell:

challenge you to be really clear of, am I still trying to be the source?

Christine Jewell:

Of everything to everyone, because when we're trying to carry the burden for

Christine Jewell:

everybody else and everything inside of our business, every project, every

Christine Jewell:

person, whether you have a team and you're like, you feel responsible for

Christine Jewell:

their salaries and their people, like when you start, it happens subtly, but

Christine Jewell:

we start thinking we're the source.

Christine Jewell:

of everything.

Christine Jewell:

it is a subtle distortion, but man, the minute you start thinking

Christine Jewell:

you're the source of everyone's happiness, you will soon be crucified.

Christine Jewell:

I always say if I'm the, if I'm the answer to everyone's problems all the time, I'm

Christine Jewell:

pretty soon going to be the reason for all of their problems because now they're

Christine Jewell:

putting all of that weight on me and in me and it's very heavy, to be carrying that.

Christine Jewell:

And we were not designed to operate.

Christine Jewell:

There's only one that can carry the weight.

Christine Jewell:

of everyone and everything.

Christine Jewell:

So I just wanted to say that as we go into this last day, we start

Christine Jewell:

thinking about how do I operate?

Christine Jewell:

This isn't like some hairy fairy, Oh, peace and happiness.

Christine Jewell:

It's about how do I operate lighter so I can fight battles more swiftly, focus

Christine Jewell:

on the right things, be more effective, be more present, be more grounded, be

Christine Jewell:

more available with a high level of capacity to lead, not from a burnt out,

Christine Jewell:

resentful, exhausted, But a strong, steady, spirit of sound mind, right?

Christine Jewell:

Not confusion, because if we're overwhelmed, we're often confused.

Christine Jewell:

We're not operating of sound mind.

Stephen Box:

So one thing I want to hop into on this conversation of health is I

Stephen Box:

hear this a lot, especially from people with, a Christian background is when

Stephen Box:

we talk about health, a lot of times it's looked at from the perception of.

Stephen Box:

You're idolizing yourself or it's vain to try to make yourself healthy

Christine Jewell:

that is a great thing and I'm glad that you brought it up

Christine Jewell:

and I'm going to say that I do believe that is born out of a lot of dogmatic

Christine Jewell:

Christianity and old religious views that like the flesh is bad, right?

Christine Jewell:

We're so taught like the spirit is good.

Christine Jewell:

The flesh is bad.

Christine Jewell:

Don't be vain.

Christine Jewell:

Don't be focused on the flesh and all that.

Christine Jewell:

And I just want to remind us.

Christine Jewell:

that God gave Adam and Eve a body.

Christine Jewell:

He gave us a body from the beginning.

Christine Jewell:

He did not just put us as in the spirit.

Christine Jewell:

Otherwise, we would not have this physical body.

Christine Jewell:

Then when Jesus leaves, he says, your body is a temple.

Christine Jewell:

of the Holy Spirit.

Christine Jewell:

Your body is the temple where the spirit dwells.

Christine Jewell:

And so I think like we need to wake up to the fact that God did not

Christine Jewell:

create us just spiritual being.

Christine Jewell:

He created us holistic with a mental body, a consciousness, with a

Christine Jewell:

physicality, with a spirit and a soul.

Christine Jewell:

And I think that a lot of the turmoil a lot of us experience

Christine Jewell:

is that we think one part of us is good and another part is bad.

Christine Jewell:

And if we like this part too much, then somehow it's bad.

Christine Jewell:

Instead of saying, God, bring me back to wholeness.

Christine Jewell:

What is it like when I honor my body, my spirit, my mind, and my heart?

Christine Jewell:

the way that you designed me to honor all of it.

Christine Jewell:

Because I believe that is sacred design of a holistic, healed

Christine Jewell:

human, reintegrated human being.

Christine Jewell:

I actually interviewed my pastor on spiritual authority and power,

Christine Jewell:

and we shared this exact thing, and I want to just introduce it.

Christine Jewell:

Jesus wasn't offended by his physical body.

Christine Jewell:

He had a body where he could have come and just been like a walking spirit on earth.

Christine Jewell:


Christine Jewell:

And I think, and I just think that's so important.

Christine Jewell:

He was like the perfect integration of the heart, the mind, the body, and the spirit

Christine Jewell:

operating on earth as it is in heaven.

Christine Jewell:

And I'm like, we have been given the same invitation.

Christine Jewell:

Will we honor not only our spirit, which is, yes, we want to honor the spirit,

Christine Jewell:

but also Our soul, the gifts that he put inside of us, the physical body.

Christine Jewell:

And I just think that, that whole thing about being a temple is so important.

Christine Jewell:

We are a temple.

Christine Jewell:

Would you just trash a temple if you walked into one?

Christine Jewell:

Would you just start throwing garbage in there and spray painting

Christine Jewell:

it or would you feed it good food?

Christine Jewell:

you put beautiful things in there, right?

Stephen Box:


Stephen Box:

And I think it's, it comes down to this idea of, you don't have to chase after

Stephen Box:

six pack abs or anything like that, right?

Stephen Box:

it's about moving your body.

Stephen Box:

It's about using this beautiful gift of motion that God has given us, right?

Stephen Box:

we have this amazing, if you think about our bodies, how amazing they actually are.

Stephen Box:

The ability to function and jump and run.

Stephen Box:

And to think there's so many of us.

Stephen Box:

Not only don't do those things, we look at those things as a burden.

Christine Jewell:

So isn't it interesting too, when you study neuroscience and

Christine Jewell:

we see what happens to our brain when we actually move and we exercise and we

Christine Jewell:

realize this intelligent design of our body is actually miraculously designed

Christine Jewell:

to operate so much more optimally.

Christine Jewell:

When we move that it puts us into creative states where we have divine strategies

Christine Jewell:

and divine solutions and all this stuff And so I believe that when we dishonor

Christine Jewell:

the body we actually dishonor Yeah,

Stephen Box:

one thing I want to point out here, because you've talked

Stephen Box:

a lot this week about the idea of you need to fill your own cup first.

Stephen Box:

And we talked about a lot, especially when we talked about relationships,

Stephen Box:

but it ties back to work also.

Stephen Box:

If you don't have the energy, if you don't have the mental capacity to show

Stephen Box:

up as your best self at work, then, you're going to fall flat, right?

Stephen Box:

To me, health, when I say health, both physical health and mental health.

Stephen Box:

If you don't make the time for those two things, There is no

Stephen Box:

way that you can possibly perform and show up as your best self.

Christine Jewell:


Christine Jewell:

You're basically being like, I'll settle for 10 percent God of what

Christine Jewell:

you have, because I'm going to operate from mental fog and, a

Christine Jewell:

bloated gut and more exhaustion.

Christine Jewell:

And I think it's like a slap in the face.

Christine Jewell:

I do believe we have a duty, to show up in, Be really taken care of.

Christine Jewell:

And I believe it's like anything else to whom much is given, much is required.

Christine Jewell:

We've been given body.

Christine Jewell:

You've been given, you didn't do anything to earn your body.

Christine Jewell:

You know what I mean?

Christine Jewell:

Like that has been gifted to you just like your talents, just like your abilities.

Christine Jewell:

And it's like, how are you stewarding that?

Christine Jewell:

Are you trashing it?

Christine Jewell:

I really operate by that belief that if I steward well, and I honor the

Christine Jewell:

things that God has created for me.

Christine Jewell:

to carry out, the purpose I have in this world, then I'm abundantly blessed, right?

Christine Jewell:

Longevity, long life, joy, blessing, like all of that.

Christine Jewell:

So I believe like it's a fundamental belief of mine.

Christine Jewell:

I have a responsibility to take care of my health, to take care of my energy,

Christine Jewell:

to show up with capacity, and to model that for the people that I lead.

Christine Jewell:

That was my children and now it's our staff.

Christine Jewell:

And that's why.

Christine Jewell:

Stephen, Mark and I, in our corporate coaching side of the business, we start

Christine Jewell:

all of our live events with a 6 a.

Christine Jewell:


Christine Jewell:


Christine Jewell:

It's a bit of a shock to people because they're like,

Christine Jewell:

Oh, we're going boxing at 6 a.

Christine Jewell:


Christine Jewell:

and we're like, yes, we are.

Christine Jewell:

It's a big wake up call for some people that haven't.

Christine Jewell:

move their body.

Christine Jewell:

But then we ask them during the event, what are your top three values?

Christine Jewell:

They say usually the same three faith, family, and health, but you look at

Christine Jewell:

them and they don't look healthy.

Christine Jewell:

They haven't had a date night with their wife and God knows how long,

Christine Jewell:

and they're still operating from fear.

Christine Jewell:

And I'm like, no wonder you feel upside down and inside out.

Christine Jewell:

You're compromising your values all day long.

Christine Jewell:

For what?

Stephen Box:

Yeah, that's, It's crazy because you're right, those

Stephen Box:

are the things that most people are going to say and they're in complete

Stephen Box:

contradiction on all three of them.

Christine Jewell:

And when you're a walking contradiction,

Christine Jewell:

you are highly stressed.

Stephen Box:

Yeah, I was going to say and so much of that comes from what

Stephen Box:

you've talked about all week, which is.

Stephen Box:

All that programming, all those beliefs that you've put in place, all those

Stephen Box:

things that you've put on yourself that make you feel overwhelmed.

Stephen Box:

That's what's, that's what's causing the problem.

Christine Jewell:


Christine Jewell:

Being misaligned is extremely overwhelming.

Christine Jewell:

Believing one thing and doing another is extremely overwhelming.

Christine Jewell:

Because now you're out of integrity.

Christine Jewell:

You know how hard it is to drive a car when the car, the alignment's off, right?

Christine Jewell:

It just is so much more work.

Christine Jewell:

And so this is about what if this was effortless?

Christine Jewell:

What if this was way easier?

Christine Jewell:

And that's why I started the very first thing you said, asked

Christine Jewell:

me on that first episode we did was I introduced the concept of

Christine Jewell:

what if you could be overwhelmed?

Christine Jewell:

with like flow state and like mental freedom and like ease

Christine Jewell:

and overwhelmed with grace.

Christine Jewell:

This is what we're talking about.

Christine Jewell:

As you start coming into alignment with your values, meaning you're not

Christine Jewell:

a walking contradiction, but you're a walking reflection of your values.

Christine Jewell:

There's flow, right?

Christine Jewell:

It's there's flow in your relationships.

Christine Jewell:

There's better flow in your marriage.

Christine Jewell:

You get more work done of the right things.

Christine Jewell:

The right people start showing up in your life.

Christine Jewell:

You start to attract different opportunities.

Christine Jewell:

And I know this is a hard one to hear.

Christine Jewell:

am I a walking contradiction?

Christine Jewell:

I think that's the question we need to ask ourselves.

Christine Jewell:

Where am I a walking contradiction?

Christine Jewell:

Where can I start getting into alignment?

Christine Jewell:

And this is again, to your point, it's not about building six pack abs,

Christine Jewell:

but it's about look, God created us with all these joints for a reason.

Christine Jewell:

If we were not designed to move, we wouldn't have joints.

Christine Jewell:

We would just have like straight sticks, right?

Christine Jewell:

I'm always like, I get fascinated.

Christine Jewell:

by studying the design of things, because then I understand the purpose of that.

Christine Jewell:

But when you actually look at the human design of our bodies, like

Christine Jewell:

we were designed to run, to jump, to crawl, to move all the time.

Stephen Box:


Stephen Box:


Christine Jewell:

that interesting?

Stephen Box:

It is.

Stephen Box:

It's very interesting.

Stephen Box:

And what I think I really would want people to realize, and I think you'll

Stephen Box:

agree with this, is when we prioritize our physical health, and we prioritize

Stephen Box:

our mental health, what we end up with is a body that functions well, has

Stephen Box:

energy, and a brain that has peace.

Stephen Box:

And when we have energy and peace, that's when we get to show up and do all these

Stephen Box:

wonderful things we really want to do.

Christine Jewell:


Christine Jewell:

And I think maybe that might be a reframe for some people.

Christine Jewell:

Cause a lot of times when I ask people like, what are your values?

Christine Jewell:

And they say health, I'm like, yeah, but I don't really think health is that cause

Christine Jewell:

health is a, it's something that gets you to the thing that you really want.

Christine Jewell:

for me, freedom is one of my values.

Christine Jewell:

Like I don't want to be a slave to the world.

Christine Jewell:

I don't want to be stuck in a wheelchair where I'm, I want to have freedom,

Christine Jewell:

to go skiing with my grandchildren.

Christine Jewell:

I want to have freedom now to, to go mountain climbing, climbing with my

Christine Jewell:

son and I want to have mental freedom, which means I have peace of mind.

Christine Jewell:

So for me, because I value freedom so much and I say yes to freedom, then movement

Christine Jewell:

is just that's what gets to happen so that I can experience freedom in my body.

Christine Jewell:

I love the way I, my body feels free when I move.

Christine Jewell:

So even though I value health, that's not really the thing that's pulling me.

Christine Jewell:

And so I just want to suggest that maybe for some of the

Christine Jewell:

listeners, maybe it's not health.

Christine Jewell:

Maybe that's not the real value, but maybe it's, I don't know, right?

Christine Jewell:

Like clarity or peace of mind, or maybe it's connection with your family because

Christine Jewell:

you can do stuff together, right?

Christine Jewell:

figure out what the thing is for you that when you move.

Christine Jewell:

It gets you there.

Christine Jewell:

Yeah, because health is not, very motivating necessarily for

Christine Jewell:

people if there's nothing broken.

Stephen Box:

Yeah, and I'll just add real quick.

Stephen Box:

So you talk about 6 a.

Stephen Box:


Stephen Box:


Stephen Box:

I am not there for that.

Stephen Box:

I am right now, by nature.

Stephen Box:

so for my fellow night owls out there, I know y'all like to work out in the

Stephen Box:

evening and night like I do, but I would encourage, even if it's just five

Stephen Box:

minutes of stretching or something, get some movement to start your day.

Stephen Box:

It will absolutely transform your entire day, just even if it's five minutes, and

Stephen Box:

then you can go do your regular workout at the end of the day, but just get five

Stephen Box:

minutes first thing in the morning and you will be amazed how much better you feel.

Christine Jewell:


Christine Jewell:

And one of my favorite morning routines, and I call it habit stacking.

Christine Jewell:

I'm sure you guys have talked about that before.

Christine Jewell:

I used to own a holistic health and performance studio.

Christine Jewell:

I just have a rebounder.

Christine Jewell:

I have a little trampoline or, and I'm just, I'm doing some breath work

Christine Jewell:

and I'm pumping my arms and I have that thing outside in the sunshine.

Christine Jewell:

So now I've got oxygen, I've got sunshine, I've got breath work.

Christine Jewell:

I got some music playing.

Christine Jewell:

I chug a liter of water and all of a sudden, like five minutes to

Christine Jewell:

your point, you could just stack.

Christine Jewell:

And you just get this huge infusion of energy.

Christine Jewell:

And again, if your value is energy, like I want to be energized.

Christine Jewell:

You don't need an hour workout.

Christine Jewell:

You can emulate the feeling.

Christine Jewell:

And then you can do a recalibration at lunchtime.

Christine Jewell:

maybe that's like I do some grounding in the grass and then maybe I do some squats

Christine Jewell:

or, some weights at the end of the day, but that's also why I've reframed like

Christine Jewell:

the idea of working out to activations.

Christine Jewell:

Cause I'm always turning something on or I'm letting go of a staff.

Christine Jewell:

Sometimes it's like I do a full day of coaching or a full day of calls.

Christine Jewell:

It's heavy, like you're dance and you're sitting and I just

Christine Jewell:

need to go like shake it off.

Christine Jewell:

So I do a lot of like.

Christine Jewell:

that's an awesome nervous system recalibration.

Christine Jewell:

I'm literally like just shaking off all this stuff that you take

Christine Jewell:

on consciously or unconsciously.

Stephen Box:

I love it.

Stephen Box:

we can honestly go on for days and days.

Stephen Box:

so for anyone who wants to learn more, or hear more about Some of the

Stephen Box:

things that you do, what's going to be the best way for them to find you?

Christine Jewell:

So first of all, I want to gift all of your listeners

Christine Jewell:

with a free chapter of my book.

Christine Jewell:

The book is called Drop the Armor.

Christine Jewell:

It is available on Barnes Noble, Amazon, Books A Million, all that.

Christine Jewell:

But if you go to thechristinejewel.

Christine Jewell:

com slash drop it, drop it, we're gonna send you the first chapter.

Christine Jewell:

There's also a Warrior love letter, which I believe is the letter

Christine Jewell:

for all the warriors at heart out there, the time that you're in.

Christine Jewell:

So I would encourage you to just get in there.

Christine Jewell:

That gets you into my world.

Christine Jewell:

Also, you can tune into our podcast, The Breaking Chains.

Christine Jewell:

Podcast, which is all about breaking free from the chains of your past, the

Christine Jewell:

things that are weighing you down so that you can step into the extraordinary

Christine Jewell:

life that God has predestined for you.

Stephen Box:


Stephen Box:

I love it.

Stephen Box:

And I will also have the link and the show notes, for that.

Stephen Box:

So if anybody wants to, get that, if you're driving or anything,

Stephen Box:

please don't crash your car.

Stephen Box:

It will be there for you later.

Stephen Box:

You can go check it out.

Stephen Box:

Christine, thank you so much for coming and sharing your wisdom and

Stephen Box:

your insights with us this week.

Stephen Box:

Is there any final words that you would like to leave people with?

Christine Jewell:

I just think that we need to remember all the time, a couple

Christine Jewell:

things, if you follow me, if we choose, we're always choosing every day, every

Christine Jewell:

moment we are choosing who we will serve.

Christine Jewell:

And we're either choosing to serve the one that says, my burden is this.

Christine Jewell:


Christine Jewell:

My yoke is easy.

Christine Jewell:

My burden is light.

Christine Jewell:

Or we're choosing to follow the one that says, Come, I got all the shiny

Christine Jewell:

things to promise you, but it's gonna feel heavy and stressful and exhausting.

Christine Jewell:

And it's just a moment by moment decision.

Christine Jewell:

When we start, when you start feeling heavy, remember, you can be

Christine Jewell:

overwhelmed by all the things of the world, or you can be overwhelmed.

Christine Jewell:

By, the things that you're grateful for, the things that you're excited about,

Christine Jewell:

the things that God is calling you into.

Christine Jewell:

And so I just want to invite you all to choose your overwhelm.

Christine Jewell:

And choose your master, and because we're always serving something.

Christine Jewell:

So you're going to serve the one that is life giving or are you going to

Christine Jewell:

serve the one that takes life away?

Stephen Box:

I love it.

Stephen Box:

And with that, I will just remind everyone that while none of us are born

Stephen Box:

unshakable, we can all become unshakable because being unshakable is a choice.



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