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2023-04-27. Discipline Island
Episode 3827th April 2023 • Aboard Podcast • Aboard
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Rich and Paul, the co-founders of Aboard (a software product), discuss shipping software. They give advice to better ship products within time estimates. They also provide tips and tricks for better product management.


Paul Ford:

hey, rich.

Rich Ziade:

Hey Paul.

Paul Ford:

Are you ready to launch our new software product?

Paul Ford:

On, I know, and we have a date for it all picked out, and

Paul Ford:

we, we have a, we have Scope.

Paul Ford:

We're about to have a big long scoping meeting.

Rich Ziade:


Rich Ziade:


Rich Ziade:

Sign up for the beta.

Paul Ford:

So related to that, I saw a tweet that.

Paul Ford:

Uh, made me think of you.

Rich Ziade:


Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:

And it's by a, uh, an engineering lead who goes on Twitter

Paul Ford:

as artificial Nicks, n I X.

Paul Ford:

And she wrote the following, and I thought of you immediately After being

Paul Ford:

a manager in tech for like four years.

Paul Ford:

Now, I don't understand what everyone is saying about how, how hard it

Paul Ford:

is to estimate timing for products.

Paul Ford:

That's tweet one.

Paul Ford:

Tweet two is My team always ships on time.

Paul Ford:

Our KRS are always green.

Paul Ford:

People act like we're superheroes, but we just have our shit together.

Paul Ford:

So we should talk about this.

Paul Ford:

. Thank you Nicks Sophie for, um, giving us, uh, a good topic for this podcast.

Paul Ford:

Let's talk estimation, my friend.

Paul Ford:

Do you have any good tips or tricks?

Rich Ziade:

I sure do, but it's not what you think.

Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:

All right.

Paul Ford:

Let's do it.

Rich Ziade:

There is something really brutal about not.

Rich Ziade:

Being held accountable to someone outside, if I tell you you can pick up your Super

Rich Ziade:

Mario birthday cake on Saturday for your kid's birthday party Saturday afternoon.

Rich Ziade:

As a bakery owner, I should probably have the cake done.

Paul Ford:

You ruined the birthday.

Rich Ziade:

You ruined the birthday.

Paul Ford:

That's right.

Paul Ford:

Don't ruin the birthday.

Paul Ford:

We should.

Paul Ford:

We should point out, there's a context here and there's a context for that tweet.

Paul Ford:

Software products are notoriously late.

Paul Ford:

Teams deliver, late, consultants deliver late.

Paul Ford:

Nothing ever lands.

Paul Ford:

And so one of the reasons people would come to us is they

Paul Ford:

would finally get their thing.

Paul Ford:

It would be expensive and it might be less of a thing than they were open for.

Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:

But they'd get it.

Rich Ziade:


Rich Ziade:

I'm a pilot and for a 7:00 AM J F K New York to Charles Dugal Paris.

Rich Ziade:


Rich Ziade:

I have to check in to my airline and be at the airport at 5:00 AM

Rich Ziade:

there's paperwork, there's whatever I have to do.

Paul Ford:

big checklist,

Rich Ziade:

big checklist, and you know the check the checklist

Rich Ziade:

for the plane and all that.

Rich Ziade:

So I gotta be, I gotta, I'm on the plane at six.

Rich Ziade:

We're gonna get outta there at seven.

Rich Ziade:

I gotta be at the airport at five.

Rich Ziade:

Those are, Very clear external commitments that can things happen.

Rich Ziade:

Can I have kidney stones and be doubled over in pain?

Rich Ziade:

Can the oven

Paul Ford:

No, but I need to be up by 3 45 and shaving.

Rich Ziade:

Yeah, look, things can happen.

Rich Ziade:

The oven can break.

Rich Ziade:

in, in, uh, at the bakery.

Rich Ziade:

And maybe that kid will have to take a fudgy, the whale

Paul Ford:

There can be a thunderstorm at the, at the airport or the, the, the

Paul Ford:

flight attendants can all get covid.

Paul Ford:

Like, there's all sorts of things happen.

Rich Ziade:

What's really, really hard about, uh, software,

Rich Ziade:

but also other industries.

Rich Ziade:

We always talk about software, but there are other industries that have this

Paul Ford:

No, there are, there are no other industries.

Rich Ziade:

I have one more, uh, industry that has this challenge.

Rich Ziade:

Um, the book is due,

Paul Ford:

Oh boy.

Paul Ford:

Why'd you do this to me, man?

Paul Ford:

Why'd you have

Rich Ziade:

the article, the article's due and again, course

Paul Ford:

as bad, but, okay.

Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:


Rich Ziade:

the article has an advantage over the book, which is

Paul Ford:


Rich Ziade:

we're going to print, we're going,

Paul Ford:

The problem with the book is they'll wait.

Paul Ford:

They'll wait.

Paul Ford:

And the book, actually, when you turn in the book, it's nine months before the

Paul Ford:

book actually goes, goes on the shelves.

Paul Ford:

The article, it might be going up on the web the later that day,

Rich Ziade:

And I think editors have come to understand that you can't pick

Rich Ziade:

up the phone and scream at the writer.

Rich Ziade:

It doesn't work.

Rich Ziade:

Just doesn't

Paul Ford:

Oh no.

Paul Ford:

Editors live.

Paul Ford:

So editors, it's, it's a pure structure of, I, I live this.

Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:

So it's a pure structure of passive aggressiveness and, and manipulation.

Paul Ford:

So the, first of all, they lie to you about the due date.

Paul Ford:

And then as you get older and more serious in your career, you, you realize when

Paul Ford:

you're being lied to and you're like, oh, well then it, it'll be the Thursday after.

Paul Ford:

That's fine.

Paul Ford:

More time.

Rich Ziade:

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Rich Ziade:

You start to figure out the game.

Paul Ford:

Then they invoke the managing editor and the other editors.

Paul Ford:

And so that's, it's never them, they never, they're, they

Paul Ford:

understand that you're an artist.

Paul Ford:

But the managing editor just can't, they gotta get it in their

Rich Ziade:

I, I think there's a, I think why it's a challenge.

Rich Ziade:

Read the first part of that tweet again, cuz the, it's a two-part tweet.

Rich Ziade:

It's an observation and then a declaration.

Rich Ziade:

Read the observation again

Paul Ford:

After being a manager in tech for like four years now,

Paul Ford:

I don't understand what everyone is saying about how hard it is

Paul Ford:

to estimate timing for products.

Rich Ziade:


Rich Ziade:

Stop there.

Rich Ziade:


Rich Ziade:


Rich Ziade:

What they are really saying is that, uh, the leadership who expect the

Rich Ziade:

product to be done at a certain time.

Rich Ziade:

Refuses to hold everyone accountable to a commitment and tries to simp,

Rich Ziade:

sympathize and empathize with the team and the complexities around it.

Rich Ziade:

And so what you end up with is a really snugly dynamic, but no one knows.

Rich Ziade:

Where success is anymore.

Rich Ziade:

And by success I don't mean

Rich Ziade:

business success.

Paul Ford:

a dynamic where people are all snuggling together.

Rich Ziade:

People assert themselves.

Paul Ford:


Rich Ziade:

Engineers say, no, you don't understand.

Rich Ziade:

I once sold a piece of business, um, and I didn't architect it out.

Rich Ziade:

I didn't go looking at libraries and seeing, but.

Rich Ziade:

In my cursory understanding of technology, I sold the piece of

Paul Ford:

That's what a salesperson does.

Rich Ziade:

My head of engineering said I need to talk to you as soon as

Paul Ford:


Rich Ziade:


Paul Ford:


Rich Ziade:

And he's like, what you, what you sold isn't possible.

Rich Ziade:

I was like, really?

Rich Ziade:

And then I, I, I sat in a very ignorant place.

Rich Ziade:

I was like, and it wasn't a time constraint, what he was doing.

Rich Ziade:

And, and we worked it out and I was like, why don't you just do it this way?

Rich Ziade:

He's like, is it okay to do it that way?

Rich Ziade:

I'm like, when did it become not okay to do it that way?

Rich Ziade:

Of course you could do it that way.

Rich Ziade:

They don't know anything.

Rich Ziade:

They don't know technology.

Rich Ziade:

Go do it that way.

Rich Ziade:

And we did it and we delivered it and we, it was one of the most

Rich Ziade:

profitable projects we ever worked on.

Rich Ziade:

And so what was going on there?

Rich Ziade:

What was going on There was, uh, the head of engineering, asserting

Rich Ziade:

control and wanting to be in the room.

Rich Ziade:

When we arbi arbitrate, what

Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:

You know what, I always think of this as, by the way, the AUR theory of software

Rich Ziade:


Rich Ziade:

There's your title,

Rich Ziade:

title of the podcast.

Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:

It's just like this sort of

Rich Ziade:

explain, that.

Paul Ford:

so there's a, a famous, there are theories of what makes a

Paul Ford:

movie and what, what art is and where it

Rich Ziade:


Paul Ford:

And so film in particular is really interesting because

Paul Ford:

there's the concept of the director and is the director the artist

Paul Ford:

of the movie or is the movie.

Paul Ford:

A combination of all the efforts involved manifesting together, prob led by the

Rich Ziade:


Rich Ziade:


Rich Ziade:


Paul Ford:

And so the director and software would be the

Paul Ford:

product manager in the,

Rich Ziade:

the mm-hmm.

Paul Ford:

the magazine world would be the, the editor-in-chief,

Paul Ford:

et cetera, et cetera.

Paul Ford:

So the Aura theory is that like the director is the artist and everyone else.

Paul Ford:

Falls, uh, you know, in their wake they are.

Paul Ford:

And, um, there are other theories and other concepts that say that

Paul Ford:

no, it, it's actually much more the sum total and that person just

Paul Ford:

kind of receives all the glory.

Paul Ford:

So when you talk about the art and, you know, French cinema in the sixties

Paul Ford:

was very like, There are con, there are spaces where like the director exercised

Paul Ford:

total control made these little films.

Paul Ford:

People like Godard or, or, or Vees, you know, not French, but um, where

Paul Ford:

they, it was really their vision.

Paul Ford:

And then it's like Steven Spielberg on War of the World has a team of 1500

Paul Ford:

people and you watch the credit troll.

Paul Ford:

Is there an Altura behind Mar, you know, Avengers Endgame?

Rich Ziade:


Paul Ford:

Uh, and so there.

Paul Ford:

The Arturo theory of software development, is the engineer going,

Rich Ziade:


Rich Ziade:

this possible.

Rich Ziade:


Paul Ford:

probably French accident.

Paul Ford:

Smoking a, uh, what, what is the oa?

Paul Ford:

The, the cigarettes.

Paul Ford:

How do you pronounce that?

Paul Ford:

Do you know?

Paul Ford:

Oh, there's Like

Rich Ziade:

really long

Paul Ford:

like a French cigarette that's really

Rich Ziade:

It's really long.

Rich Ziade:


Rich Ziade:


Paul Ford:

I think it's G A L O I.

Paul Ford:


Rich Ziade:

let's just say Virginia Slims and get on with

Paul Ford:

whenever I get, uh, whenever I pronounce anything

Paul Ford:

French, I get yelled at.

Paul Ford:

So there we go.

Paul Ford:

Yell at me.

Paul Ford:

Um, anyway, so yes, here you are.

Paul Ford:

The engineer has said it's not possible.

Paul Ford:

You've said it's possible.

Rich Ziade:

Here's what's counterintuitive today.

Rich Ziade:

What's counterintuitive today.

Rich Ziade:

And today, you know, there's a lot of, um, there's a lot of, um,

Rich Ziade:

sort of pausing before you assert yourself in the workplace and

Rich Ziade:

in a work in a team environment.

Rich Ziade:

There's a lot of like, Don't assert your power, don't be, um, don't

Rich Ziade:

disenfranchise your teammates.

Rich Ziade:

Like there's all that, even if you're the boss, right?

Rich Ziade:

There's like, how do you get people aligned?

Rich Ziade:

How do you inspire people?

Rich Ziade:

Let me, he, let me say something that's gonna sound counter to a lot of

Paul Ford:

well, well hold on.

Paul Ford:

The dominant and, and sort of positive assessment of management

Paul Ford:

is that you should be a servant leader and that you should come in

Paul Ford:

and you should empower your team.

Rich Ziade:

I never heard that phrase before.

Rich Ziade:

I want you to never say it

Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:


Rich Ziade:


Rich Ziade:

Here's it.

Rich Ziade:

Turns out, it turns out that you will actually have a happier team if you say

Rich Ziade:

to them, when I tell you I want something.

Rich Ziade:


Rich Ziade:

a certain date and we can have some dialogue about it.

Rich Ziade:

I need you to take it seriously.

Rich Ziade:

And it's like, okay, wait.

Rich Ziade:

That sounds like a jerk.

Rich Ziade:

You could,

Rich Ziade:

you could see it through that lens.

Rich Ziade:

Uh, you should always be respectful and always have a

Rich Ziade:

dialogue about what's at stake.

Rich Ziade:

But here's the thing, when you do that, There may be a little bit of friction, a

Rich Ziade:

little bit of pushback there, but believe me, down the road, they really want it.

Rich Ziade:

They actually really want it because there is nothing more painful than

Rich Ziade:

spinning and spinning and spinning and trying to do something perfect,

Rich Ziade:

um, and not being able to ship.

Rich Ziade:

People who are great at what they do want leadership.

Rich Ziade:

A, to keep the bullshit out.

Rich Ziade:

That's meaningful.

Rich Ziade:

That's part of being a leader.

Rich Ziade:

And B, clear goals.

Rich Ziade:

That's out of fashion today because that sounds like power or money or

Rich Ziade:


Rich Ziade:

Power Power is out of fashion, but clear goals should not be out of fashion.

Rich Ziade:

Respect your team.

Rich Ziade:

Communicate, have a dialogue.

Paul Ford:

Here's, here's the irony of all this.

Paul Ford:

This is one of the trickiest things, and you learn this from pretty senior

Paul Ford:

execs, is that by being demanding and making hard calls, you are actually

Paul Ford:

advocating and protecting the careers of the people who work for you.

Paul Ford:

More than if you empower them to have control when they're not ready.

Rich Ziade:


Rich Ziade:


Rich Ziade:

I have a terrible tell.

Rich Ziade:


Rich Ziade:

when people, when I'm like, so what do you think?

Rich Ziade:

And you say that because you actually want to hear what people's perspective and, uh,

Rich Ziade:


Rich Ziade:

wanna be heard.

Rich Ziade:

People want their 2 cents.

Rich Ziade:

And they're telling you about things that can go wrong and you're hearing them out,

Rich Ziade:

and then there you should hear them out.

Rich Ziade:

But there is a point where that dialogue.

Rich Ziade:

You lose your bearings and it overwhelms everything and you've lost which direction

Rich Ziade:

you should even go or where the ending is, and you've lost control of it.

Rich Ziade:

And I have, one of the things I've, one of the skills I've built over the

Rich Ziade:

years is that when someone seems to be taking me away from that goal, And

Rich Ziade:

is taking me on their own adventure.

Rich Ziade:

On some other adventure.

Rich Ziade:

I literally tune them out.

Rich Ziade:

I will nod my, I've learned to like use my neck muscles to nod, but Karen

Rich Ziade:

Carpenter is singing in my head,

Paul Ford:

why do birds

Paul Ford:

is it that song

Rich Ziade:

and obnoxious, but it, and it isn't me like

Rich Ziade:

giving them the middle finger.

Rich Ziade:

What it is is me like, Man, these are smart people who are making

Rich Ziade:

sense and they're taking me off.

Rich Ziade:

My bearings bad

Rich Ziade:

and I need to come out of it.

Paul Ford:

Uh, you know, one of the things that happened is people

Paul Ford:

are anchored to their disciplines.

Paul Ford:

Their disciplines are their, their sense of power and control.

Paul Ford:

And so they advocate for their disciplines.

Paul Ford:

You're in that meeting and you're running the product and, and sort of

Paul Ford:

people are like, well, I need this because of this and this is how this

Paul Ford:

works and this, what happened that was weird in the last few years is.

Paul Ford:

All the disciplines kind of took their eye off of the product and got into

Paul Ford:

themselves in a really specific way.

Paul Ford:


Rich Ziade:

it's, it's a product of just the demands of a job market,

Rich Ziade:

which is softening now, but it was

Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:

So it's like,

Rich Ziade:

absolutely impossible to get great talent,

Paul Ford:

will only use framework X to program.

Paul Ford:

Oh, well, o.

Paul Ford:

O, okay.

Paul Ford:

I will only design this way.

Rich Ziade:

had this project 10 years ago, like, closure was like hot.

Paul Ford:

Oh yeah.

Paul Ford:

Closure is a language that's based on lisp.

Paul Ford:

For the people out there listening who even understand what that sentence means,

Rich Ziade:

they couldn't get logged in done after like four months.

Rich Ziade:

Like, I couldn't log into And so then, then, and I, I've, I've learned just

Rich Ziade:

enough about tech to understand it.

Rich Ziade:


Rich Ziade:

So I went into GitHub.

Paul Ford:

Oh, that's not true.

Paul Ford:

You actually, you know the stack pretty

Rich Ziade:

I know the stack

Paul Ford:


Rich Ziade:


Rich Ziade:

Yes, yes, yes, yes.

Rich Ziade:

So I went into GitHub and I was like, let me see what's going on here.

Rich Ziade:

And I looked at all of it, and then I called you.

Rich Ziade:

I remember I was in front of Brooklyn Borough Hall.

Paul Ford:

was an awkward one.

Rich Ziade:

And I said, Paul, I need you to do me a favor.

Rich Ziade:

I'm looking at this.

Rich Ziade:

I don't think there's anything in here.

Rich Ziade:

And you're like, okay, I'll call you back in an hour.

Rich Ziade:

You called me back and you're like, there's kind of nothing in

Paul Ford:

I remember once I did a project and I was the only programmer,

Paul Ford:

I was the only anything on it.

Paul Ford:

And I was off on my own and I made every decision and every

Paul Ford:

decision I made was wrong.

Paul Ford:

I used the wrong database, the wrong data model, the wrong programming language.

Paul Ford:

Every, everything I did was wrong and I slept on the floor

Paul Ford:

to get it done by myself.

Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:

And, and I paid the price for, and then later someone came in

Paul Ford:

and replaced me and about two years later, but I shipped working

Paul Ford:


Rich Ziade:


Rich Ziade:

but you went astray,

Paul Ford:

I went to Stray, but.

Paul Ford:

I, I would, and I would, I adopted everything cool before it was

Paul Ford:

ready, but I shipped the thing.

Paul Ford:

And what had happened is they had gotten like, oh, you need

Paul Ford:

this kind of logging database.

Paul Ford:

And so, and they architected for a world that didn't yet exist, and then

Paul Ford:

they forgot to build the product.

Paul Ford:

They built everything around the product.

Paul Ford:

See, and I thought I was gonna be like estimation.

Paul Ford:

You'd be like, here's the five estimation points.

Paul Ford:

You went very meta.

Rich Ziade:


Rich Ziade:

no, I, I estimations that's a, that's a.

Rich Ziade:

That's a straw man.

Paul Ford:

See that's the thing.

Rich Ziade:

a straw

Paul Ford:

so this is the thing you're actually saying, which is that estimation

Paul Ford:

is usually presented as a set of tips and tricks for how to like define scope.

Rich Ziade:


Rich Ziade:

I'll tell you why it's bullshit.

Rich Ziade:

There's gimme a login and then there's industrial strength SSO two factor off

Rich Ziade:

that sends you a set of 10 codes in case you forget your two factor off.

Rich Ziade:

Estimation is useless without leadership, keeping everyone focused through scope.

Rich Ziade:

If you can't help them say, look, I know you know the best way to do it

Rich Ziade:

in the world, but I need it Friday.

Paul Ford:


Rich Ziade:


Rich Ziade:

And that can sound.

Rich Ziade:

That's, that can sting a little.

Paul Ford:

Well, it also people, it, it's not just sting, people feel that

Paul Ford:

they're betraying their discipline.

Rich Ziade:


Rich Ziade:

And they feel that you as a leader are minimizing their, their

Paul Ford:

and their value expertise.

Paul Ford:


Rich Ziade:

So how do you get around that?

Rich Ziade:

You get around that three ways.

Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:

Now we're finally tips and tricks.

Rich Ziade:

Tips and tricks.

Rich Ziade:

First, tell them why.

Rich Ziade:

You're not doing it because you wanna flex.

Rich Ziade:

There's, you are connected to the world.

Rich Ziade:

I hope, unless you're a nonprofit that just makes nonsense software, that

Rich Ziade:

may be, but even then, tell them why.

Rich Ziade:

Sometimes you have an externality, like an event or a presentation

Rich Ziade:

that you've, you're scheduling against, but sometimes you don't.

Rich Ziade:

So first, be transparent about why you're, you're, you're making

Rich Ziade:

them take a shorter filthier path

Paul Ford:

Let me let me make, I'm gonna pause.

Paul Ford:

So that's number one.

Paul Ford:

Number one, there's a thing I wanna say that I, I, it's a hard thing to say,

Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:

I am increasingly convinced as I get older and I see people in their careers

Paul Ford:

and I talk to people and I mentor people and so on, most people don't

Paul Ford:

know what business they're they just don't, they, they know their discipline.

Paul Ford:

They know that they have a kind of a job.

Paul Ford:

They know that they get a paycheck and they know that they

Paul Ford:

did okay on the annual review.

Rich Ziade:

you know who, who's like that?

Rich Ziade:

Tax attorneys.

Rich Ziade:

Tax attorneys get like their own wing that looks like a

Rich Ziade:

daycare center at the law firm.

Paul Ford:

Cause they're so valuable.

Rich Ziade:

so valuable, but they're also so weird and they're so awkward.

Rich Ziade:

A lot of the time

Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:

These are, you're, no one goes into tax tax law because they're like,

Paul Ford:

ah, I'm just having too much sex.

Rich Ziade:

They're not the rainmakers, right?

Rich Ziade:

They're not social.

Rich Ziade:

Some are, I'm not gonna stare, but most are like, they're almost like quant, like

Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:

So they're sort of famous in the law firm.

Paul Ford:

Like who's that guy that never comes out of his

Rich Ziade:

Someone else is worrying about the p and l of the law firm, the

Rich Ziade:

tax expert that really enjoys the problem.

Rich Ziade:

They're not usually the same person who goes to the cocktail parties to,

Rich Ziade:

to be the rainmaker for, for the firm.

Rich Ziade:

So, number one, be transparent about why you're telling them

Rich Ziade:

to take path B instead of path

Paul Ford:

which might actually mean explaining what business you're in.

Rich Ziade:

Yes, yes.

Paul Ford:

I, I, I know that sounds awful and reductive, but it's literally like we

Paul Ford:

have only this much budget and therefore we must prioritize in order to achieve

Paul Ford:

the goals so we can get more budget.

Paul Ford:

Half your employees have never thought that way.

Rich Ziade:

That's right.

Rich Ziade:

That's right.

Rich Ziade:

We've had employees tell us, why are you making getting more business?

Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:

Why do you keep growing?

Rich Ziade:

They think it's greed and they don't know it's

Paul Ford:

Well, they they don't realize that all the other business could

Paul Ford:

go away, because once you hit that state, no one assumes that everything

Paul Ford:

will just implode on any given day.

Rich Ziade:

is static.

Rich Ziade:


Paul Ford:

Well, it, especially with a small startup or an agency.

Paul Ford:

that's two.

Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:

That was one.

Paul Ford:

Let's get the two.

Rich Ziade:

tell 'em why.

Rich Ziade:

Be transparent about why you're putting certain kinds of pressure over our why.

Rich Ziade:

You're saying you need

Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:

Are you

Rich Ziade:

that outta thin Air number two, um, is probably the most important

Rich Ziade:

thing and is the hardest thing to pull off, which is if they trust you,

Rich Ziade:

you don't even have to tell them why.

Rich Ziade:

If they trust you and they trust your judgment, And there

Rich Ziade:

is a, a respectful dynamic.

Rich Ziade:

They will get it.

Rich Ziade:

And you don't have to explain it every time,

Paul Ford:

But that's only earned by shipping.

Paul Ford:

So you gotta solve the fundamental problem first.

Rich Ziade:

It's only earned by shipping.

Rich Ziade:

It could be earned by you being a great business development person.

Rich Ziade:

It could be a, it could be earned a lot of different

Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:

But that's a kind of shipping,

Rich Ziade:

what you're

Paul Ford:

earned by delivering what you're

Rich Ziade:

you're essentially saying is this, what you're essentially saying

Rich Ziade:

is, You are amazing at what you do, and we have an amazing team at a board,

Rich Ziade:

like it is really a world class team.

Rich Ziade:

It's like what?

Rich Ziade:

Probably the best team I've ever worked with.

Rich Ziade:

But what we're also saying is, You are a practitioner and a and and as good

Rich Ziade:

as it gets in your bus, in your craft.

Rich Ziade:

I know you don't think I have a craft.

Rich Ziade:

I know you think I put on a shiny suit, but trust me, I'm gonna

Rich Ziade:

go talk to the world about this.

Rich Ziade:

You're gonna do what you're gonna do.

Rich Ziade:

Now I'm talking about our example, but there is.

Rich Ziade:

If people there, it is the, it is the, the, the heart, the pinnacle of being

Rich Ziade:

a leader is that you don't have to put pressure and stress on people to do it.

Rich Ziade:

They believe in you and they trust you to do, to go in a certain

Paul Ford:

let, let me add one caveat, and this is universal.

Paul Ford:

Everyone thinks that everyone else's discipline is essentially fraudulent.

Rich Ziade:

O what a cynical way to, it's not close out.

Rich Ziade:


Paul Ford:

Not not our team, our teams, our team has worked together and so on.

Paul Ford:

But in general, designers are like, ah, engineers and engineers

Paul Ford:

are like, ah, marketing.

Paul Ford:

And everyone is like, ah, managers.

Paul Ford:

And so.

Rich Ziade:

a great way to, I mean, it's a great observation.

Rich Ziade:

It's real,

Paul Ford:

when you're earning that trust, you have to have, I mean,

Paul Ford:

look, I've learned all these lessons.

Paul Ford:

The hard way, trust, building trust with engineers is not like, I understand

Paul Ford:

how hard it is can can be to write code cuz they'll look at you and

Paul Ford:

they'll be like, yeah, it's hard.

Paul Ford:

And that's all they wanna talk about.

Paul Ford:

You actually have to have a little, it's not fear, it's just the sense

Paul Ford:

of like, yeah, I know you can get it.

Paul Ford:

I know you can do it.

Paul Ford:

Yeah, you can ship this.

Paul Ford:

I, I see it, I can see part of it, but you can see the whole thing.

Paul Ford:

And I'm counting on you to take it the rest of the

Rich Ziade:


Rich Ziade:

It's a, it's a great point.

Rich Ziade:

I'm, I'm oversimplifying it.

Rich Ziade:

You're right.

Rich Ziade:

Everyone is convinced Their own discipline is the most important

Paul Ford:

It, it's the only thing that matters because without you, if

Paul Ford:

you sub, if you subtract any of the disciplines, the whole thing does fall

Rich Ziade:

It does.

Rich Ziade:

We need everybody.

Rich Ziade:


Rich Ziade:

It's a team,

Paul Ford:

It's just, it's humans are very, very funny.

Paul Ford:

Okay, so that's 0.2.

Paul Ford:


Rich Ziade:


Rich Ziade:


Paul Ford:

Did you have a 0.3 or did you just like the number

Rich Ziade:

No, no, I have it

Paul Ford:

have a Okay.

Rich Ziade:

I have a 0.3.

Rich Ziade:

Um, you can't do this all the time.

Rich Ziade:

You can't do it all the time.

Rich Ziade:

You have to exhale.

Rich Ziade:

You have to let them exhale.

Rich Ziade:

Sometimes you'll be like,

Paul Ford:

wait, you mean let the schedule slip?

Rich Ziade:


Rich Ziade:

What you have to do is you gotta, you want your thing by Friday?

Rich Ziade:

Get it by Friday.

Rich Ziade:

But the following week, when you see a practitioner who is just

Rich Ziade:

hangar in a fold out new librarian, you kind of gotta let 'em do it.

Rich Ziade:

You gotta let them.

Paul Ford:

Oh yeah.

Paul Ford:

No little cognitive treats are very important.

Paul Ford:

They are, no, it's like Absolutely try

Rich Ziade:

by way.

Rich Ziade:

It's not just letting them kind of, you gotta give people a sense of autonomy.

Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:

And you do that, you

Rich Ziade:

the boot on the neck the whole time.

Paul Ford:

NPM installed dog biscuit is what you just

Rich Ziade:

Look related to that.

Rich Ziade:

Also, even when they come outta the other side, you ask them to do

Rich Ziade:

something, they're, it's not the proudest moment cuz it's the junkies

Rich Ziade:

login they've ever put together.

Rich Ziade:

You say, look, I really appreciate what you guys did here.

Rich Ziade:

It looks great.

Rich Ziade:


Rich Ziade:

You gotta make them feel good even about the stuff

Paul Ford:

Have an after eight mint.

Rich Ziade:

Um, no, but this is real.

Rich Ziade:

Like if, if a designer says, I need, uh, can I think about it and

Rich Ziade:

come back to you with some ideas?

Rich Ziade:

You can't.

Rich Ziade:

Every, sometimes you're gonna say, I look yes, but tomorrow, like sometimes you're

Rich Ziade:

gonna put the pressure on and be like, look, I, I, you do whatever you want.

Rich Ziade:

I need it by Friday.

Rich Ziade:

Other, you gotta have some other times where you let

Rich Ziade:

the engineer do the refactor.

Rich Ziade:

You let the designer think bigger thoughts.

Rich Ziade:

You gotta let them exhale because.

Rich Ziade:

Especially if they're good, cuz if they're good, it, it's a huge part of who they are

Rich Ziade:

and they are not assembly line workers.

Paul Ford:

know what we're getting to at the end, at the end here, and I.

Paul Ford:

Let me, let me take a breath and articulate this.

Paul Ford:

People are loyal to their disciplines in their careers, and one of the,

Paul Ford:

one of the jobs of shipping a product is actually getting people to come

Paul Ford:

off of Discipline Island and come to Product Island and focus on the

Rich Ziade:

to Pragmatism

Paul Ford:

Yes, but Pragmatism Island, Is actually a dangerous place for people to

Paul Ford:

spend all their time because then they, they lose the, the sort of rootedness

Paul Ford:

and the connection to the things that they care about and the matter to them.

Paul Ford:

And actually they don't charge their batteries up to bring good

Paul Ford:

ideas back to product island.

Rich Ziade:

You gotta let 'em come out and come back

Paul Ford:

so there's an oscillation, and this is

Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:


Rich Ziade:

I call it exhaling, I call it, it's like breathing.

Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:

It's a sine wave.

Paul Ford:

You're going, sometimes they, we all gotta get on a product island and sometimes

Paul Ford:

we go back to discipline island and do the things that we love and care about

Paul Ford:

and we think are really fun and then we gotta bring those to the other place.

Paul Ford:

It's import export all the time.

Paul Ford:

I learned something on Product Island and I learned that the big

Paul Ford:

idea I thought I had was a bad one.

Rich Ziade:

Nobody liked

Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:

Nobody liked it, the users didn't care.

Paul Ford:

So I'm gonna take that back to Discipline Island and I'm gonna internalize it

Paul Ford:

along with all the other work I do.

Rich Ziade:

Uh, let, let's end it with a bonus tip.

Rich Ziade:


Rich Ziade:

If you're in a Fortune 1000 company and they have absolutely no sense and all

Rich Ziade:

they see is like billions of dollars flowing through the windows, they're

Rich Ziade:

always on discipline island for years.

Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:

Discipline Island is where they live.

Paul Ford:

And in fact, you know what they do?

Paul Ford:

What, what you do in a Fortune 1000 is you go shopping for new disciplines.

Paul Ford:

You know?

Paul Ford:

Hey, how about content architecture?

Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:

Or, or information.

Paul Ford:

Um, I don't know.

Rich Ziade:

talked about this, by the way.

Rich Ziade:

There was a previous podcast, you should listen to all of our podcasts, but

Rich Ziade:

there's a previous one, where're, like why can't big companies ever do anything?

Rich Ziade:

Uh, and that's this, right?

Rich Ziade:

They are only on

Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:

They're on discipline island.

Paul Ford:

And when, and to get everyone on a product island is, is a thing of fear.

Paul Ford:

So, uh, alright, rich.

Paul Ford:

Well, if people want to get in touch, what do they do?

Rich Ziade:

They hit us up at

Rich Ziade:

Uh, we're also on all the popular podcast networks and apps and whatnot.

Rich Ziade:

Um, give us five stars when you can.

Rich Ziade:

We're Zdi Ford on Twitter

Paul Ford:


Rich Ziade:


Rich Ziade:

Z I a d e f o r d.

Rich Ziade:

I'm Lebanese, that's the ziti part.

Paul Ford:

And who Spon?

Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:

I'm for it.

Paul Ford:

I'm for, it's the Irish part who sponsors

Rich Ziade:

This podcast and probably a lot of the future

Rich Ziade:

ones sponsored by a board.

Rich Ziade:

A board is a killer new tool that's coming out in May of 2023 in case

Rich Ziade:

you're listening to this five years from

Paul Ford:


Rich Ziade:

Um, that, uh, lets you organize your passions on

Rich Ziade:

the web, beautiful apps coming, and mobile apps and whatnot.

Rich Ziade:

So check it

Paul Ford:

We love it.

Paul Ford:

We love it now.

Paul Ford:

Um, okay, let's get back to work.




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