Hello and welcome to number 110! This week I am interviewing Sahara Rose De Vore who owns the Travel Coach Network and is a Wellness, Travel, Tech + Marketing Consultant. She is also a TEDx speaker and regularly speaks at events all around the USA for businesses and corporations talking about wellness and travel within the company culture. In 2019 she wrote the book Hey You, Just Go! which details her travels up to the age of 30 where she travelled to 80 countries in total. We also talk about mental health and how that led up to Sahara Rose travelling after college which is a really nice angle to discuss on the podcast. Travel Pulse have named Sahara Rose as one of 2023's Most Influential Women and it was an honour to interview Sahara Rose. So much inspiration in this one and I am excited to get it out there.
Enjoy and be inspired!
Sahara Rose De VoreSahara Rose Website -
https://sahararosetravels.com/The Travel Coach Network Website -
https://thetravelcoachnetwork.mykajabi.com/pages/visit-the-tcn-homepageHey You, Just Go! -
https://www.amazon.com/Hey-You-Just-Countries-Designing-ebook/dp/B07PXXMFXJ/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=hey+you+just+go+sahara+rose&qid=1619208276&sr=8-1Instagram -
https://www.instagram.com/sahararosethetravelcoachLinkedIn -
https://www.linkedin.com/in/sahara-rose-de-vore-4b8bb394/Winging It Travel PodcastHost/Creator/Writer/Composer/Editor - James Hammond
Producer - James Hammond
Podcast Art Design - Swamp Soup Company - Harry Utton
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