Artwork for podcast The Vicca Law Podcast: Protecting Legacies. Resolving Conflicts.
Ep. 36 I’ve Separated from my spouse - now what?
Episode 3626th September 2024 • The Vicca Law Podcast: Protecting Legacies. Resolving Conflicts. • Vicca Law
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26 Sep 2024

The Vicca Podcast

Ep 36. I’ve Separated from my spouse - now what?Separation from a spouse, whether married or de facto, brings many changes and uncertainties. While your immediate focus may be on the emotional and logistical aspects of separation, it’s equally important to address the legal implications concerning your estate plan. Many people are unaware of how separation can impact their will, enduring power of attorney, and other crucial legal documents, potentially leading to unintended consequences. In this episode of the Vicca Law Podcast, we outline what you need to consider and the steps you should take to protect your estate and ensure your wishes are updated and clear following a separation.

Tune in to this episode to understand the critical steps you need to take after a separation to safeguard your estate and avoid unintended legal consequences.

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