Welcome to the Stupid Hearts Club! The Club for everyone with a Stupid Heart
I know you have waited ages for this episode and I am SORRY.
I have been having a think about changing shit up and so here I present to you today, our newly refurbished podcast 'Stupid Hearts Club'.
I nearly did a solo show on Saturday but then lovely Wendy Wason made herself available for this bright Monday morning so I waited and, believe me, the show is all the better for you not having to hear me in misery arse/nuclear fear mode trying to think of stuff to say that won't send you over the edge (en masse like lemmings)
Please let me know what you think of the new vibe and my ideas on going 2 Tier, nothing is set in stone yet so allllll good.
FYI I have got some cool new guests lined up for the next few eps so you will get a good run of shows now, I pinky promise.
Have a good week everyone. Ma'am
Stupid Hearts Club Forever!
If you like what I do and you want to support me financially, as well as get access to some cool extras, please take a look at my Patreon! And if you can't, or indeed just don't want to, then I'm still super happy you're here!
And if you want to hear more from me I'm always putting things up on my Instagram, come and say hello
Produced by Drew Toynbee
Copyright 2025 Nico Tatarowicz