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Books, Courses, Programs, Continuity, Oh My! What Do I Create First?
Episode 31710th October 2023 • The Scalable Expert • Tara Bryan
00:00:00 00:11:58

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In this episode, Tara reviews how to determine which delivery method works best to package your expertise or signature framework.

About Me:

Hey, it’s your host, Tara Bryan. And I am on a mission to help more business owners learn to infinitely scale their businesses by leveraging the power of online without sacrificing the customer experience or results. 

I like to geek out on all things business strategy, marketing, interactive digital and user experience. This podcast is all about what is working, lessons learned and actionable tips to create and grow a thriving online business. 

Join us each week as we dive into different strategies, tactics and tips you can apply immediately to your business.

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Tara Bryan:

Hey everybody, it's Tara, Bryan, and you are

Tara Bryan:

listening to the course building secrets podcast. Whether you're

Tara Bryan:

a coach or a CEO, the success of your team and clients is based

Tara Bryan:

on your ability to deliver a consistent experience and guide

Tara Bryan:

them on the fastest path to results. This podcast will give

Tara Bryan:

you practical real life tips that you can use today to build

Tara Bryan:

your online experiences that get results and create raving fans.

Tara Bryan:

Why? So you can monetize your expertise and serve more people

Tara Bryan:

without adding more time or team to your business? If you're

Tara Bryan:

looking to uncover your million dollar framework, package it and

Tara Bryan:

use it to scale you're in the right place. Let's dive in. Hey,

Tara Bryan:

everybody, welcome to today's episode of the course billing

Tara Bryan:

secrets podcast, I am coming in from location again from the FHL

Tara Bryan:

2023 conference. And so, so happy to be coming in today to

Tara Bryan:

provide you some insights. So once you've determined your

Tara Bryan:

signature framework, one of the cool things is that once you

Tara Bryan:

have it, you can deliver that framework in lots of different

Tara Bryan:

ways to your customers, right. So there's, you can deliver it

Tara Bryan:

in a book, you can deliver it in a live event, you can deliver it

Tara Bryan:

in a completely one member set evergreen digital experience,

Tara Bryan:

you can do it in a program, you can do it in coaching, you can

Tara Bryan:

do it in one on one, you can do it however you want to do it,

Tara Bryan:

right. And one of the most impactful ways to not only

Tara Bryan:

deliver your signature framework, but also be able to

Tara Bryan:

leverage your time and experience so that you can

Tara Bryan:

deliver an amazing experience and not like kill yourself in

Tara Bryan:

the process is to look at that digital delivery. So I want to

Tara Bryan:

talk about that today. Because there's two main ways that I

Tara Bryan:

would recommend starting to scale what you're doing. So so

Tara Bryan:

often, when people come to us, we're like, we want to create a

Tara Bryan:

coaching program, we want to create a digital program. And

Tara Bryan:

what they do is either go one, one of two ways. One is they

Tara Bryan:

want it to be completely automated, where they don't have

Tara Bryan:

any input or relationship with their customers, right? It's

Tara Bryan:

just on autopilot. And it's already done and dusted. And,

Tara Bryan:

and final. And then the other end of the spectrum, we have

Tara Bryan:

people who come in who want to be teaching live over and over

Tara Bryan:

and over and over and over and over again, right. And so every

Tara Bryan:

time they have a new cohort, they're teaching it live,

Tara Bryan:

they're kind of reinventing the wheel, they're spending a ton of

Tara Bryan:

time recreating things over and over. So we sort of take these

Tara Bryan:

two extremes, and, and put together a hybrid approach,

Tara Bryan:

which leverages your time and an experience in the things that,

Tara Bryan:

that make an impact. So people can actually consume what you're

Tara Bryan:

what you're providing on demand, and provide that hands on live

Tara Bryan:

experience, to help them navigate through the challenges

Tara Bryan:

that they're gonna have along the way. And so it's different

Tara Bryan:

than just like showing up in teaching and, and delivering

Tara Bryan:

your program. What it looks like is you're putting the teaching

Tara Bryan:

elements or some of the sort of background elements into, you

Tara Bryan:

know, video or interactive video, however you want to, you

Tara Bryan:

know, create it, and then leveraging your time to deliver

Tara Bryan:

on the key areas that somebody needs to keep moving forward. So

Tara Bryan:

I'm going to just highlight two different approaches to that.

Tara Bryan:

One approach actually was fascinating. So Garrett, white,

Tara Bryan:

if you're familiar with Garrett white, introduced this concept

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today, or this week at FHL, so we want to go through the model

Tara Bryan:

because it's not a new model, but it's the way that he

Tara Bryan:

explained it, I thought was really great for people who are

Tara Bryan:

sort of new in this room. So it's called a facilitated

Tara Bryan:

program. And what that means is that you're going to start with

Tara Bryan:

a video from the person who owns the unique methodology right? On

Tara Bryan:

the step that that they're on. So the video is going to help

Tara Bryan:

them with the context, the background of all the teaching

Tara Bryan:

elements, right. And that's going to be done in video. So

Tara Bryan:

that can be done on demand. That can be done in an in an

Tara Bryan:

immersive experience. However you want to kind of organize

Tara Bryan:

that. And so that's the very first step. Then the second step

Tara Bryan:

is you're giving your customer a call to action, which is go do

Tara Bryan:

this act. 70 go apply this in your work, do this homework what

Tara Bryan:

however you want to structure it, right? So there's a teaching

Tara Bryan:

element. And then there's a practical application element,

Tara Bryan:

right to go off and do this thing. Once they've gotten dot

Tara Bryan:

done that and they come back. And then they're part of a small

Tara Bryan:

group discussion. So, you know, the group is kind of in a

Tara Bryan:

breakout group, right, so a smaller group five or six people

Tara Bryan:

or something like that. And they're discussing how they

Tara Bryan:

applied the concept that was being taught the stuff that was

Tara Bryan:

being taught at that particular time. So they're discussing that

Tara Bryan:

they're sharing their experiences, or, you know, maybe

Tara Bryan:

getting some, you know, help or some coaching or whatever else

Tara Bryan:

in that part of the process. And then they come back to the big

Tara Bryan:

group, in whatever way shape or form be at a community or live

Tara Bryan:

experience, or however you kind of bring them back to review the

Tara Bryan:

key points, get those pieces, and then you move to the next

Tara Bryan:

step. And you go through the whole process again, right. So

Tara Bryan:

that's a facilitated model. And so you can, you can do it that

Tara Bryan:

way, which, which leverages the time and experience of the

Tara Bryan:

expert, because at the end of the day, until you can leverage

Tara Bryan:

your time in a way that allows you to put more and more people

Tara Bryan:

into it without lessening the experience, you're not able to

Tara Bryan:

truly scale. So if your goal is scaling, this is a great model

Tara Bryan:

that keeps you engaged, because a lot of times people like to be

Tara Bryan:

involved in the process, not just like letting it like

Tara Bryan:

setting it and forgetting it. So if you want to be involved in

Tara Bryan:

the process, this is a great way to leverage your time. Like I

Tara Bryan:

said, I have clients who come in, and they're like, We want to

Tara Bryan:

teach it every single time. And we want to, you know, be

Tara Bryan:

involved in the coaching, and we want to be involved in the

Tara Bryan:

questions and answers and we want to be involved in all these

Tara Bryan:

things. Well, what happens is the burden for that customer to

Tara Bryan:

show up so much on a specific time, becomes very difficult.

Tara Bryan:

And so it affects the participation, it affects

Tara Bryan:

somebody's ability to actually participate and show up at each

Tara Bryan:

one because they have other things going on. And so this

Tara Bryan:

leverages the experts time, and it also leverages your customers

Tara Bryan:

time, some people like to consume learning in the morning,

Tara Bryan:

when they're working out some like it. And when they're at

Tara Bryan:

their desk, some like it at in the evening as they're walking

Tara Bryan:

or moving or, you know, just at the end of the day, when you

Tara Bryan:

have when you require everyone to be there all the time. It's,

Tara Bryan:

it's not serving anyone, because it's taking up your time, and it

Tara Bryan:

may not be the best time for that person to sit down and

Tara Bryan:

really be able to focus. And so it's actually beneficial for

Tara Bryan:

everyone. Okay, so that's a facilitated model. Now, you can

Tara Bryan:

do that same type of model, and have it be almost completely

Tara Bryan:

automated. So the only time that you would have the would show up

Tara Bryan:

would be kind of in that small group, let's talk about your

Tara Bryan:

homework, let's talk about what questions you have, let's do

Tara Bryan:

some laser coaching, let's do some hot seats. And you can do

Tara Bryan:

that in a one on, I'm sorry, you can do that in a once a week

Tara Bryan:

call that you are offering to people, right. And so you don't

Tara Bryan:

have to show up every day, you don't have to show up for you

Tara Bryan:

know, eight hours or whatever it is, could be once a week. And

Tara Bryan:

it's it's you're just available for people when they want to

Tara Bryan:

start when they want to discuss, or you you've actually created

Tara Bryan:

the program that way, right where the teaching is outside.

Tara Bryan:

And then they come in it's concentrated time, where they're

Tara Bryan:

able to discuss any challenge that they have, it is a great

Tara Bryan:

model, that that takes the burden off of you to come up

Tara Bryan:

with a teaching every time and like I said the customer was

Tara Bryan:

able to learn on their own time and apply it on their own time.

Tara Bryan:

And then once they've actually, you know, like applied that

Tara Bryan:

piece, then they can move on to the next step.

Tara Bryan:

And so what it does is it allows you to help when they need it.

Tara Bryan:

Not just like, I don't know if you've ever done this, but you

Tara Bryan:

have a coaching call, and somebody scheduled a coaching

Tara Bryan:

call with you. And then you sit there and you're like, Okay, so

Tara Bryan:

what can I help you with? And they're like, why don't really

Tara Bryan:

have any questions. And they're like, Well, why did you schedule

Tara Bryan:

the call, right? Well, because that was part of how you

Tara Bryan:

explained how the process was gonna work, right? So they don't

Tara Bryan:

want to miss it. But you have to kind of drive the bus when it

Tara Bryan:

comes to that piece of it. So hopefully this serves you like

Tara Bryan:

it's two different methods. Both allow you to be engaged at the

Tara Bryan:

right time, that really leverages your expertise

Tara Bryan:

leverages your ability to help somebody and keeps them moving

Tara Bryan:

down the path without just showing up and having to

Tara Bryan:

recreate the wheel every single time. My clients who kind of

Tara Bryan:

start in that model just like me me teaching every single cohort

Tara Bryan:

get to a certain points usually about like, cohort three. And

Tara Bryan:

they're like we're exhausted, exhausted from the launching,

Tara Bryan:

exhausting, the marketing, exhausting, exhausted from the

Tara Bryan:

teaching, and going through the process. And there's so many

Tara Bryan:

ways to really leverage your time by by adding new digital

Tara Bryan:

experiences. Even if you're not ready to go 100% Digital, right,

Tara Bryan:

you can start looking at that process. So that is my

Tara Bryan:

corresponding tip for you today. So I hope that serves you have a

Tara Bryan:

great day in the shownotes is my link to jump on a call with me

Tara Bryan:

if you want to talk through this? If you have some

Tara Bryan:

questions, if you need a little bit of help kind of structuring,

Tara Bryan:

what does this look like? How do I how do I take what I have?

Tara Bryan:

And, and really start to repackage it in a way that

Tara Bryan:

leverages your time gives you the ability to scale and really

Tara Bryan:

folk focus on helping people get results. Give me a shout to get

Tara Bryan:

you covered. All right. Buh bye.



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