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2022-12-20. Soccer as a Platform
Episode 820th December 2022 • Reqless: Software in the Age of AI • Aboard
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The last episode of 2022! Paul and Rich talk about the World Cup, in a general way, but then they start to talk about how soccer functions as a platform in the world—how to see it as a kind of technology.


Rich Ziade:

It, dude?

Rich Ziade:

Did you see it?

Paul Ford:

I did.

Paul Ford:

It was wonderful.

Rich Ziade:

was madness.

Rich Ziade:

My wife was screaming, my son was crying.

Rich Ziade:

He's a France fan.

Rich Ziade:

My daughter didn't care one bit.

Rich Ziade:

Um, it was wild.

Rich Ziade:

It was, it was movie-like

Rich Ziade:

. Paul Ford: Yesterday morning.

Rich Ziade:

Argentina led by Leno Messi.

Rich Ziade:

Beat France at the very, very end of the game.

Rich Ziade:


Rich Ziade:

it was, but it was a rollercoaster of a

Rich Ziade:


Paul Ford:

Oh, it just, you thought, you thought Argentina was Absolutely.

Paul Ford:

Had it in the bag.

Paul Ford:

France looked terrible and then suddenly outta nowhere.

Paul Ford:

They flipped it in five minutes and then just got rocket fuel

Rich Ziade:

Rocket fuel.

Rich Ziade:

The momentum shifted.

Rich Ziade:

It was just a wild, wild game.

Rich Ziade:

And probably one of the greatest, and I've watched a lot.

Rich Ziade:

You don't want, you're more of a reader.

Rich Ziade:

Paul, I've watched a lot of sports.

Rich Ziade:

That was, might be one of the most exciting, um, like sporting

Rich Ziade:

events I've ever watched.

Paul Ford:

I, I've

Rich Ziade:

can say that pretty

Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:

Well, also for it to be the last, I mean to, for it to

Paul Ford:

be the World Cup Championship

Rich Ziade:

it was

Paul Ford:

be a game at that level was ridiculous.

Paul Ford:


Rich Ziade:


Rich Ziade:


Paul Ford:

Did you grow up a sports fan?

Rich Ziade:

Yeah, dude, I used to, I used to get the post and

Rich Ziade:

not read the news in the post.

Rich Ziade:

I would flip it to the back.

Rich Ziade:

The font was like, make it 200

Paul Ford:

How old?

Paul Ford:

How old are you?

Rich Ziade:

13, 14, 15.

Paul Ford:

was, the news part was not for you.

Rich Ziade:

It just felt far away and meaningless to me,

Paul Ford:

But the sports.

Rich Ziade:

yeah, I didn't care.

Rich Ziade:

I just went right to the sports

Paul Ford:

Your parents didn't care.

Paul Ford:

I know your mom, mom doesn't care about sports, so I, I didn't know

Paul Ford:

your dad, but like I doubt he did.

Paul Ford:

So you are just kind of walking around Bay Ridge going like, I think

Paul Ford:

I'm gonna get into the Yankees.

Paul Ford:

Like, what happened?

Rich Ziade:

Yeah, I, well, your friends.

Rich Ziade:

My friends in school were like, I'm a Yankee fan.

Rich Ziade:

I'm like, okay, I don't know what that is.

Rich Ziade:

I'll join that club.

Rich Ziade:

Or maybe I won't.

Rich Ziade:

There was met fans, you know, and it was competitive.

Rich Ziade:

So you, you end up, you know, it's, I think it's human nature.

Rich Ziade:

You join, you join cliques, you join clubs, and I became a Yankee.

Rich Ziade:

When they had the longest stretch of not winning anything for like 18 years.

Rich Ziade:

So it's not like I was a bandwagon fan.

Rich Ziade:

I stuck with 'em and they sucked for like many, many years

Rich Ziade:

and, and, uh, it's sports man.

Rich Ziade:

I like it was, it was an outlet.

Rich Ziade:

It was, it was something to talk about.

Rich Ziade:

I wasn't athletic.

Rich Ziade:

My, I didn't have par, let me just get this outta the way.

Rich Ziade:

My immigrant parents not taking me to Little League.

Rich Ziade:

They didn't take me to the park.

Rich Ziade:

My dad used to take me to Belmont Park, which is a

Rich Ziade:

racetrack, but that was about it.

Rich Ziade:

So I wasn't athletically minded.

Rich Ziade:

I played stickball in this.

Rich Ziade:

I grew up in Brooklyn.

Rich Ziade:

I played stickball in the street and basketball, pick up basketball,

Rich Ziade:

but there was no like league and like, oh, there's gonna be a rally

Rich Ziade:

Like there's no rally.

Rich Ziade:

Like I was not living the American dream in that sense.

Rich Ziade:

The small town American dream.

Rich Ziade:

, but sports was a way for me to connect with new friends and,

Rich Ziade:

um, it was a bit of an outlet.

Rich Ziade:

You just joined a club.

Rich Ziade:

New York City sports is a special thing

Paul Ford:

except for football, but it is an absolutely wild

Rich Ziade:

whoa, I don't wanna talk about football and New York City.

Rich Ziade:

I'm a Jets fan.

Rich Ziade:

I'm a closet Jets

Paul Ford:


Rich Ziade:

Um, but yeah, football's weird in New York.

Rich Ziade:

But yeah, New York City is, I mean, the Rangers, the Knicks, and whatnot.

Paul Ford:

we just have, we have everything.

Rich Ziade:

Well, this was, but then you're going back to this game.

Rich Ziade:

It was just on another level and, and you could feel the earth kind of

Rich Ziade:

rumbling because there's something so basic and universal about soccer.

Rich Ziade:

You can learn it when you're like

Paul Ford:


Rich Ziade:

three weeks old.

Rich Ziade:

It's the most basic rules

Paul Ford:

No, no.

Paul Ford:

You see that, you see there are YouTube videos and three year olds are

Paul Ford:

playing and they're pretty good, right?

Paul Ford:

The rules, I mean, so I'm not a sports person.

Paul Ford:

I'm just not, never have been.

Paul Ford:

Um, and I, although, you know, I like the Phils, I grew up,

Paul Ford:

I grew up near Philadelphia.

Paul Ford:

I like the Eagles, so I have, I have a little bit of connection.

Paul Ford:

I remember coming here and I would meet people who came from UNC or had

Paul Ford:

been to University of North Carolina or, or had graduated from Michigan,

Paul Ford:

and it was their lives like religion.

Paul Ford:

They lived inside.

Paul Ford:

The game.

Paul Ford:

They lived inside of those teams and they, they thought about

Paul Ford:

it and they talked about it.

Paul Ford:

And my friend who, um, went to unc, I asked him, because he

Paul Ford:

grew up in North Carolina, I'm like, what was it like as a kid?

Paul Ford:

He's like, oh, they would stop school, roll in a television

Paul Ford:

and we would watch championship

Rich Ziade:

That's wild.

Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:

Like, just like, Hey guys, science is canceled for today.

Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:

Because of basketball.

Rich Ziade:

and, and, and I'm guessing there are parts of Brazil

Rich Ziade:

when that game was happening.

Rich Ziade:

I mean, the whole city stopped.

Rich Ziade:

Everything stopped the whole country, I should say.

Rich Ziade:

Stopped to watch those games.

Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:

That's, what else are they gonna do?

Paul Ford:

FIFA is the, so

Rich Ziade:


Paul Ford:

Fed, ASEN International, the football association.

Paul Ford:

It's the, the, the big one.

Paul Ford:

It's the one that runs soccer.

Rich Ziade:

It's like headquarters for the league, right?

Rich Ziade:

For the global League global

Paul Ford:


Rich Ziade:

There are leagues in many countries.

Rich Ziade:

By the way, there's the Premier League in the uk.

Rich Ziade:

There's Bundes Liga in Germany, but this is the league that sort

Rich Ziade:

of oversees the national teams.

Rich Ziade:

and I watched the documentary Paul recently.

Paul Ford:

There is, there is a documentary on

Rich Ziade:

a few, there's a few by the way,

Paul Ford:

the way.

Paul Ford:

Oh yeah.

Rich Ziade:

I'm watching it and then I've found myself saying,

Rich Ziade:

okay, this is impossible cuz this, this is an organization that is

Rich Ziade:

practically like a government, has immense power, immense influence.

Rich Ziade:

In fact, in many ways, transcends.

Rich Ziade:


Rich Ziade:

and, and like nation national interests because it's freaking soccer.

Rich Ziade:

Everybody gets it.

Rich Ziade:

Everybody wants it.

Rich Ziade:

Everybody needs it and it's kind of a rotten place.

Rich Ziade:

You also, you got this guy Blatter who if he had gone to the cocktail party

Rich Ziade:

instead of to the movies when he was 18.

Rich Ziade:

He would've been a dictator that killed millions of people.

Paul Ford:

But, but instead, instead he just was friends with all those

Paul Ford:

guys and helped them get soccer in

Rich Ziade:

He was friends with all of them.

Rich Ziade:

And so I'm watching this thing and I'm thinking to myself, okay, this

Rich Ziade:

is way bigger than this rinky-dink org can even handle, and the world.

Rich Ziade:

I did client services, I would pay for lunches to kind

Rich Ziade:

of get on the better side of

Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:

Okay, so first of all, first of all, let, let's, let's frame this here, which

Paul Ford:

is that a lot of people got arrested.

Paul Ford:

There are a lot of money flying around internationally, uh, via fifa.

Paul Ford:

And the issue was,

Rich Ziade:


Paul Ford:

Um, other countries, countries, uh, compete to see who will get the

Paul Ford:

World Cup every four years and Qar.

Paul Ford:

Got it.

Paul Ford:

And Qar is this like tiny little Arab country,

Rich Ziade:

very wealthy.

Paul Ford:

that has an unbelievable amount of money.

Paul Ford:

And according to different reports, cutler's like, oh,

Paul Ford:

we spent 8 billion on this.

Paul Ford:

Other reports say they spent 280 billion.

Rich Ziade:

No one knows what's real.

Paul Ford:

No one knows what's real.

Paul Ford:

But what people do know is that money just sloshed out of koor

Paul Ford:

and, and also like Adidas or spent all kinds of various, like, yeah.

Rich Ziade:

Which this was one event, which was a big one because

Rich Ziade:

it was like, where is the 22 world?

Paul Ford:

Well, what I know about FIFA is that there's this

Paul Ford:

sense of mounting corruption over the last like 30, 40 years.

Paul Ford:

Just people going, oh God, it's so corrupt.

Paul Ford:

And then it just finally kind of burst.

Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:

With this World

Rich Ziade:

it's also, it's worth noting if you follow fifa, they over

Rich Ziade:

also oversee the regional cups as well.

Rich Ziade:

The Africa Cup, the, there's one in North America and South America.

Rich Ziade:

I forget.

Rich Ziade:

Concacaf, I think it's called.

Rich Ziade:

And you have this voting system you have a bunch of votes that

Rich Ziade:

are given out to the Caribbean.

Rich Ziade:

Countries and territories and so, and it's one vote per nation.

Rich Ziade:

So you've got England with a vote and then like Turks and Caicos with a vote.

Paul Ford:

It's like the US Senate where, where Montana gets two votes and so does

Paul Ford:


Rich Ziade:

it was rife for corruption.

Rich Ziade:


Rich Ziade:

And there's a lot of like, a lot of like backroom dealing

Rich Ziade:

going on as to who gets what.

Rich Ziade:


Paul Ford:

different assumptions in different countries about how money flows.

Rich Ziade:


Rich Ziade:

But let me ask you something.

Rich Ziade:

Isn't this, it's, it's a, it's an extra national body.

Rich Ziade:

It doesn't follow the laws of any one country.

Rich Ziade:


Rich Ziade:

I don't know why they didn't, weren't more explicit and said, look,

Rich Ziade:

highest bidder gets the World Cup.

Rich Ziade:

Off we go and just money starts pouring in and, and what's the issue?

Paul Ford:

It would be simpler.

Paul Ford:

I agree with you on that.

Paul Ford:

Just, okay guys, it's all about money.

Paul Ford:


Rich Ziade:


Paul Ford:

Next year, Saudi Arabia, right next year.

Rich Ziade:

Saudi Arabia wants it, by the way.

Paul Ford:

Oh, and then the usa and you know, every, everybody who's got money

Paul Ford:

can have the World Cup makes sense, better airports, et cetera, et cetera.

Paul Ford:

So there's a kind of like super capitalist logic to it.

Rich Ziade:

What is the big deal?

Paul Ford:

Well, first of all, soccer is rules don't, people

Paul Ford:

are running around on the field.

Paul Ford:

The only reason that it's interesting to watch them run around on the field

Paul Ford:

is that there's rules and constraint.

Rich Ziade:

So you can have a respectable victory.

Rich Ziade:

It's important.

Rich Ziade:

That's trusted.

Paul Ford:

Otherwise, they're just running around with

Rich Ziade:

I'm not doubting the re on the field.

Rich Ziade:

You need rules.

Rich Ziade:

Otherwise it's just a bunch of people

Paul Ford:

but C Cause I mean, and think about hockey, right?

Paul Ford:

I'm gonna get thuggish men give them sticks and, and put them on ice.

Paul Ford:

Without the rules.

Paul Ford:

Everyone would literally,

Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:

Soccer's a slightly more gentle game, but it's meaningless without that structure.

Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:

So what is the purpose of fifa?

Paul Ford:

Well, it's, it's a not-for-profit.

Paul Ford:

First of all.

Paul Ford:

It's not a for-profit organization and its goal is to further sport.

Paul Ford:

What does that mean?

Paul Ford:

It means to that sport has unifying.

Paul Ford:

Elements to it that bring people together.

Paul Ford:

Sport is a thing that has great value in the world and this organization exists

Paul Ford:

to preserve and put sport forward.

Paul Ford:

Okay, so

Rich Ziade:

they, okay, so this is worth saying again.

Rich Ziade:

It's a nonprofit, correct.

Rich Ziade:

It has a charter of what it's going to do and how it's going to govern itself.

Rich Ziade:


Rich Ziade:

, and in the charter, it does not say, you can give me envelopes

Rich Ziade:

of cash in a Caribbean hotel.

Paul Ford:

So you could say, wow, follow the rules on the field, but you

Paul Ford:

know, of course it's gonna get corrupt.

Paul Ford:

There's money moving around, it's global.

Paul Ford:

What are you gonna do?

Paul Ford:

But if you don't keep that standard up, corruption, and

Paul Ford:

this is one thing you know from.

Paul Ford:

Spending time in dealing with Lebanon,

Rich Ziade:


Paul Ford:

a little drop of corruption in the water just spreads.

Paul Ford:

It's like putting, it's like putting

Rich Ziade:

it's contaminated

Paul Ford:

here's why.

Paul Ford:

It's because once it's in there, then the ref can be bribed and he can look

Paul Ford:

you in the eye and he can go, why?

Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:

What's the big deal?

Paul Ford:

You took all the money.

Rich Ziade:


Rich Ziade:

Right, right, right.

Paul Ford:

And or the players can take steroids and

Rich Ziade:

it's literally Lebanon.

Rich Ziade:

It's kind of understood as status quo that that's how things

Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:

Bribery based

Paul Ford:


Rich Ziade:

So you have to have some ground rules that are open

Rich Ziade:

and, and signal to the world that we are going to play fairly,

Paul Ford:

or you'll lose the whole thing because people will turn their

Paul Ford:

back on it if it gets bad enough.

Rich Ziade:

So it's widely speculated.

Rich Ziade:

Frankly, it's not even much, I mean, there's like pretty good

Rich Ziade:

anecdotal evidence that Kata just literally pointed the money hose at

Rich Ziade:

FIFA and just unloaded bribe.

Rich Ziade:

Like they essentially bribed them to get the World Cup because

Paul Ford:

are, there are villas, , they just, they just paid not even

Paul Ford:

in, in dollars or pounds or euros.

Paul Ford:

They paid in villas, like, just exactly.

Paul Ford:

Just obscene amounts of money.

Paul Ford:

And to cut her, they're like, look, we gotta up the brand here.

Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:

We're, we're this little country.

Paul Ford:

Al Jazeera isn't.

Paul Ford:

Killing it the way we were hoping, so we should do something else.

Paul Ford:

What about the world's most popular sporting event and the beginning of

Paul Ford:

it, everybody was like, this is a country with some problems bad, the

Paul Ford:

way it treats immigrant labor, lgbtq um

Rich Ziade:

lot of, lot of issues came

Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:

But by the end of the World Cup, everybody's like, I

Paul Ford:

hope Messi gets his day.

Rich Ziade:

Ultimately everyone went back to the game.

Rich Ziade:


Rich Ziade:

And it was, it was, I mean, they lucked out because it was

Rich Ziade:

a spectacular world cup, like so many exciting dramatic moments.

Rich Ziade:

So at the end of the day, everyone wanted to watch good football

Rich Ziade:

? Paul Ford: Qatar knew this.

Rich Ziade:

They're like, we're gonna, there's no way for us to get this without

Rich Ziade:

just shooting money everywhere.

Rich Ziade:

We're gonna get it.

Rich Ziade:

We'll build the stadiums.

Rich Ziade:

We know how to do that.

Rich Ziade:

And then everyone will have their stuff . To , say, and we'll, you know, have the

Rich Ziade:

weirdest opening ceremony that anyone has ever seen in the history of the World Cup.

Rich Ziade:

Don't even talk about it.

Rich Ziade:

If people want to see it, just go find YouTube.

Rich Ziade:


Rich Ziade:

But uh, yeah, no, it, they rep the brand and they did good.

Rich Ziade:

And now everybody's going like, ah, you know, they did

Rich Ziade:

a good job with the World Cup.

Rich Ziade:

Now they want the Olympics.

Rich Ziade:

Oh, do they?

Rich Ziade:

Oh yeah.

Rich Ziade:

Well they got all those stadiums now.

Rich Ziade:

Yeah, sure.

Rich Ziade:

Knock yourselves out.

Paul Ford:

and you know, one of the stadiums is getting

Paul Ford:

disassembled because it's made out of containers and going to Ecuador.

Rich Ziade:

A lot of the stadiums don't, they don't have the

Rich Ziade:

need for that kind of capacity.

Rich Ziade:

I watched the whole thing

Paul Ford:

You can fit the whole country in the big one.

Rich Ziade:


Rich Ziade:

And so what they're doing is they're taking like the top layer of the cake and

Rich Ziade:

like sending them to like poorer countries so they can, which I don't know what

Rich Ziade:

poor country's can do with like sections of a stadium, but that's not the point.

Paul Ford:

We'll, we'll, we'll figure that

Rich Ziade:

We'll figure that out.

Rich Ziade:

So let me ask you this.

Rich Ziade:

Why, like, why don't we delete FIFA and get going again??

Rich Ziade:

Not to say the Olympic committee is better, but I mean it's, I think it's

Rich Ziade:

much more connected to governments.

Rich Ziade:

So there's oversight, there's stricter oversight.

Rich Ziade:

People like boot you out, like they'll boot you outta there.

Rich Ziade:

Like they booted Russia out cuz they were, they found them.

Rich Ziade:

You know, why can't we just reset the thing?

Rich Ziade:


Paul Ford:

is the nature of power of giant platforms.

Paul Ford:

You've got clusters of people, and if you say, I wanna reset it,

Paul Ford:

there are people who will say, I don't want you to reset it.

Rich Ziade:

They've claimed the

Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:

You can't.

Paul Ford:

You cannot.

Paul Ford:

Just reboot things in the world as it is.

Paul Ford:

You can say you should.

Paul Ford:

I obviously look, FIFA should be rebooted.

Paul Ford:

They should start again, and they should hire someone who has tremendous

Paul Ford:

moral standing, who is independently wealthy to start from scratch.

Paul Ford:

It's a disaster.

Rich Ziade:

It's, but.

Paul Ford:

disaster, but what are you gonna do otherwise?

Paul Ford:

So, so you gotta do that, and then you gotta do it in the next four years.

Paul Ford:

And you have to do it in such a way that it doesn't lead to

Paul Ford:

like a worldwide revolution as you take away people's soccer.

Rich Ziade:


Rich Ziade:


Paul Ford:

So what the hell are you gonna do?

Paul Ford:

You're gonna say you're gonna, you're gonna

Rich Ziade:

the world has claimed it.

Paul Ford:

So what you're gonna do is you're gonna go, well, we have instituted

Paul Ford:

the reforms that are necessary, and then we'll find out if that's a liar.

Paul Ford:


Rich Ziade:


Rich Ziade:

I mean the world is committed to it.

Rich Ziade:

It is.

Rich Ziade:

I mean, you just used the word platform.

Paul Ford:

this is a thing and I I, I, you know, when it's

Paul Ford:

the Yai Ford advisors, right?

Paul Ford:

Why are we talking about sports?

Paul Ford:

So I'm glad to get you there.

Paul Ford:

There is a,

Rich Ziade:

I like sports.

Paul Ford:

I know.

Paul Ford:

Me too, a little bit.

Paul Ford:

A little more than I used to.

Paul Ford:

I really enjoyed this World Cup, which I didn't expect.

Paul Ford:

So partially cuz I'm over here working with you and you're like, Hey, guess what,

Rich Ziade:

Brazil, Ecuador or

Paul Ford:

definitely watched more soccer than we used to

Paul Ford:

when we were running an agency.

Paul Ford:

So there is a game designer named Frank Lance.

Paul Ford:

Who, uh, is sort of a theorist of games but has also created his own games.

Paul Ford:

And somebody interviewed him once and this really stuck with me and they

Paul Ford:

asked him kind of, you know, what, what kind of games do you really admire and

Paul Ford:

what do you, and they were thinking video games cuz he's a video game guy.

Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:

And he went basketball.

Paul Ford:

Cuz people live their whole lives in it, man.

Paul Ford:

Like people exist inside of basketball.

Paul Ford:

They wake up in the morning and they think about basketball.

Paul Ford:

They have careers in basketball.

Paul Ford:

There's a guy who sells beer at the stadium because of basketball.

Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:

So basketball is a set of rules and it's a system and it brings people together.

Rich Ziade:

It's a culture.

Paul Ford:

It's a culture.

Paul Ford:

It's a p it's a key part of culture and it's a culture unto itself.

Paul Ford:

It's a

Rich Ziade:

part of fashion.

Rich Ziade:

It's a part of music.

Rich Ziade:

It's a part of a lot of things, right?

Rich Ziade:

It's, it's not.

Rich Ziade:


Rich Ziade:

Game tomorrow night, 7:00 PM It's much more than that.

Paul Ford:

That's right.

Paul Ford:

And so the, you know, the critical thing about basketball is it brings

Paul Ford:

people together in a way that they find meaningful with rules and

Paul Ford:

success and failure and aspiration.

Paul Ford:

You may never be a good basketball player, but you can admire and respect

Paul Ford:

people who play basketball and think about what makes them better than others.

Paul Ford:

And that is, frankly, for a lot of people.

Paul Ford:

A big part of their life.

Paul Ford:

Like it's an important, it's a reason to get up in the morning, is to

Paul Ford:

see what your, what the, what the tar heels are gonna do this time.

Rich Ziade:

There's this great, um, short documentary that Earl

Rich Ziade:

Morris famous documentary filmmaker made about this funeral home

Rich Ziade:

that like, like fits beautiful.

Rich Ziade:

Coffins with like if you're a Green Bay Packers fan, like it's just

Rich Ziade:

decked out and it's just like, it could be one giant football.

Rich Ziade:

It's kind of insane.

Paul Ford:

want to be buried in the delivery of their teams.

Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:

That, I mean, that's a no, but that, what does that tell you about humans?

Paul Ford:

And you, we can laugh about it, but what it tells you is that, This is an

Paul Ford:

organizing principle for humans and I, I feel that when we talk about social

Paul Ford:

media and when we talk about platforms and we talk about technologies, things

Paul Ford:

like Google or Microsoft, but especially your Facebook and right now Twitter,

Rich Ziade:

well, these are social places where you have identity and

Rich Ziade:

you're connecting with others, right?

Rich Ziade:

Like Yeah.

Rich Ziade:

And we

Paul Ford:

we lose track of the thing that matters most, which is that there are.

Rich Ziade:


Rich Ziade:

There are rules, but they can't be, you can't turn the screws too much though.

Rich Ziade:

No, you can't.

Rich Ziade:

You gotta let them have their culture and their space.

Paul Ford:

can moderate and you can boot and you can send.

Paul Ford:

But like, yeah, on Twitter, one of the big rules was that it had to be short, had to

Paul Ford:

write 140 and then later 280 characters.

Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:

You know, Facebook, so all, and I think like there's this tremendous anxiety.

Paul Ford:

I almost think we would do ourselves better.

Paul Ford:

rather than freaking out about social media all the time as a culture.

Paul Ford:

And it is tricky the way it interacts with politics.

Paul Ford:

But then again, sport interacts with politics too.

Paul Ford:

Like Bolsonaro supporters are on the Brazilian

Rich Ziade:


Rich Ziade:


Paul Ford:

on and on.

Paul Ford:

So putting that aside for one second, like think about Twitter in the same

Paul Ford:

way you might think about basketball.

Rich Ziade:


Paul Ford:

It's a platform.

Paul Ford:

It's a system and it's a set of rules.

Paul Ford:

And I think one of the reasons that everybody is really

Paul Ford:

freaking out about Elon Musk is he changes the rules every day.

Paul Ford:

So Twitter is a sport.

Rich Ziade:


Paul Ford:

Basketball is a platform.

Rich Ziade:

I mean, it is.

Paul Ford:

The Middle East has a remarkable number of challenges.

Rich Ziade:

I'm Lebanese, as you know Paul,

Paul Ford:

it hardly ever comes

Rich Ziade:

There's this really, really amazing short documentary

Rich Ziade:

called Lebanon Wins the World Cup.

Paul Ford:

To be clear, I don't think Lebanon has ever even, has

Paul Ford:

it ever fielded a team in the

Rich Ziade:

it's 1982, Brazil, Italy, world Cup and Lebanon is in the throes

Rich Ziade:

of just an absolutely brutal civil war.

Rich Ziade:

That's kind of, it's not even a civil war, it's just factions in gangs.

Rich Ziade:

Like, it's just utter chaos and, and, and just madness.

Rich Ziade:

And the game between Brazil and.

Rich Ziade:


Rich Ziade:

Uh, kicks in.

Rich Ziade:

This is the documentary's about, and the whole country.

Rich Ziade:

The Beirut, the city, the capital of Lebanon just fell absolutely silent.

Rich Ziade:

And this includes Israel was occupying Lebanon at the time too.

Rich Ziade:

So everybody put their weapons down.

Paul Ford:


Rich Ziade:

by the way, there, it's not like there was satellite tv,

Rich Ziade:

it was radios and maybe some TV watching and observing this game.

Rich Ziade:

And for that brief moment,

Paul Ford:


Rich Ziade:

Everyone sort of shed the team uniform of whatever faction

Rich Ziade:

or group they were affiliated with, watched this game and then the

Rich Ziade:

like minutes after the game ends.

Rich Ziade:

The rumbling kicks in again.

Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:

The bomb star, the

Rich Ziade:

bomb, start again.

Rich Ziade:


Rich Ziade:

And, and so sport is, you know, I've heard the theories, like, if we didn't have

Rich Ziade:

sports, man, we'd all kill each other.

Rich Ziade:

I, I kind of think that's right.

Rich Ziade:

I think that's real.

Rich Ziade:

I think we need that outlet.

Rich Ziade:


Rich Ziade:

need to belong to something and and soccer is kind of the ultimate platform, right?

Rich Ziade:

Like it is.

Rich Ziade:

It is one of those things that you can walk in anywhere and talk about it and be

Rich Ziade:

like, yes, yes, I know, I know, I know.

Paul Ford:

Look, the proof in that is that sport more than most

Paul Ford:

other, many other kinds of public events spills into violence.

Rich Ziade:

Soccer is known for having bad outbreaks of violence.

Rich Ziade:


Paul Ford:

I mean, when people go see a movie, typically

Paul Ford:

they don't, there's no riot.

Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:

It's a lot of people together watching a movie, but they don't

Paul Ford:

punch each other in the face.

Paul Ford:

But if you get a lot of people together at a soccer game,

Paul Ford:

who, boy, it can get real bad.

Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:

So I think there are these emotions are, are, are there, and they're

Paul Ford:

always close to the surface.

Paul Ford:

One of the most, um, nerve wracking experiences I've ever had was going to a

Paul Ford:

Ranger's playoff game with you and your.

Rich Ziade:

it was

Paul Ford:

it just, you could feel a seething in the air

Paul Ford:

and it didn't feel good.

Paul Ford:

It felt grim.

Paul Ford:

Just grinding.

Rich Ziade:

it is, there's, it's gladiatorial is the way I would put it.

Rich Ziade:

It was just intense and a lot at stake, and it was just a lot of intense, like,

Rich Ziade:

it was almost like a violent energy

Paul Ford:

There is a great book.

Paul Ford:

It's by Bill Buford, it's called Among the Thugs, and it's a narrative.

Paul Ford:

He, he embeds himself with soccer hooligans in the eighties.

Rich Ziade:

Oh my God.

Paul Ford:

And they're not good people.

Paul Ford:

No, no.

Paul Ford:

It's a rough scene.

Paul Ford:

But he describes this moment where the mob is about to turn violent and

Paul Ford:

just kind of the absolute electricity as a human just feeling This.

Paul Ford:

Turn and that he was in it and everybody's got their sticks and they're gonna

Paul Ford:

lose their minds and so, so so, okay.

Paul Ford:

Well, um, ways to think about sports.

Paul Ford:

Go watch.

Paul Ford:

Where can I see Lebanon wins the World Cup?

Rich Ziade:

I don't think you, I, you could search for it on the internet.

Rich Ziade:

I don't know if it's like available to stream.

Rich Ziade:

It might be.

Rich Ziade:

I think Vimeo had it on there for a bit, but they might've taken it down,

Paul Ford:

You know, there are other ways to get digital assets you can

Paul Ford:

find online, but we can't really talk.

Paul Ford:

Yeah, we won't talk about

Rich Ziade:


Rich Ziade:

Um, we are building a.

Rich Ziade:

Paul, we are, it's called a board, and we have another podcast called The Aboard

Rich Ziade:

Podcast, which we're, we're taking you on the journey of a startup and us figuring

Rich Ziade:

stuff out as we go out into the world.

Rich Ziade:

Uh, you'll find it on all, in all the usual places, but we're

Rich Ziade:

really happy you're listening to Ziti and Ford Advisors.

Rich Ziade:

And hit us up.

Rich Ziade:

How do they hit us up, Paul?

Paul Ford:

Hello, it's yadi is good.

Paul Ford:

We still have at Gidi Ford on Twitter for as long as it remains, and they

Paul Ford:

don't block us, no mastodon yet.

Paul Ford:

But you know, just get in touch.

Paul Ford:

We're ready to give advice.

Paul Ford:

So, you know, shoot us an email.

Rich Ziade:

Have a wonderful day.

Rich Ziade:

Congratulations to Argentina.

Paul Ford:

Tina, congratulations.

Paul Ford:

Nice to see Massie.

Paul Ford:

Get his big win.

Rich Ziade:

One more call out.

Rich Ziade:

Congratulations to Morocco.

Rich Ziade:

Amazing run.

Rich Ziade:

First African team to make it to the semi-finals.

Paul Ford:

All right, let's get outta here.

Rich Ziade:

Have a great day.




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