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036: Mind-Body Connection with Dr. Lee - Part 2
Episode 366th April 2023 • Igniting Consciousness • Drs. Lee & Natalie Horine
00:00:00 01:06:07

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What another powerful conversation Dr. Lee and I had discussing the mind-body connections that may have developed as children. As seemingly insignificant to as traumatic as it may have been, you can heal and ascend from that experience. Many of those old childhood experiences have resulted into the physical illness and dis-eases that you have today without you knowing.

We discuss how this happens and how important it is to feel that emotion by releasing it in a healthy and beneficial way. We discuss group therapy and other therapies that have you re-live the experience, time and time again without actually working to rewire or re-pattern that emotional experience for the a different result.

You get to choose how you want live and be, mentally, chemically, physically and emotionally. You can change that now by utilizing re-coding and re-wiring techniques that allow you to yes, feel the emotion and let-it-go.

At 42 minutes in, we go deep into a re-wiring session with Dr. Natalie that you can repeat with any old experience that no longer serves you and begin to create from that space; free from that emotion. Liberate that younger version of you and become the older, wiser and conscious version of you living a life that you love.




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