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Bonus: Skitterwidgets, from Amy Vorpahl's Candlekeep Mystery
Episode 7Bonus Episode15th October 2021 • Making a Monster • Lucas Zellers
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Amy Vorpahl couldn't resist adding a cute little Pokémon to her Candlekeep Mystery. Here's more about the skitterwidgets, what Pat Rothfuss could gain from a little more magic, and how to stay motivated while writing.

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Meet my guest, Amy Vorpahl:

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Hi there.


This is a quick bonus episode ahead of Mondays release on Fizban's


Treasury of Dragons with one of the cool kids, Amy Vorpahl.


She was extremely generous with her time and offered to do a "Making a


Monster lightning round" on the monster she created for Candlekeep Mysteries.

Amy Vorpahl:

You're walking through the Candlekeep Libraries you descend,

Amy Vorpahl:

down a circular staircase and you hear the, tippety- tap of metal on stone

Amy Vorpahl:

and you look down and you do see a metallic, almost like a dog, but with

Amy Vorpahl:

way too many legs for a dog, almost like a spider, it's kind of scorpion-like,

Amy Vorpahl:

almost crab-like, but kind of cute.

Amy Vorpahl:

The heads almost look like cute pit bull dog headed things.

Amy Vorpahl:

And when you see two of them together, they don't look dissimilar, but

Amy Vorpahl:

they're not of the same ilk either.

Amy Vorpahl:

So you're kind of immediately charmed except that their tails on the

Amy Vorpahl:

back, they stick straight up and a little spark of electricity sustains

Amy Vorpahl:

at the end of their tail, almost threateningly like a scorpion's stinger.

Amy Vorpahl:

They don't seem to notice you immediately, these two, uh, almost dog

Amy Vorpahl:

sized creatures, and they do seem to be tending to their own business, but

Amy Vorpahl:

also something very specific within a carved out part of the wall on

Amy Vorpahl:

the opposite side of where you are.

Amy Vorpahl:

They made their nest in a naturally formed cavern in the wall.

Amy Vorpahl:

And they've got a couple of about a third of the size of them.

Amy Vorpahl:

A couple of little, little babies!

Amy Vorpahl:

They're also made of metal.

Amy Vorpahl:

So how did these things reproduce?

Amy Vorpahl:

I don't know, but maybe it's magic!

Amy Vorpahl:

Um, and then these are even more adorable.

Amy Vorpahl:

If cockroach dogs could be adorable, they sure are.

Amy Vorpahl:

, but they look like really good parents actually.


That's beautiful.


I'm there.


And I'm also thinking like electric in a library?


We're going to burn the place down!

Amy Vorpahl:

Yes, except, good call.

Amy Vorpahl:

I ran my Candlekeep mystery, called Kandlekeep Dekonstruktion

Amy Vorpahl:

spelled with all Ks, uh, for, for two different groups of people.

Amy Vorpahl:

And one of them did want to, they were like, after this,

Amy Vorpahl:

we're just going to burn it down.

Amy Vorpahl:

And there is a clause.

Amy Vorpahl:

It was Chris Lindsay and Hannah Rose who described the entire

Amy Vorpahl:

Candlekeep and there is a clause in there that any fire larger than a

Amy Vorpahl:

candle flicker is magically put out.

Amy Vorpahl:

Because of course it is because it's a magical dang library.

Amy Vorpahl:

They're not going to take any risks.

Amy Vorpahl:

So yes, while electricity can cause a lot of damage, it actually will

Amy Vorpahl:

not start at least not a real fire.

Amy Vorpahl:

You can still cast your magical, you know, fireballs and stuff

Amy Vorpahl:

like that, but a real, real fire that could actually damage books.

Amy Vorpahl:

uh uh, that's not gonna happen.

Amy Vorpahl:

So no


Uh, Pat Rothfuss can suck it.

Amy Vorpahl:

that's right.


Let me see if we can do the lightning round on the skitterwidgets.


One of the things that I love it when people tell me are


like, it's just a monster.


It's just like, so you can smash it and be the hero.


And sometimes people just tell me, like, it's just cute.


Like we just want to give you something that


you can adore.


Is that the role that the skitterwidgets fill or are they for something?

Amy Vorpahl:

No, I, I guess it was the first thing that came to mind.

Amy Vorpahl:

I guess you'd have to read the adventure, but there's a lot of kind of hints

Amy Vorpahl:

at mechanical sci-fi in my adventure.

Amy Vorpahl:

And so I wanted the first monster that came to mind was Modrons, which arguably

Amy Vorpahl:

is my favorite monster because they are just the, they could just be totally,

Amy Vorpahl:

totally innocuous and silly and dumb.

Amy Vorpahl:

But also maybe they can help and maybe they're, they're like hobbits,

Amy Vorpahl:

they're like stronger than you think.

Amy Vorpahl:

So I love Modrons.

Amy Vorpahl:

So I wanted something like that.

Amy Vorpahl:

Something small that could perform tasks, but also could

Amy Vorpahl:

fight if you needed them to.

Amy Vorpahl:

And then I did really want them to be cute because I think that was influenced

Amy Vorpahl:

by just playing a lot of Pokemon Go.

Amy Vorpahl:

And I really liked, I really liked the idea of monsters being adorable,

Amy Vorpahl:

and then they fight for you.

Amy Vorpahl:

So they are cute.

Amy Vorpahl:

I also, I don't know why I wanted them to be parents, but I did.

Amy Vorpahl:

And one of their feats is Good Parent.

Amy Vorpahl:

They can, uh, they can impose disadvantage on one attack, roll

Amy Vorpahl:

made against a kittywidget, which by the way, the children of these

Amy Vorpahl:

parents are called kittywidgets.

Amy Vorpahl:

that cute?

Amy Vorpahl:

They didn't change those names.

Amy Vorpahl:

I don't know why they didn't.

Amy Vorpahl:

Um, it's canon now.

Amy Vorpahl:

I think I really wanted it to have children just so I could have the

Amy Vorpahl:

name skitterwidget and kittywidget.

Amy Vorpahl:

I think it was really a lexicon based decision.

Amy Vorpahl:

Um, and I, initially when I was writing this adventure, I gave the

Amy Vorpahl:

kittywidget a stat block and Chris Perkins said, "Amy, if you give the

Amy Vorpahl:

kittywidgets a stat block, that means we're kind of allowing and almost

Amy Vorpahl:

encouraging the players to kill babies.

Amy Vorpahl:

I don't know if that is the right choice.

Amy Vorpahl:

We should probably just make them non-combatants."

Amy Vorpahl:

And I was like, "oh my gosh, totally let's do that.

Amy Vorpahl:


Amy Vorpahl:

So the way that this process works is a first draft.

Amy Vorpahl:

Then you do a second draft after notes, uh, and then you're off to the races

Amy Vorpahl:

and they either love it, or they don't, they may or may not put it in the book.

Amy Vorpahl:

That was how it was, uh, clarified to me.

Amy Vorpahl:

Then, then they take it and do their whole Wizards of the Coast thing.

Amy Vorpahl:

They may or may not change the adventure that you wrote.

Amy Vorpahl:

They're definitely gonna play test it with their own play testers.

Amy Vorpahl:

And then the next time I see it, it's going to be the printed

Amy Vorpahl:

version that everyone has okayed.

Amy Vorpahl:

But I, I didn't have my hands on it throughout that process.

Amy Vorpahl:

So when it was printed there, the kittywidgets were back with stat blocks.

Amy Vorpahl:

And Chris Perkins told me it was because in their play tests, players tried

Amy Vorpahl:

to kill their frickin kittywidget.

Amy Vorpahl:

So I just want to say that my instincts were dead on to kittywidget stat blocks.

Amy Vorpahl:

And they do canonically have stat blocks now.

Amy Vorpahl:

There's also here.

Amy Vorpahl:

There's also a way, they're like shield guardians.

Amy Vorpahl:

They're controlled by wearing like a shield guardians controlled by,

Amy Vorpahl:

its owner, having a collar and the collar wearer can communicate small

Amy Vorpahl:

commands to the shield guardian.

Amy Vorpahl:

In this one, the skitterwidgets are controlled by, rings and they are

Amy Vorpahl:

all constructs that were built by one of the characters in this adventure.

Amy Vorpahl:

So, yes, while they are canon, they're not running around everywhere.

Amy Vorpahl:

Like this character is responsible for making them, I guess.

Amy Vorpahl:

So if this character doesn't exist in your Forgotten Realms, the probably

Amy Vorpahl:

don't exist in your Forgotten Realms, which is totally fine.

Amy Vorpahl:

But boy, give it a shot.

Amy Vorpahl:

My inspiration does really only come from the games I've played, like, it's less

Amy Vorpahl:

from Forgotten Realms lore and more like, oh, I want this to be in D and D lore.

Amy Vorpahl:

Can I?

Amy Vorpahl:

And Chris Perkins was like, "Sure."

Amy Vorpahl:

He's was like, "Okay, great."

Amy Vorpahl:

Although my, my adventure is the only one that takes place

Amy Vorpahl:

actually in the Candlekeep.

Amy Vorpahl:

And I did kind of mess with the Candlekeep.

Amy Vorpahl:

I had to do a page one rewrite for Candlekeep cause I couldn't wrap my head

Amy Vorpahl:

around writing very finite, instructions.

Amy Vorpahl:

And, and I guess, I guess I've said before, it's kind of like a

Amy Vorpahl:

love letter to a dungeon master, so, and they're all mysteries.

Amy Vorpahl:

So you're, front-loading the mystery you're saying, Hey DM,

Amy Vorpahl:

here's, what's going on, this, this, and this, this, this, and

Amy Vorpahl:

this, this will be revealed later.

Amy Vorpahl:

This will be revealed later.

Amy Vorpahl:

This will be revealed later at your discretion, you know?

Amy Vorpahl:

And, and, uh, and it's so counterintuitive because when you're writing a mystery,

Amy Vorpahl:

even if it's an adventure, your instinct is to withhold and only

Amy Vorpahl:

reveal the reveal at the time of the adventure, where it should be revealed.

Amy Vorpahl:

And that is not what you should do.

Amy Vorpahl:

You have to tell the DM what they're dealing with immediately.

Amy Vorpahl:

Writing for D&D is very different from writing Dungeon in a Box,

Amy Vorpahl:

because the writing for that is a little bit more, we know you're not

Amy Vorpahl:

going to play this exactly as written.

Amy Vorpahl:

So here are some ideas.

Amy Vorpahl:

D and D however, is, is written as if you might be playing this exactly as written.

Amy Vorpahl:

I need to give you every single- exactly how it's lit, exactly the stats for

Amy Vorpahl:

everything, including this door, you know, like it's, it's very, yeah, like

Amy Vorpahl:

you said, it's like writing an Ikea manual and you've got to be really

Amy Vorpahl:

specific and, and not only like, I guess, visual as well as, you have to

Amy Vorpahl:

be the dungeon master and the player.

Amy Vorpahl:

You have to also discard your ideas of what hypothetical's could be.

Amy Vorpahl:

And I say that lightly, because at the end of my adventure, there are about five

Amy Vorpahl:

hypothetical of how, of how it could end.

Amy Vorpahl:

But in the, in the actual adventure, you can't write or plan what

Amy Vorpahl:

the players are going to do.

Amy Vorpahl:

You can just build the Ikea playground and hope for the best.

Amy Vorpahl:

So yeah,


If you enjoyed this episode, please follow the show wherever you


get your podcasts and rate and review because on Monday I will have a shiny


new, full length episode with Amy discussing Fizban's Treasury of Dragons.


We'll cover Fizban as a character, the old man voice that lives in


all of our heads, the reason D and D source books come with guide


characters and Amy's tips on writing.



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