Pastor Eric Jon Phelps
The Book Club is representing the classic preaching and teaching of the Protestant biblical doctrine, Sola Scriptura, which in this address ranges in discussion from the historical context surrounding America's founding documents and the modern mechanisms of Rome's Counter Reformation schemes determined to destroy Americas republican popular democracy. This message remembers the Protestant Reformation and those Scriptural roots which gave courage to freemen to fight valiantly to overthrow the tyranny of Jesuit kings and the pretended absolute temporal power of the pope. The alarm sounds of the urgent necessity for Americans to awaken to the Jesuit driven political tyranny that overtakes U.S. national security and economic hegemony in the form of globalism and environmental treaties.
Pastor Phelps discusses his work refuting the concept that Martin Luther, the historical preacher and reformer was at any time an antisemite, a popular pejorative aimed at defaming the moral character of the legendary founder of the Lutheran church and the Protestant Reformation. The subsequent analysis made clear by Phelp's research reveals how insidious and depraved the work of Jesuit casuistry really is. High degree demagoguery and the artful warfare of sophistry become the instruments of stealth wielded by ultramontane nobility and their accompanying train of aristocratic elites and secret society sycophants.
From the Act of Abjuration of the Netherlands, as they politically separated from the Holy Roman Empire in 1581 to the Mecklenburg County Declaration of Independence in 1775, the carefully crafted text reveals the original character and nature of the Protestant Reformation and the biblical Scriptures at the heart and very thesis of American political liberty and freedom of conscience. We also review the Declaration of Texan Independence and that monumental military struggle against the mercenary army of Santa Ana lead by Jesuit provocateurs. The Rights established for by all Americans by the Constitution and Bill of Rights, the right to own firearms, to own gold as money, to speak freely without fear of persecution are all integral aspects of the liberty of conscience and political liberty forged as our historic Constitutional doctrine as many Presbyterians, Huguenots, Baptists, Lutherans, Calvinists and Puritans had to fight to the death to escape the violence of the Romish pope and the organized extermination of the Roman and Spanish Inquisitions.
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