1) Hold on to your hat as we jump back into Romans, chapter six, starting with verse one. The apostle Paul asks this question: Should we keep on sinning so that God can show us more and more kindness and forgiveness? The emphatic response is, of course, not. This is a great place to insert the truth that the ends do not justify the means. From a human perspective, without much consideration or thought, people think we will do whatever it takes to get our desired response. Unless you’re God, that’s not how it operates.
2) The whole premise is to understand that we’ve died to sin. So, let’s make this as clear as can be: Jesus paid for the penalty of sin—that’s justification. Jesus defeated the power of sin—that’s sanctification. Jesus will once and for all defeat the presence of sin—that’s glorification. In the process of Jesus defeating sin, through sanctification, sin no longer has the same power over us or owns us.
3) Baptism, from the majority of the evangelical church, is understood as a symbolic connection to the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Rightly so. Unfortunately, too many in the evangelical church have reduced its importance, which is a sad testimony. The physical act of being baptized gives us a direct action and realization of our connection to Jesus. Jesus commanded baptism for his followers, and the benefits of baptism include identifying with our ability to break with the power of the old man.
4) Brother Samson calls in with devastating news regarding his family. He shares that his younger sister has also passed away within 10 days of his older sister. He expresses his deep appreciation for everyone's prayers and ends up praying with Dave at the end, calling out for mercy and grace to the God of comfort. By his own admission, he knows God has a perfect plan, but sometimes, because we don't see it, it hurts. That's real Christian living.