You’ll have had many moments in life where you’ve experienced an “open heart”, but you may not have recognized the deeper significance of these moments. These moments are your guides to authenticity and there's a science to recreating them.
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Throughout your life you've had these
moments of tears of inspiration,
Speaker:and you've known they were meaningful,
Speaker:and you know they were important
to listen to and pay attention to.
Speaker:They've been guiding your
life your whole life.
Speaker:But there's a science in how
to actually recreate these.
Speaker:In all probability, somewhere in your
life you've watched somebody perform
Speaker:and it brought yourself to tears,
Speaker:or you read something that inspired
you and brought yourself to tears.
Speaker:The reason why these events
were so heart opening and
Speaker:is because the individual in their
writing or their expression was
Speaker:When an individual is authentic
and really being themselves,
Speaker:there's a special transcendent state
that occurs. They'll be grateful,
Speaker:they'll feel loved, they'll be
inspired, they'll be enthused,
Speaker:they'll be present,
and they'll be certain,
Speaker:and there's an honor that
occurs in that state.
Speaker:Anytime somebody is up on stage
performing and they're in that state,
Speaker:the whole room joins them in that state
and there's tears of gratitude sitting
Speaker:in that room, because the whole
room now becomes authentic.
Speaker:It's a spillover effect.
Speaker:They found out that when an individual
has this open-hearted state,
Speaker:this authentic state,
Speaker:that there is a synchronicity in the
brain and a synchronicity between that
Speaker:brain, their brain and their
audience's brains, they synchronize.
Speaker:This has been documented in science now.
Speaker:So I'd like to go down the rabbit
hole a bit on how and what this is.
Speaker:So if you have something
to write with and write on,
Speaker:you might want to take a few notes. So,
Speaker:in your subcortical area of your
brain, the amygdala, the amygdala,
Speaker:when it takes in information it's
activated and it assigns kind
Speaker:of like a filtering mechanism,
Speaker:assigns the experiences we
have as positive or negative.
Speaker:Mainly because it is designed
for survival and it is
Speaker:if it's prey and it's got
more positive than negatives,
Speaker:it wants to know it's prey so it can
capture the prey so it doesn't starve to
Speaker:death. Or if it's predator, it
wants to know it's predator,
Speaker:so it has more negatives than positives
so it doesn't get eaten to death.
Speaker:So the amygdala is designed to assign
valency to our experiences and stimuli
Speaker:and polarize things with
judgment in order to survive and
Speaker:subjectively distort the reality to make
sure the adrenaline runs fast enough to
Speaker:capture the prey or fast
enough to avoid the predator.
Speaker:So we have this judging imbalanced
ratios of perceptions that make us,
Speaker:in a sense, minimize
ourselves if it's prey,
Speaker:and exaggerate ourself if it's predator.
Because when somebody challenges us,
Speaker:we tend to get narcissistic and
proud. When somebody supports us,
Speaker:we become altruistic and kind of shamed.
Speaker:When we actually see both sides
simultaneously, we have love.
Speaker:And instead of exaggerating or minimizing
ourselves, we become ourselves.
Speaker:Anytime we put somebody in a pedestal and
infatuate with them and represent prey
Speaker:and minimize ourselves, we're
inauthentic. We have an imposter syndrome.
Speaker:Anytime we put somebody down in the pit
and exaggerate ourself because we're too
Speaker:proud, we're not authentic, because
we're judging and we disown that,
Speaker:we're too proud or too humble to
admit what we see in others inside us.
Speaker:We now have deflected awareness, judgment,
Speaker:and we don't have our authenticity
because we're now puffing ourselves or
Speaker:beating ourselves up. Pride or shame.
Speaker:We all want to be loved for who we are,
Speaker:but as long as we're too
proud or too shame to be that,
Speaker:we're not able to be
loved, we don't feel love.
Speaker:Now when we have tears of
inspiration, tears of love,
Speaker:it's a confirmation of a
moment of authenticity where
we're not exaggerating and
Speaker:minimizing ourself.
Speaker:This is what I teach in the Breakthrough
Experience and I share with people on
Speaker:how to develop this state of
doing the Demartini Method.
Speaker:So let me elaborate on this in
even more detail. Your brain,
Speaker:when you see something that's prey,
Speaker:you activate the parasympathetic nervous
system and it gives you kind of a rest
Speaker:and digest response. That's
for you to eat and then rest.
Speaker:So it's symbolizing
digestion and then sleep.
Speaker:And it does, it moves us in
towards a delta wavelength,
Speaker:which is around 3 cycles per second,
which we see something that challenges us,
Speaker:we activate the sympathetic nervous
system and now we get the fight or flight
Speaker:response and we tackle these things
during the day when we're not resting.
Speaker:And that activates the sympathetic
nervous system and causes a beta wave,
Speaker:which is, goes up to around
13 cycles per second. Now,
Speaker:if we see both sides simultaneously,
Speaker:we balance out our ratios of perception
and we see both of them at the
Speaker:exact same time, in a perfect balance,
Speaker:these 3 to 13 cycles per
second come to a 7 to 8 cycle
Speaker:right at the 8 cycles per second as
we get to a junction of alpha and
Speaker:theta, right there at that junction,
Speaker:we're not judging something as up or down,
Speaker:we're not separating
ourselves with pride or shame.
Speaker:We're just having a moment of
authenticity. At that moment,
Speaker:a eureka moment occurs, a gamma
synchronicity in the brain,
Speaker:around 40 cycles per second occurs.
Speaker:The brain lights up and synchronizes.
Speaker:This is the same thing that then
affects the audience. At that moment,
Speaker:a eureka authentic moment occurs.
Speaker:Tears of gratitude come out because our
autonomic nervous system is balanced.
Speaker:We call that in the intercardiac
network activation of the heart,
Speaker:an open heart feeling. We
literally feel our heart open.
Speaker:We feel love and gratitude, inspiration,
enthusiasm, certainty, and presence,
Speaker:which I call the transcendental feelings.
Speaker:They're not polarized emotions
which are dramatically imbalanced,
Speaker:but they're now balanced. In
that moment our heart opens up,
Speaker:we're authentic, and we get a
confirmation of authenticity. Whenever,
Speaker:throughout your life you've had these
moments of tears of inspiration and you've
Speaker:known they were meaningful and you know
they were important to listen to and pay
Speaker:attention to, they've been guiding
your life, your whole life.
Speaker:But there's a science on how
to actually recreate these,
Speaker:a science of how to balance
the equation and be authentic,
Speaker:instead of being an imposter,
and instead of judging,
Speaker:you actually get to love.
Speaker:And the moment you do and you
have a gamma synchronicity,
Speaker:you influence people around you.
Speaker:It's impossible to be authentic without
influencing and leaving a mark and a
Speaker:legacy in your life
through other people. Why?
Speaker:Because everybody wants to be loved
and appreciated for who they are,
Speaker:and in a moment of authenticity,
you're demonstrating it,
Speaker:and there's a respect and honor
for people who demonstrate that.
Speaker:That's why when you see somebody
that's performing in any capacity,
Speaker:or painting or writing or
doing anything in that state,
Speaker:it leaves its mark and
people are drawn there.
Speaker:You see these people that leave their
marks in museums and art galleries,
Speaker:We are drawn to people that demonstrate
authenticity and this perfectly balanced
Speaker:alpha theta junction,
gamma, synchronous state,
Speaker:where the executive center fires off,
there's a synchronicity in the brain.
Speaker:There's an authentic state,
there's an intercardiac freedom,
Speaker:there's an open heart, and our autonomic
nervous system is perfectly balanced.
Speaker:We have resilience, adaptability,
we bring healing in this state,
Speaker:and this authentic is magnetic and it
draws to us people, places, things,
Speaker:ideas and events in our life
that synchronize with what
we're dominating thought
Speaker:on at that moment. Our intention
becomes manifested, if you will,
Speaker:because now we're being authentic.
Speaker:So this open-hearted state
is a sign of authenticity.
Speaker:It shows up as tears of gratitude, love,
inspiration, enthusiasm, certainty,
Speaker:and presence. It has a massive
influence on anybody that's around it,
Speaker:and it automatically is a confirmation
of your authentic and magnificent self.
Speaker:You leave a mark in the world and an
influence in the world and a legacy in the
Speaker:world every moment you do it. In
the Breakthrough Experience Program,
Speaker:I teach people the science
of how to awaken that.
Speaker:I show them that if you
increase the probability of
this state and you have your
Speaker:executive function overriding
your amygdala survival response,
Speaker:that you increase the
probability of achievement,
Speaker:you increase the probability of an
influence, you wake up your leadership,
Speaker:you expand your space and time
horizons, you open your heart,
Speaker:you have an influence, and there's
basically a synchronicity of other people,
Speaker:places, things, ideas,
Speaker:and events in your life to help you
manifest what your intention is.
Speaker:It's a very powerful state,
Speaker:and I love sharing how to do that in
the Breakthrough Experience when I teach
Speaker:people the Demartini Method, which leaves
them in that state of authenticity,
Speaker:at the closure of that series of
questions that the method offers.
Speaker:So come to the Breakthrough
Experience. Learn the Demartini Method,
Speaker:learn how to have an authentic state.
Speaker:Learn how to liberate yourself from
all the emotions of survival that are
Speaker:distracting you, and learn the
difference between joy and sorrow tears,
Speaker:and tears of inspiration, which
are confirmations of authenticity.