The incarnation, or the idea of God becoming a man, sounds idolatrous to many Jewish people. In this week's episode of Our Hope Podcast, we are tackling the question of whether believing in Jesus is idolatry with one of our staff members from the UK, Fiona Sorbala.
Welcome to Our Hope,
Speaker:a production of Chosen
Speaker:People Ministries.
Speaker:On this podcast you will hear
Speaker:inspiring testimonies,
Speaker:learn about Messianic
Speaker:apologetics and discover
Speaker:God's plan for Israel and you.
Speaker:Wherever you're listening,
Speaker:we hope you lean in,
Speaker:listen closely and be blessed.
Speaker:What is idolatry?
Speaker:The dictionary defines idolatry
Speaker:as “the
Speaker:worship of idols,” or “extreme
Speaker:admiration, love,
Speaker:or reverence for something
Speaker:or someone.”
Speaker:In Abrahamic religions
Speaker:like Islam, Judaism,
Speaker:and Christianity,
Speaker:idolatry describes
Speaker:the worship of something
Speaker:or someone else
Speaker:other than the one, true God.
Speaker:In today’s episode,
Speaker:we will be exploring
this question:Is believing
this question:in Jesus idolatry?
this question:This is a common question
this question:within the Jewish community,
this question:and it discourages
this question:many from believing in Yeshua.
this question:So then, the next question
this question:we need to address
this question:is, who is Jesus?
this question:Some say
this question:He was just a good man,
this question:or that He was a wise teacher
this question:or even a Prophet,
this question:but we who are believers in
this question:Yeshua call Him the Son of God.
this question:So, is Jesus God?
this question:To help us find answers
this question:to these widely
this question:debated questions,
this question:we have invited Fiona
this question:Sorbala, who is Chosen
this question:People Ministries’ Branch
this question:Leader in the UK.
this question:And now,
this question:I introduce the host of Our
this question:Hope Podcast, Abe Vazquez!
this question:Shalom and welcome to
this question:this episode of Our Hope.
this question:I'm so excited to be
this question:back in this season
this question:where we are talking about
this question:some common Jewish objections
this question:and today in particular
this question:we're going to be tackling
this question:this question of:
this question:"Is believing in
this question:Jesus idolatry?"
this question:And that's a question
this question:that is commonly
this question:asked in our ministry
this question:from the people
this question:that we reach, particularly
this question:during this outreach that we do
this question:every summer called
this question:Shalom New York.
this question:An
this question:that is where I met
this question:this next guest, Fiona Sorbala,
this question:on one of these outreaches.
this question:She came
this question:all the way from the UK
this question:just to be on the
this question:streets of New York
this question:to share the Gospel
this question:and to reach Jewish
this question:people in New York.
this question:So Fiona,
this question:welcome to Our Hope, I'm
this question:so glad that you
this question:were able to join us!
Fiona:Well, it's a pleasure
Fiona:to be with you tonight.
Abe:So every first guest,
Abe:if this is your first
Abe:time on the show,
Abe:you have to answer
this question:"What
this question:is your absolute
favorite food?" Fiona:Well,
favorite food?" Fiona:this year for Shavuot,
favorite food?" Fiona:I baked my very
favorite food?" Fiona:first cheesecake
favorite food?" Fiona:and it is a work and a half.
favorite food?" Fiona:Two and a half hours
favorite food?" Fiona:in the oven, four hours to cool
favorite food?" Fiona:and an overnight in the fridge.
favorite food?" Fiona:So guess what
favorite food?" Fiona:I had for breakfast
favorite food?" Fiona:the following day?
Abe:All that for cheese.
Abe:That's awesome.
Abe:But I'm sure it was delicious,
wow. Fiona:Ooh, it was!
Abe:Yeah, in New York
Abe:we know all about cheesecake.
Abe:We have our famous
Abe:Junior's cheesecake,
Abe:which we've mentioned
Abe:on this podcast
Abe:before unapologetically,
Abe:we love cheesecake here.
Abe:So Fiona thanks again
Abe:for being with us.
Abe:and before we jump
Abe:in a little bit,
Abe:I know that you were actually,
Abe:you were a believer
Abe:from very young, but
Abe:you didn't really
Abe:make the connection
Abe:to being a Jewish believer
Abe:until later in life.
Abe:Can you talk to us
Abe:a little bit about that?
Fiona:I had a strange experience
Fiona:when I was about,
Fiona:I guess, five years old.
Fiona:We were in Spain on holiday
Fiona:and my mother put a finger
Fiona:in my chest and tapped me
Fiona:and said you must never forget
Fiona:that you're Jewish now.
Fiona:My mom was Jewish,
Fiona:Sephardic from Egypt.
Fiona:My dad's a Scott, not Jewish.
Fiona:And from the time
Fiona:that I can remember,
Fiona:I went to church on my own.
Fiona:Quite bizarre
Fiona:when my dad's a psychoanalyst
Fiona:and doesn't believe in God
Fiona:and my mother is a Jewish woman
Fiona:who won't even talk about faith
Fiona:or God or her Jewishness.
Fiona:other than that one occasion.
Fiona:Well, my dad didn't know
Fiona:she was Jewish
Fiona:until after their wedding.
Fiona:She took him for
Fiona:an Erev Shabbat dinner
Fiona:to her cousin's.
Fiona:But when I understand
Fiona:what it meant to be born again,
Fiona:I was about 14,
Fiona:even though I'd gone
Fiona:to church all my life.
Fiona:Then I I find that
Fiona:quite confusing because for me
Fiona:it felt like it was her death
Fiona:that meant
Fiona:we moved to Scotland.
Fiona:It was that move
Fiona:that allowed me to understand
Fiona:being born again,
Fiona:and I felt like it was her
Fiona:life in exchange from mine.
Fiona:And so that meant my Jewishness
Fiona:made me quite conflicted,
Fiona:even as a teenager.
Fiona:And it wasn't really
Fiona:until I was
Fiona:in my early twenties
Fiona:at Bible College
Fiona:and I got involved
Fiona:in Jewish ministry
Fiona:as my college outreach
Fiona:that I began to realize
Fiona:that there was a relationship
Fiona:between being Jewish
Fiona:and a follower of Jesus.
Fiona:by the time
Fiona:I'd left Bible College,
Fiona:I ended up in London
Fiona:in a Messianic congregation
Fiona:and I can remember the battle.
Fiona:I had everybody called
Fiona:Jesus Yeshua, and I literally,
Fiona:metaphorically crossed
Fiona:my arms
Fiona:and said there is no way
Fiona:I'm calling Jesus Yeshua.
Fiona:But you know what
Fiona:the Lord does.
Fiona:He has a funny way
Fiona:of invading into your heart
Fiona:and making the changes
Fiona:that you're not quite
Fiona:sure that you want.
Fiona:And one day when I was praying,
Fiona:kind of to my shock
Fiona:and surprise at myself,
Fiona:praying in the name of Yeshua.
Fiona:OK Lord, I give up.
Abe:Yeah, yeah, right.
Fiona:I give up already.
Abe:Well, thank you
Abe:for sharing that story.
Abe:I think this question
Abe:that we're asking
Abe:or trying to answer
Abe:was really appropriate
Abe:for you to help us,
Abe:because I'm sure you've heard
Abe:a lot of questions on your
Abe:on your street outreach
Abe:in New York and in the UK
Abe:and so
Abe:we're just really excited
Abe:to jump into this.
Abe:So my first question for you
Abe:in trying to answer
Abe:this question is
Abe:what is the Jewish perspective
Abe:of God and who He is?
Fiona:I think fundamentally
Fiona:Judaism represents itself
Fiona:as a religion that's
Fiona:committed to monotheism.
Fiona:That is, the worship
Fiona:of the one true God,
Fiona:and therefore it's
Fiona:unlike any other world religion
Fiona:in its commitment
Fiona:to the singularity of God,
Fiona:and we see it most
Fiona:clearly expressed in the Shema,
Fiona:the daily- it's almost
Fiona:like a confession
Fiona:of faith or creed.
Fiona:"Hear oh Israel,
Fiona:the Lord our God
Fiona:the Lord is one." And.
Fiona:Maimonides, the Great
Fiona:Jewish scholar, wrote
Fiona:there's no unity
Fiona:like the unity of God,
Fiona:and what he meant is
Fiona:that God is indivisible.
Fiona:Therefore, God is
Fiona:a singularity.
Fiona:He's not a Tri-unity
Fiona:or a Trinity,
Fiona:and the other thing about it is
Fiona:He can't be embodied,
Fiona:and therefore He
Fiona:can't be incarnate,
Fiona:and that sets the backdrop
Fiona:for the way Judaism talks about
Fiona:God as Echad, God is One.
Abe:So in the Old Testament,
Abe:we read about God
Abe:walking in the Garden of Eden,
Abe:eating a meal with Abraham.
Abe:So how did the Jewish
Abe:people view this
Abe:if God cannot become a man?
Fiona:this is an interesting one
Fiona:because what the
Fiona:general understanding is
Fiona:is that it wasn't
Fiona:God who physically
Fiona:walked in the garden
Fiona:because He can't have a body.
Fiona:So what they say is
Fiona:that it was the Word of God
Fiona:or the voice of God
Fiona:that is personified,
Fiona:and even Rashi, another great
Fiona:scholar, declares
Fiona:that it is the word of God
Fiona:who walked in the garden.
Fiona:Of course, that amuses me.
Fiona:He's trying to show that God
Fiona:has no physical form
Fiona:and therefore cannot walk,
Fiona:but it's kind of prophetic
Fiona:because the Messiah
Fiona:in the opening of
Fiona:the Gospel of John is
Fiona:called the Word of God.
Abe:Great point.
Fiona:As for Abraham, well,
Fiona:the view is this that
Fiona:all visitations,
Fiona:supernatural visitations occur
Fiona:in the form of a vision
Fiona:or an open vision,
Fiona:and even if in the vision
Fiona:God has a physical form, it's
Fiona:only in order to
Fiona:communicate the truth.
Fiona:However, the exception
Fiona:is that literal messengers
Fiona:or angels can appear
Fiona:and can be seen by
Fiona:the physical eye
Fiona:and can be seen to have form
Fiona:and be located in time
Fiona:and space but God cannot.
Abe:So in the Bible,
Abe:idolatry, it's often,
Abe:it often involves
Abe:physical idols, right?
Abe:So typically
Abe:when we think of idolatry,
Abe:we think of like
Abe:the golden calf.
Abe:We think of objects
Abe:that you can see
Abe:in, like "worship",
Abe:and the Israelites
Abe:were frequently warned
Abe:not to worship these.
Abe:So tell me about
Abe:the Jewish perspective
Abe:of idolatry today.
Fiona:I found a really
Fiona:interesting comment
Fiona:on a Jewish website
Fiona:recently that said, Zionism
Fiona:without faith in God
Fiona:becomes idolatrous
Fiona:because the love of the land
Fiona:has replaced love for God.
Fiona:And I really thought
Fiona:that was quite a
Fiona:profound statement.
Fiona:And then just recently
Fiona:I was also on the
Fiona:My Jewish Learning website
Fiona:and in one of their Torah
Fiona:portion studies
Fiona:there was a challenge
Fiona:and the challenge was this
Fiona:to consider those things
Fiona:that hinder us from
Fiona:the mitzvot or commandments
Fiona:or from doing social justice,
Fiona:this idea of repairing
Fiona:the world, Tikkun olam.
Fiona:And the author of the article
Fiona:basically said that anything
Fiona:that hinders us from
Fiona:social justice or
Fiona:walking in God's Torah
Fiona:is idolatrous
Fiona:and I like that thought,
Fiona:but they also said
Fiona:that the only way
Fiona:that the Torah is a reality
Fiona:is through life lived out
Fiona:in keeping the Torah.
Fiona:I just thought
Fiona:you know anything and it's
Fiona:so similar to Christianity.
Fiona:And the thing that
Fiona:replaces the love of God
Fiona:or hinders us from following
Fiona:God is ultimately
Fiona:an idol, or idolatrous.
Abe:Last question
Abe:about the Jewish
Abe:perspective on things.
Abe:What do Jewish people say
Abe:about the identity of Jesus?
Fiona:He's generally accepted
Fiona:both having lived
Fiona:as a historical figure
Fiona:and yet, the mindset
Fiona:instilled by tradition
Fiona:is that he cannot be
Fiona:the Messiah.
Fiona:He's often seen as a good man.
Fiona:There is an acknowledgment
Fiona:that He taught the Torah,
Fiona:and He encouraged others
Fiona:to keep the Torah.
Fiona:The Law of Moses,
Fiona:but that He was nonetheless
Fiona:just a man.
Fiona:He might even
Fiona:have been a prophet.
Fiona:But He was just a man.
Abe:On that question,
Abe:so how is it even
Abe:possible for God
Abe:to become a man?
Abe:And what scriptural evidence
Abe:can we show that
Abe:the idea of God
Abe:appearing in human form
Abe:is both plausible
Abe:and reasonable?
Fiona:Well, here's
Fiona:the interesting thing.
Fiona:The Talmud is a living document
Fiona:open to reinterpretation
Fiona:and added to over
Fiona:the generations.
Fiona:So perhaps we need
Fiona:to have a conversation
Fiona:about which words
Fiona:do we believe?
Fiona:The words of historical
Fiona:Rabbinic teachers
Fiona:or the words
Fiona:written in the Tanakh?
Fiona:And that, of course,
Fiona:leads me to going back
Fiona:and looking at
Fiona:what were the earliest
Fiona:interpretations of the Messiah.
Fiona:What were those opinions
Fiona:written by those
Fiona:who lived closest to the time
Fiona:when the Torah,
Fiona:the Law of Moses
Fiona:and the Tanakh was written,
Fiona:and when we come to
Fiona:this idea of can Adonai,
Fiona:can the Lord appear as a man?
Fiona:There is an idea in
Fiona:the Rabbinic and in the
Fiona:Jewish thinking that
Fiona:Torah is embodied in the life
Fiona:of the Rabbi
Fiona:and in his teaching.
Fiona:And so in a sense
Fiona:is actually incarnated,
Fiona:and when we then look at
Fiona:the things that the Rabbis
Fiona:tell us, they and
Fiona:here's a lovely one,
Fiona:they tell us that there were
Fiona:seven things created,
Fiona:or seven things that existed
Fiona:before the foundation
Fiona:of the world
Fiona:before God created,
Fiona:and one of them was the Torah
Fiona:and another one was the
Fiona:name of the Messiah.
Fiona:And of course, that
Fiona:beautifully fits
Fiona:in again with John's
Fiona:gospel in
Fiona:the beginning was the word,
Fiona:and the word was God.
Fiona:And Torah doesn't
Fiona:just mean law,
Fiona:it means the words of God,
Fiona:the instructions.
Fiona:And I love challenging my
Fiona:my Christian friends
Fiona:and saying in the beginning was
Fiona:Yeshua the Torah,
Fiona:and but ultimately,
Fiona:and fundamentally,
Fiona:what we're saying here is that
Fiona:if we go and look at Proverbs,
Fiona:we find that it teaches us
Fiona:that wisdom is personified.
Fiona:And this appears to be literal,
Fiona:because if we were to
Fiona:read Proverbs 3:18,
Fiona:which reads, "The Lord
Fiona:by Wisdom founded the Earth,
Fiona:by understanding
Fiona:He established the heavens,"
Fiona:and in (Proverbs) 8, verse 29
Fiona:we read, "He set the sea
Fiona:as its boundary,
Fiona:so the water would not
Fiona:transgress His command,
Fiona:and He marked out
Fiona:the foundations of the earth.
Fiona:Then I was beside Him
Fiona:as a master Workman." Well,
Fiona:that means that the actual
Fiona:text in Proverbs is saying that
Fiona:wisdom had a physical form?
Fiona:He was the master Craftsman
Fiona:and that this Craftsman
Fiona:was an active participant
Fiona:in creation.
Fiona:I know Christians
Fiona:are not very keen
Fiona:on the
Fiona:intertestamental writings,
Fiona:but in Wisdom Chapter 9
Fiona:there is a beautiful statement
Fiona:that says that God
Fiona:made all things by His word
Fiona:and ordained man through wisdom
Fiona:and actually talks
Fiona:about wisdom again
Fiona:creating and the wisdom
Fiona:being personified
Fiona:and literally having a form.
Fiona:If we can,
Fiona:if a Jewish person is willing
Fiona:then to accept that,
Fiona:then we can begin to discuss
Fiona:whether Abraham had
Fiona:a vision of visitors
Fiona:or whether he actually saw God
Fiona:manifest Himself
Fiona:in a physical form
Fiona:because if wisdom is
Fiona:the word is the word of God,
Fiona:and the Word of God, is Yeshua,
Fiona:then we're seeing a
Fiona:little chain of thought
Fiona:building up, and you know,
Fiona:you only have to look at
Fiona:Genesis chapter 32,
Fiona:because Jacob wrestles
Fiona:with the Man and what he wants
Fiona:to achieve is blessing.
Fiona:And of course, many suggest
Fiona:that it was an Angel,
Fiona:but Jacob's
Fiona:own testimony of
Fiona:the event is this,
Fiona:"I have seen God
Fiona:face to face and lived."
Fiona:And you know it
Fiona:actually in the text
Fiona:where we read about Abraham,
Fiona:we actually read in the text,
Fiona:The Lord appeared to Abraham,
Fiona:and yet what he saw were
Fiona:three men.
Fiona:it all gets quite confusing,
Fiona:but I love the encounter with
Fiona:Gideon as well.,
Fiona:because he meets the
Fiona:Angel of the Lord
Fiona:and what he sees
Fiona:is the Angel of the Lord,
Fiona:but what he hears
Fiona:is the voice of the Lord.
Fiona:And now the Angel of the Lord
Fiona:has the ability to speak
Fiona:because he's sitting under
Fiona:the terebinth trees.
Fiona:And we also read that
Fiona:in that same passage,
Fiona:the Angel of the Lord
Fiona:is sitting under
Fiona:the terebinth trees,
Fiona:but the Lord turned
Fiona:to Gideon
Fiona:and then the next thing
Fiona:you read in this story
Fiona:is Gideon's again,
Fiona:his testimony is that he
Fiona:has seen the Lord and lived,
Fiona:and there are numerous other
Fiona:encounters in Scripture
Fiona:where we have sometimes
Fiona:a slightly confusing picture,
Fiona:but if you can follow
Fiona:that train of thought
Fiona:that in Proverbs
Fiona:you have wisdom
Fiona:personified, personified
Fiona:with a physical form
Fiona:and a physical activity,
Fiona:and if you can accept that,
Fiona:then perhaps you might
Fiona:be willing to side
Fiona:step the Rabbinic idea
Fiona:and consider what
Fiona:the actual written
Fiona:text of the Torah the
Fiona:the first five books of Moses
Fiona:actually says and
Fiona:it doesn't say that
Fiona:he had a vision, it says,
Fiona:"The Lords appeared."
Fiona:And I think that
Fiona:one of the things
Fiona:that when we're talking
Fiona:with Jewish people,
Fiona:we want to encourage
Fiona:is to actually
Fiona:look at the text,
Fiona:not just Rabbinic
Fiona:interpretations but
Fiona:what does the Word
Fiona:of God itself have to say?
Fiona:We'll be right back.
Fiona:Shalom, my name is Nicole Vacca
Fiona:and I'm one of the co-producers
Fiona:of Our Hope podcast.
Fiona:We created Our Hope
Fiona:to be a window into
Fiona:the Messianic community,
Fiona:a place where we can discuss
Fiona:Israel and the Bible
Fiona:and a resource for people
Fiona:who want to share their faith
Fiona:more effectively
Fiona:and compassionately
Fiona:with the Jewish community.
Fiona:If you are interested
Fiona:in supporting what we do,
Fiona:you can donate
Fiona:to Chosen People Ministries
Fiona:You could also support us
Fiona:by sharing this podcast
Fiona:on social media with
Fiona:your friends and family
Fiona:or by writing a review
Fiona:on Apple Podcasts.
Fiona:We are so grateful
Fiona:for your support
Fiona:and we hope you enjoy
Fiona:the rest of this episode.
Abe:Just going back
Abe:to Jacob wrestling
Abe:with this mysterious Man
Abe:who we know is God.
Abe:I mean, Jacob's name changes
Abe:and my question to you,
Abe:who changed his name?
Fiona:Well, it's
Fiona:a very good question.
Fiona:The only person that
Fiona:could have changed it
Fiona:is is the Lord God Himself
Fiona:and that name change
Fiona:becomes the name
Fiona:by which the Jewish people
Fiona:are known,
Fiona:the people of Israel.
Abe:Exactly, and
Abe:what does Israel mean?
Abe:The meaning behind
Abe:Israel in this context?
Fiona:Well, it said
Fiona:that you will be called,
Fiona:no longer called Jacob,
Fiona:you will be called Israel
Fiona:because you have
Fiona:you have prevailed with God.
Abe:Right, so it's interesting
Abe:that some people would say
Abe:he wrestled with an Angel
Abe:because God Himself named him
Abe:that it's just so interesting
Abe:that they would not like
Abe:you just said it's
Abe:there in the scriptures
Abe:and we can
Abe:read it for ourselves
Abe:and really dive in.
Abe:So yeah, I just find
Abe:that all really fascinating.
Abe:Thank you
Abe:for breaking that down
Abe:and here's
Abe:another question for you, so
Abe:what does the Bible
Abe:say about Yeshua or
Abe:Jesus when He was on earth,
Abe:and how did He live
Abe:as He dwelled among people?
Fiona:You know,
Fiona:in Biblical times
Fiona:there was an expectation
Fiona:that the Messiah
Fiona:would be defined
Fiona:and we see this reflected
Fiona:in the Gospels' understanding
Fiona:of who Yeshua was,
Fiona:and they record His life
Fiona:and His teachings
Fiona:in great detail.
Fiona:And what we discover is that
Fiona:and what they
Fiona:they want to show us,
Fiona:particularly Matthew, is that
Fiona:Yeshua kept the Torah perfectly
Fiona:and then they want to show us
Fiona:that Yeshua's life fulfills
Fiona:so many of the prophecies
Fiona:written in the Old Testament
Fiona:about who the Messiah would be
Fiona:and what He would do.
Fiona:And I love the details
Fiona:even down to He'll come riding,
Fiona:your King will come to you
Fiona:riding on a donkey
Fiona:in Zechariah.
Fiona:Not only is the
Fiona:place of His birth
Fiona:and the manner of His birth,
Fiona:the things that He would do,
Fiona:but even His kingship
Fiona:humble and lowly,
Fiona:riding on a donkey,
Fiona:and that's exactly what He does
Fiona:as He comes into Jerusalem
Fiona:just before His death
Fiona:and His life
Fiona:that would be laid down
Fiona:for all humanity.
Fiona:They also reveal
Fiona:that He had unique gifts.
Fiona:He could heal
Fiona:sickness and disease.
Fiona:He had authority
Fiona:to cast out demons.
Fiona:And here's the one
Fiona:that really got
Fiona:Him into trouble,
Fiona:He forgave sins.
Fiona:Now the whole issue
Fiona:of forgiving sins
Fiona:in the Jewish context
Fiona:is only God forgives sins
Fiona:because only God has the right
Fiona:to judge the life of a man.
Fiona:And it's what the
Fiona:there was the healing
Fiona:of the paralytic.
Fiona:They bring him
Fiona:this paralyzed man
Fiona:and Yeshua doesn't
Fiona:lay hands on him.
Fiona:He doesn't pray for him.
Fiona:He says, "Get up
Fiona:and walk, your sins
Fiona:have been forgiven."
Fiona:And then when He's
Fiona:accused of blasphemy,
Fiona:He responds, basically
Fiona:it's been done this way
Fiona:so that you would know
Fiona:but the Son of Man
Fiona:has the power to forgive sins,
Fiona:and of course, at that
Fiona:moment what He's doing
Fiona:is He's identifying Himself
Fiona:with the Son of Man
Fiona:in Daniel Chapter 7
Fiona:and in Daniel Chapter 7
Fiona:we read about the Son
Fiona:of Man being presented
Fiona:before the Ancient of Days,
Fiona:and then the Son of Man
Fiona:is given dominion and glory
Fiona:and told that all
Fiona:peoples and nations
Fiona:and languages would serve Him
Fiona:and that His dominion
Fiona:would be everlasting,
Fiona:and His Kingdom would
Fiona:never be destroyed,
Fiona:and alongside
Fiona:that in His teaching
Fiona:Yeshua appropriates
Fiona:a lot of the names
Fiona:and the titles
Fiona:belonging to God.
Fiona:For example,
Fiona:I am the Good Shepherd.
Fiona:And He's
Fiona:taking on the name of God
Fiona:is the Shepherd of Israel
Fiona:and I could spend the next
Fiona:two hours going on about that
Fiona:but I probably better draw a
Fiona:line at that point.
Abe:Well, I would
Abe:like to start wrapping up
Abe:and I think I have
Abe:an important question
Abe:and it's actually
Abe:the title of this podcast.
Abe:So Fiona is believing
Abe:in Jesus idolatry?
Fiona:Clearly not
Fiona:if you follow the
Fiona:train of thought,
Fiona:Yeshua said that
Fiona:He and the Father are one
Fiona:and that if you have seen
Fiona:me, you have seen the Father.
Fiona:And I was asked to
Fiona:do a Bible study recently
Fiona:for our intercessors
Fiona:because there was confusion
Fiona:even for these believers
Fiona:in Jesus about whether
Fiona:you could pray to Jesus.
Fiona:And when you look
Fiona:through Scripture,
Fiona:you find that there were
Fiona:prayers addressed to Him.
Fiona:He was asked to do things.
Fiona:The Holy Spirit
Fiona:is asked to do things
Fiona:in the New Testament,
Fiona:so I can't see how
Fiona:if we believe
Fiona:that God is a unity,
Fiona:and within that unity He has,
Fiona:there is a divine miracle
Fiona:that we can't, without human
Fiona:logic pull apart that He is one
Fiona:and yet He has the capacity
Fiona:to reveal Himself as three.
Fiona:My mind can't grasp it.
Fiona:I don't think the greatest
Fiona:theological minds can grasp it.
Fiona:who trained with Gamaliel
Fiona:never tried to explain it.
Fiona:He simply said it is.
Fiona:And I've got to the point where
Fiona:I stop trying to explain it
Fiona:because I can't.
Fiona:You know I can talk about,
Fiona:you know the sun is
Fiona:a physical planet,
Fiona:but we experience
Fiona:the sun through light
Fiona:and heat
Fiona:and then what we can see,
Fiona:which are flames
Fiona:as well as a physical planet.
Fiona:So there you have this,
Fiona:the planet of the sun,
Fiona:able to manifest itself
Fiona:in fire, heat and light.
Fiona:So talk about water
Fiona:oxygen and hydrogen,
Fiona:steam and ice.
Fiona:I'm a daughter,
Fiona:but I'm also a wife
Fiona:and I'm a sister.
Fiona:Now, because I'm human
Fiona:I can only be me
Fiona:but because God is God,
Fiona:He has this capacity
Fiona:to allow
Fiona:those different aspects
Fiona:of who He is be manifest
Fiona:and revealed at different times
Fiona:and in different
Fiona:physical spaces.
Fiona:Do I understand it?
Fiona:No, it is what it is.
Abe:So for someone listening
Abe:who has heard this argument,
Abe:the case you have just made,
Abe:we've talked a lot
Abe:about going back to Scripture.
Abe:What would you, where
Abe:would you point
Abe:someone to start?
Abe:Someone who still
Abe:is may be confused
Abe:or doesn't agree with you?
Abe:Where would you encourage
Abe:them to start in
Abe:trying to answer
Abe:this question for themselves?
Fiona:Oh well,
Fiona:that's a challenge.
Fiona:I think, ultimately,
Fiona:if they're willing,
Fiona:one of the best things
Fiona:we can do is meet together,
Fiona:open the Scripture together,
Fiona:ask them to read the
Fiona:Scripture out loud
Fiona:and give them space to
Fiona:answer the question, "What do
Fiona:you think
Fiona:the Scripture is saying?"
Fiona:Before I even attempt
Fiona:to tell them.
Fiona:And also that gives space
Fiona:for the Holy Spirit
Fiona:because the scripture itself
Fiona:is a two-edged sword.
Fiona:It's sharp, it's powerful,
Fiona:it divides bone and marrow,
Fiona:soul and spirit and
Fiona:when we help someone to engage
Fiona:with the Word of God, then
Fiona:we can
Fiona:create that space
Fiona:where the Holy Spirit
Fiona:will engage
Fiona:with the individual, but
Fiona:I do think that one
Fiona:of the best things
Fiona:that we can ask people to do
Fiona:is begin to look
Fiona:at the prophecies
Fiona:about the Messiah.
Fiona:One that you mentioned,
Fiona:Shalom Brooklyn,
Fiona:and one of the things
Fiona:that we do at Shalom
Fiona:Brooklyn, I know,
Fiona:is that it said that
Fiona:the ministry in New York
Fiona:does quite often
Fiona:is put out on a desk,
Fiona:the translation of Isaiah 53
Fiona:in multiple languages,
Fiona:in Hebrew, Russian, English
Fiona:and any other one
Fiona:that we can find
Fiona:and we ask people to
Fiona:if they've got a moment
Fiona:to read it and tell us,
Fiona:ask the question, "Where
Fiona:is this passage found?
Fiona:Is it found in the Hebrew Bible
Fiona:on the Christian Bible?
Fiona:And who is it speaking about?"
Fiona:Almost everybody
Fiona:will recognize in Isaiah 53
Fiona:the story of Jesus
Fiona:and most Jewish
Fiona:people will say,
Fiona:oh that's talking about Jesus.
Fiona:And so where is it found?
Fiona:Oh, that must be in
Fiona:the New Testament.
Fiona:And what we usually do
Fiona:is whip out a Hebrew
Fiona:Old Testament,
Fiona:turn to Isaiah 53
Fiona:and go, "Look
Fiona:see in your Bible.
Fiona:in the Hebrew Bible, right?"
Fiona:And that is really powerful
Fiona:when people actually
Fiona:have to acknowledge that
Fiona:what they've just said about
Fiona:Isaiah 53 relating to Jesus.
Fiona:It's so obvious
Fiona:if we give people
Fiona:the opportunity to look,
Fiona:and so I think we
Fiona:have to get Scripture
Fiona:into seekers' hands.
Abe:Whether that's in the form of
Abe:a tract, a booklet,
Abe:free literature,
Abe:our famous book
Abe:Isaiah 53 Explained.
Abe:But any way we can,
Abe:we've got to get people,
Abe:Jewish seekers engaging
Abe:with the Word of God itself.
Abe:Now the Spirit will do
Abe:the rest, actually.
Abe:Fiona, thank you
Abe:so much for joining us.
Abe:It was really incredible
Abe:to have you join us
Abe:all the way from the UK
Abe:and I'm just really hoping
Abe:that this episode
Abe:can be an encouragement
Abe:for those who may be struggling
Abe:with this question,
Abe:and maybe it can be
Abe:an encouragement to believers
Abe:who have heard this question
Abe:from their Jewish friends
Abe:or just anybody.
Abe:But thank you for joining us
Abe:and giving us your time.
Fiona:Oh, it's
Fiona:been my pleasure.
Fiona:Thank you so much.
Fiona:“Who has believed our message?
Fiona:And to whom has the arm of the
Fiona:Lord been revealed?
Fiona:For He grew up before Him
Fiona:like a tender shoot, And
Fiona:like a root
Fiona:out of parched ground;
Fiona:He has no stately form
Fiona:or majesty That we should look
Fiona:upon Him, Nor appearance
Fiona:that we should be
Fiona:attracted to Him.
Fiona:He was despised and
Fiona:forsaken of men,
Fiona:A man of sorrows and acquainted
Fiona:with grief;
Fiona:And like one from whom men
Fiona:hide their face
Fiona:He was despised, and we did not
Fiona:esteem Him.” Isaiah 53:1–3.
Fiona:This is one of the
Fiona:many Messianic prophecies
Fiona:written in the Tanakh,
Fiona:or Old Testament.
Fiona:The verse later describes
Fiona:how the Messiah bore
Fiona:our griefs and sorrows,
Fiona:that He was pierced
Fiona:for our transgressions
Fiona:and crushed for our iniquities.
Fiona:And this promise was fulfilled
Fiona:in the person of Yeshua—who
Fiona:is the word of God,
Fiona:the promise of God, made flesh.
Fiona:He lived His life
Fiona:on Earth
Fiona:as a perfect, sinless Man–
Fiona:God’s ultimate sacrifice
Fiona:out of His great love for us.
Fiona:Wherever you are
Fiona:in your search for truth,
Fiona:we pray you will
Fiona:allow the Messiah
Fiona:to reveal Himself to you.
Fiona:If you have further questions
Fiona:and wish to speak to someone,
Fiona:you can email us at
Fiona:or call 1-888-2-YESHUA.
Fiona:That's 1-888
Fiona:the number 2 YESHUA.
Fiona:Thank you for listening
Fiona:to this week’s episode
Fiona:of Our Hope, featuring
Fiona:Chosen People Ministries’ staff
Fiona:member Fiona Sorbala.
Fiona:This episode was produced
Fiona:by Nicole Vacca, and written
Fiona:and edited by Grace Swee.
Fiona:This episode was also
brought to you by:Dr.
brought to you by:Mitch Glaser, Kieran
brought to you by:Bautista, and Neal Surasky.
brought to you by:I’m Abe Vazquez.
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