Artwork for podcast Ask The Boss ft. Doug Miller & Patrick "Meaty Thighs"  Mabe
ASK THE BOSS - Episode 64
Episode 6429th January 2021 • Ask The Boss ft. Doug Miller & Patrick "Meaty Thighs" Mabe • Core Nutritionals LLC
00:00:00 01:02:04

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16:31 Have the new flavors of Balls been announced?

23:29 Do you guys have a product with Laxogenin?

24:30 What's the best way to use a crock pot to meal prep effectively?

25:26 What's your advice on recovery between sets?

26:48 Any tips on keeping testosterone high?

29:26 Best sauce topping for chicken?

29:51 Say you do a top set for 6-10 reps and reach failure. How long do you wait until the next set?

30:12 How did you feel being interviewed yesterday?

32:47 Do you offer coaching?

33:32 Your shoulders are insane. What was your bread and butter in your hayday?

34:27 Any interest to ever have a store in Canada?

34:43 Why do people still believe that pink Himalayan salt comes from the Himalayas when there is no water?

34:54 Would training change from offseason to prep?

40:24 How does the ISO work in sludge compared to PRO?

41:10 Is there an official release date for Thermo?

44:27 If you could give up training or sex, what would you choose?

45:33 What do you recommend for food/supps for training first thing in the morning around 5:30AM?

46:33 What's better - Intra powder or gummy bears/worms?

46:43 What's Alpine Pew Pew taste like?

47:04 Were you in a constant surplus from 2009-2014 or did you do some mini cuts?

47:11 What was the weight difference stage and offseason from '09-'14?

48:41 If you forget to take Core Load and it's an hour after you eat, do you make it up later or just roll with it?

49:22 How many new PRO flavors are dropping this year?

49:30 How do you decide which flavors to come up with for new products?

55:03 What product sells the most units? What product sells the most in dollars?

57:27 More fruit flavored Core ISO or nah?

58:12 Best way to utilize Load in the growth season?

58:33 Any ETAs on out of stocks?

59:54 Is there a perfect time to take Collagen?




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