Artwork for podcast RaboTalk – Growing our future
Low Emission Transition with Lachlan Monsbourgh
Episode 722nd February 2023 • RaboTalk – Growing our future • Rabobank NZ
00:00:00 00:25:39

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In this episode of RaboTalk's Growing our future, Katie Vickers is joined by Lachlan Monsbourgh. Based in Australia, Lachlan is Rabobank's Global Rural Agricultural and Environmental Lead.

This episode focuses on transitioning to a low emissions future, and how FMCG companies, who rely heavily on the impact of their Scope 3 emissions, will support the transition while retaining production of quality, nutritious food. Katie and Lachlan discuss how focusing on reducing emissions can create better business outcomes; helping farmers move from brown to green and then greener; the practicalities of net carbon zero by 2050 business strategy; and the collaboration between sectors across the value chain. Lachlan highlights some of the trends being seen overseas around tools available for farmers, including tools outside of sustainable finance, and the role of education, and gives his view on what he thinks farming will look like in 2050.




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