Join host, Dr. Cliff and co-host, Dr. Joseph Esposito as Align Your Practice helps you understand and create clarity on your vision. Use your vision to inspire, transform and build your aligned practice and aligned life. Learn how to once and for all get your team on board and create clarity for you, your team and practice!
Your practice needs a voice and the voice is in the Vision Story once you have this vision story you and your team will be on the same page, and you will be able to grow and go. Do you feel like you have struggles or challenges in these areas, this episode will help you understand and fill in the gaps and create the life and practice of your dreams.
Key Points:
1. Vision Story is a Plan and a story of the next - 90-day, 1 year plan and a 3-5 year plan
2. Create a set a path for your vision story - Legacy - 400 years to build church
3. 7 generation 210 years
Resources Mentioned
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About the Host:
Dr Clifford J Fisher
Dr Cliff Fisher – Owns several offices all over the US and has a coaching business Dream Leadership Institute to help people find the greatest version of themselves. He will help you get to a foundational understanding to create the business and life that align with your being.
Dr. Joseph Esposito, CEO
Dr. Joseph Esposito, D.C., C.C.N. C.N.S., C.C.S.P., D.A.B.C.N., F.A.A.I.M. C.T.N., is the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of AlignLife. As such, he is responsible for the direction of AlignLife as it expands further across a dynamic and rapidly changing health care landscape. Dr. Esposito has more than 20 years of experience in a broad range of businesses, including chiropractic, nutrition, technology and internet marketing.
Dr. Esposito has extensive post-graduate academic accomplishments, as well as 15 years of experience managing successful chiropractic clinics in multiple states. He also is founder and CEO of Aceva LLC, a service-based nutritional company providing products and services to the AlignLife clinics. As the former CFO of an internet publishing company, Dr. Esposito understands the power of leveraging the internet to impact the lives of millions of Americans.
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Align Your Practice podcast with Dr. Cliff Fisher where your best practice and life awaits you. Are you tired of running a practice on your own? We want to come alongside you with experts to help you create your dream practice in your dream life. Here is your host
Dr. Cliff Fisher:alright tribe Welcome back to align your practice with Dr. Cliff and Dr. Joe brought to you by line life where we want to give you the tools to find and create your aligned life. So today, I'm super excited. We're talking about vision. And we are online with one of the best vision casters on the planet. This guy, man, it is awesome to hear his vision. So jump into this one.
Dr. Joseph Esposito:Okay, great. Yeah, to me vision is like being we talked about last time being on the boat like a skipper is looking at the horizon and saying we're going that way, where you can't really get there, you can't go off the earth to touch that sun, but you're moving in a direction with your purpose, to accomplish something and make an impact on the world. So vision is something that you are striving to get to. And it kind of sets the stage the energy, the congruence, the of the team, to go somewhere make change, make impact, and unify an energetic movement to accomplish some outcome that you want to create in this world.
Dr. Cliff Fisher:Yeah, and for me, I'm always like, what I want to trade my life for that's what my vision story is, like, I'm going to work I'm you know, I have a family I have, you know, personal things, like, what am I going to trade my life for. So that vision story, you need that to be able to be a vision caster. So not only do you and Joe is just an awesome vision caster. And you know, he's so far ahead of, you know, where the team is sometimes that he just he cast his vision so that we can just kind of latch on. And he's pulling the noodle rather than trying to push the noodle if guys heard that story, but like, so for me, like one of the things for vision is I think most of us are a lot of people in the US right now are going day to day, week to week, paycheck to paycheck month to month, but they don't really have this long game. And so that's what the vision story is really about is creating that long game.
Dr. Joseph Esposito:Yeah, and I appreciate what you're saying, I'm a big visionary. But some of the gap and a big visionary is if you don't refine the vision, and you don't speak it and you can't break it down, people are lost along the way. So it's not just having a vision. Because the bigger the vision, the more refined it has to be. And the more you got to continue to repeat it because you start to lose, especially if you're trying to be disruptive, in your thinking of like, this is what we're doing. Really, that's very different. I don't know if anyone believes that. And you kind of say it once a year, you lose them. And that's my struggle over the years is not, not not having a vision, not not expressing a vision, but being able to permeate it through my daily life. And in the team's daily workspace. And Cliff, you've been really a huge point of awareness for me in the way you've helped me express the vision. And I think that's what we want to do on this section of the podcast is help you guys understand first the value of it. And then I'd love you to take time after this podcast if you can go on a park bench, or you can go to a coffee shop, or you can go to your lake house. And you could sit there with actually an old fashioned pen and a paper or one of those writing apps and just sit and spend two, three hours really thinking about the vision.
Dr. Cliff Fisher:Man, yeah, so there's a couple of things that came up for me, like, just like you said, you're an amazing visionary. And then you need that visionary to lead a business, but then you need an operator to come in and do the like, here's the steps on how we get there. Because a visionary is going to come up with a is an idea fountain. So they're gonna come up with idea, idea idea. And integrator has to come in behind them and say, you know, one or two of the ideas out of the 10 are gonna be good. And so which to do are gonna get us to our ultimate vision the fastest. And it's not that they aren't good ideas, it's just might not be the right time, right? You know, whatever that is. And so having that. And then the other thing I just want to double click on is like, being able to link your vision to how that impacts that person in their job. And then what their next step is to get us one step closer to that because, you know, just like we've talked about how you eat an elephant one bite at a time. Because at first you look at it, you're like, there's no way I can eat that old thing. And so it's bringing it back. And I think that's kind of where you're headed.
Dr. Joseph Esposito:Yeah, I think it's interesting. You said, you know, eat an elephant one bite at a time. I know. You've heard this from many people. Tony Robbins talks about people underestimate what they can do in a decade, and they overestimate what they can do in a year. So what we do and this is really an important thing to understand is when we have this vision, and we really hit it hard when we first start the business, or we don't give vision right away, and we don't keep it throughout, they start to lose. So when you go out on this 10 year journey, when you can really make big impact in the world, and the vision softens up and you don't keep it front and center, you don't accomplish what can be done in a 10 year period of time. And we overestimate that first year. So we think we're going to conquer the world we don't. Now we feel unaccomplished. We do it again, the second year, we overshoot what we're going to do and we don't, now we feel unaccomplished. Yeah, by the third year, you start doubting yourself, and you lose the whole vision, when really what you had to do is set the vision, right? Put your marker out there, and then do what you can the first year and build on it, and you'll exceed what you thought you could do in 10 years.
Dr. Cliff Fisher:Yeah, this let that soak in you guys, because that is such a critical space. And where people give up is just what Joe saying 30% or 40% or 50%. Bill Bella check one of the you know, greatest coaches in football, like he didn't do very well, for the first 20 years. It's his second 20 years. So you're talking two decades of, you know, pain. Yeah. And then now it's like, oh, my gosh, he didn't you know, he's genius, genius, genius. But there was building those muscles. And there's so many people like, you know, Ray Kroc with McDonald's, like, he didn't find that until over 50. So he been a milkshake salesman, like, all these things. And then McDonald's was 10 years before can even cover payroll, if I remember. Right, right, Joe.
Dr. Joseph Esposito:Yeah, that pain payroll once a month, 10 years in the business. And, and he gave equity because he couldn't afford the payroll, and is his number one secretary became a multimillionaire because she got stuck because he didn't have any money to give her. So so it's wild to, to realize a vision. So keep it front and center. So so let's talk about the vision story. Like, let's help them frame this out in this session, so that you can hold this thing for a year, two years, five years, 10 years, and carry that vision so you can actually accomplish it. This is not something you do when you open and then throw it in a drawer and forget about it. This is something that's going to permeate through your business. Yeah,
Dr. Cliff Fisher:you want to review this annually, and then go in, rewrite it annually, and then review it every quarter, at least. And then every meeting, pretty much the CEO of the business needs to be talking about the vision story, not the whole, you know, I have to lay it out every time. But like, that needs to be front of mind for that CEO. So I'm going to share my screen here. So if you're seeing this in a podcast, if you're seeing it, then it's there. Otherwise, you'll have this PDF. But so we talked about these documents. So we have a vision story, key characteristics, critical actions, mission statement, purpose, statement, premise statement, product statement, affirmation statement. So today's vision story, so we're going to define success, what does success look like? So that's, you know, when you take this project on, that's what you're going to be looking to do. And so your vision story needs to be shared with your team, so they know what you're creating, and why I'm gonna go back. Because this is, all organizations start with why but only the great ones keep their y, clear year after year. So that's a Simon Sinek quote, who's like, and so it's just a critical thing. So always keeping your y at the center versus like, oh, yeah, here's our y. And then we just go on to the what and the how. So.
Dr. Joseph Esposito:So what does success look like? So if you're in a clinic, you know, close your eyes and see, what do you see in the clinic? What staff are there? What are the patients doing? What's the energy? Like? How does it smell? What does it look like? How, what is the flow? What's the lighting, like, give, give a feel, so that I could close my eyes and you could read that vision story. And I could feel like I'm inside of your vision. That's what you have to get to. That's, that's the level of power you want. If this was a clinic, no matter what the business is, but if it's a chiropractic office, sit there and figure out what is the ideal vision for your practice. And it may be bigger than that. It may be, you know, when you're driving through town, through a city, you see five offices that are your brand, and it's unified and you're doing a picnic in the park where all five companies, clinics come together with all their patients and you do volleyball tournament, or you're doing a run for nonprofit through the park with all the different offices represented a different color shirt with all the same brand, something like that. You can feel that vision. Or it could be a pediatric office where you see the room full of children, babies and just the energetic feeling of a pediatric experience in an office with everything laid out the way you want with the kids toys and the kids, kids rooms and whatnot. So yeah, this is actually a fun piece. If you allow yourself the time, so I think this is the slow down to speed up concept that I know our friend, Dr. Francis talks about a lot is stop, slow down, write this vision, refine it, tweak it. And it's like Cliff said, you're going to be doing this tweaking, tweaking, tweaking as you gain experience and knowledge. And that's okay. You could modify the vision story. The Vision usually lasts for 100 years. But I'm just saying you're not going to change the vision. But tweaking, wording refining, making it more pure, cleaner, more authentic to you, is normal. But it's usually going to be the same vision. Yeah.
Dr. Cliff Fisher:No, and I think the two that jumped out at me and Joe, I love what you said, and and it is sit down. And this is out of the box. This isn't limitations. If you know, this is one of the places where I think people will limit themselves will be like, Well, I don't know if I can do that. This is not what that story is for this story is for, you know, if you couldn't fail, what would you do? That's really kind of the starting question like, you couldn't fail? What would you do with your life? And so what would you do with your practice? And I love where you said, like, describe the practice? Who are the people? What are the patients seeing when they come in? What does it feel like? Like, What does it taste like? What does it smell like? You know, are there cookies? Are there flowers? Or is there fresh fruit at the front? You know, when they go back? What's that experience when they have that new patient consi are taken back into the room. And the patient has an amazing experience like beyond we'll explain that so that your team members can just click like Joe said, close your eyes latch onto that say, Yes, I want to create that. One of my friends had an interview with the CEO of target. And what I thought was so interesting, she so she got she was putting a product at Target. And so to get a product at target you she was on this fast track to do a product. The interview, she said the CEO target just said this is what I want my end user, my my customers to experience when they come in what they see on the shelves, how they feel when they walk in what you know, same thing, he was sharing his vision story. And you know, that's a billion dollar company, trillion dollar, I don't know. And so, recognizing that the other thing is like, for me is like, Joe, we talked last time about that church, when we went we in England, I went to this church, and it took 400 years for the church to be built. I'm like, what kind of vision did that initial architect have to be able to build that?
Dr. Joseph Esposito:Because it's it 400 years is multiple generations. So that vision has to be so strong that it's it permeates through generations, that's a real vision that lasts for 400 years. So I want you to write this story. So that you can say it and picture yourself in front of a investor that has one cheque in his hand for $100 million to invest in a vision, like yours and your field. And you have to express your vision with such detail and clarity, that they're going to invest 100 million in your business, and they're sitting in front of you. So it can't be can't have any states of confusion or doubt or question, you have to be refined in that story. And as you grow your career, you can get it tighter and more refined. So that's the exercise that you're going to do. And you could see a short vision here, a vision. There are also vision statements, which is like a one sentence, a vision story is where you take that concept of that sentence, and actually write the story around a statement. So there's ways in which you can develop this, this mindset. And I think it's you know, I think it's the probably one of the most important things you will do to create traction for the business. And when you hire people, guess what you're gonna read them your vision story, you're gonna look at their mannerisms, their energy, their facial expressions, it could be a group, you're doing a group interview, and you'll easily pick out the top three that are inspired by your vision.
Dr. Cliff Fisher:Yeah, and they'll say it to their like, you'll hear it in their tone, what they say back to you. And so a couple things, this is the exercise, I would love to see any vision stories people want to share with me. If you look at the show notes on this one, my email will be in there. Just shoot me an email, I'll pass it on to Joe. And still if you want to sign up if you want to have a conversation about this about like, wow, I want to hear about align life's vision. There is you know, a space to schedule time with Joe, there's time to talk with me in that the PDF of this everything we're going to go through in these exercises is there. And so
Dr. Joseph Esposito:it's interesting clip because line life is a chiropractic franchise where we provide systems and tools and back end support systems to allow people to leverage and scale their vision. But what we like to do is we like to see their vision so We want to see if we can get behind your vision. And whatever that may be, we bring actually a story to our team and find out if they're inspired by that vision, because what lights us up, because we got to realize that businesses are just basically collections of people with with desires and hearts and minds and inspiration. So we're just a group of people that want to help people in the chiropractic profession, that share our values, to succeed in serving their communities. That's the simplicity of it. So when we hear a vision story we get behind it, I'll tell you what, it lights the team up, because we're a group of humans, or a company is basically a lot of people that have common values, right? So there is an essence of energy, that vision story can help ignite.
Dr. Cliff Fisher:Awesome. So final thought, I'm just gonna leave off with a quote by a great visionary, Steve Jobs, we're here to make a dent in the universe. Otherwise, why even be here, we're creating a completely new consciousness, like an artist or a poet. That's how you have to think of this. We're rewriting the history of human thought, with what we're doing. So you're, as you're writing your vision story out, think about how is this going to impact my community? And how is this gonna impact my family? How's this going to create a legacy. And take the time to do this, this will blow your mind. And then, like, every person who's done it, when they've shared it with their team, they're like, oh, my gosh, my team had no idea and they in the visionary thinks everybody knows that the team knows their vision. But when you have it written down, and you sit down with them, and you write it, you look him in the eye. It'll change the whole purpose and focus of your practice, like that.
Dr. Joseph Esposito:Awesome. All right, clefts excited to keep going.
Dr. Cliff Fisher:Alright, so next time, we're going to be talking about key characteristics. And we're also going to be talking about critical action. So join us next week. I'm super excited. Great job. And good luck with this and I'm excited to hear some of your takeaways from this.